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Somalia gave its coastline away, here's why it matters

Jun 13, 2024
Somalia and Turkey have signed a new security pact that tasks the Turkish navy to train and equip its Somali counterpart for the next 10 years. The Pact is as much about Mogadishu's sense of security as it is about Ankara's ambition to project maritime power beyond its shores. The details of the agreement are not entirely public, but shortly after Turkey and Somalia signed a second agreement allowing Turkey to explore for oil and gas in Somali waters, Somalia has in fact leased all of its territorial waters and marine resources to Turkey. . The relations between the two are not recent. o surprisingly, the Turks have been active in Somalia at a time when everyone else abandoned them.
somalia gave its coastline away here s why it matters
Economic and diplomatic ties Run Deep Türkiye has the world's most successful training and equipping programs in Somalia. Hundreds of professional Somali officers graduate from this program annually. Bilateral relations are about to enter a new strategic phase through these two agreements with Somalia. Turkey will secure new contracts for its defense industry and presumably other Turkish business interests, while consolidating its military presence in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea. However, the security PCT comes with strategic obligations because to whom much is entrusted, much is expected today's episode is sponsored by better help we live in what seems the most anxious era in history is not necessarily the most dangerous period but it seems as such it's very easy to feel overwhelmed by today's confusing world, that's why I'm a big advocate of controlling what you can really control your mental health get help that's better, better help, it's professional counseling done with a Licensed Professional Therapist Online After the service assesses your needs, you are matched with weekly phone or video sessions with one of over 30,000 expert therapists.
somalia gave its coastline away here s why it matters

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somalia gave its coastline away here s why it matters...

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somalia gave its coastline away here s why it matters
Better help. Somalia could well be the definition of a failed state. Ruined, poor, divided, isolated and dangerous. Somalia is not a place where investors generally look. to do business, but he has had an ally who has been at his side in the Turkish state building since 2011. Turkish humanitarian aid has flown to Somalia without interruption. The Turkish NOS became involved in development and aid projects, while Turkish multinationals such as Turkish Airlines promoted fundraising campaigns. Funds for Somalia Since entering Somalia, Anara has provided more than $1 billion in aid for health care, education, public services and infrastructure programs for an economy the size of Somalia.
somalia gave its coastline away here s why it matters
Those billion dollars are a small fortune, although over time humanitarian support became an economic strategy applied in Turkey. and infrastructure Aid to Somalia and then more and more military aid also in 2014 Turkey reopened Mogadishu seaport and airport to this day both are run by Turkish companies and Somalia's economic situation has improved compared to decades previous. Turkey subsequently led an international partnership to train and equip the Somali National Army and in 2017 Turkey opened its first overseas military base in Mogadishu from this military complex. Some 5,000 Somali commandos known as Goror and an additional 10,000 regular troops have been trained.
They make a big difference in a land that has known nothing. but the chaos and destruction in general the turkish programs returned


to a sense of normality the country still has a long way to go al-shabab militants still roam the countryside and the economy is still weak but somalis are You can spare them a moment of celebration. Thanks to the Turkish progress programs there is a roadmap and a way forward. Somalia can still rejoin the international community. However, having invested so much in Somalia, the Turks also want to protect their economic and political interests, thereby expanding Turkey's naval presence in the Red Sea.
The next logical step in February 2024 Anara and Mogadishu signed an agreement to train and equip Somalia's naval force and help patrol its 3,300 kilometer


. The agreement is mutually beneficial for Türkiye. It is an opportunity to extend and grow your defense clientele. The Turkish defense sector is booming. and anara sees itself as an exporter of military equipment and as a partner in special forces and law enforcement training. Turkey is also one of the few countries with independent shipbuilding capabilities, so the security pact with Somalia will lead to Mogadishu's additional acquisition of Turkish naval platforms. Africa is a huge market for security companies and services and Turkish weapons are affordable enough to take a considerable market share in Africa.
Somalia is therefore appreciated as Turkey's gateway to large defense deals in the African market, moreover given Somalia's proximity to global maritime traffic. Turkey sees its presence as part of a broader strategy to secure supply chains and create strategic depth in the maritime domain. The full details of the agreement have not yet been revealed, but it does include terms that divide revenue from activities in Somalia's exclusive economic zone more specifically. Turkey gets a 30% share of maritime revenue in exchange for bolstering Somalia's maritime security capabilities through training, joint operations, information sharing and naval acquisitions from the Somali angle.
A 30% fee is not negligible. Building and maintaining a modern Navy is one of the most expensive programs a government can undertake, not to mention one of the most complicated, yet stronger maritime security institutions and capabilities are paramount for Somalia. The country's


