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Legally Blonde is a weird movie...

May 25, 2024
Now I don't know how many of you were alive in 2001, but I'll tell you right now that it was a great time when the Gamecube came out. Unfortunately, humanity survived the year 2000 and of course it was the most important event that everyone is still talking about. to this day Legally Blonde was released now I was in 7th grade at the time so I wasn't in my romantic comedy phase but you know, that lasted from when I was 15 until I was 33 so it's not just a phase, mom and how. I don't know why it's taking me so long to make this


, but whatever, here we are at the 20th anniversary, so you know, I thought, hey, why don't we go for a walk?
legally blonde is a weird movie
But before that, very quickly, they brought you this video. by Established Titles Now this might be the most unique sponsorship I have ever received because Established Titles is a project in Scotland that follows an ancient Scottish historical custom in which landowners are referred to as yeomen or lords and ladies in an English normal, and then what did he establish? The titles do is allow you to buy a small plot of land in Scotland from about a square foot to about 10 square feet, give or take, and then you can officially call yourself Lord So-and-so ladies, and then you get the idea and for each plot of land being sold, they plant a tree to help combat deforestation in Scotland and protect the beautiful natural landscapes they have there. they have packages for lordship, lordship, couple, spec, you know, you can both become lord and lady, so and so or lord sir, lady, whatever works. for you, you can even have your whole family there with the family degree package and just to reiterate here for a second, okay this is not a fake certificate like how can you go to those online universities, you know what I'm saying. and get a master's degree in hamtaro or something, this is an official lordship or lordship degree, you can put it on your credit card, your Costco membership plane tickets, heck you can even put it on your dating profile and have it girls do what you are Lord wow it's like Richardson hey you wanna go out oh wait it doesn't matter you're just 511.
legally blonde is a weird movie

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legally blonde is a weird movie...

No but joking aside though at the end of the day it's a fun way to help efforts conservation and fight against deforestation. Scotland and the whole United Kingdom and all that, so if you want to buy some land in Scotland and have your boss finally give you the respect you deserve, you know and you should be


obliged to call her Lady Demetres, click my link to Then consult the provisions. titles and will plant some trees today okay let's get back to the show thug what is this? Oh good luck tonight ellen warner forever that's so cute right off the bat this is our main character l woods a 21 year old college sorority girl who pretty much has it.
legally blonde is a weird movie
She's all pretty, she's


, she has a boyfriend named Warner who seems like the kind of guy who thinks the


Step Brothers was the pinnacle of comedy and if that wasn't enough, it's starting to look like he's about to ask her that question. Every girl wants to hear that you guys are so sweet, but I'm not sure it's going to happen tonight. Oh, hi, she just had lunch with her grandmother. You know she got the stone. Why else would she have flown from Newport? It's not like she sent Fedex. the six carat diamond do you really believe?
legally blonde is a weird movie
Oh, I can't believe you're getting engaged. Oh man, can you imagine being this happy about literally anything, but especially getting married at 21? Are you kidding? Can you even imagine doing that today? Oh boy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my husband living in his mother's basement while the economy collapses for the third time in 10 years. I tell you that before 911 it was really a completely different world; there was a lot of optimism. back then instead of today, you know where the best part about getting out of bed is the existential dread, but anyway, for some reason, she's super excited that her boyfriend is proposing to her that night, girls , this is all in a few hours.
I will be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington. Third. I'll shoot with a name like that. You know you're in for a wild ride anyway, so all the sorority sisters have her back, of course, and help her with a dress and hold her purse. spray a little chloroform in your mouth and this is when the big moment finally arrives: everything in your life so far, from eating only frozen chips three days a week to putting up with your boyfriend repeating every talking point from every Joe podcast Rogan. All of this has led her to hand over the rest of her life to a guy who wears a suit jacket that's like 14 sizes too big.
One of the reasons she wanted to come here tonight was to discuss our future and I'm totally willing to do that. that discussion, well you know how we've been having a lot of fun lately, yeah well Harvard is going to be different if I'm going to be a senator when I'm 30, I need to stop researching, I completely agree, bear. I'm done and if that wasn't bad enough, then he makes this face for some reason like some kind of serial killer. I think we should break up, but first I want to use your skin for a while, but anyway, like this.
All of Elle's dreams are shattered because Warner wants to be a politician and it would look bad for him to be married to a pretty


