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Mundo Imaginario y Cuentos de Hadas | Imaginación para Niños | Barney en Español

Mar 18, 2024
very good I'll bring it wait what's happening Davis look there's a huge spider web and there's a huge and horrible spider Hey spiders are good I've seen pictures of very pretty ones in books well whatever you want Emma if you like spiders you bring the ball Yes, but I don't know if that's a friendly spider Oh please, what are you afraid of, that's just a little spider, right, varnish Hello Hello, everyone, are you ready for the great fun? Very well, let's get started, it's going to be a great day. Let's go, a special adventure, let's go, it will be phenomenal, let's go, let's go, let's go, the world we will explore, anything can happen, anything you imagine, your wishes come true, let's go, it's going to be a great day, let's go, a special adventure, let's go, it will be great, let's go.
mundo imaginario y cuentos de hadas imaginaci n para ni os barney en espa ol
Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, have a great day, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, now that Barney is here, maybe he can help us, yes, Barney, we can't go for the Ball because there's a spider, can you help us please? Well, I can try. over here very well Let's see But I warn you that thing is very dangerous most of them are harmless But some are dangerous because this one is big and horrible Oh please it is not that big Davis I have seen bigger spiders David is right some spiders are bigger Yes, this one is very small, just like a little spider that we all know.
mundo imaginario y cuentos de hadas imaginaci n para ni os barney en espa ol

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mundo imaginario y cuentos de hadas imaginaci n para ni os barney en espa ol...

The rain came up and the ground dragged it away. Then the sun came out and everything dried up. It went up very well. The rain came up and the ground dragged it away. Then the sun came out and everyone got up There it is Maybe it's small but I'm not going to go near that thing it's better not to touch the spiders you have to ask an adult first What are they doing we're looking at a spider spider I'm sorry but I don't like spiders they are ugly hairy scary and dangerous I agree with you rif Well you can't always judge something or someone by how it looks I never do that except with spiders they are all scary it reminds me of a story about a creature that everyone was afraid of until who got to know her What kind of creature Barney, well, he was a monster with big cheeks, a jumping beast with long ears, in reality, it was a dragon, they would like to hear the story, well, it all starts like this.
mundo imaginario y cuentos de hadas imaginaci n para ni os barney en espa ol
Once upon a time, there was a village, there was a small village where many lived. children, no one had socks and their feet were cold because they didn't have socks, their shoes came off, no one knew how to make socks and that's why they didn't knit them, we haven't had socks for years and we don't know what we can do, just sit and cry in the village, there lived DJ and his job he was a shepherd The sheep he took care of whether it was hot or cold where did those sheep go, maybe they had gone into the forest I wouldn't go into the forest if I were you shepherd Dj Why don't they say that there is a dragon there a dragon What kind of dragon is there? huge with big teeth and a very long tail through the mouth, seriously, that's what people say Well, it doesn't scare me, I'm going to go see Hassam Goodbye, good luck, little sheep, where are the cute little sheep, Where are your little sheep, little sheep, where are the little sheep, little sheep? everything is fine little shepherd very well My sheep are not there and I am afraid to look for them because there is a huge dragon with a long tail that breathes fire and Oh what should I do What should I do What should I do What should I do when I don't know what to do I make an angry face I cross my arms standing when the seconds are on the clock when I don't even know what I'm doing what I'm going to do to you What should I do What should I do What should I do when I should get desperate Or maybe scream Oh no Or maybe play a song but I feel with fusions I should do What I should do What I should do when I don't know what I should do What I should do What I should do What I should do when they hide pretty little sheep you made that noise Barney No it wasn't me DJ Who's there is it you or Barney do you think it's possible that Maybe he's talking about the dragon What's up DJ Hey to make a dragon it doesn't look so scary Of course it's not and you don't look like a brave knight I'm a shepherd but the villagers always send brave knights to chase me out of the forest That's because dragons are bad ugly and they breathe fire I'm not bad and ugly and I only use fire to heat the tea I didn't know that dragons would like tea I like to have a cup while I knit I knitted the scarf It's nice It's fantastic What a beautiful scarf You like it, it's yours Oh thank you, I didn't know that dragons also knit I like to sit and sing while I knit and have a cup of tea Do you like to sing I play music with my flute That's right That was very beautiful I think so too Well It seems like it that the dragon and the shepherd are going to be very good friends, what would you like to do with your friends?
mundo imaginario y cuentos de hadas imaginaci n para ni os barney en espa ol
I will always take care of it. It is as simple as the ABC of chaos. You must remember that a friend can count on Me, act. That's true, I don't have to say it without doubt a friend shares helps you at all times A friend always supports you legs and with me you can count on a friend shares helps you at all times A friend always supports you loses his home you have my friendship and with me you can count on a friend acts That's true no I have it without hesitation very friends that is what we are the best of the best with the pastor DJ have you seen any help a dragon that is what always happens now and he will tell the others and they are going to want to throw me out of the Forest Barney what can we do Well maybe you can tell your friends that the dragon is not so scary, wonderful, don't move from here Now I'll be back, don't worry Dj told his friends that they didn't have to be afraid but they didn't listen to him, they didn't want to believe him, they called a knight who would protect them the great yes raffle would save them the great knight looked for the beast to get it away from there and when the pastor DJ heard that he said o Rayo Rayo Rayo how nice to see you How nice if rifalot and tell me where that dragon is What to believe if rifalot she is good she is a pretty dragon that is not possible the dragons are ugly bad and scary but not this one Ah Not all of them are bad I know Barney rifalo doesn't want to believe me I think he should meet the dragon they don't scare me the dragons how about dragon I didn't want to scare you you are serious I thought dragons liked to scare people here you were wrong she knows how to knit and drink tea and sing you like to sing Of course I sing too Hey this one dragon is typical that is what I was trying to tell you and so if rifalo learned from you that day that that dragon was good and that it did not bite in the world No one is like you because you are special there is no one who can do what you do you are truly unique, we are all special in some way, each of us with our way of being, we are all special in some way, each of us with our way of being, that's how it is in the world.
