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May 21, 2024
chat the creator of these


s gave me the worst scare I have ever experienced in my life what language should we use french? Okay, I bet I can speak all these languages. I'm just trying to choose what's best for the audience. This story is. About a small village at first glance, it's no different from other villages, but something happened that changed everyone's lives, calm down, okay, you're the size of a small village, hey, okay,



is cursed and we've just begun . I'm getting Outlast. I, Kristen, thank you, thank you, Christ, for the hello, oh no, oh no, my steps are juicy.
this game is horrifying counting to 6
Hi Chad, am I juicy? I'm getting Outlast two Vibes right now. Should I knock on


door? Hey, excuse me, my car broke down. Hey, have a good night. I'm sorry for that talk. Should I leave this area? What did this guy just say that he just said something about a Dutch oven? Chat, would you let me have a Dutch oven? Be honest, okay, this is the creepiest place I've ever been in my entire life. life why am I here I hear a phone calling, do I answer? It's not working it was just ringing CH do you think this bridge can hold me be honest hey hey sorry my car broke down I was wondering if you could help me he's a dead man yeah I'm leaving hey have a good day okay okay well, was the conversation there when I came in or did I miss that was it wasn't there when I came in, I left, I left stop playing I hear a phone ringing in this house Should I go into this house? uh chat GG do you think someone lives here do you think they're going to be nice to me hey, excuse me, my car broke down.
this game is horrifying counting to 6

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this game is horrifying counting to 6...

