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Carrera Digital Pit Lane Entry Upgrade

Jun 01, 2024
Hi, I'm Dave, welcome to the channel in this video. I'm going to use this section of Carera Narrows to modify the pit


entrance to the right, so let's start with the problem and the problem is that the standard Carera




entrance crosses a lane. but it's just a standard long straight, so with a car without magnets you don't have to go very fast to make it fit because it's quite a violent change and I like to run a


race without magnets, so this is ruining the fun. The solution to this is Carrera part number 30351, which is the digital narrow section.
carrera digital pit lane entry upgrade
This is a direct replacement with a little manipulation for that rather Savage Pit Lane


. Now, if you're in the UK, some people will tell you it's professional stuff. hard to get it's not going to France to Dennis at Slotar Union he has everything there is no extra tax to bring it into the country from France and he sends you haros when you buy things from him thanks Dennis in the Box here red track clips and four track pieces now here they are set up as intended so that cars pass in two lanes, they are forced into one lane and then there is a sensor and a lane change paddle and you can go back to two lanes again now I'm not I'm very interested in this type of obstruction parts on RAC tracks, however these are very useful parts, those other two parts can be used as pit exit if you have space and these two parts can be used to replace the pit


system to you can You can see that we have two standard straight lines versus one standard straight line to get the width of the cross lane and if I place this next to a normal lane change, you can see that you have the same angle for the lane change that you have with a changer standard lane, so it's obviously better as an entrance to the pit lane, so you have your eye on each of these and the Flipper for the lane change.
carrera digital pit lane entry upgrade

More Interesting Facts About,

carrera digital pit lane entry upgrade...

Now these two may look similar, but the wiring is different under the pit lane. It has additional electronics so it doesn't allow ghost cars into its pit lane and behaves differently for the pace car. This new one is just a normal lane change. He doesn't know that it will be an entrance to the pit lane. so we need to take the circuit boards out of one and put them in the other, switch them so that there are the donor and the recipient. We'll start with the donor, which is the standard entrance to the pit lane, and then we'll move on to the other bit in a minute so there's a lot of screws here so we're going to need a screwdriver maybe you're not sure maybe you need a pair of pliers we'll definitely need a cup of coffee I haven't opened any of these things before I don't know what I'm doing right now, so you can come with me on this little journey and we'll find out between us, so I'll start by removing these screws, that has to be the right thing to do.
carrera digital pit lane entry upgrade
First, I'm going to use my patented device to prevent the screws from slipping, which is a roll-up tape, so in the middle, under this little white sticker, is the "oh no, you prevented the warranty screw", which really doesn't I looked because I have it. it had the wrong specs and I tried to undo it with the crosshead screwdriver and as you see that didn't work it didn't come loose so I looked at it a little closer and it's like a star torx bit well I don't have any of those those, well, it's not that size anyway and it's not within arm's reach, so I had some coffee and I had to think about it a little bit and I came up with this.
carrera digital pit lane entry upgrade
Here's a very, very small flathead screwdriver and stuff. The screw is not very tight, so if I tighten it to about 45° so that the little thin flat blade fits into one of the points of the star St, I can unscrew this screw, okay, there we are, there are the innards . Look at these closer, so starting at this end obviously is the sensor that goes to the circuit board, these are wires from the circuit board that go to the solenoid that operates this little spring-loaded metal bar that operates the shift paddle. lane and then there are two games. of power Taps and this circuit board, so if we disassemble the standard lane changer, the same thing, small warranty screw, you can see here the hardware is the same there, but the circuit board is very different, in fact, one is fine, one is upside down, but the other one is they are much smaller than the other one, they are not the same, so what we have to do here is take all those things, put them there and take the things that are there and probably put them back in the other one that doesn't have it.
Because I'm not going to use it, but let's have some more coffee and then we'll go deeper, as you can see. The incredible build quality of the caretaker means that all of these components are really just stuck in the rear here with a bit of throttle. Yes, I know you pay a lot of money for these things and it's all about speeding up. Yeah, I'm not sure about that either and the circuit boards on a couple of small mounting pillars, but they come off pretty easily. I thought I would need a With a pair of pliers, you need to take out the feed taps, it's quite satisfactory and then the little solenoid is held on with these two cross head screws on this little block.
They are not the same size screws as all the others we just took out. so keep them separate don't mix them all up and be careful when you take the solenoid out of here because the plunger isn't connected to anything and everything will come apart and the last two bits of power touch each other so that's it. Normal Lan change electronics we are going to discard for the moment and now we have to repeat the process and take out the same bits with a slightly different circuit board from the pit lane changer and put them on the normal one, starting with By putting the solenoid, there is a small amount of movement in the position of the screw, so if you don't get it right, you can open it again later once you have it set and move it a little if it doesn't close all the way or opening to the right, It may need to be moved slightly in one direction or another, so these feed taps should now go to this new piece of track and the sensor should go back into the sensor hole, so now I'm going to play around and see where I can place it. the circuit board, the circuit board is a little big so some modification will be necessary here, but I think we can get this to fit so let's try to put the Power Taps back in and now let's try to get the board into position , but it doesn't go. reach because I think actually those black wire power taps are fine, the wires are too short so I'm going to disconnect them and there should be room with all the lengths of the other wires, the red ones and the sensor ones. and the solenoid so that the dash sits there, I'll have to trim it a little bit, but that's okay because I also need to glue the single rail section that goes next to it on the other rail and I'll do that.
What I'll need to do is polish the side a little so that the capacitor sits between the two and leave room for the board, and I may need to make a little bit of space on either side of those verticals. that can be seen there, so let's make room for the capacitor, let's get rid of that little hole, let's make a little bit of space on each side and then let's just sand all that down, make the space look beautiful, now I need to clear up this mess. So where do we fit the plate? The red Power Taps reach the black ones, no, so I'm going to need a lot of extra wire on probably both, you don't need to see me fiddling with the wires, so I sold a few extra pieces and then glued everything together with some of my thumb tack Favorite blue because it's probably a little better than just the cello tape, but I just grabbed the pattern that was on the other lane changer. and put them in this.
I'm not being smart. I'm just copying what was before and moving it around, so now obviously because we have this big circuit board here, the cover isn't going to fit at all, so we're going to have to polish the same bit on the edge of the cover. while we cut it, generally speaking, we ground the main piece when we put the circuit board. I'll just mark that so I know where I am. and there we are, so it fits back onto the circuit board, sticks out slightly on the side, that doesn't matter too much because we need that other bit of track next to it anyway and you can't put all the screws in because you can.
Look, if you did, you'd go right through that B circuit, it would be one of those screws, but you can put all the rest in and that's really all that matters. Now it's a standard lane change piece that thinks it's a pit lane, so there's the space. the part that I took out and here's the piece that I'm going to put back in and obviously this is the next piece so we have to move those parts too so we'll go into a time lapse while I'm fighting with little red pegs and joining all so we're all together again and have a new hole at a shallower angle Lane entry, so taste of the pudding and all that, look at that, did you see us make another attempt pretty quickly, no problem from this angle.
Yeah, let's try it again to see if we can go a little faster, done. Yeah, now I think I can probably do it and get to the point where we've skied to the end of Pit Lane. Yes, so write it down as if it works. Always thanks for watching one of my videos. I hope you liked it. If so, you will find a button specifically for that. Subscribe to the channel that really helps and if you press the bell you will receive a notification the next time I post. a video and if you like modifying tracks, things like this, check out this channel. kmud is really good at Carrera track modifications.

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