Nobody is like you because you are special. The world is beautiful because you are here, you are. unique in truth we are all special in some way each one with his way of being we are all in some way each one with his way of being all each one with his way of being and you are a fun dragon thank you and you are a kind gentleman I would like to give you something come on how exciting Wow here this is for you You made them I knitted them myself Thank you You were right Barney she is not a scary dragon but what are we going to say to the others they think she is bad Yes that is true Dj Yes you should go and look for another place to live but I don't want to leave here because it's not my home I wish they could see that I'm a dragon grandma I wish they could see how good I can be we would be good friends if they didn't run away in terror they think I'm scary but that's not it so if you let me show you you will have fun my appearance scares you but no and my breath what a hand Lord maybe with my roar you will run away in terror I know that my appearance is fearsome but I don't know that I am a dragon but I am not evil and the only thing I want is to be part of the team my affection scares them but no and that my breath that hand sir maybe with my roars they run away in terror I know that my appearance is fearsome but not with that fear but no and look No Lord, maybe with my roar they will run off the hill but no, you really have to throw me out of here if I raffle it because I wouldn't want to but I told the villagers that I would do it I wish we could do something Hey I have an idea I know how the girl can stay dragon what idea do you have DJ how about raffle who is fighting and throws the dragon out of here The Villagers will think that you ran away and you can stay here to knit sing and drink I think he must be around here the DJs come to distract you Take the dragon okay You understood the plan I think I am remember pretend to be very dangerous I'll try go ahead move you can do it There you are You already chased the dragon out of the Forest Well I'm about to do it you can stay and watch have you seen the dragon there pastor DJ to tell the truth yes I saw the dragon and I think the dragon is over there today what a tremendous and ferocious roar you should not fear I am re fallo the bravest dragon hunter in the region o heavens get out of here dragon get out Out out out Knights that I may not see you again through this forest never again The brave man serves falotte threw out the dragon how do you know she's already gone it could be a trick we have to be sure I really didn't leave This fooling me don't stay there rifalotte throw her out of here I can't do it why not because Well, she is my friend, how can a bad dragon be your friend?
If you knew her, you would see that she is good. Yes, she is a very special dragon. She has many virtues and is a great knitter. She gave me these gloves and made me this scarf and I have things. For you too, come I will show you and you have to accompany them I have socks for you you said socks we needed the socks Oh how good they are soft and warm and they are very beautiful Thank you very much You are welcome to have tea with me Now I'm sure why not How good how good We are all going to have tea How delicious you have also played at having tea do you want to try look this looks very delicious What a delight Welcome to my tea party with you I will have fun strawberries or cream I will serve you with animals a green tea I will invite you warm you know good with kind company taking you during the day Welcome to my party a wish at our party you see it she is not bad she is a dragon who drinks tea knits gloves and socks and is also fascinated by music she is an excellent dragon when you meet her yes which it is and it is also not dangerous that is true you cannot see the outside and tell what a person is like on the inside fantastic socks on our feet will never be cold and the Villagers knew in the end that the dragon was a very special dragon the friends They are special They make the world go round We help each other when studying or playing When someone is sad We know what to do Joy and it makes you special How nice it is to have many friends Friends are special They make the world go round We all help each other study or play When someone is sad we know what to do friendship of joy and makes you special with joy and makes you special friends we ask for forgiveness for not letting you show us that you were good you will stay here and be our friend forever I would definitely like that Thank you very much and they danced and played like in the good times and forever they lived very happy and very content I hope you liked what a wonderful dragon it is like the spider it looks dangerous on the outside but it must be very good you know it's curious Barney What a thing David, that spider doesn't scare me so much anymore, you're right David, come let's play very well, friends, be careful.
Goodbye, when we take the time, we can get to know each other and show friendship and another way of saying I love you very much, I love you. and you and me are a happy family With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love It is for you I love you and you love me our friendship is the best With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love I will give you what you have what do you have, I have a great one and that's one two three four five and six Oh what a good number Scott thanks Willy it's your turn Barney Mario help Barney of course Oh I'm going here I'm going let's go three how well we arrived with a basket I'm leaving my house I wrote a letter and on the way I lost it I lost a letter leaving my house this letter that I wrote on the way I lost it with a basket I leave my house a letter I wrote and on the way the dog I lost a letter leaving my house this letter I wrote on the way I lost it but I didn't lose this A flower for you Barney you brought a flower for me thank you cami sure look at this cami's basket the tissue box are very similar they are practically identical it's because I made my basket with a box of tissues, just like this one, strips of green and yellow paper and a handle and list, the truth is I did it because it was fun, it's the caboose bell.
Let's see, tell me, let's see who is from here, but they came to leave us something, there they are, this box has a sign says for Barney direct from toys and company But this is empty this Also in this box there are no toys it's just a bunch of empty boxes and it turned it into the cute toy that we saw with these boxes we can do many fun things we can turn them into toys Well, let's do it, let's see what they're doing. You're very busy. I made a turtle with this shoe box. Would you like to meet it?
