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GOLDBRIDGE Best Bits | England 2-1 Slovakia

Jul 02, 2024
It's time to get excited, which is something we haven't done yet in this Euro Cup. I haven't heard Bedil and Skinner Three Lions yet. I haven't heard Vindaloo yet and I haven't heard World in Motion either, but maybe. today after this game I might feel inclined to go on YouTube and find those songs and start to feel a little hopeful and excited because we certainly haven't felt that way yet, in fact I'd say in seven games there has to be something like that . There has to be a point where it resets maybe it resets after the fourth game so it must be the fourth game oh I tell you what a good cross is, can I back off right?
goldbridge best bits england 2 1 slovakia
I say it now. I want to do it now. I mean now um, this is not going to be as simple as I thought. I'll arrive early. We have absolutely started again. England needs to get involved here. This is a start. Oh, here we go. Slovakia actually started pretty well. What's going on, what the fuck, Al? What's going on? I mean, is he out? Is the guy out next game? I don't think there are many people in the chat saying that he is. I have so much space. on the left side I wonder if it has something to do with not having a far left who gets to stay with what's going on who gets to stay with and I'm not talking about your damn politics.
goldbridge best bits england 2 1 slovakia

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goldbridge best bits england 2 1 slovakia...

I know there are elections coming up there. There will be people who will leave me. I'm going to vote for this one um no, which is on the damn left wing because they're getting massive overlap. Here we are unbalanced, we are unbalanced like a pigeon with one leg. You're falling, yeah, I'm not talking about that guy coming out of the next game against Switzerland, them, them, oh, here we go, here we go, here we go, oh my God, what's that garbage? It's in the box, oh my God, NASA, can we get your ball back? There's a satellite that Trippier just took out.
goldbridge best bits england 2 1 slovakia
Oh my God, don't look at that back, the beautiful ball runs towards it with its strong foot and hits the bloody moon, oh my God, what are they? We are doing here What are we doing here? Kyle Walker is so lucky if he took it down then oh he's in if he trades it if he passes it ah no bastard no you're not fucking laughing why are we then why are we? So damn PR, how did they carve the US Open like that? Where's the damn defense? You're having a fucking joke. Guys, they've been knocking on the door for years and you've let them in.
goldbridge best bits england 2 1 slovakia
Joke, how did they do it? It's so easy, it's so bloody. Who is marking it there? Who is taking the runner? He is invisible defending. He's like a fucking ghost on a nud dis beach. Ah, absolute shit, no offside here, who went with the runner? No one has gone to the running back fast enough to tell you what would happen if he could have gone down and it would have been a penalty and a red card because he's, um, he's the guy, right? But hell, man, these players don't know what. They are making the system absolute.
I tell you. Look, Gareth Southgate is shit. I'm sick of saying it. His tactics are shit. The balance is not there. We are jumping like a one-legged pigeon. We look like absolute shit, you know? I've got incredible players, he has no idea and any of these fucking idiots out there, any of these idiots who trust Southgate in their tactics, and I'm talking about the journalist who has been backing him for years and who trusts Southgate. his tactic is like taking a big juicy steak out of the refrigerator, putting it in front of your dog, walking up the stairs and coming back expecting to come back to a fresh plate of steak and fries, it will be on the dog like in England, it's absolute.
You can't trust this guy, Ain you have a fucking idea what he's doing here, come on, sacka, yeah, look up, look up, look up, nice cross to the back post, where are you, foden?, where are you?, let's have you, he's kept it in good game by trippier, come on. Kane, what are you doing there? Kane, why are you there? Kane, what are you doing there? Why is Harry Kane collecting the ball on the left wing? We have a 10 on the wing. We have a 10 in the 10 and Har Kane decides. he's going to be a BL, look at him, you're meant to be at the end damn Piller, unless you have the delore and can go back 5 seconds and get to the end of your own cross, what are you putting?
Damn crosses on you Pratt and there'll be some idiot on TV saying "Oh good" Kane Cross Kane Cross should be the one at the end what's the point of coming to take the cross? What you're supposed to be at the end of fucking hell, what did I say before the Southgate Ball game? If I were on a porn website I'd be in the missionary in your socks category and what we need is FFM Jack, says Trent Watkins. Gordon, get them at Magnus, uh, thank you so much for joining the Members Club, a group of cats led by a pig, he's a tractor, he's a tractor, that's what he is.
I said it on the podcast, he's a fucking tractor and I didn't even know what. I wanted to say, but I think it works, it's a damn tractor, slow, boring and spread out, yeah, and if you don't think tractors are annoying, try trying to get stuck behind a tractor when you want to get somewhere, thanks for the following . on Tik toks Andrew and everyone else who followed him anyway look halime let's stop the clock there um England are losing 1 nil to Slovakia unbelievably unbelievably they are losing one nil to Slovakia but deservedly so look at the stats 70 times allergic reaction to England football here we go Kieran trippier has to score that's a goal that's a goal goal foden he's on his side comes in he's on his side I thought he might be offside he's on his side tripier to foden and I'll tell you what's a good England goal we're back in this we're back in this he didn't make any changes he's a Jammy coach Jammy Jammy but I'm telling you it's a good goal from foden um but what I will say is that this is not going to win the tournament no let's do nothing with this football that is still unbalanced, look look what's happening here, it's because Trippier has been getting a lot of space on that left side, he could be offside there.