girl, so she took it about as well as you'd expect sitting in a room all day eating chocolate. and watching cheesy romantic comedies you don't want to lose the right guys who would ever do that because you're not going to remember anything after tonight oh you're wrong ah shit I have the one full of toenails I'll remember it no matter what you are part of me I love you liar but finally she gets up and goes out to get a manicure with her friends and this is what she has a little epiphany about how she can get Warner back oh my god, you know who? this is not warner's older brother oh yale putnam third year law student bose huntington iii and his fiancée lane walker vanderbilt yale law this is the kind of girl warner wants to marry this is what i need to become to talk Seriously, what's practically deformed is okay, well, I'm just going to leave that right there, so Elle's plan is to go to Harvard Law School just like Warner and show him that she is much smarter and more capable than he thought. which he apparently believes it to be, is a perfect law school. respectable place daddy honey, you were the first runner up in the miss hawaiian tropics pageant why are you going to throw all that away? oh honey, you don't need law school, law school for people who are boring and ugly and serious and jewish or none of those things it was kinda


how a lot of people seem to think that being pretty is like the end all be all. , if you're attractive then you must obviously be dumb and incapable of doing things, why would you?
You even bother trying to achieve anything in your life if you're attractive, basically what they're saying is that if I were as pretty as you, I'd take advantage of that to do as little as possible, so obviously that's what you should be doing, long story . In short, her studies and internships spend all her free time trying to get what she needs to get accepted to Harvard Law School, including writing the best admissions essay of all time. I am comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. I am opposed to being a future lawyer for the class of 2004.
This movie is something else, but anyway, thanks to the unwavering support of her sorority sisters, she ends up getting a 179 on her lsat exams and thanks to that cinematic masterpiece that we all just witnessed, geez, wouldn't you know what he ends up getting? Accepted into Harvard Law School against all odds and despite being born with an attractive face, she is now one step closer to winning back the boy of her dreams. Warning. I completely forgot. Go here. I'm sorry. Are you here to see me? No. silly I go here you go to where harvard you got into harvard law what's hard anyway so she heads to her first class but as expected things don't go the way she thought oh um actually um I didn't know We had an assignment, Vivian Kensington, do you think it's acceptable for Ms.
Woods to be unprepared? No, I do not know. Thanks for the backup girl in the blue sweater and blue shirt with that Matilda-looking haircut. Get out of here, but whatever you know, Elle is used to people underestimating her because of her looks and all I mean, it's okay, whatever the minor setback is, the most important thing is that it's time to go to talk to Warner and get the ball rolling on what really came here. to do, but before Warren shows up, we'll meet another important character in this movie, Emmett, excuse me, are you okay? Did I just put you on the spot like all the time teachers do, they tend to use that Socratic method and so on?
If you don't know the answer, they'll just kick you out, so you've got Stromwell, huh? Yes, she did that to you too. No, but she made me cry once. Okay, I'm sorry, but can we stop here for a moment. Second, what's going on with young Luke Wilson here in the most talkative chat jaw I've ever seen? I mean, he looks at this thing that sticks out so far. This guy looks like a goomba. I'm about to go to Kb Toys and get myself a Luke Wilson action figure now with new manly chin action, but after getting some advice from Emmett on how to survive school and deal with teachers and stuff, Warren finally shows up and here we go, everyone will be so impressed with Elle that he has to take her.
Back right Hello Warner, how was your first class? Oh, it was okay, except for this horrible preppy girl who tried to make me look bad in front of the teacher, but it's no big deal, so how was your summer? It's good, did you do something exciting? Uh, Eva, we met. viv vivian kensington do you know her she's uh I'm her fiancee what this girl that vivian what's your name from before really warren the girl who watched like four episodes of daria and then said wow shoot this is my whole personality now really what her She was my girlfriend in high school and well, we got back together this summer at my grandmother's birthday party.