Of course there was a little turtle in a cardboard box. It swam in its little pond and a rock climbed up and bit a flea mosquito. she bit she bit a little fish But she didn't bite me she caught a mosquito an inch away she also caught a little fish But she didn't catch me there was a little turtle in a cardboard box in her little puddle and she climbed on a rock she died because although I need it but I It didn't bite me, be careful But it didn't catch me, what a funny little turtle.
See you later, goodbye little turtles, see you later. And what are you doing? Cami is the grandfather of clocks.the one I have at home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 how well you woke up the Little Mouse that lives in the clock I'm sorry the mouse went up to the clock one o'clock the mouse got scared What a nice little Mouse the mouse went up to the clock the mouse was scared very well Little Mouse I will let you go back to take your nap Goodbye we look nice with a sky full of clouds and the waves of the sea we all work together to make them and it is time to Sail Whitney do you want to come with me of course I would love to Sail in a boat my life spend on a boat I could have fun on the waves rise and fall and the strong wind will carry us and other boats greet masters when going out to sea in a boat my life spend on a boat I could have fun dolphins and whales would not follow and together they would jump to the boat while we float in the beautiful boat when going out to sea hello Mario I would love to sail the wide sea in a boat my life would spend in a boat I could have fun How fun we have too many boxes I don't know what to do with this pile Well there are many ways of using the boxes That's why there are so many differences in almost every house there are big boxes Thank you and also small cereal boxes How delicious and shoe boxes toy juice boxes I love toys I would like to have a box so huge that it could have a car inside one that could drive you're too small to drive a real car But we have a lot of huge ones outside and we have our imagination and they're thinking the same thing I'm already thinking So let's do it together Hey do you like my car it's fantastic everyone ready to give it a try turn so beautiful very important what they should do I know that taking advantage of our seat belts a car should always fasten the seat belt to be safer if we go to school I fasten my seat belt if we go to school I fasten my seat belt if we go to school I fasten my seat belt belt So I go safer if we go to the store the belt if we go to the store if we go to the store the belt So I go safer be careful not to crash that is Mario a belt So I go safer if we go for a walk the belt if we go for a walk, seat belt, if we go for a walk, the seat belt makes me feel safer.
You did it very well, children, you know how to use a belt. It keeps us safe since the seat holds it. It's like a big hug. Can you show me what kind of hugs you like? Barney, come and see this, look. a castle that's not all an enchanted princess your highness it's a pleasure Bernie could you please tell us a story with castles Yes of course very well everyone to their places This will be very fun How good there was a story rarely told it is the story of a princessed day and night in a castle trapped her magic did not help her this castle was so high that it could not be climbed with stairs or horses But there was something worse The guardian was a terrible dragon a serious dragon There is no dragon here it was a very pale and there was only one way you could enter the magic words you had to use Yes of course What are the magic words please And thank you Of course I already knew Seriously yes of course help Help me don't be afraid princess I come to save you so tell me What are the words magical Haha Please excuse me please Ah yes thank you sorry no problem God Wow The brave man saved the day in the town all the people laughed at our story Yes everyone in harmony beautiful fairy tale castles with flags that flutter in the sun I inhale There may be there, you can see a queen, a king who reaches the sky.
I would love to go see the castles so high that they reach the sky. I know what you want. It also seems very fun. Dream places of magic and color. My surprise in every corner, a horse. that we could set up our dreams it would come true castles so high that they reach the sky I would love to go see the castles so high that they reach the sky I know that you want to also want to know them too how beautiful wow what a fabulous castle where did they get it from we did it with different boxes and we still have many more left.
Would you like to do something with them? Seriously, it will be all. An adventure. I have an idea that is so big that I, but you better wait to see it, but you know, I need big, very big boxes. I can't see now. I can't see now. They are all ready Now I don't see I don't see anything I think they can both see if they really try if you understand it children and dinosaurs we present to you DJ and his great show the box pachyderm What is a pachyderm Another word for elephant elephant around here over here over here over here here you have it Oh what a big elephant friendly elephant and big Christian elephant you should never cross paths when the elephant goes the Earth elephant when he walks the elephant when he speaks it sounds like a trumpet the elephant the sounds he can hear with his elephant-sized daughter elephant elephant the earth shakes when the road when the elephant trumpets the sounds in the jungle he can hear with his big hose elephant elephant elephant that was very good friends they made it super elephant thank you DJ you had a great idea of ​​how to use those boxes they used a lot of imagination to do fun things with the boxes but Barney you haven't done anything yet there were so many fun things happening that I forgot I would like to be Let me think for just a second I don't have it is something we can all do together How fun look at all the things we are by doing you can guess What they are try it I knew that cereal box would work What are you doing inside yes it will make a very funny sound it's true be very careful the colors fantastic now adhesive tape of this color do you want me to help you the results I bought several green boxes very well to sing and let's play, friends, he has a band and a guitar here, he plays there, he plays, he plays and plays without ceasing, Vani has an incredible band, Barnie has a band, I would go, and in the band there is a saucepan here, he plays there, he paints, he plays here, he plays there play play and play Barney has a band attention Follow me friends barnie has a band and a drum over there rumble over there he has a band thank you for the drum that I made with a hat box I better take it home and show it to my little sister she's going to love it and also at this time she must be waking up from her long nap I already know her see you then all the boxes are gone Yes until the last one to make a bunch of empty boxes they were very fun yes it's true the boxes are useful but it was their imagination what made them so fun yes spending time with the people they love is what makes a day so much fun I love you and you and I are a happy family With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love It's for I love you and you love me our friendship is the best With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love We must also go I want to tell my grandparents all the things we did today when he gets home I am going to count all the boxes Let me see in every corner that you will find a lot of boxes I almost forgot to turn you into your flower and in case you sneeze from an allergy in the box there is another handkerchief Yes thanks for everything Barney see you later Hello everyone I'm glad to see you today I did something What I want to show you, you know what this is, it's a plane.
