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Tilly Tow Truck is Sick | Gecko's Garage | Cartoons For Kids | Toddler Fun Learning

Jul 01, 2024
feel like a hero oh thank you grandma bye everyone hello everyone it's Christmas Eve and these lights are ready Perfect


it's wonderful to spend that time with you and the mechanic makes a wish he's a shooting star um I'm not so sure cat oh that's not Santa This is the last time I'm going to Weasel's Wheels for repairs Santa, are you okay? I'm fine, but my slave is far from fine. These gifts must be delivered before Morning Light. We'll have to replace the engine in the


, but with Helena's help we can get the Slay moving again and deliver the gifts. the way you take your tools it's time to fix and while we fix we say this rhyme first things first throw it in in no time the sled will slide this position the skis are damaged and cracked a new set will put us on the slope Does Helena have extra skis as? that brought them here thank you Cat turn and follow the skis here listen well we will have to drive now please Helena take us to deliver these gifts for Christmas day awesome thank you


you are missing just one thing oh thank you Santa hurry up cats , it's almost morning.
tilly tow truck is sick gecko s garage cartoons for kids toddler fun learning
Well done. Happy mechanics. We keep Christmas in the


. Well, Santa Claus, it looks like there's one last gift left to give. Did we forget someone? It's your gift. Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, oh, thank you, gecko. a true friend of mine Merry Christmas until next time Hello everyone, today we are going to fix something there in the garage and at grandma's house Here with your famous apple pie, uh, hello, Mr. Weasel, can we fix something for Sly? I don't need help, Sly. can make much tastier ice cream than Vicki what oh oh delicious oh ignore it gcki showing off gets you nowhere we have work to do come on let's change Vicki's wheels you guys are stuck in the past Wheels welcome to the future Caterpillars Marvel at my genius whiskers wobbly what's going on oh boy that thing went wrong oh damn machine i gotta do everything myself come on grandma let's stop that car pick up your tools and put this Prime in gecko's garage it's time to fix it that's all gey get on top and use this wrench to make it stop these track traps they spin around we will remove them to slowly slide down blue we will need a c Jack please it is a perfect tool for jobs like these these devices do a great job with the wheels on you are ready to go see honey, there's no point in all these flashy gadgets and looking at the streets of Mac if you can't, can't get the basics right, oh I had it under control, my CES is Justus, it's sensitive.
tilly tow truck is sick gecko s garage cartoons for kids toddler fun learning

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tilly tow truck is sick gecko s garage cartoons for kids toddler fun learning...

I said bragging gets you nowhere, that's right Grandma, bye everyone, hello everyone, we replaced Trevor's old wheels with a new set. Its rear tires are huge with deep tread to help grip in the mud, and as a thank you, Trevor made us a corn maze. to play in Popp it frog, I'm going first, good luck Mr. Weasel, don't get lost, go, go, Tilly Crane, let's find the way through the maze. There is no way to get through this maze it is too difficult and now it is raining. Oh, disgusting, no! this way Mex, let's turn in another direction, this maze is broken, we have to beat gecko, let's cut this trip short.
tilly tow truck is sick gecko s garage cartoons for kids toddler fun learning
Maes is so easy to get out of the way, you're playing, Toad, oh no, the rain's got him muddy and Sly's stuck turning screwdrivers, and Tilly too. I'll be trapped in this miserable muddy maze forever, don't worry Mr. Weasel, there's always hope. I have an idea. Come on, cats. We're stuck in the crop maze and we need Trevor's old wheels to help Tilly grip the mud. No problem. AO I can use Helena's grappling arm to help you. Did someone ask for two wheels and an axle? Thanks cat, now it's up to us, pick up your tools and say this rhyme in gecko's garage.
tilly tow truck is sick gecko s garage cartoons for kids toddler fun learning
It's time to mix. We will replace the tow wheels with Trevor's old set so she can grip on muddy and wet terrain a longer axle is what Tilly requires her two big wheels with giant tires with her new wheels we could easily factor that Tilly the crane is now Tilly the tractor wait for me it's working now let me guide you out of here now turn left almost there now right we did well done everyone but I'll be the winner Mommy Teamworks the winner today goodbye everyone hello everyone there is lots of vehicles waiting to use the car wash today, thanks Bobby gecko.
More customers than me, but if I break your car wash, everyone will have to use mine, oh


