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Eating Lion, Llama and Wild Boar!! Mexico's Exotic Meat Obsession!!!

Apr 17, 2024
step one, rotate. I've seen plenty of creatures that look like this being roasted before. I've never seen one with all the hair still on its head. Why does it continue like this all over the world? If you look in the right places you can find rare


that most of my compatriots would consider


, yes friend in Iran I made a notch on a camel steak wow that tastes amazing in Japan and izakaya I paired my sake with sashimi from raw horse, horse in Nigeria, grass cutter is a delicacy for those who can afford it, right?
eating lion llama and wild boar mexico s exotic meat obsession
Look at the head looking at you right now I'm in Mexico and nothing could have prepared me for what I'm about to see today. I'm on a mission to discover Mexico's





. He told me that you can smell it. beer and this time I may have gone too far we are a place where we can fight exotic meat


ostrich I could also see


you said


that's right it all starts here my men here we are again returning to the show pelucci content creator food vlogger today he will show me a little of what Mexico has to offer we are in the market at the moment what is the name of this market san juan ernesto the market of san juan ernesto can I just call it san? juan yes, just someone, okay, i don't care the san juan market is one of the oldest markets in


city, i don't care, it's almost impossible to characterize it.
eating lion llama and wild boar mexico s exotic meat obsession

More Interesting Facts About,

eating lion llama and wild boar mexico s exotic meat obsession...

Basically anything you can't find elsewhere ends up here, I don't care. What is the theme of this market? I would say it is exotic food. Okay, walking. I have seen large bulbous penises and also very long ones. I have seen ostrich eggs. Small piglets. I have also seen sheep and then insects here, yes. They are everywhere on the market across the desert, edge of skugs are always first to appear on any exotic foods list, if you can get past the ew factor you will enter a world of protein rich superfoods, most don't achieves. So far, these are more insects than I've seen anywhere before.
eating lion llama and wild boar mexico s exotic meat obsession
I mean, you'll see a lot of insects in Asia, but here it'll be like the same five. I don't know, I can't even count how many there are. and many of these are from Mexico some specific ones are from other countries but from here I can distinguish at least three or four Mexicans I like it you just called Mexican yeah and then Mexican I'm going to start doing that I'm going to call American insects, the Americans in In ancient Mexico, insects were an inseparable part of the diet, these are chapulines, which are grasshoppers, okay, worms and also chicatana ants, these days it is not essential, but it is still not uncommon to find insects making their way into some of the premises. cook like these ant egg tacos which are quite delicious for the brave, you can also eat them on their own like with most of the food here, put in a little lime, a little chili powder and you're good to go, this is like a worm wooden, oh no, just the insect.
eating lion llama and wild boar mexico s exotic meat obsession
This is a kind of larva and something that will blow your mind is that this is chili mixed with an insect made into powder, we are seasoning the insects with other bubbles exactly here we go once, cheers, the citrus makes it really fresh. Hey, lime and chili powder makes it better, yeah, it tastes good, you're very upbeat and positive, it's a little earthy but super dry, it tastes like beef jerky, oh yeah, a little like jerky, like you have an uncle . who had no idea how to make turkey but is trying his best if i was in asia that would give me some kind of superpower yeah i mean you can hear it but basically it's just a snack you can usually grab it on the way to home.
On the way home you're cr


all these strange scenarios. You're on your way to a job interview, so this is a mistake. What I've been told is that if you want some kind of exotic meat mystery game, you definitely won't go. find in the US this is the market to go to exactly 100 years ago this market was much like any other, the most exotic foods appeared since the 1970s, attracting curious diners and adventurous chefs who wanted to try the pre-Hispanic diet as such. In addition to rare meats like rabbit, quail, venison, ostrich and buffalo, we are a place where we can fight exotic meats like this, exactly as the market expanded, so did the list of proteins available from around the world, such as this


meat that is served. created by Fernando in his kitchen, I don't think I've ever had


s, they look cute, yes, they look like alpacas, which they are exactly that too, yes, but they taste cute, also known as the camel llamas of the new world, they were domesticated in the early century XVI. batas are used to make cloth and their meat is good here, marinated with chimichurri sauce made of parsley, cilantro, oregano, garlic and olive oil, then seared on a hot plate, this was just cooked here right now, so long ago heat I tried alpaca when I was in Peru and it tastes strange to me it tastes like grass but I don't know it's the same for the llama let's try it I'm


a llama it tastes like a steak like a normal steak it tastes good it tastes like beef which is not meaty It's the opposite of alpaca because alpaca to me is fibrous like very grassy, ​​yeah, super clean, no intense spices here, it's just a little bit of salt and a little bit of oil.
I'm pretty impressed, this is like my new post-workout meal: chicken breasts. I'm going to start making llamas that are