I made it with a piece of paper. It's very fun to play with it. Just watch it fly. Let's follow it. Let's play hide and seek. I'll count. And you'll hide. Okay, one two three four five six seven eight nine of paper. a paper airplane from Where will there be I don't know but someone did a good job making it how about Barney look what we found Thanks for finding it and nothing Barney Look this I'm flying on a plane can you fly a plane with us come on raise your arms That's those They are the wings of the airplane.
The way to do it is to open your arms and fly. We are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying past a huge priest in a plane. We are going for a walk. That is the idea. I give you my window. I can see the wings and down there other things too. The cars and buildings are very small and they make me feel that I am very high to fly. We are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying by in a plane at a huge height.
We're going for a walk. It's very fun to fly a plane and when I'm older I'm going to study that. For now, I'm content just to play, safe from the things that could happen to me. Let's keep flying, kids. We're flying in a plane and when we look out the window. we see the clouds flying by in a plane at a huge height and we are going for a walk we are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying by in a plane at a huge height we are going for a walk it would be great if we could fly a sure plane how are we going to do that well we have to find things for the parts of the plane Yes the pilot needs What to drive the plane with and the plane needs wings and the passengers need somewhere to sit But where will we get everything we need good because they don't look around and see what you can find very well look we can use these fillers as propellers they turn and turn just like the propellers And how about this for the rudder so the plane could fly I think we can make the sides of the plane with boxes and we can put flags on our plane they would look very good they have found interesting figures for their plane each part they found has a special shape David your rudder is the shape of a circle in my box it is the shape of a square it has four sides that are exactly the same on my pennant it is shaped of a triangle a triangle has three sides What a great collection of figures for your plane wherever you want to flip hundreds of figures found Look around and you will be surprised How many you can find nice figures you will see count the sides 1 2 3 is a triangle what you see with four sides is a square there are beautiful figures everywhere wherever you want to turn hundreds of figures found Look around and you will be surprised How many you can find beautiful figures you will see if your figure is like the sun or the moon it is a circle don't have any doubts triangles circles or squares I think we are ready to start building our plane yes you have all the figures that we will need to build it is fun to do things with your friends What are the things that you like to do we are going to invent something special that we are going to create fun it will be crayons And paints brushes and something else together we will play it's like singing that we are going to invent something special it is my telescope This is my hat This is my house This is my bear puppet it is a mask What is that is my drawing that we are going to try something special what we are going to create fun will be creations And paints brushes and something else together we will play it is like singing what are we going to invent let's start and you can make your own portrait or something made with clay or use art elements to do all kinds of things you can also create a song or a story a dance Hey, would you like to dance with Baby bop then Get ready because it has a fun dance so you can dance it we can dance Little Star where are you Let's try it first let's imagine that we want to reach a star that's it keep doing it now take a little spin like me That was fun Now we stand On tiptoes like this On tiptoes On tiptoes Wow it makes them look taller and now they make a diamond with their little hands that's great and the best part is that we bow thank you thank you and we applaud ourselves because we did a good work Yes you are ready to do it with the music everyone dance with me please Estrellita where are you I want to see you without marking in the sky over the sea one day stay Estrellita where I want to see you without Pilar that was very good Now we have to do it a little faster Estrellita where are you I want to see you without tying in the sky over the sea a real diamond Estrellita where are you I want to see you without tilar they do it very well let's do it even faster Here we go Estrellita where are you I want to see you without Pilar in the sky over the sea a real diamond Little star where are you I want to see you without today everyone it's fun to dance with you this looks great friends I can do it I need balance well I thought we could use some boxes for the seats of the plane Hey looks like this plane is almost ready to take off let's take the trip to what you mean we need costumes I am going to be the flight attendant I will help the passengers on the plane that is a great job I want to be the pilot to drive the plane the pilot is a very important person I will play the role of a passenger going on a trip to see my grandparents I'm sure they'll be happy to see you Miguel okay Let's go look for some costumes come on look at this very pretty cool glasses look I'm a cowboy Hello buddy Hello cowboy I'm the king your majesty I'm a dancer very pretty it's my favorite color Hey Barney Would you like it try this one Thank you very much and What do you think is funny?
There are many costumes, we can all try on a costume parade today we are going to do It will be very fun, you won't believe it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 dress up fun backwards and forwards with a hat and a rope a But it can be a very small hat it will make you feel good with a ballerina costume one can dance when playing dress up they will have fun a costume parade today we are going to do It will be very fun you will not believe it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dressing up is fun inside and out, it could be a doll and play all day or maybe be a pilot and fly in the blue sky, it could be a duck running to a challenge and its shield costumes today we are going to do It will be a lot of fun you won't believe it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 dressing up is fun inside and out we have to understand that dressing up for the plane is fine we could look for a different pilot's cap very well What do you think of this thank you How do I look you don't look like a pilot jacket David wait Let mehelp you get it ready Thank you Barney great Thank you This is going to be a lot of fun dressing up is fantastic when you use your imagination our friend DJ has a special costume that he would like to wear let's see what it is the pickles are crunchy and sour when bitten they give Captain a pickle His super power Der Ay Hello everyone imagine that I am captain pickles you like my big cape Yes and Look at my mask Hey you want to play Captain pickles with me we can imagine that I have superpowers let's show our super strong muscles see This yes And we can jump high Higher let's take the tallest tree, let's take a super jump from captain pickle, ready, ready, good jump, let's do it again, ready, ready, outside, and now we put our arms like this, put it in his arms like this, and now let's fly.