, what can we get you today? Twist screwdrivers. What's happening with the car wash? We have to turn it off. Oh no, we have to run away. Car wash oh this is too much fun. Well, my God, keep that car wash, stay away from me. I took a shower last week, thanks no, no, no, no, no, we have to get ahead of ourselves. Mechanics let's go to Mechanics. go up and unscrew the control panel now cut the red wire, not the yellow wire, the new red wire, not the green, the red fish, BOS, we stopped The Runaway Car Wash, but H, how are we going to get this back to the garage?
Goodbye everyone, hello everyone. I just dug this big hole so I could fix a leaky water pipe, come on. Mechanics, let's get you cleaned up, it's almost time to sleep, thanks for your great work Eric, everything clean. Mechanics, don't worry. Mechanics, no scorpions. Here, uh, spinning. screwdrivers, it's a giant scorpion, wait, I know what's going on here, come on, no, things aren't always what they first seem, let's get all this mud out, you see. Mechanics, it's not a giant scorpion, it's our friend Eric, oh, now let's take your digging arm. repaired grab your tools it's time to fix screwdriver wrench and while we fix we save this rhyme let's go Mechanics there's no time to waste let's undo these big bolts the hydraulic pistons make Eric so strong let's put these new ones where they belong you're all fixed up and ready to roll, just don't fall into that big hole again, great job.
Mechanics, we made Eric strong and powerful again, hey, bye everyone, hello everyone, look, it's snowing today, we're careful, blue, wait. Tilly, you don't have your snow tires. Dumb is the best snowmobile ever released by that pesky frog and his rubbish hands. I will show you. Take that, let's get Tilly out of there. She pushes shaking mechanical screwdrivers. Now it's a giant snowboard. Oh, poor Tilly, you look frozen. You need protection for winter. on Max, grab your tools, it's time to fix it, screwdriver, wrench and while we're fixing, we say this R, let's put this new radiator on Tilly so it stays warm and stops being cold.
The next thing Tilly needs is this set of special snow tires, each one new. the tire will receive a snow chain to help Tilly drive on winter terrain it's the emergency alarm someone needs help help the garage doors open quickly it's time to help a vehicle in need oh no, Mr. Weasel is here Stuck in the snow, do you need to be towed back? to the garage Mr. Weasel NOPE I'm not doing it Sly is very capable in the snow and it's dripping down my neck oh dear that's not good Mr. Weasel bye bye everyone hello everyone we're giving our friend Vicky the ice cream