I know it might be offside there I think it looks offside it's offside it's miles away it's offside that's why I didn't celebrate because I thought it was offside it's offside look at them hugging each other like they think it's a goal he's offside he's offside Damn, how did he get offside from there? That's because he's not a number nine, poor boy, he shouldn't be offside from there, he should keep his run, he's looking straight at the defender, look what the hell just happened there, oh God, I say. You, what we almost just did in s Stones had turned off Walker passed the ball to him and the Slovakian player shot from the halfway line, it went over Pford and about 2 meters wide they just weren't on, that would have been? game over this as said before the game Southgate's tactics are the Titanic is sinking and instead of arranging the lifeboats he is rearranging the sun loungers that will never be used because the ship is sinking, Pratt, make some bloody changes, let out. make some changes mate, a Super Sub here we go oh no, he's not making subs, he's just giving it a drink, he's just giving it a drink Damn, what is he doing?
I thought he was making subs, he's giving it a damn drink, what an idiot. I thought there were three or four Subs coming, I was just giving him a damn drink, all that will do, it's special water, what are you going to do? Get your special BL sponge. Hell, give him a damn drink, make some damn Subs that Pratt Slovakia uses. Subs, do you know what would happen if I was Ole Watkins and I was Anthony Gordon? I would walk up to Trent and tap him on the shoulder and tell him we're leaving, we're booking half as if we were going now, there's no point in being here. wasting time I would not I would not I couldn't stand it I would if I was on that bench and I knew I should be on that field I couldn't stand it I would tell him I'm leaving, I've already gone to the hotel, enjoy the rest of the tournament, absolutely for the way the ball from the first half trippier shot just landed in Norway, that's a goal, oh you moron, get him out of hell, mate.
I've kept you through the entire tournament and you missed that, get it out. I'm not even going to name it. It's a free header from almost six yards and he missed it. You know they kept him on the field out of pure nepotism, pure favoritism. on the field because he should have come out 15 minutes ago I still have foden and Bellingham in the team too sacka oh good rice cross shot oh he hits the post and Kane misses a chance I don't understand South Gate's tactics Kane Bellingham and foden look dead, They could play, they could play another game right after this and still not.
Score says Weston, if Southgate had a YouTube channel, what would it be called and what would he talk about on his wife's shirt. I don't even know what he's doing. I used to dress up, activate, yes, Bellingham, overhead kick, get into England, get the tie, 1, we're in extra time, we don't deserve it but we got it, inspired by the substitution by the nonsense of Southgate, but we're still at it. 1 Oh my goodness, how did we do that with a minute left, we'll surely win this in extra time now, surely Bellingham with the goal, I'm telling you what we probably don't deserve it, we probably don't deserve it but it's a good goal from Bellingham that the athleticism and the high shot that he has is so perfect that you can't stop that right in the bottom corner as well.
I'm a little dazed because I thought, it's 95 minutes and we've tied I'm a little dazed it's a very good goal from Bellingham very good goal but you know what Bellingham's first reaction is it's all about this again shut up the critics and look at each other in the mirror, group of babies like you. I was your first shot at Target in the 95th minute and the only thing that bothers them is the noise, you guys are trash, the criticism is justified. We are talking about noise. I don't know what Southgate is doing with him. De Prava punches him away and he shoots and Kane scores.
Hurry Kanane 2-1. We have the momentum. I said if we can get the goal next then it will go away. It will be very difficult for Slovakia and England. Slovakia you feel like they just haven't sorted out that late goal that England scored in the 94th minute and their heads seem to have gone and England seemed to have found something here. Slovaks just watch. mentally dead on his feet and Harry Kane, who to me is very, very lucky to be on the field, is in the right place finally at the right time and will never miss it, is five yards away, hits it while he misses, boy . and Harry Kane is not going to miss that there is no element of offside, it wasn't the guy, I think it was Ivan Tony who threw it, Ivan Tony put it back in the mixer and then Harry Kane makes it 2-1 for England.
It's a fun old game and it's Harry Kane sitting down, they're in the box again here Slovakia. I don't like this sitting, oh my God, and he can't believe he missed it. I mean, he's a babysitter who probably A put him up. a little bit, oh hell, that could have been a goal, that could have easily been a goal, Goldbridge, that's the end of the clip. I'm sure you enjoyed it, in fact I bet it's the


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