I was if you could. help me m that's crazy I'm warning you what is that noise chat what is that oh no chat no I can't what's happening up here what is it go don't walk there it seems like I'm afraid of anything No, I'm not afraid of anything, Uh, what's going on? Hey what are you guys going on, what are you doing Chad, if it were me I would have run back to my car 10 minutes ago? Is there anyone in that house? Excuse me, I have to go. No, why are we going in here? Why are we going into this house?
this game is horrifying counting to 6
Oh no, no, why are we in this house? Hello, can I use your phone? Excuse me, is anyone home? How did that door open? How did that door open Chad? How was that? The doll I saw, Chad, I'll keep in a pile with you. I don't think anyone, Liv, yeah, come on, yeah, let's go ahead and get out of here. real quick, why are we even in this house? Yes, I left. Hello, have a good time, although I appreciate her hospitality. GG, okay, stop talking. I'm literally going to finish. I'm going to end up shitting myself.
this game is horrifying counting to 6
I'm about to do it. Shit, draw, um, so we have to get out of this house, but the question is how do we get out of the house, you know what I mean, chat, um, let's look around personally, I would just run through the wall, stop, stop , what are you doing? oh no, what am I looking at through the chat? What am I looking at? No way, hey, no way, that hit was in the game, please, I just want to get out of here. I was just trying to find someone to help me. I won't do it.
I don't see anyone helping him Hey, what do you have to eat, you don't have anything to eat either, let me get out of here, what a talk, what's that noise, what was in that pot, buddy, stop, buddy, I'm going crazy, right? How's Chad, yeah? Have you all seen a ladder or something I can use Chad, have you seen a ladder or something? We have to get to the attic. I don't know how, even though you ate the ladder, I didn't eat anything, I'm not even hungry, okay? um, what can I use to go up to the attic?
Ban the guy who said you need one, you need a crane, ok I can't see, stop playing, oh thanks for the ladder, ah ok I'm going up, why are you messing with my head. a cute little doll look I thought there was going to be something scary up here we chat we're okay what's that noise what's going on downstairs what's the doll doing in the car now um the ladder fell down oh no Okay Chad I've got a jump everyone Hold on to something Who was that? Why do I see a light back here? Who was that 30 found dead in Arkansas?
Sorry Chad, it's not that bad when I jump, oh my god, there's a secret door, there must be keys on a lever somewhere. okay, bet, block, what's that noise? Chad, what's that noise? okay, chat, let's read this note, look, chat, look, the note says to open the lock, use the hints, what do these hints mean? surrounds a phone, that means we go to the phone. go to the phone maybe i can open the door Dash a lock don't chat that noise outside this door makes me feel uncomfortable what is that noise? There is someone running I have a lot of Chad I picked up a key What do I do with the key action? a chainsaw, help me, I'm scared, okay, anything else we need is in this little room, chat, what is she doing outside, what, what, sorry, why, the door opens, um, I'm just here to grab something, if you don't.
You don't mind chat, there's supposed to be a key here, right, chat, there's supposed to be a key. wait, let me go look, let me go look at the note one more time, wait, wait, make sure there's no wait, wait, chat, okay, it's supposed to be on the right side of the window seal, it's well I bet I found thanks I'm dead something's about to happen GG I'm fine I'm fine what is that? I have to take a look, maybe there is something there. Hey, thanks for the leverage, buddy. I appreciate you, I appreciate you, hey, have a good day, buddy, okay, I appreciate who laughed.
I'm still missing a key, you're still telling us I should come in here, no, I shouldn't come in here, okay, chat, where is it? There's a? note here I need to pick up you think I don't see a note here even though you ate the key buddy I didn't eat the key I'm not even hungry right now okay let's go back let's go back here chat What room is that cabinet in? I'll rip my pants. Should I let a scab form? Chad, do I just let it scab over? I mean, honestly, yeah, I think I'm going to let it scab over.
I'm not going to lie, it's okay, that's how it will be. in this drawer here uh, where's the key? Did I get the key? Oh, thanks for the key, buddy, what did I break my e? I think we escaped from this house, Chad, I think we escaped to another room, oh no, it just got even creepier. It's so funny, I mean, is it really that funny? Hey, excuse me, did someone tell a joke? Do I hear someone chewing a little? Are you eating the B? Yes, we have to get out of here now. What do I thank you for? they thought they were going to catch me right there but I got ready chat they thought they were going to catch me right there but I got ready we're fine so we get the knife the question is what should we do with the twist of the knife the light comes back on and hear how are you my name case what's your name is who what Tic Toc these are dummies by the way excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me thank you um everyone has something for me uh can I can I'm leaving please or what is this noise GG chat GG oh okay go ahead stop this okay huh okay um there's nowhere to hide I'm waiting what's that noise Hey guys, what's that?
This game is crazy GG we're dead oh no GG we're going down hello why are they crying hey you're good uh are we dead he's crying because he knows you're about to eat him. Does it look like I'm going to eat someone? This is the creepiest house you'll ever need. a screwdriver for the vents, that's a Five Nights at Freddy's reference right there, okay, we need a screwdriver, who has the screwdriver, why are you crying, hey, shut up, oh, there's a screwdriver right there, I'll give it to you I appreciate, hey, shut up there, I'm sorry, stop.
I could fit in there and everyone on this broadcast is officially cursed oh no we're cursed is that a lighter can I take it please what's going on? Hey, can you please relax? I'm trying to read. Slide over there, thank you oh. Excuse me, hey, how are you? Hey, hey, no, wow, excuse me, lady, who is it? I want to go live with him, what, what, both doors are locked, why did the music cut off. It was a vibe, I can't do it again here, it's okay, I appreciate how you are, sir, it's okay, it's okay, um, um, we're at a dead end, chat, oh, it's a hammer, I can't lift it, Chad.
How do I get out of here? Oh, giant bolt cutters, this is how we're going to get out of here. Talk about where you want to go first. Let's go in here first because this room looks a little smaller and friendlier. I don't think much about myself, whoever breathes, whoever chatters, the noises in this game are some of the scariest things I've ever heard in my life. Imagine being here in real life, Chad, would you be afraid to do this alone in real life or would you just be like? Great, what's that noise? Well, little friend, well, what are you doing?
Why do they cry? What happened? Hey, I'm back, how are you? Why are we participating in this? I need a lighter. a doll and some candles well the lighters here I also know where the candles were there were candles in the hallways yeah I officially have double bark so we have the doll the lighter now we just need some candles chat. We all know where there are some candles I stub my toe it hurts this is a candle but I can't stand it so there has to be some candles around here somewhere we have to get there it's not right I thank you for letting me know I can Don't come in There, Chad, where the candles are.
I need some candles. Chad, did you see any delay in the conversation? The transmission is delayed. Why do they say delay? Okay, there's got to be some candles up here. Okay, we can't go up here. Where are the candles in the chat? We need candles. Someone give me some candles. Hey, do you know where I can find some candles? That said because there are no candles here, it doesn't matter, there are candles, but how do I grab them? It's those candles, there's no delay, okay, thanks, chat, where are the candles? Oh, I won't do anything, okay, I'll get up.
Get out of here, have a good day, although hey, you're welcome. I got you, brother, you're welcome. Let's get out of here. I need gas. I will burn this house down. Okay, let's burn the house down. Chat. I saw some gas. Here I saw like a small gasoline can. Can we use this gas can? Here it is empty. Well, I'll fill it. We need some gasoline. Chad. I have to drop a two anyway. I could drop it in the gas. I have to enter. the gas can hey, everyone has some gas, um, oh, here's one. We are burning the house.
Jake with the tank, give me some W for Jake with the tank. Shall we burn the house down? Now what? We're leaving. now, Matt, with the five, I appreciate you Matt, hey, there's a little dog And no, he's a cat, kitten, good ending, hello rescue service, what happened to you? Hello, I see a house burning in an abandoned town, friend, we had that talk. Should I go IRL, go to the Ghost Hunt stream, be honest. I feel like I'm made for that low key profile, we should do that, no lie, I'm actually going to write Chad, what if you saw that at night, abandoned, haunted, building your W game, even though you chat? chat W game right there I mess with that heavy

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