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Horrifying Home Design (w/ Chad Chad)

May 19, 2024
yeah, someone's like we're going to go. You see a DJ set and you're like, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." You were minding your own business, you, you, and it just happened and someone went up there, in fact, all they did was move things and I didn't. I think it's particularly popular. I have never seen a bathroom like this and the bathroom is the same.yes it is just in a different place yes what makes it popular it is not the toilet it is just the place where you put it and that is a lesson that everyone can take


today, pipes and walls must break the walls, concise in that concise comment, yes. let's start making that elephant our five second long videos elephant in the room it's not supposed to be fighting a tiger it's not logical I think there's one person missing, although it's that in this bathroom you can just lift the wall oh yeah, yeah, It's just built so you can lift the marble, yeah, which is a lightweight material, right, yeah, marble is very easy to repair, yeah, and once it's cracked, yeah, and lift it up, no one's going to talk. that the lady died because she fell in the shower, a boy too, yes, that.
horrifying home design w chad chad
It was pretty dark I think the first swim on this trip is okay yeah everyone's app so wait wait wait is this an app? I don't believe it. I guess what I mean, it could very well be an app, it could very well be the Sims. Hell yes I know, but this kind of thing happens, I saw this when I talked about F and Mecca and those virtual influencers, oh yeah, every time there is a 3D model on the screen, everyone in the comments asks which app made it because now everyone assumes that every time you see something there is an app that they can download and do that, I'm not even kidding, like you look at these like virtual influencers and people ask what app is this, what game is this and it's like no one I would have I feel like that happened to me with something I posted online yeah and then people like you post a picture of your face yeah yeah I just posted a picture like the app that made you go oh sorry i thought i liked it, i thought i had a nice haircut game call why would you want to play this game?


happiness build are those for love it doesn't seem loving yes, it really doesn't seem like that are those are those pigs in a bed oh popular balcony


oh just unfold the balcony is what you are building, what the hell, what does it have to do with anything, See, you see how they do this mopping the floor thing, yeah, like that's an integral part of the bathroom redesign, I guess.
horrifying home design w chad chad

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horrifying home design w chad chad...

They're trying to show you that you can clean, you can't just pick up the washing machine, well, speak for yourself, oh oh, I forgot, okay, yeah, but I love my bait, pick this up and turn it over like there's so much movement. stuff, this is a random measurement, it's like there's clearance every damn time, one screw, so we're doing, oh, they were illustrating that you got under your thing when it's on the floor, okay, that's like too , why would you need to do it? Because if it is there is nothing underneath exactly wow, you don't clean under your washing machine.
horrifying home design w chad chad
That must be really dirty, but now it's on a different surface, so now you have to get up, you still have to clean it just on a shelf and it's higher up. up and it's harder to lift, yes, like now, if you have to move the washing machine, you need a forklift, yes, there is only one, you can't slide it, there is only one solution for this flying washing machine, oh, if it is floating, nothing can get under the roof. washing machine but then you have to clean the seats there is no way, damn I wonder if they are going to be like that, it doesn't work either, there is no roof, build another lift and continue, it's like trial and error, yes, yes, we know. how washing machines work just by showing it's a brick ok a broom cupboard look at that wow a mop cupboard it's so important to be able to mop around the washing machine yeah they really want this to be clean oh what , and there is a man there too, what is he doing? he lives there and that's George, you can take out your mop, your bucket, your drawers, it's just a swimming pool.
horrifying home design w chad chad
I was going to talk about this. I thought it was a um. I thought it was a tile. Well, it is, but I feel like they're going to put water in this like it's giving me that vibe. I could be wrong oh no no they are not putting in drains oh yes it is an aquarium but the alligator is not in the aquarium yes it is separate why are they hitting it yeah? that's where he's supposed to be, they brought him in, maybe he's there to eat their fish and they say no, no, no, don't do that, but they brought him in, how do we know he could have come out of the Gator dimension? doing with his hand helping anyone there's the alligator she's here hitting me he's like she just got off work he's like uh what's her name um what's that knock down what's the term Tick Tock when guys fake it? that they can't do something to get rid of housework, what is that called, oh, I don't know, you haven't heard of this, no, I know, I want to know this, oh God, it's like um uh, armed incompetence, oh, armed competition, so he, uh, saw the alligator, she was still working, the alligator came out of the dimensions and he was like, no, no, I don't know how to do that and then she walked in the door and said: what the hell is that?
Gator, there's an alligator, why didn't you do anything? He was like he'd never done it. I do not know how to do that. Oh, you're so good at fighting Gators again and then she's casual, but you don't. anything around here you're using your incompetence as a weapon right now no, I just love the way you do it, you just do it so well, so well, you fight the alligator so well, here's the thing, there's so much more about this and I wish they were fighting. that one I'm sorry, 60 million views, that's incredible clickbait because I'm like, what is this?
I wonder how long it takes them to do this because they like, this is something that you can post very consistently and put something jarring in there, yeah. I think it takes a lot of time and no time at the same time, you know what I mean, because well, they have the same characters, they're the same characters, but then every time something like that comes out, it has a little bit. animation associated with it, but once you do it for the first time, you can put it on anything you're curious about, like there's someone else who knows what the production process is like for these.
Like, contact us, do you have? like an email, they actually have an email. Noble Noon Landing Products. They have a website. Do you sell Disney? Is it just that they are selling things? So they sell a mini projector. Home faces lips eyes dollars best sellers this is a beauty store what fio Beauty Theo Beauty What is this? How is it possible that it is a beauty store? Well, thanks Chad Chad for joining us. Thank you for inviting me as you always do like me every week. Next week's episode at the same time as last week at the same time as last week at the same time. same place you know you know where to find it you know the joke you know where we don't even have to tell you we don't even know it would be stupid if we told you where to find it because you know it hahaha okay bye

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