Captain pickles flies through the air. Come on, let's try it, let's fly like captain pickles make way for the power of en curtido I'm captain pickles how about I can run jump and fly feats water at high speed and it gives me happiness super pickle extra fun You can be the same come on stay with me people say I'm a gem I'm fantastic funny yes ha ha ha it's time to fly I'm amazing at flying and it gives me extra shock fun in the sky it's a bird it's a plane it's not captain cucumber I'm captain cucumbers how about I can run jump and fly I'm a super hero special try-hard keeping the world safe for Pickle Lovers everywhere it's fun to put on a costume and imagine you're someone else and sometimes you don't need the whole costume all you need is a hat This is my Band Director hat I can put it on and imagine I'm marching in a band.
What do you think? This is a train driver's cap and this is a chef's hat. I use it when I imagine I'm a cook. This is going to be delicious and I call this my jester hat for When I do buffoonery, they wouldn't like to wear a hat like that to sing. A very quirky hat and cap can be very funny and the cambotics also have a hat and a cap on the head because it's a place. It seems to me that they are already part of me. some very big and some small with decorations and with many different designs there are blue red and green hats also special placed on my head because it is a very quirky hat and cap they can be very funny and quirky also a hat and a cap go on the head because it is a place It seems to me that they are already part of me there are some very large and other small ones with decorations and with many different designs there are blue red and green hats also if someone sees me with me special placed on my head because it is their place they will think that the funniest thing you've ever seen I think I'm already trying that Hello kids This does look like a plane it has wings and also a Rudder and look Barney has a tail and it also has propellers it looks like this plane is ready to fly on the controls before take off the flight 1 2 3 is ready to embroider my ticket Thank you this is your seat Sir thank you I like that it has a window you will have an excellent view From here would you like to get on now Barney Thank you but Someone needs to stay on the ground to direct the plane towards the runway I will be here to receive you when the varnishes land we are ready pilot Davis correct then we can go and so fasten the seatbelts children That's it and now pilot David starts the engines enjoy your flight it is clear to take off we are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds We're going to fly past a huge priest on a plane.
That's the idea. From my window I can see them and down there other things, too, the cars and buildings are very small and they make me feel that I'm very high up. We're going to fly. We're flying in a plane. plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying by at altitude we are going to take a fun walk, it is very fun to fly a plane and when I am older I am going to study that for now I am content just to play safe from the things that could happen to me let's continue flying children we are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying by in a plane at a huge height we are going for a walk we are flying in a plane and when we look out the window we see the clouds flying by in a plane a huge playing Let's go What fun well everyone enjoyed the flight a great idea Laura I'm glad we did the plane thank you I had fun too I better go home I have baseball practice they want to keep my costume for me no problem Thank you good luck bye see you very soon we will put away the costumes very well Let's fly a plane it's something they had fun flying I don't always have fun When I spend the day with friends like you I love you I and you me we are a happy family With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my darling It's for you I love you and you love me our friendship is the best With a big hug and a kiss I'll tell you my darling Look at this one and look at cami try it on Thank you Jana How I look like you're going to a tea party you too we ask the Barney, if you want some tea, very well, do you want some tea?
Barney looks very pretty. I'm having a tea party and practicing our good manners. Please have a sandwich. My favorite wants me to serve him some tea. Please, here you go. Thank you. It's not always easy to remember. how to be kind Well there are two words that you should not forget Well they make life pleasant they are please And thank you words of power if the birds will speak they would also use them please And thank you words of power use them day, afternoon and night too well because being polite it will make you feel good please And thank you has a lot of power Thank you they are please And thank you words of power if the birds will speak they would scare me they are also please And thank you words of power use them day, afternoon and night too because being polite will make you feel good please And thank you, you have a lot of power, I like your party and your good manners, thank you, you're welcome.
