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Did Harry And Meghan Turn Down Kate Middleton Olive Branch? | Hypocrisy From The Sussexes?

Apr 10, 2024
reports that Prince William and Kate asked Terry and Megan to bring their children to visit them, but find out who refused in this week's airs and spars. Hello and welcome to Airs and Spares, the show where we bring you insights and opinions into the lives of two pretty famous royals. couples on both sides of the Atlantic I'm Kinsey Scoffield and I'll be bringing you updates on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex here in sunny California and here in the UK where it's not sunny. I can assure you that it is raining non-stop. I will have all the news about the Prince and Princess of Wales here in the UK.
did harry and meghan turn down kate middleton olive branch hypocrisy from the sussexes
It's so good to have you with me this week. Katie is taking a few weeks off and there is no better backup for me than Mr. Bell. You already know. They're a lot of fun to talk to when it comes to royalty, you're talking about television, but you know you're really personally rooted in the royal family, and even in sports, you've got Royal Ascot as it should be on your diary. You seem crazy when it comes to sports and the royal gathering is coming up soon, well I wonder how many, let's be honest, how many roles am I going to play?
did harry and meghan turn down kate middleton olive branch hypocrisy from the sussexes

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did harry and meghan turn down kate middleton olive branch hypocrisy from the sussexes...

That will be the problem when you look particularly at Royal ASA, which not even last year. It was a huge hit for the King and Queen that we didn't know was going to happen, we always hope the Prince and Princess of Wales will show up, but this year we're not sure it can be half a royal ascetic, um, because, uh. They will obviously have to decide what to do with the royal programme, although of course we saw the king last weekend, but we are all looking forward to the visit to Royal Aset, in particular, by the Prince and Princess of Wales. because they bring some sort of young Stardust to the proceedings, whatever Kate was wearing, you know they're going to miss us, so right now my sports calendar maybe just me and one or two royals instead of together , that is.
did harry and meghan turn down kate middleton olive branch hypocrisy from the sussexes
It's true, but you know what, I bet we can count on the Princess Royal and she's a hoot, so you know, I'm looking forward to seeing who shows up. Let's start with this week's Daily Mail reports from Royal author Tom Quinn. The prince and the princess. from Wales have approached Harry and Megan and urged them to bring their children. They are now specifically saying that Prince Archie and the Princess are going to the UK for a bit to visit, however Megan is believed to have put her foot down and refused. baffled by this rert because I would believe this story if it was pre-pre-s spare if it were pre-Netflix special and if it were pre-a really serious and devastating cancer diagnosis the diagnosis is but um they specifically say prince Archie and Prince we a bit, so it seems like this is a relatively recent development.
did harry and meghan turn down kate middleton olive branch hypocrisy from the sussexes
Do you have a good opinion about this? I think the opinion is that I have a certain degree of suspicion at this point. I know that in some ways they have. I'm sure Prince William and Prince Harry would do it. I love finding a way to make amends, but like you just alluded to the Netflix book, Oprah has really ruined it and the lack of trust, but I'm sure from a family perspective they would love for the cousins ​​to get together like that, so which is a very big part of the real way they are with families they spend a lot of holidays together, but there are so many that it's a sideshow and, as you alluded to with the Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales is now recovering from cancer, Lo The last thing he needs to get into is an actual soap opera, Opa, with how the kids get along and Megan going in tow, presumably to go to either Anna Hall or somewhere in Wind.
We don't know where it would be, so it would just become a soap opera and at the moment that doesn't seem to be on the agenda for Wales to me. I think they have one thing in mind, and that is that if you look at the Prince of Wales, he has his father. with cancer he has his wife with cancer he is the new heir to the throne he has young children I mean he has enough on his plate as it is good to deal with it from his own perspective than another Sideshow of bringing in the Sussexes us I just think it's not a good thing, so I'm Tom Quint, a very respected royal correspondent, but at the same time, I think we have to do it, maybe they offered it, but Megan, I can see that you know, I couldn't determine it in her. terms and she does what we've always seen and you know Kinsey wants to do things on her terms what Megan wants Megan to get don't forget that classic Prince AR line about the wedding when Megan wants Megan to get you know what which I also think.