a service full thanks cat, no problem Geo, I love helping and I love ice cream too, we just need to fix Vicki's ice cream maker, let's hurry before the ice cream here melts with a truck like that.
I could have free ice cream all to myself. The weasel has Vicki. oh no poor Vicki and the ice cream here will melt without her come on cat go tyy crane ice cream delicious ice cream can't wait to taste that cold sweet soft ice oh wobbly whiskers how can you be an ice cream truck? no ice cream must be here somewhere what button for ice cream oh m oh no don't go away I don't have ice cream for you or even for me oh where's Vicki? We need to put this ice cream back inside her. to keep him frozen Wait, do you hear that Vicky, forgive me, sorry, thank you, oh defeat, it's a dead end, it wasn't me, I'm not an ice cream thief, Vicky, oh we're so glad you're safe, Geo , the ice cream, yes?
Let's hurry up cat, grab your tools, it's time to tidy up and while we tidy up we say this rhyme to move your ice cream maker in a pinch, we'll pick it up with the winch with your treats in the right place, you can make everyone smile. Plug it in first to freeze, then pipe and serve with ease, who wants ice cream until next time? Goodbye everyone, hello everyone. Trevor just gave us his plow to fix, huh, and here's Dandy with her own spruce. truck for her checkup, you two are coming, oopsie, it's really cold in here hello, Dandy, hello, gecko, hey Mechanics, who wants a game of tag zo?
Looks like I am, woohoo, can we start your checkup? Mechanics, where are you? Everything looks good so far Fiona. Let's just check your hose, are you hiding here? o Sandy dive Sandy, are you okay? Whoa, gecko, come outside, the water in the hose has frozen, watch out, blue, it's not an ice rink, the ice is too bumpy to skate on, how can we smooth it out? sure ah aha I know how to make an ice rink we'll turn Fiona into an ice rejuvenator what tools do I need I need a wrench drill the gecko's garage it's time to fix the gecko's car let's fix this the ice is too bumpy so smooth it out blade on this plow, can remove all the grooves.
Attach Fiona's hose to the plow here please, to create a flat layer of water to freeze. This Old Car Wash sponge will polish and shine well and now our ice rink is looking great. Oh, it's working. Thanks to your own. together we turned an accident into brilliant fun look how much fun the mechanics are having I'm so excited to skate it's safe to skate now I've got you I'm skating bye everyone hello everyone we've been having a picnic and now it's time for home remember mex don't leave anything behind 1 2 3 four mechanic blue blue where are you we've lost blue green come with me we have to find him garage doors open again it's time to find a little friend blue blue oh where is blue wait, we'll get you out Tilly, let's use your winch to get off no and B no more tow rope oh poor blue, you've had a few hits, we can use your rocket to get us out of here H nothing small adjustment can't be fixed we'll be out of here in just two ticks, straight, tight, we'll take you back to the garage well done, all of us we found blue and now let's fix it up like new, pick up your tools and say this rhyme in gecko's garage, it's time to fix it, unlike mine, your legs around to help you move across the floor, let's fix those arms left and right, making sure the joints are tight and finally a new repaint, now you can go back out and play, oh baby, blue dream.
Well, then we are very happy that you are home again. Goodbye everybody. Hello everyone. We are in the camp. It's been raining all day, but we don't care. Mechanics love the rain. Oh, Green has even made a small vow. He's having a lot. funny, oh go go green, maybe too funny, poor little green has run out of power and needs to recharge, no problem, we'll just use her portable charging bed, eh, twist screwdrivers, no power, eh, las Solar powered charging beds collect their energy from the sun, but there is no sunlight today, we need to find another source of energy.
Oh, what would happen if we gathered the energy of rain with a water wheel? Great idea Grandma, we can channel rainwater to turn the wheel and we can use the water wheel to power a dynamo. which converts movement into electricity and then we can charge green. I'll take a look at Mal's hatch, no, aha, a dynamo, let's do it. What tools do we need? What tools do we need? The waterwheel scheme is to chisel a channel to create a stream, uh, attach spoons to the wheel and the wheel to this pin so that the water turns the waterwheel.
The water wheel drives the dynamo creating electricity to help the ring operate. Oh, it's working. Green's Powered. up and ready to go and just in time to recharge ourselves with a nice cup of tea thank you grandma bye everyone hello everyone today we helped the cat deliver his compost to Trevor's Farm drop the compass now cat big blue question what is compost and composting? It's like recycling our food waste, it's used to help produce more exact food over time. My food waste has become precious compost thanks to many tiny creatures. Trevor then spreads the compost into the soil to help his vegetables grow big and strong.
Hey Trevor, now let's go. plug in Trevor's compost spreader, watch out, oh that cabbage pushed the lever into overdrive and is causing chaos in the composition. I need to find something to press the lever to turn off the spreader. Can I use this, oh, twist screwdrivers, it's broken, no, Trevor's vegetables won't grow big. and strong without fertilizer you can fix the spreader, gecko, we can fix anything if we work together, right? Mechanics H, what tools do we need? at a safer pace so that it spins again,Let's put this broken chain back together now, a splash of oil will be just what will help this spreader do the composting.