, so what other kind of meats do you have here? Well, my goodness, I'm looking in the freezer, what is that? Oh, he'll take your refrigerator, yes, he'll take it. Oh my god, they used to. I have the whole crocodile but they cooked it and left the head. How much would you charge for this head? It's like a little bit. 2,500 pesos. This is quite a souvenir. I don't know if US customs is going to let me return with this in my suitcase, but that's it.


, so I'm sure they have llamas and crocodiles, what else?
Bernard, wild


, ostrich. I could also see lions. Did you say lion? Lion meat. Do you want to see it? The lion king of the jungle, the top predator. iconic powerful and if you pay the right price it's yours what are we here in steak form so is there an opportunity to eat something so rare? someone somewhere is going to try it oh, it's the leg, this is the leg of a lion right here this is pure muscle is this your most expensive meat the lion is the most expensive 7,500 or 8 kilos what does it taste like I don't know I have never eaten lion meat, he told me that it has a super intense flavor and has many toxins in the meat, so it is recommended not to eat more than a kilo per person once a week, up to two pounds per week, that is a lot. , but what about regulations on exotic meat?
How is this possibly legal lion legal? Eat here, see, he told me it comes from a farm, so it's totally legal. Sales of lion meat are legal if they come from a licensed farm, while unlicensed slaughter can result in a serious crime. How do I know this is really a lie? Each bet supposedly carries with it a meticulous paper trail that authenticates the legality and legitimacy of the media. Basically, he told me that he has to trust the farm, a trust, yes, but when it comes to the question of who owns these lion farms and where they can be found, well. this information is not available people watching this video right now some of them are interested some of them are freaking out i don't even know how i feel for sure it's something you would try it's a little hard because i don't know you don't have to try because you're on my show I'd like to see it and then maybe think about it but right now maybe I don't think that for now we're going through it's very interesting yes, but wow león turns out there is Another option: Fernando actually gets much of his product from a private ranch on the outskirts of Mexico City and agreed to take us there.
Two hours drive southeast of Mexico City will bring you here, a 247-acre ranch called El Moral. Here they specialize in deer jeep and formidable beast I have come here to see in the flesh fast feet sharp teeth and a bulky body a wall of muscles and bones this is a wild boar and it is very easy to piss them off hello we are in the corral with that I am a little nervous actually you tell me you can smell the beer oh, wild boars generally look like domestic pigs no, but with a longer snout and legs oh my god you had full control of the animal thank you when they are mature they can reach Up to 500 pounds, have you ever seen one of these wild boars attack or bite a human?
I was hoping you'd say no, they're actually super friendly once you get to know them and it's not really like, uh, it could be a real The wild boar is native to much of Eurasia and North Africa, but was introduced to South America. North in the 19th century as demand for wild boar increased, as did the number of people farming it in 6 to 12 months. ready for slaughter this is more expensive than normal pork or pork he told me that because of the diet wild boars eat a lot of oats, wheat and cereals it costs two or three times more than normal why people like it so much wild boar Does it taste very different from pork?
Basically the whole difference between a pig and a wild boar is the fat, the fat here with the meat and muscle, it has a cleaner taste, unlike most pigs, here they skin the hairy beast and trim the fat . and we let it hang for 24 hours from here, normally they section it and send it to the market, but not today. Today I will experience a whole roast wild boar cooked in Mexican wine. Meet our pit master, Pepe Moreno, owner of this ranch. Pepe is a self-taught chef and has been perfecting his wild boar recipe for the last five years, first he seasons the wild boar with salt and marinates it with a sauce of oregano, salt and herbs, I already smell the oregano, yes, it smells good, now the Preparation method is something that I think is going to be new to me.
I see there's a hole over here. There's some sort of rotisserie, but he still has to set it up, so he's grabbing this torture device. It has these cross bars where the arms will attach. Take some wire pricks. He pushes it all the way through the flesh and wraps it around the steel. I've never seen anything like this. Okay, I'm curious. I've seen many pigs, wild boars, creatures that look like this being roasted before. I had never seen them before. one with all the hair still on his head why is he still like this he told me it looks cooler and to make sure we are eating wild boar and not pork it is absolutely different than roasting a pig because as you know people here love the skin no one skin a pig before roasting it, yes, here they have actually removed all the skin along with the fur, what do they do with that skin?
Basically, he told me that the part is pretty hard, you can put it like on the wall. You can also use it to make some brushes like a toothbrush. Yes, like a toothbrush. Did you use it as a toothbrush to roast a wild boar? the meat is cooked all the way through pepe put it there he also put it there nice to meet you both it's amazing to be here i've only been in