The interesting thing about this story is that it contradicts what we have heard in recent months, almost years, that it is actually Prince Harry and Megan Markle who need that reconciliation to save any reputation they have left here. In the United States, you know, there's a real disdain for them, for people who admire and love the British royal family, yeah, and all we've seen is that, you know, they say they don't want to be part of the royal family. , you just need. Looking at their website, all indications are that they are hanging on to their royal coattails and you know they don't want it that much.
Prince Harry says we don't want that, but without that they have nothing to sell because suddenly. If they don't have that real connection, what are they? They're just another celebrity couple and a celebrity. You guys at Tinsel Town know that celebrities really have to look like they know what they're doing. They have to work hard at it more often. than not achieving whatever they want to achieve, whether it's acting or promoting something, just saying, well, I'm the Duchess of Sussex or I'm the Duke of Sussex, so I'm fine, so you can support me. no, they need it and that's the big problem for them and it's the frustration because I think we all here can see what's going on, but still, but people are believing it or the royal family is not being strong enough with him saying .
Well, stop this, but I think the king is in a difficult position. The last thing he wants to add to his stress and tension is how to control the Sussexes because he's probably pretty tired anyway and that will only add to the stress and tension. For the moment, the Sussexes are free in many ways to proceed as they are using their royal connections. Oh, I agree with you, and while this is a lovely idea, an idea of ​​a reconciliation, it also completely contradicts every report we've heard. Prince Harry finds out along with us on TV, you know, he gets that generic news alert on his phone or he gets interrupted during a sporting event on TV to find out that the Princess of Wales had had cancer, if there is any kind of reconciliation. like there was a private conversation, um, you know, a private conversation about that because they don't trust them, so they have to control it and the prince and princess of Wales and rightly so, they want to control the narrative about it and There's no need for the Sussexes to notify someone in California and the next minute it's all over before the game.
I mean, we got that tweet from Scobby saying we'll be at their beds almost at 6:00 UK time when we got the announcement, but a lot of us knew there was going to be an announcement, but if he didn't makes it known, it's possible that someone gave a clue the week before and we don't need them to want to control the narrative and that's actually why and that reflects the lack of trust between the brothers because they know and what happened before anything What they did has suddenly been reversed and called out on them and to your point, there was some really aggressive media coming out of California surrounding the Princess of Wales TMZ is basically hiding behind the trees in Windsor to take pictures of the Princess of Wales in the car with her mother, you know, TMZ goes down and and the sun takes the photo of the Princess of Wales, uh, it's coming. outside the farmers market, so the California paparazzi and that kind of Tablo California culture have already inserted themselves too much into this story, yeah, and in fact, when you think that Prince Harry is trying to attack the British press, he should be more worried about the Press Ser in their country because when they smell something they want to go after it, no, nothing will stop them, but of course, the saus, so it's not against them, so they almost say, well, we don't really matters, so they may be washing themselves. hands of that, but they actually have to if they want to prevent the press from meddling with the royal family, then it's just that the American press is just as guilty.
We all saw the photos of the Princess of Wales in that car with her mother. No, it's not published in this country, but it was easy enough to find, so that's the problem that the American press sometimes goes out of its way to try to get photos of the Princess of Wales and so that's probably a good thing. which are hidden away in amnav in Nora, where they can be kept away from the prying eyes of a borrowed long telephoto lens, that's a great point, some already know, I loved coming there and visiting them. I love it. playing tourists B moral Castle is actually opening its doors to the public for the first time this summer.
The website has been so popular that it has not been able to cope with some of the high demand. Have you ever had the pleasure of being? around the castle of moral balm if so, what is it like? Would you ever visit it? Tell me uh I'd be really curious how you're going to do the 1 pound trip or the 150 trip having some afternoon tea B moral because that's what it is it's going to cost that um and 15050 so you'll want some British C up sandwiches for £50. Hopefully there will be a very nice Scottish tea cake somewhere along the way and a good cup of tea will be popular.