Excellent work, thank you all. I have an idea to thank Trevor for all his hard work. Mommy, Trevor's. fresh veggies make the tastiest chili ever and best of all we put the food waste in my bin ready to compost for Trevor next year compost beauties goodbye everyone happy birthday everyone hello everyone, let's have a photo of Nick for miles's birthday, dear miles. fastest best friend on two wheels oh hello mister weasel we're celebrating celebrating my new super duper scooter of course you are my miles can beat that crazy avocado picker the last one around the lake is a soggy spark plug you mean to a race, bring it.
Are you sure, grandma, it will be better? Can you help us get to the start and finish line? Mechanics, we will use the balloons. Try starting without a starter motor in your drill. Get ready, jump. Handlebar. The miles don't start. Vehicle parts that disappear. The mile starter motor. missing without it the engine doesn't run I bet Wicked Weasel pinched it having trouble starting I think I even have time for a little break we just need a plan don't give up that's all miles we can use the wind power of a balloon to prel, yeah What tools do we need? wrench, pump, gecko cart, time to fix the gecko garage, let's fix this, keep inflating that balloon at speed, the air will help our plant succeed through this pipe, the air will flow to make a thousand and grandma , go, go, go, with the power of the balloon driving our faithful friend, the race It can still have a happy ending, it's working. miles is on the moon, hooray, oh, I say, excuse me, oh, don't get up, dear wobbly mustaches, can't win the miles starter, happy. birthday our special miles goodbye everyone hello everyone it's very cold today so we need to bundle up oh what's wrong with you?
Sly, why don't you start sucking on screwdrivers? I think Mr. Weasel and Sly could use our help, come on Mechanic, it's important take care of our neighbors, oh Mr. Weasel, you and Sly need help, let the mechanics take care of you and I'll take care of Sly, go , go, mechanics, go ahead, don't leave me, okay, Sly, we'll take you back to the garage for a while. check leave me alone trash cans oh well if you insist I think I need some grapes too oh I said grapes don't break oh first I have to figure out how to open your Bonnet Sly H which is the right button aha don't worry Sly I know exactly What's the problem: your battery needs to be recharged and your water tank is almost empty.
What tools do I need? Jump cables. Water hose. Gecko's Garage It's time to fix up the gecko's garage. Let's fix this crafty who is feeling thirsty and needs a quick drink to recharge. of water, I think now connect Sly's jump cables to Tilly so Sly's battery can charge and he stops feeling cold. Start the engine, that's all the fly needs to share the power and zoom away at high speed. Oh, you're welcome, Sly. Sly, you're all dressed up and you better take me home, dear Sly, no, no, the other way around, go ahead, oh well, thanks gecko, you're both welcome anytime, bye everyone, hello everyone.
Recycle Mom is on her way to pick up our recycling, here she comes. Just in time and baby CH, here too, what's up? Wrong mom, twist screwdrivers, your suspension needs repair, you'll need a rest while we fix you up, oh, are you worried because there's more recycling to collect? to help and if at first you don't succeed try to try again red and yellow can fix mom's suspension while blue green and I help the baby become a recycling truck like her mom H what tools do we need? wrench spray paint garage gecko it's time to fix gecko garriage, let's fix this, these boxes will help us recycle properly, so let's stick them nice and tight.
A grab arm is what you will need to pick up recycling safely and quickly. A new coat of paint and labels attached. Babies are now a reason to recycle. truck, just relax Mama recycle red, blue and yellow will take care of you, let's put our solution to the test, come on, baby recycling truck, that's it, baby truck, now which box does the metal go in? That's right now to pick up the rest of the recycling. everything is done, back to the carriage, great job, to all of us who helped save the planet and mom had a well-deserved rest, goodbye everyone, hello everyone, today we are going to have a beach day, the mechanics are playing to hide and seek with Helena, have fun, but no.
Don't go too far if you get lost, stay still and shout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not, here she comes, look gecko, salty screwdrivers, that's the swampy seat and it's rolling fast. Mechanics, stay where you are and shout. we'll follow the sound there you are, oh we found you, yes it's Helena's tail rotor, but where is Helena? Don't worry cat, we'll find her, wait, listen, I can hear Helena like this, woohoo, we found her, but she look, the tide is coming. I need to put Helena's tail rotor back on quickly see gecko without his tail RoR Helena will spit out of control H what tools do I need screwdriver wrench gecko garriage it's time to fix gecko garriage let's fix this hurry up now mix this fix a race to beat the tide and get this rotor in place this ship will hold your rotor firmly when it spins fast during flight now let's adjust the rotor here so it can help you balance and steer magnif thanks GE oh you're welcome cat, we did it we have to fly fast now take off before The tide rises, see you at the base, goodbye everyone.

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