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Ex-Gang Members And Criminals Rate 61 Gangs And Heists In Movies And TV | How Real Is It? | Marathon

Jun 29, 2024
M, it's about time we see that there are undercover police officers out there, years later when I turned myself in, they told me they would actually do that. Hello, I'm Kane Vincent Dyer. He carried out approximately more than 100 bank robberies. My name is John Peni. I am a former maid member of the lucasi crime family, my name is Mark Silverman, my name is pet TR, hello, my name is OV Duram, today we will see mafia scenes, bank robbery scenes, drug trafficking, crime scenes High Irish mafia


and Let's judge how


they are, what you get, period.
ex gang members and criminals rate 61 gangs and heists in movies and tv how real is it marathon
One thing about bars too is that you always know who's coming and going, so you have a good idea if there are strangers there or if something doesn't look right. you can actually find out if there is someone there to infilt


the bar and cause trouble. Are you still a police officer? No, no, it's a great scene. I can tell you one thing and it caught my attention immediately when I first saw the movie, the state police. They're not going to try to put one of their own into a team, especially a dangerous group, that's why they recruit informants or high-level informants because the informant can walk to walk and talk to talk and I've never


ly seen a police officer. hidden inside.
ex gang members and criminals rate 61 gangs and heists in movies and tv how real is it marathon

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ex gang members and criminals rate 61 gangs and heists in movies and tv how real is it marathon...

Of a team a lot of people used to say well, you know, I know that guy is a police officer because of his shoes. I would say you don't think they know what shoes to wear and what not to wear, you know, yeah, always always looking up. your shoulder that's why you know I saw a police officer when I came in here when he was pulling into the parking lot. I didn't miss it, but these days I don't have to worry about it, well, guys on the street like me who are looking is saying wow, that's pretty good, school's out, thanks Frank, police corruption in the years 80's and 90's was rampant Whitey Bulger certainly wasn't the only guy who had inside information on some of the departments, whether local or state. or other federal guys I mean you're not going to survive on the street if you don't have friends within law enforcement and back then you know the police didn't really make as much money as they do today and it was a lot easier to get corrupt as we go around the 2000s, I think they got a little bit stricter, you know, they wanted to eradicate organized crime, they wanted to just put the final nail in the coffin, which they claim to have done several times, we're not even supposed to be doing this close to us.
ex gang members and criminals rate 61 gangs and heists in movies and tv how real is it marathon
One side of wer says that says he says uh Costello. This is very precise, so they are obviously nervous, it comes down to territory. If you're dealing drugs doing any kind of business on someone else's territory, you're absolutely open to discipline, however that discipline is carried out, it depends on the severity of the action, like if you look at Madford, you know Somerville, You know Winter Hill South Boston, you know who's who and you know where you should be doing things and where you shouldn't because if you don't, someone is going to get your attention one way or another and you probably won't like it, but that's what happens, you know it's got some really good scenes and a good story so yeah I would say.
ex gang members and criminals rate 61 gangs and heists in movies and tv how real is it marathon
It's pretty accu


, I give it a, I give it a seven, listen to it, I just wanted to stop by and tell you myself, it's that South Boston zip code, uh, no, it's the most charismatic moment, everyone has the Fighting guy Irish which they generally like on the calf. you know what I mean and you know it's not really a requirement or anything like that it's just that they're proud I mean and they should be they will always honor it and respect where they come from I think my guys can handle it without me. I mean, I wouldn't hire you with that year and I wouldn't hire you without them.
You are a unit. Everyone on a team has a role. Part of their team is the bank robbery team. He will not go. To get your point across, you know he's not going to do that, he's not going to hire one without the other, they'll do it together, they do it well, they do it well, they keep the money flowing, the Irish mafia, I mean, they. They are loosely knit groups, you know, that don't necessarily follow the pyramid of the power structure that the Italians have, you have your bookmakers, you have your drug dealers, you have your kidnappers.
Everyone has a role, except the one who wins. The guy that's lining the pockets of the higher ups is the most important guy on that team, I only respect the soft stuff, let's take this far, okay, you're not going to fool us, you're going to do what I ask, yeah, he he doesn't want his money, you know he is much more valuable to him, he continues to make money, you know those who win, you will do anything to keep them winning for you because they are hard to find, believe me what I tell you, you know there are a lot of Knuckleheads Over there. that, uh, you put them on the street, you know, they last about a week, it's like it's actually also the veterans that really have the juice.
I always respected the veterans more than anything because these guys have more wisdom in their little finger than in the boys, they are young, that's a nine. I think that's probably why I haven't seen this movie because it seems a little crazy, a little elaborate to make a hit. I didn't know that mafia hitmen were acrobats and specialists, it just seems that a lot of unnecessary work to get your message to their feet can quickly fulfill your order, so we will flow a river to you and form a team of Souls. I don't know many Irish


sters who talk like that. it's like a bit of an accent, you know most of them were born here, you know they don't come from Dublin or anything like that, maybe I met one or two, I'm not really sure, it was a long time ago with that, but Le I give a two, that's enough and like that, I was Winter Hill, so a lot of people believe that WHY Balger was part of the Winter Hill Gang, he was in the beginning.
I don't think he would ever say he was. the leader of the wi Hill Gang was the leader of the Bal group or whatever you want to call him he was running with the


s in South Boston there was a power struggle and they wanted to solve those problems and the end result of it Hey, let's combine it, you know, what? Why don't we become strong? Why didn't we mix up salty and go to the Hill and make it one team and that's what they did, but in 1978, all of a sudden, this huge accusation falls against them. all the victory is Hill Gang, I mean guys like Whitey Stevie hoe John Marano The who's who of the Irish mafia in 1978 and it's funny because as it ran its course you know these guys gave up or some of they went to jail. or we were awaiting trial, suddenly you hear the word unindicted co-conspirators when it comes to Steve Flemy and Whitey Buger, then a United COC conspiracy raised a lot of antennae and again that's where people don't realize is that a Once he eliminates Winter Hill he becomes the largest group.
I told him everything the IRA can do a bit. She'll be dead before Stevie knocks out your teeth. Exact. Exact. He tells Stevie Flum. He says. She's fine, take out your teeth. You know, in those days. It didn't have DNA, you know, so they identified the bodies through dental records. I think in the movie they also refer to a landfill where many bodies were dumped. I know quite a few. I remember when the state police were digging it up. Upstairs it was bad, it was really bad. I thought Dep was cool, everything from you know to the walk and the eyes, do you know why he had those eyes that were a grayish blue with no emotion behind them and uh, I think you?
I'll see a lot of times in this movie when they show the eyes like they focused specifically on the eyes, they looked pretty good. I give this one an eight. I thought this one was gritty, it was raw, it was pretty accurate from then on. you walk into the restaurant you can't stop chattering it's a kiss, this kiss I always wore the cap and was kind of an athlete, yeah, a lot of Irish people wear them, it's not a requirement, you know, and I just liked them, you're a good boy, depressed, don't think we don't remember the favors, you're welcome to our house anytime, come on, buy, the Irish will work with anyone who's making money and willing to work with them, I mean, there was like a big ethnic stew of people, you know you didn't have to be true, you know the religion or like I said, ethnicity, there were Italians, there were Poles, there were Jews, if you have talent you can win it, they don't really care. what's your last name or what's your religion you know it's about money you earn the money you know you can be a you know you can be an atheist I don't know maybe a six five out there what the hell transfer them? to Rik, I'm sorry honey, if a guy goes to jail, you know, I mean, he's risking losing his family, we have money, you know, our envelopes, you're welcome, there was less than we expected, so guys They go to jail for 10 10 12 14 years and they come out with nothing and what they come out with is that most of the time their friends betrayed them and took over the businesses they had and never took care of them, they never went to their wife and told her hey, You know? here's a little package, you know, I mean, I think you should take care of them, they're supposed to, but don't expect it, you know, you see what this whole organized crime thing has become, disloyalty, there's no honor between thieves, everyone wants to do.
It's paying attention to number one. I left organized crime because I saw the direction it was going. I saw guys who lost their families and were betrayed by their best friends and it was too much and I realized I had made the wrong decisions. my life, how much did you expect from me, payments are down, collections are down, who's the pain now, collections are always down, you know, I mean, most mafia guys are great actors and their best performances They are when they cry poor mouth, we know it. You made a score of 80,000 but you have no money.
You know you can't even buy a cup of coffee. Come on, in that scene where she was asking for the money. You know he has the money. Believe me, but don't give it to them. you know something maybe about a five yeah here's a few bucks so you're lucky to get it now don't you sit here go there now come on sit man I'm with you hey can you get him a drink? You gotta talk I think it's a great scene, okay, really, I mean, they're just hanging out having a few beers, it seemed like there were other patrons in the place, you know, if you're at a bar or a social club or whatever, sometimes I'll just walk up to the table and whisper something in your ear or just say you know, come to the back room in 10 minutes.
I have to talk to you, there are only two of you and we don't see a cent. Don't run around like a couple of Aaron guys after you for 15 years and what do we have to show for it. Nothing. I like the way the boss let them know that they already know. Look, you have to kick and these guys say. they stand their ground saying look we make the scores man you know I got kids to feed you know what we are the Aaron boys and obviously if they've been doing it for 15 years they're far from the Aaron boys never say how many H how much money did you make with a score because believe me, people will chase you, as I remember.
I specifically did one that was really really big and it was a windfall and I had people come from all directions as soon as someone heard that you made a big score in town they pitched in most of the guys live score for score you know if you hit a score you know you're going to take some time off you know you've got it you've got the money we're not setting up IRAs not diversifying our stock portfolios we're not thinking about we're thinking about today we're thinking about spending that money because we know that once we If we run out we'll just go out and do another one you know, it's not a long-term business that uh you know you can retire, you know, that's why you see guys that are 75 to 80 years old that are still working.
I'm going to go probably at eight and a half. I really like this. My name is Peter Trit, also known as Posh Pete. I am a former drug trafficker, that is, cocaine from the beginning of 2003 to the end of 2005, I served just over 10 prison sentences in Ecuador today we will see clips of


