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Every President's Biggest Accomplishment

Mar 27, 2024
expanding American influence abroad not through military force, but through economic incentives. Woodrow Wilson I am a big fan of Wilson's Fourteen Points, a list of principles he created to influence peace negotiations at the end of World War I. They promoted things like free trade, open agreements, democracy around the world, and something known as self-determination, meaning that people around the world must determine who governs them. Basically, Wilson's promotion of self-determination was his forceful rejection of imperialism. Although some people laughed at Wilson's Fourteen Points at the time, calling them too “idealistic,” today they are dominant ideals that are ultimately one of the main reasons the United Nations exists.
every president s biggest accomplishment
Warren Harding Harding signed the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, which created the country's first formal budget process and put the President in charge of budget planning. Sorry, Harding, that was a little boring for you. Calvin Cooldige I think Coolidge's greatest


was signing the law that recognized anyone born in the United States as a citizen. It was passed after, for years, the courts had not recognized Native Americans as citizens and therefore not protected by the United States Constitution. Herbert Hoover, I just don't know. Hoover doesn't give me much to work with, okay? Uh, I guess the three Supreme Court justices he nominated—Charles Evans Hughes, Owen Roberts, and Benjamin Cardozo—were all pretty good, so congratulations on that.
every president s biggest accomplishment

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every president s biggest accomplishment...

Franklin Roosevelt Obviously, FDR had a ton of important


s, so it's very hard for me to pick just one, but I guess I'll go with his signing of the Social Security Act, which created the Social Security program that so many Americans seem to take for granted. sitting today. Over time, it has led to a dramatic decline in poverty among older people. Overall, however, one cannot deny his effective leadership during the Great Depression and World War II. He helped us get through some really dark times. Harry Truman The Marshall Plan, really. The Truman administration transferred more than $115 billion in today's money to European countries devastated by World War II.
every president s biggest accomplishment
Its objectives were not only to rebuild war-ravaged regions, but also to remove trade barriers, modernize industry, restore European prosperity and prevent the spread of communism, and I would argue that it was one of the most effective programs ever implemented by the Government of United States in history. And its political effects were possibly more important than its economic effects. Dwight Eisenhower I think Eisenhower's greatest achievement was the enormous role he played in the creation of the interstate highway system. I have a full video here about it if you want to learn more. But don't leave yet, don't you know that there are other


s after Eisenhower?
every president s biggest accomplishment
John F. Kennedy Well, you could say that he avoided World War III with his handling of the Cuban missile crisis, but I'll stick with his civil rights efforts. Before his death, JFK proposed a massive civil rights bill that eventually became the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Oh, and a shout-out to the Peace Corps, which JFK created. It's just a wonderful program that really helps a lot of people. Lyndon Johnson LBJ also did A LOT while he was