We let them have a children's base, but I think it is right that royal palaces are open to the public. We know that it was such an important part of the late Queen's life that she loved it passionately and it was so appropriate that in the end she actually died in her happy place and I think the King's intention is to try to say that it is not a sanctuary, but to make people see where the queen really enjoyed her life. I mean, we glimpsed it in the first Royal Family. documentary from 1969, um, which I remember they actually came to film at the school I was at while I was there, but I told you that story on that podcast, so I'll save it for another day, but when we first saw it in balm, you know, we know, I think it's a curiosity and those beautiful photos at the funeral with Cortez, it's a special place, it's in a beautiful part of the country, so I think you know how limited you are in saying that I am.
I'm sure they already have signs that the house is sold out on those trips because for a lot of people, whether from abroad or even people living in Scotland, who haven't had the chance to go see it first hand, £100 seems pretty good. I value it for me to go and see a real part of British history and something that was at the heart of a longer moment of service. I agree and having access to the king and queen's rooms and I feel like sometimes when you go on these tours, it's like there's a beautiful state room here that an American president once stayed in and I'm like I need The bottom line is, give me the good stuff and they're actually giving you access to all this really good stuff. and beautiful history, so I say we plan a group trip.
I'll let you drive, since I'm not used to driving on that side of the road. The roads are quite narrow. Scotland, uh, you need a lot of time, but I think it's good that we go see, remember that last iconic photograph of the queen just a couple of days before she died meeting, uh, you know well, while she was the meeting of monarchs that had been in service longer. probably our shortest L prime minister in office, so there's a bit of interest, but that was such an iconic moment in a way that it symbolized that the queen's resilience and that room will resonate with a lot of people if it stays as it is.
Were there a lot of these things for people to go to? Look at that and other rooms, people walk around Bucky in peace, you see the cabins or the other thing. People really appreciate seeing a bit of British history and it is absolutely right that the royal family is opening the doors, albeit in limited circumstances, to the public, whether British or foreign visitors. So I want to get back to the states if you don't mind talking about Harry and Megan and some of their upcoming plans, we talked a little bit about them a few minutes ago but we have some SK stuff on the agenda and we recently saw Megan Markle this week , but I didn't even think about this.
We were reporting on Prince Harry's upcoming appearance at the 10th anniversary service at St Paul's Cathedral for the Invictus games. We were talking about that. I mean, the conversation was: Are we going to see Megan? Megan will be attending with Prince Harry, but according to recent reports there have been a few. Serious security concerns were raised, um, that the fact that it was published that this event was on May 8th so early could potentially jeopardize Prince Harry's safety. You know. I'm sure you talked about that a billion times about how Prince Harry lost the Supreme Court challenge. against the government for security when he comes, but just to reiterate that they choose this according to theneed to know or they are going to choose based on when he asks for it, whether or not they feel he is inclined to do it. that the type of security that he wants, do you feel like this has jeopardized his security or is this another event where Harry and Megan are trying to make a point by making a big deal out of something that you hit the nail on the head about.
I think they are trying to make a point, there is no way the British Security Services would allow anything. being committed, something that is a big part and let's be honest, it was a big part of Williams' life, just like the Invictus games when they were created 10 years ago, they're not going to let something happen and it's part of their intent. to demonstrate look I can't I don't know you're not going to take care of me properly they will take care of me properly they have said we will review things on a case by case basis they are aware of some forse Cathedral a high -Profile of the place in its own right that there is security around so my opinion is that he needs you to understand that he won't be left high and dry when it comes to security, he may not have it at the intense levels that he would.
Normal circumstances when he was a working member of the royal family, but he will not be left safe. It's simply not in the interest of the British government or the British people for anything to happen to them, so to think that it will be found out that they have no security, I think is either extremely naive or is simply a score once again from Megan and Harry, if true , they mean that we should be treated separately, almost better than anyone else, that is, they do not need to be treated separately. because the level normally around the royal family is quite high, but since they are no longer working royals, they are in a different set of circumstances, but as you mentioned, you know that when it comes to this event there will be security necessary for him when he comes to the country but it will be handled on a case by case basis yeah do you think when there are questions about Harry and Megan not bringing the kids they are just hyper protective of Prince Archie and the Prince a little bit?