city for a short time and we're just leaving the city and omg the drive here beautiful, beautiful, thank you very much, thank you Pepe and his wife Yvette, they are both from Mexico City, they met at veterinary school and decided to settle down and build a life in the country.
You almost love country life compared to city life. you will defer to her they started out small but every year they had a few more heads or a completely new species she prefers to stay here because of her career there are many advantages to living here fresh air good views grasshopper want Talk about what we have in front of us in this moment. I have eaten many grasshoppers in the past and they are usually fried and eaten whole. Here you have turned it into a kind of soup. This recipe. Where does it come from? Actually. It was a plant, there were a lot of grasshoppers, so they came up with the idea of ​​making this soup and also frying them and doing something else that's brilliant, like a kind of Bible prophecy, and then they said, you know what we'll do.
I'll just eat them, that's fascinating. Fried grasshoppers boiled in hot water and then I will put them in a blender. Heads. Butts. At. Everything mixes. She strains the liquid and uses it as broth. Season with homemade sauce made with a mixture of four different chiles. Sprinkle a little. whole grasshoppers and enjoy them, then he puts onions in cilantro, yes, you bet nothing, nothing simple, you can go with the lime, but no one, I want to have the full grasshopper experience, it takes a lot of grasshoppers, the grasshoppers are so toasted that They are surprising. depth of flavor the broth itself is like grasshopper milk this could be the next big thing grasshoppers yes yes it is one of the most unique textures I have ever seen in something that simply comes from an insect because if you didn't tell people that this It was made with grasshoppers, they would probably think it's some kind of meat problem, yeah, like a meat juice that's really awesome.
We started yesterday with some exotic meats and I was trying to figure out what kind of really interesting or weird meats people are. eating here in Mexico now you have the wild boarhere now there are other exotic species that you have thought about having here on the ranch also thinking about the ostrich water buffalo why exotic animals and why not just the conventional animals that everyone else eats I really love this, they are working I mean, They love animals and are in love with what they do every day, so it is important to say that they are doing this because they want to preserve the species, achieve sustainability and profits too.
Two hours later and the wild boar is almost finished, Pepe chops the meat further to allow for more even cooking than adobe, a sauce made from guajillo chiles mixed with cumin and garlic, salt and onion, lets the fire do its work and then , if you are in the right place at the right time, you will be the first to taste the fatty dripping boar edge, look at that, it looks delicious, so juicy, oh yes, yes, oh, he's trying. We're going for it now. This is one of the strangest rib textures I've ever tried. It is fat but it is not traditional fat.
It's like bubbling fat. The flavor of the fat is incredible. It's not that heavy. Wow, the flavors are very nice. Super. wash it down with this delicious red sauce on top, really smooth flavors, exactly pepe, what's your favorite part of the board? No ribs, right here, okay, so this is, this fat here is so different that it has a weird texture as you break it down. You're eating a bunch of sea grapes that appear in your mouth like you're eating fish eggs, almost but not as slimy, it's like a strange spider, I can't understand it, but yes, you say I can't understand it, but yes, it's true way I understand it.
Here I'm going to cut everything up and throw it on a plate and let's sit down and eat, gentlemen, this looks amazing, amazing, oh I love it when the words like are so close in Spanish in English, yes, amazing, let's take a quick tour of the table. Right now we have the tortillas, guacamole and onion salad and the whole leg here yes, I'm curious to know how to eat this. I think you could eat the meat alone for me. It's better with the tortilla we have. OMG, I haven't tried this. Yes, mezcal with quite strong alcohol, it's like the tequila guy with a dark past.
He doesn't like to talk about it. It is also made from agave. I used to have asthma when I was 12 years old. And I think that would have cured him. If I sit down. ready to eat oh, he has a surprise for us or another bottle. I guess I thought the wild boar was enough, but maybe Fernando felt left out while we were making dinner. He prepared his own culinary contribution using his very specific expertise in exotic meats. He is looking for something, what is that? oh it's another kind of meat he says we have to guess oh no so this is a lion it's a lion I don't know if I'm ready for this do you want to smell it yeah can I take a look at it it's hard to tell if it looks like a lion or it just looks like a protein, it looks like a steak, it looks a little meaty, dark and kind of sinewy philosophically, I don't know if I really have a problem trying lion, I don't.
