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Halloween Pirate, Bigfoot and More from Steve and Maggie | Robot Story for Kids | Sea Animals Story

Jun 04, 2024
hello.Hi, look, today it's cold and snowing, so I'm wearing warm clothes like this wool sweater, these pants, and oh, wait a minute, I'm not wearing socks, oh, I need warm wool socks, there must be some in my closet. I need a pair of wool socks. Where are my wool socks? Hey, look, I found a wool sock. Hey, so what's up? Say it with me. It's a wool sock. It's a wool sock. It's a wool sock. Yes, but it's just a wool sock. I have two feet where is that other wool sock oh no no no no oh where is that other wool sock oh no no oh oh oh I can't find the other wool sock oh oh oh oh oh who made this mess oh it was me , No? sorry, hey Steve Steve, let's play Let's play now no Maggie, I'm looking for my other wool sock oh Steve, it's not up to you now Maggie, I'm looking for my other wool sock, silly, can you see my other wool sock?
halloween pirate bigfoot and more from steve and maggie robot story for kids sea animals story
Yes, yes, really, where? ha ha. It's under the table? Is the other wool sock? No, it's a wool hat. Look, what is it? It's a wool hat. It's a wool hat. It's a wool hat. Hey, I'm going to need a wool hat. Great, hey, look, I'm wearing it. a wool hat oh, what is that over there what is the other wool sock no so what is it ah look it's a scarf hey say it with me what is it is a scarf it's a scarf it's a scarf yes, I'm going to I need a scarf, oh great, I'm wearing a red scarf, oh but where's the other wool sock?
halloween pirate bigfoot and more from steve and maggie robot story for kids sea animals story

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halloween pirate bigfoot and more from steve and maggie robot story for kids sea animals story...

Can you see the other wool sock? Yes, yes, where is it, yes, under the bed. Oh, so what's under the bed? Well, it's not my other wool sock. that's not it oh look those are my white gloves look hey what do they say with me they are gloves they are gloves they are gloves yes they are white gloves I'm going to need my white gloves okay where is that other sock okay? I'm wearing white gloves but I still can't find my other wool sock, oh can you see my other wool sock? Yes, I can, oh, can you, where, where, where, on your shoulder?
halloween pirate bigfoot and more from steve and maggie robot story for kids sea animals story
I know, Maggie, I need two wool socks, your other shoulder, oh, it is. here, hey, I found my other wool sock, thanks Maggie, so what are they, they're wool socks, they're wool socks, they're wool socks, it's a good time to put on my wool socks, okay, look , I'm wearing wool socks, I'm wearing a wool hat. I'm wearing white gloves and I'm wearing a red scarf I'm ready to go play in the snow come on M come on wait wait you're not wearing boots hey oh no I'm not wearing boots 3 2 1 hello Steve it's not cold cold cold what's wrong Steve Well Maggie I'm not wearing boots. where are my boots? there they are look hey what they are they are boots say it with me what they are they are boots they are boots they are boots yes They are my black boots, it's time to put on my black boots, come on, then let's go, it looks better.
halloween pirate bigfoot and more from steve and maggie robot story for kids sea animals story
I'm wearing black boots, yeah, see you next time, bye everyone, bye, come on, let's play.

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