Now it's time to clean, I'll help you, Diana, very good. Hello everyone, you have a new book, Mario, you can't see it, all the pages are blank because there are no words. no pictures in your book because I have to Write a story in it for school but I haven't started a story yet That sounds fun Well maybe it has to be a fairy tale I like fairy tales Yes me too me too but it's very difficult to start what I have so far is Once upon a time you made a good start Mario Starting with that your story can be about anything if you hear saying Once upon a time it is because a story they are going to tell and when I say I was once adventures without I'm still going to narrate Once upon a time is like a sign for your imagination Willy to the land of tales with good fairies are dragon Once upon a time Once upon a time a story tell a story tell with everyone and anywhere Once upon a time a story tell a story tell when you hear say once upon a time Okay my story starts with him like this once but I don't know what to write after fairies they can be about anything people animals or even magic this book has many fairy tales Mario maybe one of they can give you an idea this one is called the fisherman and his wife and he has a magic fish on him a cool magic fish Once upon a time there was a fisherman who lived with his wife in a small hut on the side of the sea Well I think it's time that go fishing if you don't catch a fish we won't have anything for dinner tonight I will do what I can if it were true I would go fishing with my special equipment I would look for a lake so I could catch a trout with my rod and my equipment and my hat fishing I would go fishing and so I could make my dreams come true with your special equipment I would look for a lake and so I could catch a trout with my rod that equipment and the fishing hat I would go fishing and so I could make my dreams come true with the rod and in equipment and the fishing hat I would go fishing so I could make my dreams come true The fisherman tried several times but couldn't catch a single fish all day I wish I could catch a fish At last I caught one but the fisherman soon found out that this was no ordinary fish and stream Please a talking fish I'm actually a magic fish let me go and I'll grant you a wish Okay I'll let you go Thank you Now what's your wish nothing I already have everything I need you have a good day thank you I will never forget you the fisherman was happy for having released the magic fish but when he came home and told his wife what had happened and she was not so happy anymore you caught only one fish and let it go but it was a magic fish he said let me go and I will consider you a wish really and that you asked for nothing I don't need anything but I am happy in this hut come back and tell the magic fish that he is getting a nice house with a garden and the fish returned to the sea and then he shouted magic fish Please come back here my wife a wish for you He wants to ask what your wife wants, a nice house with a garden.
Please, her wish will come true. The fisherman went home to find a nice house with a garden. What a nice house. Well, it's not exactly what he wanted. Go back and tell the magic fish that I need a bigger house and an elegant garden and the fisherman returned to the sea again and shouted magic fish Please come back here my wife has a wish to ask you what she wants now a bigger house and an elegant garden please her wish will be fulfilled on Fish returned to find a bigger house with an elegant garden Wow it is a very big house not big enough it actually has a castle with everything you can highlight so I can be a queen come back and say it and you look magical give me everything I deserve Where does he run to and the fisherman went back to the sea and shouted it's magical Please come back here my wife wants to make a wish of you let me guess she is still not happy she wants you to give her everything she deserves go and tell her she will have her last I wish everything she deserves thank you when the fish returned again the big house and the elegant garden had disappeared there is my castle in my Crown I asked the magic fish to give you everything you deserve and it granted it to you and what is it supposed to I'm going to make you happy with what you have.
Over time, the Fisherman's wife learned that she didn't need a big house to be happy. The fisherman and his wife lived happily ever after. The story is over. I'm glad the Fisherman's wife learned to be happy. In your hut, I too, it doesn't matter what you have or where you live, if you are with the people you love, in your home, a home is very important. There I can live with the people I love the most and who are important to me. There are very small and very big things. or there are farms with a guard dog and apartments or cabins that in the forest are a very important place.
There I can live with the people I love the most and who are important to me, that's right, children, a home is very important to eat and sleep with people What I love the most and who are important to me All the people who I love the most and who are important to me Did you think of a story for your Fairy Tale Mario I like the idea of ​​someone's wishes being granted but in my story I think that there will be a magic hat that is using your imagination Hello friends Hello Jackson What's the hurry I have new shoes and they give me super speed look at them What are they doing write a fairy tale for school and we will help him by thinking of ideas there will be a story about new shoes right no You have heard the story of the shoemaker and his elves, where would be a good place for a shoe workshop?
A shoemaker who worked hard but was poor. One night they were talking very worried next to the heater. Husband, this piece of skin is too small to make a complete pair of shoes that we can make wife let's go to sleep maybe we will come up with something in the morning the next morning the shoemaker and his wife were very surprised during the night the piece of skin had become a beautiful pair of shoes we can sell them and buy more good skin husband and that's what the shoemaker and his wife did, they left more skin on the table and went to sleep the next morning there was another surprise now those pairs of shoes if we sell these we can buy much more skin every night the shoemaker and his wife left more skin and every morning they discovered more shoes they sold so many shoes look how much money we made I wonder who is making the shoes I know how we can find out the shoemaker and his wife went upstairs to hide and waited late into the night two little elves appeared several pairs without hesitation for each activity there is a very special pair, they are something sensational, the shoes Today we are going to make several pairs without hesitation for each activity the shoes the shoes husband the elves make our shoes I know but How can we thank them you see their worn clothes maybe we can do something for them great idea We will do the shoemaker and his wife made them new clothes and shoes that night they left them on the bench and wait for the elves to return for us why would they do that because you helped us a lot it is our way of saying Thank you Oh You are welcome since that day the elves the shoemaker and his wife were good friends and they all lived happily ever after it's over thank you I was glad that everyone became friends put some friends on my fairy account fairy talk about friends friends are special they make the world go round together we help each other when studying or playing When someone is sad we know what to do friendship brings joy and makes you special friends are special they make the world go round together we help each other when studying or playing Yes when someone is sad we know what to do you have to make friendship joy and it makes you special friendship of joy and it makes you special good job children Mario is working very hard on his story let's see how he is doing well Mario it seems that you have made quite some progress in your Fairy Talegood ideas want to hear some very well How are you two friends find a magic hat that fulfills wishes one friend tells the other What was that That sounds like a wolf but there are no wolves in the park or if varnish I don't believe it and why We're not going to see Follow me, be quiet I don't see any wolves around here It's raining Have fun in the park today What are you doing I imagine I'm a wolf like the one in this drawing the shepherd girl a young shepherd girl her job was to make sure that the back didn't take away the sheep the village but one day it was very boring Oh that's not fun I wonder what would happen if he cried wolf a wolf stole a sheep the people who lived in the nearby village heard his cry did you hear that it came from the refrigerator it's better to go and see Oh dear What is happening, the shepherd girl is shouting, we have to run, let's see if the wolf with melon arrives, where is none, but you shouted, the wolf wasn't serious, that's telling the truth.