Lorna told me all about you, you're famous, but he didn't tell me you'd be here. Pooh, bear, I didn't know. she would be here pooh bear oh you're just calling everyone like that now uh I thought she was special turns out it's just the herpes of pet names yeah so even after I did all that work I got to Harvard and it all turns out that Warren has been dating Vivian of all people and now they are engaged, so the movie continues like this, I try to win back Warner and also do well in school to show everyone that you don't have to look like Phoebe on the bus magical school just for Be smart, okay, but she's a little out of his league and Vivian keeps showing up in class and giving him these kind of looks, you know, like she's so proud of herself that finally the elves had enough and decide no.
I don't need Warren anymore, I mean, if he wants to date Vivian, he's fine, whatever he can do better, Eddie White. Mrs. Woods. You did well today. You're really applying for my internship, aren't you? I don't know, yeah, you should have a resume. It's pink, oh, and it's scented, I think it gives it something extra, don't you think now? You'll be surprised to know that I was chosen to be one of four students for the internship, which also includes Warner and bloody Vivian. And this is when I realize that yes, she originally came to Harvard to win back Warner, but now that she's finally found the motivation to try, it turns out everyone was wrong and she doesn't have to let her attractiveness stop her after all.
Warner, remember when we spent those four incredible hours in the hot tub after the winter formal? it goes like this this brings us to the end of the first half of the movie and the rest is about this internship i got where they can help the professor with a real life murder case we are defending brook wyndham whose very rich husband was found shot to death in her beacon hill mansion gold prospector she was rich on her own some kind of fitness empire wait are you talking about brook taylor maiden name taylor she's a new delta she wasn't in? my commitment class but she graduated four years before me but I used to take her class at the sports club in Los Angeles.
She is amazing. Anything else. I noticed that the guy Emmett from earlier, also known as Che, turns out to actually work for this professor's law firm. and he will be participating in this case along with Elle and everyone else now just to summarize here. Al ends up befriending Brooke because she really knows who she is and I'm the only one who really thinks she's innocent in this whole Professor Callahan thing. Says we really need your alibi, you don't understand whatever, Brooke, I could save you, no, that's it, it would ruin me how, uh, liposuction, I know I'm a fraud, like normal women can have this ass, my fans They knew that I bought it, I would lose everything.Oh, come on, it's no big deal.
I mean, if YouTube taught me anything, it's that I should have been a Minecraft YouTuber, but you can also literally scam kids out of all their money and then everything you have to do. She just comes out with a fake apology where you talk about how it's not really your fault because you have anxiety or something, but whatever, as this case goes on, Vivian is starting to get a little annoyed with the whole boys club atmosphere of this internship. Live here, bring me some coffee, how about you get it yourself? I'm just starting to realize that being one of the guys might not be exactly what she wanted after all.
I still can't believe you didn't tell Callahan the alibi. It's not my alibi to tell and I thought she was very on your side. Have you ever noticed how Callahan never asks Warner to bring him his coffee? I mean, he asked me at least 10 times. Well, men are helpless. You know I know Warner doesn't even do it. her own dirty laundry, I know she has to send it, you know, which always makes me laugh, how little is expected of boys, like girls, it would be like if she has the best boyfriend ever, she showers regularly and In fact, he listens to me and I like it.
Remember things I say sometimes, like how the bar for being a decent guy is literally on the floor and some guys can't even trip over it anyway, so later there's a part where the pool boy says what the old devil dingo was doing with brooke and I guess that's why she shot her husband, but Elle has a couple of suspicions about all that, don't step on me with your little Prada shoes from last season, baby, that one It's our last season, that's right, everyone in a crazy plot twist turns out the pool boy is gay. Enrique is gay what gay men there are no designers straight men are not okay wow this this movie was definitely made in 2001 there is no doubt about that now because he was able to discover all this the professor lawyer guy is really impressed with al and everything she is brought to the team so far, have you thought about where you could be a summer associate?
Oh um, not really, I know it's very competitive, well you know what competition is really about, don't you know exactly what you want and how far you'll go together? Are you flirting with me now that we just saw that Vivian sees this happening and of course just assumes that it's somehow Elle's fault, which is a little strange because Vivian is a girl and has certainly had to deal with Creepy