I don't know, yes, this is difficult, well, it is certainly unusual, but he is not in danger, he is not in this, it is legal, yes, and he is here on the table, he is on the table, I don't want to be rude, He set it up, uh, I guess so, okay. Let's do it, what do you imagine the taste of this meat? I bet it's probably very lean and from the feel of my fork right now I'm going to say a little chewy, okay, you're already chewing it. uro, very chewy, very chewy. chewy well there's some fat in there yes and the charred bits he grilled and the char tastes great now it's not dry but it's chewy yes do you eat it because it tastes amazing or because it's a lion the first time?
It is just out of curiosity. They like meat, but after that, if they like it, they are going to buy into this concept of meat, they order a burger just for the sake of being able to say that the taste is good, you put just a little salt on it, it just tastes. a little meaty and oily, although not too fatty because usually more fat is combined with a little more tenderness. It's bordering on being inedible because it's so hard, so it's really unique in that way. Do you think it was the first time he tried the lion he loved it start chewing and chewing and chewing your first time maybe next time you put a lion on your ranch a unique experience I don't want the lion to overshadow this is what we really came for here I love that we have like a whole leg here we can cut it ourselves, okay, we have something bad, I'm going to put a bunch of onions and some guacamole, my first wild boar taco, so many firsts on this trip, cheers, it's amazing, it's so delicious, it's interesting for you.
I know that making these kinds of videos or having this kind of experience that people are going to see, it's impossible to do this without someone having strong opinions about it, yeah, and we've actually become people that you meet in our everyday lives. conditioned as if this kind of thing is normal, it's what I'm used to, so that's what's okay and food is like a religion to almost everyone around the world, whether they know it or not, what's familiar to them It is what is canon. them, yeah that's what's fine, yeah anything outside of that needs to be questioned so there's no way to make a video like this and satisfy everyone.
Someone will be angry about that. For me, my goal is just to show, I guess, the diversity that exists in the world. world and that there is no established normality and it is also a good opportunity for people to review their own beliefs because people always blame vegans but it is not the vegans who complain the most about videos with animal meat included, it is the people who eat meat, but they don't accept that they eat other types of meat, so maybe they eat beef and say: well, okay, but this is not okay, so I think it's good that people have a moment to look at your own beliefs. and ask you a little bit because that's something I've done over and over again while doing this show, so guys I just want to say one more time, gentlemen friends, thank you so much for this incredible experience and something that I'll remember for a long time.
Greetings guys Greetings thank you, the best food review show ever is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you, click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive benefits exclusive of peace. Okay, I have two, I have one. a very long one, a little shorter, fatter, okay, my thought was this, okay, oh no, we can ask him to turn the light back on, let's take a quick board of the, oh my god, keep calm, son, there's another type of red light, yes, yes, that's it. looking for worm exactly guacamole guacamole how old do you have to be to drink in Mexico? 18.
Oh my god, I mean legally because we usually start drinking at 15, maybe 14. Don't judge me, don't judge me, I'm going to kick you. in the face we can share this pen together you're being selfish it's being a pig boom guys that's the end of the video thank you so much pelucci my man I'm so grateful honey thank you so much no thank you I love today's experiences and you are an amazing ambassador in his country. Thank you so much. You can check out their YouTube channel, which is called absolutely guys. That's all. Thanks so much for looking.
See you next time. Let's get to know some. That mezcal, I think the bottle is still open and he just left it on the table. Because you do that? I think he wants us to take it.

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