and television shows about drug trafficking, let me show you the distribution, how many traffickers 28 are looking for triple that. They have about 48 people in this scene, let alone dealers who have that amount of drugs in one place at one time, with that amount of people, it would be such, it would be such a high risk, all the different parts of the operation are all in one.
Where ever, each individual mechanism or piece would be separate from the other, so the people who had the safe house wouldn't know the people who were in the lab, the people in the lab wouldn't know the drivers, so if any part was confused run over by the police they couldn't link they couldn't be linked to the others I would give it a five just because it's too much in one place in a short time we were seizing 60 kilos of coca a day, that could happen, I mean, there was there a case a few years ago in Spain where they literally delivered boxes of bananas to stores and they took out the top layer of bananas and the rest was full of cocaine.
The flower industry in South America, particularly Colombia, is huge, so any coverage is good. as we call it, but generally theCartels don't ship large amounts like this unless they've paid customers or know they're guaranteed big hits like this from authorities, meaning something probably went wrong at some point. Obviously, for Cel we thought we were making a big difference if you look at the name on the boat, it's Guill, that's the city I was in prison in. Or that's the main drug trafficking route that leaves Ecuador to Central America and then to America I was imprisoned with several people who worked on the ships they were ship captains the truth is that we weren't even making a dent in that tube I mean, you know, they tended to adapt the cocaine to the shape of whatever it was packaged to maximize the amount that could be put in there.
They let us have 60 so they could bring 600, whether it's true or not. I don't know that the cartel is giving up drugs so they can bring in more, maybe so. I've been in prison with people from this low cartel and I never heard them say that they did it, that this scene is very realistic where they have some kind of temporary camp set up and the jungle somewhere processes the leaves. I am referring to the volumes of chemicals they are using in South America. Now they have the chemicals highly controlled, so it is very difficult for them to buy the volumes. that they need for 1 kilo of cocaine with ether, you need at least six or seven liters per kilo, so imagine that if they let you know 3,400 kilos per day to that tank of chemicals you are talking about, you would be given access to If the location of a lab like that, you would be revealing the entire composition just per kilo when they are producing 300 kilos per day, if you are talking to a guy who runs a lab like this, If I was going to buy, I would have selected a minimum of 50 or 100.
The way they're dressed in these scenes is typical because these guys working in the labs are in the middle of a jungle, you know you're not going to do it. bragging to anyone that there are real workers who are very poorly paid, you know they are bad conditions, it is dangerous, you have Columbanus in the army looking for you all the time. I mean you can see that guy is half dressed in military uniform, that's pretty common and often they'll be dressed in rubber boots like Wellington's just because of the conditions underfoot, yeah around AG they've done your investigation.
I was in prison again with a Kai from the cinoa Castel, a pilot who used to fly sers. So he told me stories about literally coming down from the jungle, you know, landing strips like this, heading into a survey with a ton and a half, two tons of cocaine on the bike, getting another load of gunpowder, taking it back to the States. United with a quick stop to refuel in Panama under the protection of my old friend Colonel Nora, he never paid nor has it been proven that he was involved in drug trafficking. I mean, can you imagine the amount of money there is in all this trafficking that goes around there, there is so much corruption that they will try and pay people like Nora.
I had to seek help. I called these guys my snowbirds. They were using multiple planes, so they would probably limit the number of times they use a certain plane in a month or any frequency to try to avoid detection. I mean, certainly in the United States they would have records, you know, flight plans and things like that. We did things like that when we used passengers, for example, we didn't use them more than once or twice in a month. I know people who have done this in Britain using light aircraft from Holland. Predestined launch zone. You just drop it and you have people waiting in that area to pick it up or you have a private track and if you unload it fast enough you make sure that you.
I have the place safe, there are no police, just shoot the plane as fast as you can and get out of there, it's pretty high risk. I mean, that's still happening for sure, particularly in Central and South America, maybe not in America these days because the security is so good seven, so this is making the capsules so you can swallow them. I've seen them made like this, so this is a press to simply compress the cocaine to make the capsule. In this case, they are wrapping them. Condoms, which is very often the way they are made, I would say are a very high risk form of cocaine trafficking and depending on the person's stomach, we are usually talking about 800 G to 1.00 grams, it is That is, about a kilo they will swallow.
I never sent people this way. Hey, I didn't want someone to end up dead on my account and even so, it was pretty risky but very risky. Everyone tells you that the capsules are 100% safe, there is no way they can split them all. type of things for you to swallow where in reality you know there was a high probability of them exploding when I was in Ecuador it appeared on the news a couple of people swallowed capsules that had exploded and were found dead Drug trafficking can be portrayed as something glamorous, it's not glamorous at all, it's a pretty awful trade.
I mean, these are typical questions that they would ask you to find out, for example, if you bought your own ticket, because if you haven't. someone else has bought it for you so why is that a big red flag so she's just trying to trap her here to see how much it costs and if she knows if she doesn't know then there's obviously something wrong which is quite unlikely. in Colombia, you know? $800 is a lot of money, the ways to prove it, obviously the authorities will stop you, take x-rays or nowadays they will also use the scanner which is a much more detailed picture of what's going on inside, it's definitely a lot.
It's harder to use this method nowadays, another thing they'll do is put you in a room if they really think you definitely have drugs until you go to the bathroom and, uh, there's a collection container, so anything that passes through there gets it. they collect but this is the type of thing that happens They stopped me on the first job we did uh I brought the tent myself uh that contained 5 kilos of cocaine impregnated with fiber It was over the baggage allowance, so I had to give away a lot of stuff at the airport, but he got this big 10.
Man 10 was detained at the Amsterdam airport in Skiple, interrogated and released and let through with 5 kilos of C. I would give him a 7 or 8 how much I was swallowing that guy. of interrogation, they committed themselves. I went to schools and just talked about what happened to me and how I got involved in it and how bad it was to try to keep them from getting involved themselves. Tunnels have been documented. It is a known fact. method they have used in the past, they just want to get it out and disperse it. I mean, that's the most dangerous point when you enter the country, so they just want to get you out of that area and somewhere safe. house as fast as possible really Chapa Gman was the boss of the cartel cl is a real person he's imprisoned somewhere in the United States for life these guys oversee things how much trust in people it takes to ship tons of cocaine around of the world that is One thing in the movies that is not entirely true is the idea of ​​super