is extensive, in fact the longest of any African country, so Somalia is entitled to a vast and exclusive economic zone that is home to important marine life and possibly considerable hydrocarbon resources as such Fresh out The Healing of the security pact Turkey and Somalia agreed to a second agreement in early March focusing precisely on oil and gas exploration The energy deal could change things for Somalia GEOS Seismic studies show that the country has potential equivalent oil and natural gas reserves to 30 billion barrels, putting it on par with wealthy Kazakhstan Mogadishu already has an exploration deal with US company Coastline for seven offshore blocks and drilling is scheduled to begin in 2025.
With the new energy deal in vigor, Turkish companies can be expected to join American ones in the oil race along the Somali coast; However, thanks to the security pact and energy agreement, Anara has an advantage over Turkey's drilling in Washington. The fleet will be able to extract natural resources. at a reduced cost compared to standard St license agreements, this implies that the security PCT and now the energy agreement partially compensate Turkish naval activity through revenues generated by marine activities in the context of illegal fishing and irregular off its coasts, as well as piracy, which cost the Somali economy at least 300 million dollars annually with the participation of Turkey.
Somalia will eventually be able to raise at least 70% of that sum that would otherwise be completely inaccessible. Somalia also has many submarine cables traversing its seabed connecting markets in the Persian Gulf with East Africa and the Red Sea, in particular the two Africa cables and the East Africa submarine system cable, both anchored in Mogadishu, connect to dozens of nations against each other. Whoever patrols these waters would thus gain additional bargaining power throughout the Indian Ocean, so for both Anara and Mogadishu the benefits are mutual. However, although Turkey and Somalia have been working on the maritime agreement for some time, recent events have affected their schedule just a month before Ethiopia and the Somali territory signed a memorandum of understanding under which Ethiopia gets a share of the 50% in the maritime agreement. one-year lease of a strip of land in Somali lands on the coast for naval and commercial maritime use and access to the port of Berbera Turkey and Ethiopia have close economic and military ties, but the latter's invasion of Somali lands that are considered globally part of Somalia could have Repercussions damaging Turkish-Ethiopian relations in the future Sovereignty is at the center of the dispute over the recent agreement with Somali lands in exchange for the Barbara port agreement.
Ethiopia is considering recognizing the independence of Somali separatist lands if it has not already done so. However, doing so openly could affect the stability of the region as it sets a dangerous precedent. Ethiopia itself is not exactly the most secure and cohesive nation. economic access to open oceans and secure alternative routes to the port of Djibouti through which 95% of Ethiopian exports and imports pass, which said the agreement between Somalia and Turkey serves as a check and helps preserve Somalia's sovereignty against what he considers a foreign invasion, but there is more to do. the security pact that deter Ethiopia, another point to consider is the United Arab Emirates when it comes to the Horn of Africa, the United Arab Emirates is one of the major powers.
Corridors that have a dual purpose Active in Erria Yemen's Sakota Island, Somali Island and Somalia itself, meanwhile The Turks have a foothold in Sudan and Somalia, however the Emiratis are at odds with their Turkish counterparts As a result, Turkey and the Emirates are involved in a bitter rivalry that is expanding into the Great Red Sea area. The United Arab Emirates approves the Somali-Ethiopia territorial agreement. mainly because it signed its own agreement with separatist Somali lands for a part of the port of Burbara. Since then, AB Abu Dhabi's economic and political investments in both Ethiopia and Somali lands have grown, which is why two factions have emerged in recent times, on the one hand, Ethiopia. the United Arab Emirates and the break


land of Somalia, on the other, are Türkiye and Somalia.
The power dynamics have changed since then and new coalitions involving regional and extra-regional actors continue to take shape; However, geographic policy can rarely be so simplified. In the past three years, the United Arab Emirates has made substantial progress investments in the Turkish economy and therefore has some monetary influence. The same is true in Somalia, the Emiratis manage two key Somali ports, Barbera and Bosaso, the first is located on Somali separatist lands and the second in Somalia proper currently, however, the Emiratis are in negotiations to acquire the Kiso port in the south and Somali President Hassan Shik Muhamud enjoys close political support from his Emirati counterpart, so with all these cross-border investments it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between friends and enemies.
Somalia has become a space of intense competition between Ankara and Abu Dhabi. for the last decade, so despite his excellent relations with L, he demands responsibility. I have been your host. Chiron from the Caspian report. If you approve of what we do, please leave a comment, hit the like button and maybe share the video in any case, thank you. for your time and S

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