The Villagers went back to work, but very soon the girl felt bored again, I know. No, wolf, wolf, a wolf steals a sheep. Did you hear that? It came from the refrigerator. Let's go see if something happens, dear. What's happening with the shepherd girl who's screaming? We have to run. Let's see if the wolf with melon has arrived. Where is the wolf? I tricked them. again it's a bad joke like we told you before better start telling the truth The Villagers were tired and grumpy but the girl still felt bored once again wolf wolf a wolf did you hear that it came from the refrigerator Here we go again Oh dear what's up The little shepherd girl is passing by and is shouting.
You don't have to run. Something tells me that maybe I don't know. guess what happened next Oh it's not the real wolf help a wolf steal the sheep you can't deceive us if you just try to deceive us But this time there really is a wolf we don't believe you but the shepherd girl begged and implored until the villagers finally decided to make sure by themselves when they arrived There they discovered something there is no wolf nor any sheep long live the wolf with all the sheep and everything is my fault I promise not to shout that the wolf is coming to deceive them again from that day on the shepherd girl always told the truth and everyone lived happily ever after, no more singing anymore I want to read your Fairy Tale Mario There is still a lot to write but they will read it when you finish when you finish we can put your book in our library so that everyone can read it that would be great I believe it the books are great and very fun let's sit down today and read a book the books are great and very fun it's time to read a book you have to read you know why I love reading books because I learn things and they are also fun in the books of a thousand adventure and excitement with them my growth grows imagination I love to read and admire photos and with my friends comment on what I read there are many stories and things to learn on each page there is a lot to see the books are great and very fun let's sit down companions a book the books are great and very fun that's it time to read a book you have to read read read you have to read read read you have to read writing fairy tales is more fun than I thought can you tell us your story now well it's about two friends who find a magic hat when you worry and ask for a wish comes true What happens next I still don't know I think I have to use my imagination to find out I think your story will be super super great when you finish your book you read it to us Mario Of course it is Jackson how exciting it is fun to write and read fairy tales but They are even better.
You share them with the people you love. I love you and you and I are a happy family. With a big hug and a kiss. I will tell you my love. It is for you. I love you and you love me. Our friendship is the best. With a strong hug and a kiss I will tell you my love thank you again Barney and nothing Mario I will return with my book when I finish it great Well now We have to go Bye bye bye in your story Yes this is what I need to tell myself Hello everyone I like to imagine that I fly in the big, white fluffy clouds and imagine another kind of cloud that is even more special one like that is a drawing of a different kind of cloud of this cloud it rains in lemon candies and candies it is full of delicious candies of many colors let's share them with our friends Hello Laura Hello David I'm glad to see you what is this Barney is the drawing of a happy rain one with delicious chocolates and candies what if there was a rain I would run outside and start eating it would be fun we would all like rainy days every days if the raindrops were candy I would love to be there opening my mouth to taste the raindrops were candy I would love to be there What a delight now let's think about malted milk the snowflakes were malted milk I would love to be there opening mouth to taste if snowflakes were malted milk I would love to be there Hello friends I'm so glad you came you like candy and malted milk Of course Well in that case Come and join the fun If raindrops were of chocolate I would love to be there opening my mouth to taste if the raindrops were made of chocolate I would love to be there I also made a drawing it is an island with a rock a palm tree Blue water and a sun it is a very beautiful drawing Laura What a beautiful water I like waves it would be fun to go swimming in waters like that it's a banana palm tree Yes that's what my mother is like She told me they grow on islands So I put it on my island there are a lot of yellow bananas on that palm tree I would really like to go to an island like this one day I too could sit under a palm tree and eat coconut and play in the water and dig in the sand alone Imagine the fun we can have on an island what if today your island comes to us right here great look at the water and The banana palm tree is better than I imagined.
There is a place very far from the city. There are many Solis. It is very fun to be by car or train. You can get further. Everything in this place is happiness. It is surrounded by the green Mara and beautiful beaches and palm trees to enjoy. just imagine everything you can see on the island and a thousand things you can do is a piece of land with water around it always a mountain and also vegetation birds palm trees and a tropical breeze on the island you will find How fun on the island there are crabs that you can look at and butterflies that usually pass through your hands and when you are hungry you don't have to worry there are bananas that will surely fascinate you it is a piece of land with water around the center a mountain and also vegetation sugar on the island you will find flavor on the island you will now find that we are on the island what we can do I know let's imagine what a great idea but we don't see ourselves as pirates but we will see each other let's look for pirate clothes to wear would you like to put on costumes and play pretend I know someone who likes to dress up and imagine that he is the captain pickles is yellow and it's a dinosaur can you guess who it is the pickles are crunchy and sour when bitten give Captain Pickle His super Der Ay Hello everyone I imagine I'm Captain Pickles you like my big cape Yes and Look at my mask Hey want to play Captain pickles with me we can imagine that I have superpowers let's show our super strong muscles see This yes And we can jump high Higher than the tallest tree we see a super jump of captain pickle ready ready out good jump let's do it again ready ready out and now we put our arms like this do it put your arms like this and now Captain pickles flies through the air let's try it we come back like captain pickles make way for power and captain pickles how about I can run jump and fly I'm a great hero feats water at high speed and it gives me happiness super pickle extra fun you can be the same come on stay with me people say I'm a gem I'm fantastic like jumping and it gives me happiness super pickle is super fun you can be the same it's time to fly I'm amazing at flying and it gives me super happiness pickle extra fun You can be the same What's happening in the sky is a bird it's a plane it's not Captain Pepi I'm captain pickles how about I can run jump and fly I'm a super special hero linear maintaining The world is something for Pickle Lovers everywhere it is fun to put on a costume and play pretend if you start to imagine you can be many people you can be a farmer the farmer is going to sow the farmer is going to sow Oh son the farmer is going to sow Or maybe you want to be a firefighter quickly Hurry up, put out the fire, the firefighters are coming and people shout hooray b o MB e r Oh, what do you guys say, what would you like to do?