, they are just on a phone and a laptop and everything happens and these people work for them and they never come close to anything, yeah this seems like a seven out of 10.
I really take a chance on Eric, she's an idiot, they don't check bangs Kevin, they found a weakness in a system, they found a flight attendant who is accused of transporting drugs, this happens, uh, when I was in prison in Ecuador , an airline captain was arrested on several occasions there were people involved with the airlines who were arrested. This was back in the day, I knew old school drug dealers where you would literally put drugs in a suitcase and get on a plane and smuggle them because the You know, border controls were so LAX back then, but these days and particularly After 911, border controls and airline security are so high that passing drugs through passenger planes is very difficult, quite realistic.
I would say seven or eight, that's just to identify which containers contain the drugs, so they're using the UV seal, which obviously isn't visible to the naked eye, but as soon as you put a UV light on it, they'll know which containers. drugs can be placed. UV seals on containers are a way to identify where drugs are normally located in any serious drug trafficking operation you are going to have, such as front businesses to facilitate the movement of drugs or the entry of drugs or the exit or The lack of money and also companies are often vital to drug trafficking networks for numerous reasons.
I'd probably give it a five just because of the number of people involved and the scale. Hey, you're driving to San Diego, so this is pretty common. method of moving drugs putting drugs in a Keta or hiding place in the vehicle that would have been manufactured or manufactured Certain vehicles have particularly good hiding places, gaps and spaces that can be used as hiding places. I mean, the British police have these, it's a mirror on a handle so they look under the car to see if there are new weld points, anything obvious or anything out of place that might show a hiding place, so they have a sniffer dog there, I mean, if you're that far in the queue, I mean, you can't really run away from it, so can you?
When you exit the vehicle, they will detect you and stop you. This is the first time doing it, but I mean they would probably be using it. people they had used before anyway, but knew they were reliable and solid when we sent people. You know, the reason I did that first was because I didn't want to send people to do something I have, so I would be able to know what to tell them to wait quite often. Would go. It would be the background to make sure they are okay. This is quite realistic. Give it probably six because it's pretty realistic.
I have converted myself. I'm a little bored of watching movies about drug trafficking after having lived through it. I mean, I've witnessed so many people get killed in the most horrible means and ways you can imagine, all because, you know, the money that's involved, so I mean. If you think it's glamorous, then I don't know what life you're living, but it's not the one I live, that's the show. Hello, my name is John Peni. I am a former servant of the Lucazi crime family. I got involved too. as a low associate of the Gambino family when he was very young, today we will see mafia scenes, movies and television, he said: I want to finish everything and what is shown here is a guy who is getting what we would call straightened out. admitted and it is inaccurate because of the way they are joking this is a serious ceremony where there is no joking or playing nice, that is Saint Peter, the saint of my family, that was that card Burn, so may your soul burn in the hell if you betray your friends and In a family there were two


forming and that's not accurate, it would be one at a time, they would bring one person into the room and do the ceremony and then call the other.
Some of the things that were said were accurate. and obviously the pricking of the finger and the burning of the saint but anyway it was not 100% I don't know if they put it there for that reason but many Tians are superstitious with birds they don't do it They even hand out cards with Birds, they don't think it's a good idea sign. They have done very well this year with the athlete. Yes, it's been good. I'll give it to you, boy, it's yours. There is nothing written about how. How long do you have to work as an associate before becoming an inductive member?
Well some people have been Associates for 10 15 years 5 years 10 years 3 years when they first straightened me out, at that time it was the greatest honor to be included in a family and become a wise guy and be treated with that respect by looking Going back now was the lowest point of my life it was a shame because basically everything I thought life was was false on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate it like three friends together 40 passing jewelry and that's crazy. I couldn't even answer what it is and why they would put something like that. We want to do business with you, Michael, right?
We've been together, we can make our money. This was a meeting of the commission with the heads of families. New York is divided by the five families and everyone knows their place and who the commission would meet with if there were matters to discuss within the group. families and decisions to be made, only the people involved in the meeting would obviously know where, when and what time they would meet, they could choose a boss or con or even a captain if they want the different families to mingle. much more than people understand and it's not as territorial as people think if they were trying to hit someone it definitely wouldn't be as flashy it was very Hollywood to me with the helicopter and the machine guns this would never happen it would be very discreet and do it quietly in a scale of 1 to 10.
I would rate this as zero. Let's test you with a little delivery job. It's for a private lottery we run. The mafia is always testing you. They might give you something. do or a task and they want to see how well you do it and carry it out, that would simply be seeing how you performin general and that you stand your ground and do what you're told to do, there was a saying in the mafia that there was no rule book and you had to pick these things up yourself growing up and being around life got you which seems to be the problem, the officers were that he was speeding, we will decide what you were doing after an illegal search in that life you should always assume that you are being watched, followed and surveilled, that is the job of the FBI, the FBI is there out there doing their job trying to file cases so you should always assume that they are out there watching you, some people may call it paranoia, I call it self preservation, first of all you should not talk on the phone at any time and you should just watch who you talk to, have Be very careful who you are talking to and what you are talking about the most. things are and should be done in person and you should also be wary of new people at your meeting.
I prefer to plan some serious crimes. Ah, then we should meet at our mafia crime headquarters. I think years ago they used to have storefronts and then the back would be a club or a place where they would meet more then now the meetings today would be held in a restaurant in our case it was a cigar lounge or in someone's house or even Outside I beg you, I can't do it. This week's loan payment look on your hard drive and open your mercy file file not found shocking loan is a big part of the mafia's income the money would be lent to anyone you know people who desperately need money businessmen anyone oh, This guy is an axe, he's got strength like an axe, hey, he needs a nickname, right?
Let's call him clamps. I didn't have a nickname myself. There are names like Johnny sburns that I talk about a lot. The boys have names like Meatball Sammy, Clam Sammy and it depends, sometimes it's an attribute. For you, I'm going to rate it based on the future. I'll give you one. I remember seeing the Godfather when he was younger. He was very young and not in life. I think a lot of young people who watch. All the Godfa's wanted to be


ters after watching it, it's a bit of an exaggeration but I think it describes a time in the mafia where they had that power to send a message, there were some forms of verbal intimidation that people gave or sent. a message sometimes people might get beat up by the mob or have their windows broken or something like that, some kind of sign to tell the person you know that they're not happy with something that's the Godfather.
I'll rate this a seven our mole with the Russians says things a little differently that's a lie if they're questioning you about something they already know you're guilty when it comes to punishment it could range from someone getting a reprimand to losing their temper life. in that life I always make a lot of mistakes, so you always hear something about someone who is always in trouble, most of the time you hear something internally, but sometimes you hear about someone who made a mistake in another family, now my son is expecting. there in the car to go to the movies and I'm not going to disappoint him, so most of us would try to keep our personal lives away from that life that we live.
I think most families assume what the person is doing with their life. but you shouldn't talk about this with your family, some family


definitely don't know anything about what their husband, father, brother or son is doing, since all this developed from the beginning to where I am today and had a great effect. In my family I don't get to see them as often as I would like, they have to go through this with me and it's unfortunate and they suffer too on a scale of 1 to 10. I would give this another zero, it says I should. be dreaming Travolta did everything possible to play John Gotti.
I don't think anyone could play him, although the makeup artist made him look a bit like John Gotti, she tried to get the New York accent right, but it wasn't 100%. John Gotti was a captain, who is a captain in the family during this time. I met him twice with his son John Jr., once at Regines in Manhattan, the second time at a club they had in One Park. One job now is to maintain continuity. of leadership, so I nominate John GTI, so this scene was obviously played after Paul Calano is murdered and the family has to appoint a new boss.
This scene would probably represent part of the administration and the captains of the family, the administration is the boss. The head of the council obviously in this scene the head is no longer alive. I think it's pretty accurate. I think they would nominate like they did with John Gotti and not necessarily vote for him, but no one would object. I second the decision. motion, so having voted as head of the Gambino family, it just goes to show you that you don't need to have the last name; that name comes from Carlo Gambino and was passed to Paul Castalano and then taken over by John Gotti.
Paul Castalano was put in a position because he was related to Caro Gambino, but he was a businessman. John Gotti took the position of being a street