, especially on civil rights, but I will join him in signing the Social Security Amendments of 1965, which created both Medicare and Medicaid.
Medicare is a health insurance program that provides affordable coverage for seniors, while Medicaid is a health insurance program that provides affordable coverage for those with lower incomes. Both programs have helped tens of millions of Americans access quality health care who otherwise would NOT have access. Both programs have also led to innovation in healthcare and higher medical standards. Richard Nixon's détente policy, or a more flexible negotiation policy to ease relations with both the Soviet Union and China during the Cold War, was brilliant. In fact, I think it's the most effective thing any president has done up to that point to set the stage for the Cold War to come to an end.
Also, did you know that all the moon landings occurred during Nixon's term? Gerald Ford How about the Privacy Act of 1974? Ford signed that. It is one of the few laws in American history that even attempts to protect Americans' personal records from being exploited by the government. Jimmy Carter I would say that Carter's greatest accomplishment while president is something that is generally attributed to his successor, Ronald Reagan: the deregulation of several industries. By signing the Airline Deregulation Act, the Motor Carrier Act, the Staggers Railroad Act, and the Depository and Currency Control Institutions Deregulation Act, Carter helped markets become more competitive than arguably most. the presidents before him. (What do you say?) Ronald Reagan's greatest achievement was convincing the world that the Soviet Union was a failed state, and in fact, he had a major influence on the fall of the Soviet Union.
You can't deny that. His relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was particularly instrumental in this. George H.W. Bush Although you could say that the Gulf War was a resounding success as far as wars go, I hate to say that a war is its greatest achievement, so I'll go with Bush's signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which has led to dramatic improvements with respect to access and accommodations to public services and facilities for people with disabilities. This is another law that we take for granted today. Bill Clinton Well, let's stay on the topic of the laws we take for granted today with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Bill Clinton signed it. Well he did it! It requires employers to provide employees with unpaid, job-protected leave for certain medical and family reasons. In other words, you can't be fired for taking time off to care for your sick mother, for example. George W. Bush No matter how many mistakes Bush Jr. made throughout his presidency, I have never denied that he was a good leader. He was! So, his greatest achievement? Keeping the country united, focused, determined, and even hopeful after the horrific attacks of 9/11. Sure, things became chaotic and divisive once he made the decision to invade Iraq, but before that, Bush's leadership in pursuing suspected terrorists around the world was phenomenal.
Barack Obama Obamacare, duh! Obama spearheaded and signed the law, named after him but also known as the Affordable Care Act, which dramatically increased the number of Americans who had health insurance. While the law was far from perfect, most Americans have appreciated it as it has made health insurance more affordable for low-income families and that health insurance SHOULD cover them regardless of pre-existing conditions. I recently learned that there is some evidence that Obamacare has actually helped reduce healthcare costs overall, although the Heritage Foundation found the opposite, so I don't know. The Heritage Foundation, you love them, right?
Donald Trump Trump's greatest achievement was signing the First Step Act, one of the largest criminal justice reform laws in American history. He reformed federal prisons and repealed harsh sentencing laws and basically made it less likely that people would go to federal prison for stupid things. Joe Biden Well, at this point he's only been in office for a year and a half, but I would say his


accomplishment, at least so far, is bringing troops home from Afghanistan. Now HOW it went was obviously a disaster, but at least he had the courage to do it. However, remember that it is extremely difficult not to be biased one way or another regarding who the current sitting president is, and I am sure that one day my opinion will change, of course.
So there it is. In my opinion, it was the greatest achievement of any American president while he was in office. Thanks to Mr. Terry for occasionally participating in this video and be sure to subscribe to his channel if you haven't already. It was nice that he disagreed with me on some of these. I love it when people disagree with me. It gives me a chance to change my mind, and my opinion has changed many times over the years. In fact, as great as it was to complete this video, you may end up changing your mind so much that one day you'll have to redo it.
Still…what an achievement it was! And I was able to achieve this thanks to you guys watching it at home, but also to my Patreon followers. Speaking of which, here's my monthly thank you to all my Patreon followers who donate at least $15 or more each month to my channel. Starting with my


donors, thanks to Bill Dowd, Adam Luckey, Alicia Solberg, Andrew B., Anthony Beckett, Aseef Ismail, Austin Siros, Corey Rieman, Dr. Paul J. Lilly,vacmachine, Kyle Fassbinder, Matt Standish, NeoR14. , Nik Everett, Noah Hoff, Osbers Gaming, Owen, Pat Iapicca, Sean Conant, William Rousch, Adam Christians, Alex Gorell, Andrew Schneider, Carmen, Gael Guerard, Grant Hughes, Ian Driscoll, Ilan Capone, Jack L, Jakob Birnbaum, Joe Serrano Lozada, Kit Walker, Naterade, Nelson Guzmán, Omar Arizona, Samuel Striz, Society's Basement, Stacey, Steve Bryan, Thomas Oppenheim, Warren Jarog, Waterfort and Zachary F.
Parker. Thanks to EVERYONE who supports me on Patreon and thanks to YOU ​​for watching.

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