Or is it a situation where they're trying to punish people because they're not getting the kind of security they want, so they won't allow people to have any kind of access to them? I think I understand children's privacy. I understand all of that and just as the Prince and Princess of Wales are deeply protective of their children, there will be controlled times when their children will be allowed to be seen and the same, to some extent, applies to Arch in Lilian. I know what happens to them when you're wandering around monkey what's the kind of code of conduct or they never go out and no one sees them, you know, but you know, someone takes a photo, you know, we like to even go to the farm store, it's very difficult to control and manage but I think they want to be seen to be very different from the rest of the royal family and we see this all the time: they don't want to be in the royal family but they want to be treated like a member of the family real and I still can't understand that there is a couple that moved to America why they insist on giving their children prince and princess titles living in a country where no one has a title, to me, sometimes I am left scratching my head at their kind of one minute


sometimes and the way they can make good their lives and Emily Andrews said not long ago that her representatives at the time of Archie's birth specifically told her that they don't want titles for their children, so it's strange.
Do you know what it means to get married? It feels like there are so many different contradictions in their stories and this is the problem for them because they know they want something but they don't want something, so decide what they want for their children. Do you want privacy? When they go to school in an American school, they will immediately be singled out. Well, there's the Prince and Princess, well, look, there are a lot of celebrities, okay, people might say, well, it's a daughter or a son of a famous actress or actress or whatever, but that's about the size , but when you're a prince and princess, um, that's just a little bit. different and you know they should think about the kids, if America is going to be their home long term, then raise them as American as possible so they adjust to the fact that they're going to go to school like the prince and princess, you know. she's just playing nice I'm GNA I say that as far as I'm concerned it's completely wrong it sounds like a Cheesy Hallmark movie but Megan is very familiar with them having starred in several Hallmark movies talking about Megan um , now I thought it was kind of sweet the way they described her showing off her acting skills while reading to children at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and now she visited on March 21 and led what they call a literal healing session. um, I think it's a play on the word literary, uh, but you know, I think you and I discussed this before in the last few years.
I feel like this is what they should have been doing four years ago aggressively for two years in a row. before they had any of these media interviews where they were complaining about their lives if they had been doing it, you know, we fell in love with Princess Diana through these kinds of engagements four years long before we saw her sit down with Martin Basher or, you know, whisper. in Andrew Morton's ear it almost feels good this looks great and Megan looks very sweet it's too little too late she has a look it's completely the right thing to do in terms of getting attention and helping raise funds you know, that happens hospitals leaders around the world children's hospitals celebrities come here great Alman Street always doing this kind of thing for her and you're right if they had decided right our life starts in America now we build it without all the jumps all the negativity the kind of points that are obtained against the royal family and actually go ahead and do things that really give them a sense of purpose, then it could have been a lot better for them, but there's always, anytime she does it, there's always going to be people who say this well. it's just a cynical attempt to try to rehabilitate themselves in our minds, whether it's the British public or the American public, by doing something like this.
Celebrities show up at this hospital, I'm told, and it's pretty normal. make it happen and it's great that she can walk in there and see how the kids were having a great time and all the positivity comes out that it was a fun session, but you always feel that at the center of it all, Megan will do it. look at the headline and say look, it's I'm the one with the real Stardust and that's where the problem lies, you actually have to balance it out and say what's the core, yeah, what's the problem. All the children will have had a great time.
Money may be being raised. That's great, but I'm pretty sure the PR people will look great. These headlights are fantastic. Now you have to do more of this because this is how you've done it. come back if that's a good thing then maybe it is and a lot of people will benefit, but she'll try hard and do it, it always seems like she wants to say that she totally agrees with you, you've been a great partner this week. Thank you so much for your time and if you agree with Rert or I or disagree with us, let us know in the comments, be sure to subscribe to talk TV on YouTube and thanks so much for watching, see you again next week .

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