ta guy. Two different types of bosses. I think to be a good boss you need brains and Braun, so you need to be business smart and you need to be a gangster, a tough guy on the street. I would rate this scene an eight, will you have a lot of money here? Play cards. Boys like to play cards. Card games I saw in cafes and things like that. It's not like that, I got your message, I mean, from here on out, nothing happens unless I'm involved, there's no blackjack, there's no drug deals, there's nothing, a five-cent bag is sold in the park, I want in if the mafia was going to deal with a drug dealer.
A non-drug dealer would be more secretive and very discreet and silent, he would not enter social clubs that way, it would have to be done secretly because there is a rule that says there is no drug dealing in that. life, so that is a rule that is often broken, the other rule is that you should not go with the wife or girl of a member of the housekeeping. The girl is broke all the time, you think you're going to live long enough to spend that money you're fucking with. I think Violence up until the 90's was at its highest point compared to today and that is due to cameras, cell phones and technology, so violence has been more discreet.
I would rate this a two, you'll hear from me, Mr. Scott, okay, well. I can be very very persistent, do your worst, chances are the guy selling insurance was just trying to present himself as a street guy. He was definitely not what we call a friend on the street selling insurance. All gangsters have a front, sometimes they are selling. Insurance is sometimes waste management or sanitation, for the record not all Italian Americans are in the mafia, the legitimate businesses they get involved in vary and it's really what suits that person, they get involved in a lot of legitimate businesses , it's a facade and it's kind.
To throw law enforcement off as well as to where they get their money from, I would say that 90% of the people at Life are Italian and then you would probably have 10% that are not Italian and are just associates that I would qualify. this scene like five I want to go to college they can't call me that you grab the speakers right at the same time you say to yourself this is the last time you're going to steal something it's that simple it's a low level uh what's involved, but it gradually graduates to more sophisticated crimes, you start hanging out with people who bring you closer to someone who is involved, usually on the outskirts and eventually you become an associate if they want, but for the most part it's just being young and easily influenced by these older guys that's what attracted me to life being part of this group of highly respected men that's the law of getting involved in that life you don't choose that life I always say that life chooses I would give this one scene a five.
A young man doesn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, I'm going to join the mafia." Due to circumstances, you may know someone who knows someone and that's how things tend to be when you're young. Growing up in both Ozone Park and Howard Beach Queens, the mafia was always around and I became involved as a lowly associate of the Gambino family when I was very young, but at 19 I ended up getting into a lot of trouble. Problems I had during 17 years in prison. I stayed off the streets for various reasons for about five years and then I was put back on the streets and ended up becoming affiliated with the Lucazi family at that time and became an associate of Lucasi. and became an incorporated member within a year.
I was brought into this life in 2013 and left in 2018 so I was falsely accused of cooperating in a case that just happened within our family and I know there is no such thing as staying away from the mafia but basically I just wanted to try to live my life in peace, they did not stop persecuting me and they sent people to persecute me and that was the decisive factor for me to go to the government and cooperate with the government there. is a list of a very well known member of organized crime according to the FBI that you cannot talk to to meet associated with coming into contact with this character he is obviously on parole or on paper as we say and his lawyers inform him about their stipulations that has to follow and some of those stipulations are not associated with anyone known in organized crime, anyone with a convict with a sentence, I mean the guys who want to be in life today, they lock them up and arrest them in three years, 10 guys get caught nine The guys want to cooperate.
He rises to the door of the government when a pinch arrives, which means an arrest. 10 guys are pinched. Nine types rotate. It may be a little high, but it's pretty accurate that a lot of guys turn around quickly and want to avoid going. imprisoning film and television show members of the mafia as honorable, loyal and respectful people and it is a myth there is no loyalty there is no honor there is none of that in today's Times all of that has been replaced by selfishness and greed and people have a misconception of what it really is what it's about I would give this scene a 10 hi hi I'm Kane Vincent Dyer over a period of 2 and a half years I did approximately over 100 bank robberies today I'm back to See more bank robbery scenes and some great scenes. movies, well, down, it's absolutely spot on.
Truck thefts are quite common. I think there was only one in Los Angeles a week ago and they said they took like 30,000. I think after the review it was reduced to 15,000 which is actually considerably small to hit an armored vehicle, the reason for this is where the banks get their money from any UNS in area61 in progress. In fact, I use police scanners in many of my bank offices. I would connect with police activity within an area knowing when they're coming knowing how much time you have left inside, so yeah, it's absolutely something that a gang of that caliber would have, come on, come on, we also see that they changed cars after the robbery, which is very, very, very common in all the cars they are using.
They will most likely be stolen, instead of stealing a car, what you would do is look up the make model of the car you had and remove the license plate from an identical car. There are many types and teams that are out. there they are like that we have to give the people 10 what can I do for an officer uh why are you closed we are going to leave one by one nobody raise your head don't get up I have entered Banks shouting you know to take control when I talk to the employees from the bank one by one when I instruct them to do something it is in a very soft tone that ability to adapt to a situation and you see the difference between when he is in the bank talking to the customers and then when he changes his personality to deal with the officer police The pig doesn't work Danny I told you this thing is a pig the car doesn't work in that scene You like to think that you would have a perfectly operational vehicle when you go to do a bank robbery, but hey, sometimes things happen.
I actually think that's where a lot of bank robbers leave their car running or park right in front, there's less effort to get in and start the car, they can just get in. and come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, move, move, move, get out, now we see that there are undercover cops outside investigating the bank as well and waiting years later when I turned myself in, they told me they would actually do that the special. The FBI agent who was assigned to my case would form teams and sit in front of Banks and Banks' cases would look for me to see if I was investigating a bank or robbing a bank and it was all guess work for them because I wouldn't leave them much paper. route, but it is something that absolutely happens when they have larger gangs that are committing multiple robberies or multiple robberies have occurred within an area in a short period of time.
There's a lot of special effects in there and stuff like that, but it's pretty, it's pretty accurate. I'd give it an eight. Raise your hands. What's the matter? Keep your hands where he can see them. In so many bank robberies, we witness the robbers breaking in and screaming. to customers and cashiers alike to bend down or raise their hand, that's something I definitely stayed away from the thought process behind doing that is having complete control of the movement. I never ask anyoneto lie down on the floor or raise your hands if you are a customer walking towards the bank and you see a group of people standing with their hands up or lying on the floor, you are not going to enter, the first thing you are going to do is call the police hello hello hello ladies and gentlemen we are the former presidents we see the bank robbery team wearing the president's mask the rubber mask one of the bad things about wearing a mask you are alerting people that something is probably going to happen here I would wear glasses and a baseball.
That's because I wanted more of the element of surprise and to make sure no one saw me walking toward the bank ready to commit a robbery. Mr. Carter 60, come on, come on, come on, let's get in and out in 90 seconds to be in and in a minute and a half, pretty much with the money, usually once you walk into a bank and the alarm goes off, depending from where the police are in relation to the bank, it will generally take about a minute and a half. I'm a group of guys who go behind the counters and, depending on the location of the bank, they probably don't leave with a lot of dollars, but I think it's all about the amount.
A lot of these things go in and out rather than spending too. I've been trying to take on the Vault for a long time, but for the most part when you have a group style bank robbery, it seems to be the method that overwhelms prefer, yelling and stuff like that, so Point Break has to give it a 10. Nope. I do. I don't know about those petitions out there, but I've definitely seen preventive devices like that, a lot of bulletproof windows, there are double doors that were set up just fine the way they're set up now and a lot of banks that have been robbed a lot some time. you go through that first door on the way out, they have a mechanism that can close the door outwards where you actually get stuck in the middle, get out, get out, I personally never put my hands on anyone, I always felt like uh the moment you you start attacking people, you really add another layer of fear that can make someone shut up completely.
My biggest regret is that even though I never physically hurt anyone at any of the banks, you know there is still psychological damage. the cost of trauma that people can take on that I didn't take into account, so for me part of my Penance was not only turning myself in and serving a prison sentence voluntarily, but also immersing myself in the Victim Impact, which I have done over the years over the last 10 years I worked with many victims of violent crimes, what about him? Come on, what's up with him? I have definitely aborted several bank robbery attempts, one was purely instinctive and, sure enough, within two minutes of sitting there and An unmarked federal car pulled out, two federal agents got up on another occasion, I had an individual attack on me and since I knew the only way to avoid this would be through a frontal conference, I aborted immediately, there were just some inconsistencies there, so I'm going to give it a four, we see them entering the bank during a storm, to be honest, those They were my favorite moments to rob a bank, why?
Because you don't stand out when you're wearing a big jacket that doesn't stand out if you have a hood over your head and there are fewer people paying attention to things. I used to believe that taking everyone's cell phone and stuff like that was kind of a waste of time just because it would add a significant layer of time. To me, by the time they make the call, you should already be in and out and just disguise yourself properly so they don't capture images of you. Take a deep breath and relax, we are here to rob the bank, not you, we hear you. him telling customers, hey, this is the bank's money, not your money.