Let's imagine, I'm a princess. A great fun costume. It can be a thousand things with your imagination. It's sensational to put on and play and be. Everything you have dreamed of with just a hat can be changed and be a fun character, excited, start thinking about what I am going to dress up as, I could be a cowboy or a medieval king, very rock star, and start singing, how sensational, start playing and being everything you want It's sensational that I could be and you could do everything we always dreamed of Hey friends this could be a great boat yes let's row around The Island very well What is this is our boat let's row around The Island that We have just discovered the island and we don't know what we will find here I would like to come with us I will be happy to go you can come too let's help us row this way it's great non-stop what happiness upriver downriver we have to enjoy come on we all have to row together without stopping what happiness upriver upstream we go towards the sea keep rowing they are doing very well rhyme row without stopping what happiness upriver downriver we have to enjoy in fact friends close your view they have reached the shore sailors now we can play on the beach like If we were pirates when I go to the beach with my family I like to look for Conchita I make sand castles and feed the seagulls my activity there is playing in the water but I got very tired rowing the boat Me too Well maybe the pirates need a little rest and relaxation on the island you are right here to listen to the sound of the waves good idea David the sound of the waves is very relaxing I am hot so I will go it is a good way to beat the heat nice the clouds are beautiful and look the beautiful yellow sun in the sky towards this Island a very pleasant and happy place the Lord sun sun Give me your brilliance shine on me the Lord give me your warmth I want your rays to feel you to admire you and be able to play Lord shine on me I love your shine sun Give me your brilliance shine on me the Lord give me your warmth I want your rays to feel look at you and be able to play on shine on me this song very good pirates what do we do now let's explore the island yes And we can go in search of a buried treasure it's a great idea pirates are always looking for treasure guess what we could find maybe something special we could Search for treasure with a map Make our own map we can draw it ourselves I like to go searching for treasures you can't draw a different part of the map yes hide a chest of the treasure There are many ways in which we can use our imagination make your own map draw a picture play imagine or even create your own dance like baby I'm going to dance a dance today do you want to dance with me can we dance Little Star where are you now Let's try it first let's imagine we want to reach a star that's keep doing it now take a little walk like me that was fun Now we stand on tiptoe like that on tiptoe on tiptoe Wow it makes us look taller and now make a diamond with your little hands the good and the best part is that We bow thank you thank you and we applaud ourselves because we did a good job Yes you are ready to do it with the music everyone dance with me please Little Star I want to see you without marking a diamond in the sky over the sea right Little Star where are you I want to see you without giving Oh that was very good Now we have to do it a little faster Little Star where are you I want to see you without Pilar in the sky over the sea a real diamond Little Star where are you I want to see you without Pilar today is not a noise Here we go what Little Star where are you I want to see you without throwing a real diamond in the sky over the sea Little Star where are you I want to see you without fun dancing with you do you like my hat when I put it on I start doing silly things you like to do silly things sometimes and make your friends laugh me also so let's go do silly things with us very well How funny I laugh when I'm happy I can't help it my joy I like to show Hahaha doing crazy things you make me smile a big smile is the best come on get up if crazy things happen when I do something very funny you you laugh if I can't stop laughing hahaha a big smile the best when you are happy you are happy fun fun a big smile that big smile you are better if it was easy Chinese How are things going with your treasure map we already finished doing it Barney and we hid the treasure chest on the island Uh how exciting barnie do you want our map to find the treasure chest I will be delighted thank you okay Let me see Oh what an excellent map pirates you will have to follow or that we draw and our directions okay I think I can figure it out let's start the search pirates we will go to explore we will go to explore We are looking for a treasure and we will go to explore we will go to explore we will go to explore We are looking for a treasure and we will go to explore now according to the map a palm tree begins and it is not this now go around the palm tree very well I will go aroundthe palm tree and rodeo and rodeo is much better thank you and we have explored we will go exploring We are looking for a treasure and we will go exploring it seems that I must take five steps towards the water well one two three four five and you are in the water my very big steps and I got out Oh no we'll go exploring we'll go exploring We're looking for treasure and we'll go exploring we'll go exploring we'll go exploring We're looking for treasure and we'll go exploring now I'm going to the rock with a jump a jump and a push Wow I did it and I imagine the treasure is just right There it is very neat it looks heavy Almost almost great map thanks for your help kids the treasure chest must be something special inside there really is nothing inside the treasure chest There is nothing inside we just imagine that there is a treasure Barney well let's take a look at it our precious imaginary treasure How did you do that Barney Well when you use your imagination and share it with people who want many beautiful things can happen I love you I and you me we are a happy family With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love It is for you I love you and you love me, our friendship is the best With a big hug and a kiss I will tell you my love Let's go there and imagine that the lookout basket and that we are pirates looking for a secret island and all of Cabos can be our ship, let's say goodbye see you later

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