guys doing creepy things? Weird stuff, you know what I'm saying, but I still want to assume the worst about myself because people love this idea of ​​exposing their shocking truth about someone who they feel is above them for some reason, but then of course, after this, vivian realizes that i was innocent brooke fires the professor for what he did and hires me in his place, who somehow manages to take his eyes off that popeye cookie crispy mcdonald's apple pie and Michelangelo's assistant jaw and when is the case on your own, did you hear a gunshot no, I was in the shower I was washing my hair what had you done that day I went to the gym I got my perm and I came back home isn't it The first cardinal rule of permanence that you are prohibited from getting your hair wet?
At least 24 hours after getting a perm, how would you feel if your father married someone your age? However, you had time to hide the gun, didn't you make chutney after shooting your father? I didn't mean to shoot him, that's what I thought. Were you walking in the door and then we jump to the graduation where Elle is giving one of those speeches that we've all had to sit there, you know where everyone is? Webster defines success as a favorable outcome, which is what I call it when I eat a donut and my skinny jeans still fit, I'm very relatable and that's where the movie ends, looking back now, 20 years later, this movie is really ahead of its time by having the main character as a beautiful blonde sorority girl.
The girl who goes to law school works hard and becomes one of the top students and all of that is really interesting to see in 2021. I mean, if this movie hadn't been made in the late 2000s or the last two years, especially it would have been about Vivian being a scruffy, chubby, hardworking studio girl and like I was seen as some kind of villain of the story until later when they had a moment of sisterhood, then Vivian was I would realize that wow, you're like me, but One thing I really liked about this movie is that it doesn't say that being a girly girl is bad or that other girls care about makeup and designer shoes, but I don't, I am special and different and it shows thanks to this ukulele.
I've always done it for some reason, because I enjoy all that girly stuff, but I also get into Harvard and graduate at the top of my class, which, as someone who's seen a lot of these types of movies, is pretty refreshing, so I had no nostalgia for this movie. I'm actually quite surprised at how well it holds up for the most part, minus the whole bending and breaking thing. Well that was painful to watch and guess what I have a new Spanish channel that just started. What we are doing is us. I'm fully localizing my videos into Spanish with professional voice actors and all that, so check it out, subscribe to all that good stuff, okay, back to the ship, so watching this video for the umpteenth time while I was editing it, There is something that maybe people could misunderstand.
I mean, you know explaining a joke always makes it 10 times funnier. You know what I am saying. There's one thing I've learned from being on the Internet for so long. It's like you can never be too obvious, you know? I have to explain it all throughout the video, I was making jokes about how oh, she's overcoming her handicap of being pretty. The real joke I'm making is that everyone in the movie thinks that because she's pretty and girly. that therefore she must be like stupid or something like it's like for some reason people see her attractiveness as a disadvantage somehow like like somehow it's like oh she's pretty therefore she must need help and she shouldn't understand things and then the The joke I'm making is about how a lot of people in the movie and also in real life, right, it's very common when they say oh, she can't play video games or like, oh, she doesn't understand her, oh , she. she's been called her whole life she must be an idiot like I don't know it's almost like a pejorative or derogatory way where it's like oh you know this person is pretty, this person is attractive so I know she probably needs help because they're Stupid, you know, and the joke is that it's about people's perception of her, she's overcoming her handicap of being attractive, like it sounds silly, but like a lot of people think, I guess it's because a lot of people want to assume. that they have something above everyone else, so if they're someone you know thinks they're unattractive but they study hard, then it's like well, you know, those people are pretty, but yeah, I'm going to get into a good school. like the movie, um, what's that clever movie book right where it's like you have the two of them as nerdy girls, kind of social outcasts like oh yeah, well at least we go to iov league school and then Do they discover that like all beautiful people?
They also go to an Ivy League school. Don't know. It's almost like you want to believe that there is no way someone can be attractive and intelligent. That's silly. You know anyway. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you did, don't forget it. Subscribe, don't forget to ring the bell so you don't miss any of my videos. Let me know what movies or TV shows or whatever I should do next. Email me at alexmeyerscontact I have a podcast with my girlfriend. called doing the devil's tango um it's like dating advice dating story you know kind of podcast so it's interesting for you look at that I have a game in the app store I have a channel in Spanish if you're interested in that and most of all Everyone have a great day and we'll see you next time.

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