I absolutely thought that robbing banks was a victimless crime because I was stealing money from the institution, not from a mom and dad, not from a store or from an individual, unfortunately that is not correct to think just because of what I mentioned. In the past, because it doesn't include someone's trauma, I personally have never tried to disable a security system solely because what I was doing was hitting a vault and leaving very quickly, in and out, that being said, I have done interview views on groups that have security systems completely cut out built tunnels under the bank, the guys that do those things usually go for banks that have several million dollars.
I can absolutely see a team doing it this way, even making some of the mistakes. What are you doing I'm going to give it like a seven okay give me your gun there everyone sit down everyone sit on the floor decide to go to a bank with or without a security guard it's interesting for me a lot of security The guards are also trained not to react aggressively, most security guards are there as a visual deterrent and others are there simply to be professional witnesses rather than stop a bank robbery. Ladies behind the counter leave your hands visible, not on the alarms, okay, we see. he tells the bank employees not to sound the silent alarm, it actually differs with different banks and different branches, but for the most part those devices are usually reserved for the heads, managers, assistant managers, maybe if someone has a administrative function on a desk, they will hit the silent alarm when they realize you are about to leave instead of creating a hostage situation, so it makes sense to open the door.
I don't have a key. What you say every time I've told a bank manager or head teller to give me a ride. In the Vault they generally obey. I always try to tone it down. What I was able to experience at the beginning. The more you yell at a person, the more you make them nervous when they are under certain pressure. they break, did you hide the key intentionally or did you just forget? It's hard to say, it's hard to say, if you're just nervous, give it about six a and I'll take the vaults because we know how to use the tools that you two are.
Regarding crowd control, make it clear that you are in charge or things can get complicated. In this clip we can see them planning a little what they are going to do in this bank robbery. I would go over every entry route and every exit. I set out to learn all the different routes that would take me back to my safe area. They're almost done with the Vault. I would always like to get in and out of the Vault in 3 minutes or so. situation where you have a group bank robbery or a bank robbery, it would probably be much easier to break into a vault as long as it's open, they knew what they were doing, but if you're a lone robber like me, it can be quite risky but it's a method I used police officers yes, I mean, oh no, what a bummer the police there was a situation at 9 7, they were two off duty officers working at a bank in Los Angeles, no uniform, just posing as a customer inside The bank actually confronted two bank robbery suspects, which ended with the death of one of the suspects, but many banks do not hire armed security solely for that reason because they know that another person inside the bank with a firearm is just more of a compromise opportunity, don't get mad at me Brooklyn fans, I'm going to give you two full speed decelerations, the first thing people would think, well why are they speeding up?
That's pure adrenaline once a guy told him. to slow down they rolled down both windows, that's something I actually did intentionally. Usually you would assume that someone trying to escape something would be trying to be as incognito as possible. That's it, come on, no packages, just lose cash. bank robbers only demand loose money, not packages. There is a belief among bank robbers that much of the money that comes in packages has die packs that will explode once you get a certain amount of food from the bank or have trackers on them. which is true, I've come, I've encountered a tracker before, if it's a package it's usually right in the middle, they think grabbing only loose currency would prevent them from finding a pack of dies or a tracker, it's pretty clever, but that's how it is. limit the money you get from the gun, yes, follow the circumstances, okay, yes, I have it, so are you guys going to steal my gun too?
In this scene we see that the customer has a firearm, which is a big concern among bank robbers, well, at least that. It was for me, which is one of the reasons why before going to the bank I would definitely do my homework. I would monitor citizens leaving the bank, how they walked, whether they seemed aggressive, whether they seemed like they were just going along with the program more. and it's safe to say that's why probably only one guy came at me in all of those robberies, luckily they didn't have a gun, it's very real, with the exception that they let the guy keep the gun, he just left it in the counter.
Should we go to BR J? No, let's go find those benches first thing in the morning. Two banks were robbed in the same morning. I'm guilty of that. He knew that One Bank was probably carrying a certain amount that morning and there was another bank that was in the area they did it for a different reason it was clear that their first robbery didn't get them much so their desperation led them to do a second one that same day which it was very real will give it an eight finally something Well, very good, most people, whenever they see someone trying to rob an ATM, they usually have a chain around it tied to a truck and then they try to get it from somewhere else As you can see, it is very difficult to enter.
Personally, I'd never thought of Rob as an ATM, but they have a lot of money, so I could see why it would be tempting for Spider-Man to be fighting the Avengers in a bank on 21st Street, usually if a bank has a lot of glass. once it gets dark it is easy to see inside those banks. All that glass is going to prevent people from actually seeing the reflection in the glass. Marvel fans. DC fans. Please don't send me hate mail for rating this as one of my favorites. bank robbery scene in the movies we see today definitely the city the city is there.
I don't think it's any more real than what these guys did here, he has this helmet, so he doesn't need a mask. It doesn't seem like he necessarily came in a Rob, it seems like he just kept his helmet on, which guys do all the time. I can really relate to him wearing that backpack. He sometimes used a backpack or a duffel bag. bag tied in front and you can still have control of your hands, that's the only downside if you get some kind of tracker or die pack, you walk away and that die pack explodes, it's on your chest, this is so real that usually happens your first or two time bank robber is pretty bad so just make it clear and what we know from watching the movie is that he is in a really desperate situation, sometimes desperation overrides the moral compass, it is very precise, he take a second. to cheer himself up, get up, he's got duct tape on, he doesn't want his gloves to come off you know, so he's obviously very conscious of not leaving any kind of fingerprints, plus he's attaching his SLE sleeve to his jacket, which could be covering Some kind. from uh interesting tattoo that he chose a bank with glass because of the glass that has to be thrown at him and you know they could put any type of device in that bag, it almost shows more of the desperation why he walked into this bank.
That's safe with glass and all, but he was still so desperate that it didn't stop him. Having a problem with his motorcycle is something that is true, it happened, they just ran that red light with all those cars coming. No I don't think a smart police officer would do that just because you're putting a lot more people at risk. In fact, he would rate this a nine, going to the bench before the bench, preparing, getting nervous, everything he did, even the mistakes he made. Inside were real bugs that, if you know you haven't, would probably create this Vault that it looks like no one could get into except probably the US military.
We have to keep in mind that in this movie, everything about with this movie it's supposed to be over the top, yes they have very intricate kept locks and things like that time lock keeps things that are really hard to access, but for a long time during business hours they will keep certain safes open just for the employees can have access I learned everything so in every bank I went into I knew if it was going to have a safe like the one in this scene or if it was going to be a normal open door and if so it would happen unless I found it in one from their manuals or did I know that they would keep this door open at certain times.
Could I get into that back then where things were more manual? Oh yeah, I mean, it would have taken a considerable amount of time to get into that. not like a three or four minute deal, you wouldn't have a gun like that unless you have an armed security guard, you have to keep in mind that if you fire that shotgun and he hits the bank robbery suspect, those bullets are probably out. of the perpetrator and headed straight towards the bank customer or the bank employee, which driver ofbus, that school bus doesn't have any damage and it just crashed into a cemented stone building and if you remember, remember you had to go up the stairs. because when they robbed the building they went up the stairs, so Hollywood is absolutely right, the camera definitely already caught them, you know, on video, so why wear a mask at that moment?
They should have gotten out of the car and gone straight. inside with the mask on or um I didn't wear anything stay down we want to hurt anyone the energy is so punctual how they talk how they walk how they move uh even the customers just the fear that there is silane money the money still wrapped this is how many banks will stay with the money when it arrives because they're still coming from you, you know, basically from the factory, at 1130 National Bank, the silent alarm goes off when they leave, which is what the employees are really trained to do.
Are there less chances of the cops getting there and having a hostage situation? The police are being alerted when the bank robbers leave, which is super accurate. In fact, I'd give it about a seven, the energy is very accurate for the bank robbers on that team. you can feel the desperation that it has to be done Fu away from them they know exactly what they are doing you can tell by the way they move where they are going they know the layout of this place against the wall you away from the computer bank Robberies that many gangs do different, that's how they get in and that's how they operate with nothing but brute force and pure fear.
When is the set time for 9:00? I told him that he asked him, uh, something very specific about the bank that he already knew. He would ask a bank employee a question just because he knew the answer and wanted to see if they were going to be honest with me or not. He wanted to see if they were going to be honest with me or not. get nervous how were they going to answer the question he was asking he just wanted to see if she was going to cooperate keep the alarm on silent this address you activate the alarm no, no, many people believe that everyone in a bank knows everything the employees have silent alarms, that's not accurate, there are very specific people who have silent alarms, um, that are allowed to press them.
Whitening whitening is something I haven't seen before. I know why he is doing it to get rid of all kinds of evidence. You know, once you put bleach on anything, everything dissipates. It's interesting to me that they're making it like gloves, they have them so much that it covers them. I would say this movie is a 10 because of how realistically These guys are that aggressive, unfortunately there are a lot of guys that come in and that's how they do it. It's going to kill us all unless you can give me a lot of money. I have a plan.
