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Klay Thompson Officially KILLED The Warriors Dynasty

Jul 02, 2024
all. Three guys being out at once, yeah, so yeah, it would have been smarter because you can't replace him, like I know you can't replace what Draymond brings to that team, but you can't replace someone like Kevin Durant. I can't, it's not like that, you know, just when you think about it, you can't, you can't imitate that talent, and most likely they could and should have won two, three championships just with the right three, just the three of them. and right now you know and he was taking pay cuts too like KD was taking pay cuts because of that for the list like people didn't realize how much money he was leaving on the table so you know he, you know he has, He has so much money, you know. he's doing with other things you know he was taking a pay cut oh yeah you pay him first.
klay thompson officially killed the warriors dynasty
I'll take what's left like that, so if you put it like that, then yeah, it's not really his fault why he why he stayed when he left and he was one of those guys like just a player coming to someone who already has built something and you want to be, you want to be felt like a part of it like it's us, it's us, right, it's no. This is just for guys, you know what I mean, like that two-time Finals MVP on this, so I have something to hang this on, damn, and that's the and and the think twice Finals MV, two times champion and you still don't do it.
klay thompson officially killed the warriors dynasty

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klay thompson officially killed the warriors dynasty...

I still feel loved, yes, but it's by one person, it's only by one person, so you, so you, that's the leader, uh, that's the leader, is he the leader?, but you also had Steve C making jokes during the championship parade, I mean, that was you. No, we know about KD, it just feels like some stuff happened behind the scenes, to your point, yeah, I mean, everyone I know was still the Step crew, but I just got here like one, two, two , Finals MVP, like anything, man. I want to feel like you're a part of this, if you don't feel like everyone appreciates you, yeah, everyone appreciates what I'm doing, okay, great, you know I can keep going, but his personality is like yeah.
klay thompson officially killed the warriors dynasty
It's just that, as long as you appreciate what I'm doing on this court, that's what he likes, he doesn't want anything else and that's more, and that's what he wants, I'm very good at basketball, appreciate me for my job. I'm just here watching movies and playing and that's what and that feeling is strange to me like him, no him, feeling like that is strange to me, yeah, because we've seen you and we've heard the words like I've seen the things that you say, what you say about yourself, you are not the center of attention, it is not the line, you don't want any of that, mhm, you want to improve in your craft, you want your businessman, you want to make other efforts and things like that you don't you do, so you feel the feeling that you are not wanted is yes, when yes, that was, but you know, you know, it happens, yes, sure, damn sure, absolutely human person, emotional, we have clay leaving, he doesn't.
klay thompson officially killed the warriors dynasty
I feel like yeah, so that was, that's what made me wonder, yeah, now, that's right, it's that, it's so internal that we don't know about the things that it's been, maybe it's been some questionable things that we never we've been privileged to be entitled to that made a certain guy tell me if they ever put me in this situation if they treated him or if they did Mark like that or if they did him like that if you could say it it's like when my time ran out now money happened thing 2 by 48 clay like oh this is true yeah let me go get this black light it's still on the wall right was on the wall now let me go get this black light so I can read it clearly, so Clay 3 50s for the Mavs.
There is also a report that the Lakers offered him four years for 80 million. He rejected it. He did everything I just said about Clay. Decrease of 80 million, he could have been in the e. I'll take it the wrong way, but in his mind you have the Mavs leaving the finals. If I want to stick with the Warriors, do they present the best option just because of how last season played out or have you all been fighting to get in for the last few years you have been in 7even SE for the last two years, who has been in the playoffs every year? change the rules and make it look like we just got in, we've been in, we've been new in, that eight is the one you have to worry about, it's so stupid to me that you shouldn't have to fight for.
Your playoffs live in seven dogs, you shouldn't, no, you're fine with eight, I feel like eight is the only way, eight, well, eight, yeah, eight and nine, if it's a tide, eight and N, that's the only one way, it should be a tiebreaker, I'm playing, situation like that. that man, you shouldn't be PL, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, man like especially seven, even think about let's say eight, so I looked at a seventh like just you and I go back in history to see how far away the seventh was. Tenth, they shouldn't even be in the same building, yeah, so the fact that I had to jeopardize what I did all season for a team that finished the entire season, you have 35 wins in Tent Dog and 35 wins and we should be and the team. that's in 50, they got 55 wins in seventh place and I have a play that I have to play, I have to play you and you can possibly get hot tonight and make 33 and then yeah, just in a game in a game, now I have to play again, yeah, then, let the team warm up tonight, come on, yeah, now I have 55 wins and I'm sitting at home, let's not do this.
The NBA is crazy, it's a reality, it's going to happen, yes, it's going to happen. I'm telling you that the team that's in seven got all the wins, it's not going to get into K. You're from Dallas. Are there abundant bodies of water for clay boating in the Dallas area? There are lakes, there is no ocean. Your boat probably had to get a different type of boat. I think it's 300 miles from the Gulf of Meo, so there are a lot of L lakes in Dallas that you fish in and everything, there are a few of them, but nothing like Marina del in the Pacific.
Ocean the vast Pacific, but we offered them the whole '80, that was crazy, I don't think so, but the last question about these Warriors, which was our Championship, we thought of the Warriors Dynasty, obviously, the clay, Steph Draymond, instrumental , one of my three big favorites. How will the Warriors' big three be remembered? That's Champions, that's a


man, four time Dynasty Champions um, yeah, I mean, they're Dynasty, yeah, they broke the Bulls record, yeah, uh, I mean, I think when it's all said and done, they'll look like Shaq and Kobe wish they could have stayed together in the end like they could have had eight, and the three of them, yeah, yeah, I think if they broke the dast and everything would happen, I think they wouldn't have W, they wouldn't have anyone anymore Do you think this Warriors team stayed. together it was still the


was over, either dynasty was over either way their best option to sustain the dynasty was yes, make one, they got four, they wouldn't win, win, yes, yes, they got four, yes, they wouldn't win another with the three of them. like the main guys, yeah, they snuck one in there in that 2021, right, that's the 22, that 22.
Yeah, they snuck that one in, they snuck it in, you know, no, no one was expecting that one, so you know, man, those guys did what they did. they did what they did, I mean the one person they should have five, even though they shouldn't, I mean if they kept KD, oh yeah, if they kept KD, well the one where they suspended Draymond, so that's the one indicated, but then the first one they won shouldn't. It hasn't been theirs either, you know, so if you know, they get, they get, they have their four, um, I'm pretty sure one of the three will get another one, somehow he's going to steal one, probably, probably, clay. in Dallas.
I went to the damn Championship, why not? Okay, okay, I'm not going to play ISO ball every time, yeah, I don't have to run, you see how close it was in the final, you know, so, yeah, I'm pretty sure I probably would be if I had to. put it. My money is on that Draymond, yes, it will probably be Draymond and he will slip away from another championship. What I'm also saying is that he can go and fit in, yeah, he can go and fit into a team and just be that kind of glue to put it on. all together, you trade, you trade with Curry, I mean, he's going to be one of those like them.
I need everything somewhere in Al Kobe's defeat. Dr. see Al Horford somewhere that thing, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, so Draymond still has two years left on his contract. a player option for 2026 for 27 million, but the money at that point won't be much compared to what Cap will look like at that point, so two guys got their purses, an unfortunate day for Warriors fans, and We were also trying it for Lakers fans. to remove clay

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