I didn't start robbing banks just because I wanted money I started robbing banks out of desperation to be able to pay off a debt that a very loved family member had incurred with a criminal organization when people do a solo robbery and are trying not to be seen, that's exactly what it is. how they would approach, hand the cashier a note, probably smile at the people in line, we can say he makes the mistake of showing his face, but most guys who go on Solo Like That often do that and they hit these smaller banks and just hope that the banks don't really come online and don't get a lot of attention, but they will come in and show their real faces.
You know, someone asks why he moves so slow. He's probably still processing what they're trying to do. What we do is we try to give you money that has some kind of detector on it, some kind of tracker or die pack and we see that the stack looks a lot bigger, it looks like something you should take, it could be what they call bait money. pile that the bank employees have put aside and with those are the tracers of the packages of bait money dies here we see it captured on video, so when I did all my bank robberies it was at the end of '99 entering 2000 , you did not do it.
They have just as high quality cameras as they do now, so these old cameras used to be very grainy, so they had a lot of them, but it's very common to have cameras coming in, there's even things along the doors that will allow a witness. . to even calculate how tall you are, you'll see it in a lot of stores or banks and when someone walks by, the employees are trained to look where they line up on that absolutely a 10 absolutely a 10, not to this right, but you see the man with a briefcase , yes, that's my partner, he's got a gun there and if you don't do exactly what I say or if you give me any kind of trouble, I'm going to look at my partner and he's going to shoot his Mr.
Gwendon between the eyes. I have done. I walked into a bank and immediately gave instructions. I looked at the door I entered through and told an imaginary accomplice that I was there to make sure everyone kept their heads. They don't lie down or have their hands in the air, but rather they keep their heads down as if they only had their eyes focused on the ground and no one was ever there, take one of those big envelopes and put as many hundreds of 50's and 20's bills as you want. you can. disarming their fear, literally, you know, so it doesn't catch their attention, that method is a very, very common method.
I would say things like that even if I yelled louder at everyone else, I would tell the person what I was trying to do. Whatever you try to get them to do, you would be much calmer with them instead of yelling at them. The grade I will give this photo is A10. You know, you'd think he wouldn't just go to a bank like that, but people will. They do things like that, especially if it's a smaller bank and they think the news won't travel to any available units. We have a 211 bank in progress that is a Pico Rivera savings that is super precise where they are trying to reverse others.
Law enforcement, the FBI agent that was assigned to my case, Patrick Connley, changed the way they went after bank robbers and a lot of times they would just wait for them to get caught, you know, after the fact and they would catch them doing another thing. and someone tells someone that we have been watching these guys for weeks, what you see is that they commit a crime and then we arrest them, that the police are not working together, in my case, that also happened many times because others Officers weren't giving Special Agent Patrick Conley the information he needed or they just weren't used to chasing real bank robbers every time he heard something come up he was always there once the silent alarm went off he went too I've never been in that situation where I was inside and the police showed up, but I was in a situation where as I was walking away all the police came in, the moment I saw all the police I rolled down all the windows, turned on the music and started to sing.
I'm going to give it a seven because today you know, I think the authorities have learned a lot by not communicating with each other. This scene here is very high-tech. This is not a normal bank robbery. There are guys in the military and um. certain groups around the world that could absolutely do this now, a typical Bank Rober, you are working within a certain time period and trying to break into a vault like that, even if you have the skills to break into it, it would probably take you as much time to enter that vault as the sentence you would receive for entering it.
I've been to banks that have security locks and uh Vault and time lock vaults and things like that, but there is a bank in Spain that operates this way where if certain parts are activated, it will flood the safe that contains all the gold. I'll give it a 10 for entertainment, but I'll give it a one for the skill set anyone would need to do. I've been waiting to enter a bank and I've seen a pregnant woman or an elderly person come in and that made me stop or wait because I didn't want you to know, like I told a lot of people when they do. this, they, they, they are not thinking that they are hurting the individual, they are just taking the money, you are causing a lot of psychological damage and trauma to someone, sometimes you don't realize that at the right time, right, this happened in 1972 in Brooklyn, it's a horrible situation when you have this hostage situation right now, he's in serious denial, I haven't been in this situation, but I remember it before I even turned myself in and made the decision.
I wanted to turn myself in, there was so much back and forth with myself that they caught me for kidnapping. I'm a steal, they're going to bury me, man, he's basically buying time. You are working on survival. Instinct here now because he knows I can't go anywhere, but now it's just about surviving. I'll give it a 10 and if mistakes were made at the bank, absolutely, there were things that a normal bank robber wouldn't do at the bank, yes, but in this situation all of those. Mistakes played a role in many bank robbers getting caught, especially the first time or so, out of desperation they will just take whatever they can get and I have heard of bank robbers breaking in and forgetting to take something to collect the money.
You know, putting everything trying to put everything on a t-shirt. You know he wasn't prepared for that, which made him think, but then he had to jump back into that zone of getting them out of there, so I like that he More or less did that when they gave him this human quality like, wow, ya You know, I didn't expect that because he's just the driver. That's a situation that could definitely happen. The guy facing them has a Marine Corps hat and a Marine Corps. sticker on his car and that was something that was always on my mind when I went to a bank, you know, I wondered if there was another guy there like me, he was a marine like me, it happened to me when I had a guy who probably He was an ex-military man or something, face me, tell me to stop and I followed the order.
I know it sounds weird, but I followed the order because it just wasn't worth physically hurting someone for me, just that scene, that interaction, would do it. give it another seven, we saw a lot of violence happening and it's easy from the outside to say okay, that wouldn't happen, but damn, that did. I didn't know it wasn't Al. I've been to Banks where during the day where you see Crews working there, but I think this would be something where you would have Crews working like that at night, but if you were to have them during the day, I could see how could that guy be there, everyone ducks. floor I never used equipment like that sometimes people get a little violent uh unfortunately and a lot of guys probably think that that's the way to instill fear so that people do what you tell them, but against that once again we are looking at the bank in Hollywood it would be much safer than that, but a lot of older banks just had glass doors later, probably in the early 2000s, what happened is you started to see banks incorporating this double door mechanism which he was actually forced to catch. bank robbers inside those first doors they came out of.
I don't know if a bunch of seriously trained guys were doing something like this, this is probably the way they would do it, so I'll rate it with another seven. Hello, my name is Octav Durham. nickname Oki I committed more than 10,000 robberies. I stole everything you can imagine. My name is Arthur Brent. I am from the Netherlands. I'm an art detective. I am responsible for recovering 250 million worth of stolen art. Now we work together to try to prevent it. Art Heist let's watch Diamond Heist from Hollywood movies, if you do this in real life everyone would have been dead.
I guess not, but look at the mechanism too. I mean, it doesn't look like he did this. a couple of times and they don't open like that no way you have a door and it has a padlock, but with two keys, one from the bank, the bank employee and one from you, but it is in one piece, so if you cut this one This It's still here, if you have it, you have to take them both out and then open them, but the first time I did it I had Bliss, this stick. The first time I did it, I couldn't use my hands.
I underestimated how. I had to use a lot of energy to open it and I opened a few hundred, so every time the screwdriver ran my palm over my hand my hands were this stick, it hurt so much. It takes at least 3 4 minutes to open one and the little ones are very hard and the ones that were at the top because I can't put any pressure on it, if they were at this height, you can open them, but if they were at this height, I couldn't, you know, put strength or power into it, so in a good way.
Tip: If you have a security deposit at a bank, make sure it's small and at the top, but what do you find in it? Everything, diamonds, everything, everything you find, diamonds, gold, pearls, but you also find, just, heavy images and things like that. Do you really know that I don't like that, but what is called extortion? You can't really look at photos or see people who have a double life. I took his back and at that moment I'm talking. 25 years ago I only had video tapes and at that time a video recorder with a small screen, so if you open it you can see it, it's like a laptop.
I think he was watching a movie in the safe, do you know why? In the safe most of the time they are in small envelopes, it looks good in the movie, but I never found them like that. I found a lot of diamonds in official books, you know, what they are, with the certificate next to them that I found. books with six diamonds each, fromLet's say half a carrot to one and a half two two and a half three and I found six of these books, they were worth 1 and a half million Swiss francs at the time, man, I love colored stones.
Some diamonds with some special color are very expensive, but most of the time, especially yellow ones, they are diamonds of another color. You know they're not worth that much, most of the time they're cheaper unless they're pristine. you know people who can sell this stuff, you know they can say this is good, this is not and they will sell it if they make you do a job like this and they know you don't know anything about value, they screw you of course, that It is the diamond. business anyway that's it it's ridiculous I don't want to rate it no it doesn't have a rating this is a clip about one of the most famous in England in 2015 a group of older guys decided to rob a security store somewhere part.
At Haton Garden in London they got away with hundreds of millions worth of diamonds and gold, they were eventually caught, but still a huge chunk of the loot is gone. Are you there? Can you hear me? Yes, we can hear that there is someone at the front door in this. At the scene the alarm sounds and the car does not act. This happens. It happened just a few months ago. I was involved in one of the biggest art


ever to happen in Europe. In 2012, a guy broke into the National Gallery in Athens and stole a Picasso.
He set off the alarm on purpose more than a million times, so every time the guard came looking for an intruder, but he was standing behind the curtains, like this. that after a while the guy thought there was some technical fault, so it stopped appearing and at that moment the guy had a few minutes to steal the Picasso and don't forget the 95% in another in Holland of the alarm uhthe alarms are uh They are false yes, when an alarm goes off in many cases it is false because there is a bird or a curtain Jesus, I don't like Lookout because if you have a watchman if you are inside you are safe then and the watchman is the one who is hot because if he walks around Of the people, what was this guy walking around?
Can you imagine doing something you've been doing for 24 hours or more, just one day? Yeah, if they had stayed longer, it would have been big, but in this case this guy who was lurking even fell asleep, you know, yeah, but he's hot, you know, what are you doing here? It's common among friends, but the mistake in this robbery is that they were texting each other on their own phones. They thought they were smart because that's not a T phone, but now everyone knows about this, oh you never call and this and that you don't do that, but I would rate this movie a 10 because it shows how it was, you know, this is one of the highest ever, looks like it's worth maybe 30 40 million or something like that.
Breath breath. I don't want to take it away from the person. I can see something he's wearing and then find out where he lives, but never touch anyone. but most of these chains don't even have a lock to open or close, you know, and if they do, maybe they have a triple lock, it doesn't make a click, it has to be one, two, three and then most of them come loose. of this. The chains go over your head if they are with this type of stones. Do you know why you need a padlock to open or close it?
I think this one is too heavy. Is it possible to do this. You know you have a deep pocket. People who can do it. They take away your watch and you don't even realize it and you're chained. Private security will come in. No one will stop them because they have to be with their subject. She can't get out of sight. It's impossible for anyone to stop these two. Boys in the Netherlands are not allowed to have private guards with weapons, but outside the Netherlands it is allowed that most of these security agents are ex-military, so they know a lot about them, what they did before, if they are disciplined, they know if they can maintain. the mouth closes what they see or notice yes I don't even know why that is coordinated with all kinds of people you know they put the chain in a soup and then it goes to a kitchen and uh if you have the change you are left without a gift I don't know what we have to go out, they arrest someone, they can't find the things he has on him, you know they already passed them on, otherwise you're a suspect, so you have to give them to someone else.
I've been to uh. Monaco to check this type of collars and it was possible, but I didn't know that half of the city of Monaco are police. I didn't know it's the safest place in the world, that's true, two police officers for every person or something like that. You won't make it, I would say a five, I give it a four. Ok, here's the copy. Well, it's not difficult to make an imitation. You know, with pearls and diamonds, it's a different thing, but with pearls, it's very easy. Oh, I have 33 million. An offer in EUR from the gentleman at there maybe and I don't care if you have a website and you have a lot of money from any other auction house, someone has to authorize who you are, not many people know this, but in 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from Lou, we have quite a few similarities, i mean, he stole Lou, I stole Fang, so just this is unreal fiction, you know, I didn't watch the lupan series yet because why should I know?
Real Lupan sitting next to me can tell me the real story and he had to figure out how to become a person who cleans everything and you know it's too much, it's not realistic and it's spectacular to see this, but of course, it doesn't happen like that. You never did this, no, you went down through the roof and normally in the museum the alarm goes off from the roof. You know, in real life you wouldn't do that because I don't know what it is, uh, fat or something if you go too far. the floor and it has gotten on your clothes that grease will go everywhere it will go to your escape card it will go to your house everywhere that's why you wouldn't do it that he needs it just to go on the floor I mean, why not?
You don't crawl, you know why just a laser on the floor, my other sensor takes up the whole room, you know, this is funny, but normally you go upside down and you crawl forward. I did most of the time, they're in a square box, you know? and it's inside it's not like you can lift something on the bottom support it says it grabs the stone with some kind of contraption. I can understand that it has to work from the ground because of some kind of laser or detector, but there is nothing harder than a diamond, you know, okay, if you cut it, you will break it, but if you drop this diamond, there is no problem, you know it's very hard and you can't scratch it, so don't worry, the Pink Panthers don't leave clues, but what?
They did it, for example, they stole Mo's screen like 20 years ago and a painting worth about 150 million, so they left the note with a smile and said thanks for the bad security, but it's very stupid when you do this because you have policemen that when you do that they take it personally and will haunt you forever when you think it's over there's still one going oh you wrote that letter wait if they don't like it if you make fun of them they'll take it away from you. It's personal because normally a professional won't accept these D's.
No, that's what you have to cut. You have to cut these diamonds. You know they are known, so you have to find someone who can cut them before you can sell them. market or in the legal market, but when you steal diamonds from a museum, all the diamonds, especially when they are in some kind of jewelry, are not really important diamonds, so you can hardly cut them, so when people steal all the diamonds probably didn't do their homework well, it would be better if they had shown in this clip the inspector, even the clumsy inspector who is going to have to solve this case because you know when I locate a piece of stone and Picasso or whatever comes out, call me Indiana Jones of Art in the media but actually I'm more like even you know how this inspector I follow the wrong suspects and they feed me false leads when I disguise myself.
I look more ridiculous than Inspector Clo when he was dressed as a pirate with a flammable parot on his shoulder but if we have one thing in common and that is that we never give up and no one takes him seriously but in the end he breaks the caves I would wait for this movie in the 10 four five you I know it's too Hollywood, there you have it, they did it well in this movie because normally in these Hollywood movies they go through the door but no one goes through the door, it is the most protected part, this robbery has something that see with a case that I solved and that was Oscar Wild's Ring was stolen in 2002 at Oxford University, the thief was caught but he told the police that he had melted the ring, no one knew that he had sold the ring to someone and this guy had stolen this.
The same ring in one of these safe deposits in Haton Garden what I'm doing is profiling, you know, I'm thinking what would I have done when they saw pictures of the burger, one of the robbers had rainbow socks on rainbow socks and I said Check that heist because if they were young guys they would destroy the ring or sell it or throw it away, but only older men have respect for the real value of this ring, so it was stolen again in 2015, of course this guy could. Don't go to the police and say, look, my Oscar Wildering has been stolen because it was stolen before I heard rumors on the market that a certain ring had appeared on the market and it seemed to be Oscar Wilding's ring, so Oki came to me home and told me.
He made these maxes and on a lot of these saves he found stolen Arts, you know, stolen jewelry, so he gave me the lead and then I approached these guys, these older guys and finally tracked down the ring. They had sold it because they didn't know. It was Osar Wild's Ring, they sold it to a jewelry store that had sold it to a guy, which shows that stolen jewelry appears on the black market, in this case even on the legal market and the recovery rates for theft of art. They are very small, I think around 7 or 8% is being recovered, the rest disappears forever.
I'm just checking where on the pads the code can be deciphered by identifying the most worn ones. I opened doors like this. true, but then you have to know the combination because if you have four by four, I don't know how many combinations you have hundreds, there are different ways to open this door, you don't need a key, he has a piece of paper. guess the uncut key you pull it in and when you turn it you will see the mechanism cuts on the inside and then you cut it and then it will turn so let's give it a 10 out of 10 because it really happens and that's really what they do.
It is real and this is the famous nitrogen, very dangerous, if it fails like this on your finger, you can break it. I know some very serious thieves who never use this, hey Nick zoy, talk to me, tell me what you want. Got it, it's not here, but the distraction is interesting. Someone is threatening suicide, so everyone is distracted and this happens. You know, the most famous gang of art thieves in the world is the Pink Panthers, who are named after them in Hollywood. In the movie they come from Yugoslavia and this gang has male and female members and they use these tricks in 2004 in Lou there was an antiques fair and there was a diamond worth 60 million dollars that was on display, Bright Lights security guards, but then the wife of the French minister arrived so everyone looked the other way for a second and when they looked back the diamond had disappeared in another case they painted a bench in front of a jewelry store in Miami that they were about to crash because they didn't do it. they want someone to sit there and witness what they do, they use pretty women to distract the gods and all that, so this happens if you cut a wrong mechanism inside all the door locks, you won't open them, you will win.
Don't open it again, you know, yeah, also a four or a three, you know. I mean, they'll catch you if you do it like that. I know of a museum that has lasers, it's the C stor Museum in Vienna, but I don't think that's the case. this you know you can dance around these lasers I'm like what is this C stuff are you crazy? this is this does not exist even if it existed like this not touching any of these cords is impossible it is impossible even if you did have you seen it if you had seen it you know without using any spray or something like that it is impossible to look at this the practice to do this little dance you it will take about a year the whole collection disappeared what you see now disappeared in a year And you will continue dancing with your lasers.
I never studied the alarm for a long time. I mean, when you see a building, you see how it's going to go in and I see the system and it will be, yeah, studied in a minute. It is a system that can be hacked or not, there must have been many sensors, right. I think at least 20 or something is always one or two or three, two in a corner. The DET takes over the entire area. I really doubt technology ever will. Be this perfect at preventing our robberies from happening because you know there's always a button you can turn off and even if they can't find a button you know they come with a gun the average thief wouldn't do this because he doesn't have the skill or uh the bosses to do it because it seems very scary they are afraid of going to jail if you can't do the time don't commit the crime I committed crimes I could do the time I did a Many times I give this movie a 10, no joke, zero freshness .
Gallery closed for cleaning, cleaning, yes, doing it right now. You never talk to a guard, otherwise he might remember your face. You are always always. Avoid seeing a guard sent above. We are going to clean this exhibition these are fake guards it is impossible to be in a museum and for me this guy is too strong a guard he is like a taser andIt is impossible in the Netherlands it is not even allowed. I've never done. I've seen this, these big guys probably exist somewhere, maybe in Lou, what happens when the alarm goes off, it goes down and they wear something like that, it could be like that, but in a museum it doesn't go down most of the time if they have uh walls like that come down uh when they're closed and they connect them to the floor or the wall it doesn't open anymore but it doesn't come suddenly when the alarm goes off because the paint falls off the wall, my god, you know you can make this up well, apparently you can .
He takes an oil painting and folds it in two. Can you imagine that the painting is nailed to a wooden frame, so it breaks the frame most of the time? it's with some uh, what's called plexiglass, you know, so you won't be able to take it out because they're disconnected from each other, we really have to take the time to disconnect them from each other. Heists, especially art. The robberies are normally carried out by a gentleman thief, but the reality is different, normally these robberies are linked to organized crime, I have to deal with gangsters with gangs with terrorists to give you an example, the second most searched painting in second place on the list of The FBI's most wanted is the caracho that was stolen in 1969 in palmo siis and said that it is being displayed at a meeting among the mafia buses, so that is the type of people we have to deal with most of the time When it comes to theft, it is a human error because you have to imagine that if you are in a museum nothing ever happens, so if something happens, everyone panics and doesn't know that they forgot the rules.
They blend into a universe of three types, each transaction meticulously recorded for posterity in the family ledger. You see two paintings that were stolen but they weren't in the movie they were in my friend's house you see the two paintings that made octav famous the two F gos that he stole in 2002 but they weren't actually there in this on his couch but it was under his bed he sold it to a mafia boss in Italy who then used these paintings to get a lesser sentence so luckily they came back in one piece and yeah and sometimes there are people who steal it and they imagine.
They realized they couldn't sell it and panicked and destroyed it when this happened in C. The Blacklist. My phone failed. I was after him and now that he stopped doing these things, we are working together to try to get them. prevent this from happening you know Arthur has his contacts he has certain information he doesn't tell me everything I go out on the street I talk to my people they don't talk to him and in the middle we realize things that other people can' I can't solve it, this is your opportunity to solve a century and a half of kidnappings and robberies, so for me it was something where I can make some money.
I never knew that people get hurt if paintings are stolen. I didn't understand it at the time. I now understand that people get hurt if paintings are stolen and that is one of the reasons I recover some paintings now. 10 out of 10 tell me about this one too from the 7th century Fola tribe of Benin. I think not, it was taken by British soldiers in Bene but it's from Wakanda She's like the director of the museum and no one comes close the director doesn't come close nor anyone stoner art from Africa is a hot topic these days um the countries of Africa They are demanding these pieces from Western museums because they were stolen during colonial times and many of these objects have spiritual meaning to these countries and, in fact, last year I was one of the first to bring one of those pieces back, a emperor's crown stolen from Ethiopia, and we brought it back and gave it to the prime minister in Ethiopia.
I'm going to take a break. It's an inside job. You know, there is someone in this at a bank or in a museum who knows what is going to happen. It's very easy to get someone. Inside, very easy, I did these things, you know, you have to find someone who has problems, you know, who has depth or something like that. I track them, where they go, where they leave and then I go up to him and say: I'm sorry, do you want something to drink. but it's also strange, they come with their faces open, they want to attract attention, they attract attention, yes, too much, that's just a sample, the problem with museums is that they are there for the public, they are not, it is not intended to be like this.
It is very difficult to prevent everyone from taking something. You can't put every painting like the Mona Lisa behind such thick claws. I've never heard of an AR robbery where people died. You know, they shoot people here as if. It's not like that, let's say you stole art from a crime like this, you can't sell it, it's too hot, people died, you can't sell it, ridiculous clip, this is mission impossible, it's really mission impossible, it's a risk Too big. to take down a guy with a guy who's just holding the rope, if it goes through his hands he'll fall, he has no control, I mean, I can't even imagine doing this, he's half naked, there's a case I know where they did this additional sale.
It was a couple of years ago in England, in a warehouse, they put him in this warehouse and it took Robie five hours and they stole 200 rare books, including first editions of Galileo, for example, valued at three million. He hangs over Yes, what's a case? And he's sweating a lot, but at that time they didn't have DNA, so it was possible at that time, but now if you do it, they come to get you later, I think in two weeks they will be. In your house it is actually very heavy. I think it's even impossible to lift it the way they do it.
You know you need some kind of hydraulic system. You know to do this, this replacement is interesting because it happens in the most spectacular case. It was 20 years ago in Venezuela, a guy was walking visiting art galleries and wanted to sell them a painting called Odelis and Red Pants made by Henry Matis, but everyone laughed at him and told him, look, this is fake because the real one is in a museum in Venezuela. , so everyone laughed and took it out, but there was an art Deo who was suspicious, so he called the museum and said: is this painting still in your museum?
And they looked at the painting and then they found out that the painting in the museum was a fake, so somehow someone had changed the real one for a fake one. Can you imagine that you think you have two real paintings, two real Fang gos and you sell them to a tough guy and he finds out that you are fake? Dead things like this have happened, so let's give it, you know, I give it a seven, what do you give it a drop? It's not that bad, it's fun to watch, you never go to your own house after you stole the painting and, uh, him. touching everything with his bare hands he doesn't have a glove on never touch paint with your bare hands because of DNA fingerprints a couple of years ago they found a stolen car in a suitcase on a bus so the police asked everyone the passengers, but no one claimed the painting, of course, so it turns out they put it in suitcases.
Most of the paintings I've seen were always in a trash bag or something like a garbage bag, or a stain bag. a warrant I don't need a warrant I'm not a police officer these guys are the mistake often made in Hollywood movies Interpol does not have agents in the field making arrests Interpol is an agency that collects information and distributes it around the world. A very important job, but these men and women are sitting behind the desk, but time and time again Hollywood takes them away from their desk, gives them a gun and lets them rest, so this just doesn't happen.
I know it's true because I got excited. for inol I was talking to the Spanish police and he never said a word to me and he left alone he opened the doors at the airport he put me on a plane I love everything small it is very artistic there are not many art detectives in the world you know police officers who They are dedicated to art, there are a few, some do have knowledge of art, but some have no idea, but let's be honest, the way he handles this painting is as if he is not allowed to touch the painting that way, I would say five or six or three. , everyone is back, this is really not realistic and I have never heard of a CCTV camera being overridden.
I think it could have happened, you know. Especially secret services probably use this sort of thing, but I don't know of a museum robbery that has occurred if their security system fails as a mistake. I'm sure they have protocol regulations, what they have to do, check everything, you have obvious cameras and hidden cameras, of course, but what catches my attention a lot is that in many cases, when a robbery occurs, I call the police and tell them where the camera images are. No, because they were repairing cameras, it's like all the cameras in all the museums around the world.
They are being repaired all year round, a book is kept behind, hidden behind paintings, that happens, but thieves know it, of course, so that is the first place they look and if they don't know at the time they remove a paint off the wall to steal it. They see the safe and think, "Oh my God, we have a bonus that happened to me a couple of times." I was never looking for a save. I took a painting. Hey, we have a save. You see, so don't try this at home. Do that, the door is the hardest because it's very thick and the mechanism and things like that you always go through the wall under the safe, the back of the safe, the weak point, you know, I heard music when I was on the way. to get a you know, get some adrenaline, I would say like a four, yeah, three or four.
I don't think you were properly introduced. Sam, it's your neighbor, Mr. Rembrand, the guy standing next to Gloy is based on a real character, his name is him. Was Harry Edling a Jewish child in Germany when he was a child? He lived a few blocks from the museum where he hung this painting and when he was a child he wanted to see this painting but he wasn't allowed, he was Jewish, they didn't. I allowed him into this museum a couple of years later, his family fled for the Nazis to the United States and when the war started, Harry joined the army and this unit had to track down all the arts stolen by Arol Hitler and they entered in assault. in Al a in Austria and Harry, to his surprise, saw this same painting, this rest, so he couldn't believe it, since an American sergeant brought it himself, what a story, the Nazis stole millions of works of art, there he They gave the order to fly. everything but the second man in command of the SS Calon Bruno prevented it so in the end this was not blown up they found all these pieces behind this is an interesting scene here you see a painting called portrait of a young man by Raphael and this is considered the most important thing that is still missing from WWI, but it probably wasn't in this salt man to begin with, I'm even still looking for this particular painting, the Nazis destroyed the art, but it was modern.
Art, you know that the order to destroy them was given but it was not actually carried out. He would give it like a nine. This painting there, Francis COA's Wellington jke, was actually stolen in '61 and '62 when this movie was made. The shot was still missing, the filmmakers thought it was a little joke to put it in the movie. The real thief was caught a few years later, after this movie, it wasn't Dr. No, he was a London taxi driver. He had a lot of influence on thieves so they steal a painting and then go find a doctor so as not to sell it, but there are not many doctors who know this because why would you buy a stolen painting if you have money to buy a real one?
You can't show a stone painting to your friends and your kids, so not many doctors know about it, but the police know about it, so they decide to play Al, so if you meet someone, not most likely It's that it's a U, a hidden cup, you know it's James Bond, so let's give it a 10. I don't watch that many Hollywood movies you know because with the type of work I do sometimes I feel like I'm in one same. I once recovered a stolen Picasso worth 70 million but before returning it to me. I put the owner on my wall for one night, so imagine a stolen Picasso worth 70 million on my wall.
There was only one guy in the world who knew what it's like to have these kinds of stolen paintings on his wall, so I called Okie and told him you have no idea what's on my wall. He said: Well, tell me. I told him that Pico was robbed for 17 million, so he was silent for a few seconds and then said: Is there any chance of you leaving your house tonight?

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