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Red Shoes | English Fairy Tales And Stories

Jun 28, 2024


once upon a time in a land far far away there was a very pretty girl named karen she lived in a small house with her mother and she was a very happy girl she asked her mother about everything she was curious about mom what are these? little lights in the sky are stars karen everyone who lives on earth eventually becomes stars and shines in the sky forever karen only had one toy a dress and a pair of wooden slippers that she wore on the street the wooden slippers that her mother made her, they were not very comfortable but they were the only ones she had one day karen's mother became seriously ill so karen went to town to buy medicine for her mother and on the way she found a pair of red


in a box on the side of the road.
red shoes english fairy tales and stories
She shined so beautifully that Karen couldn't help but bring them home with her mommy look on her face. I found these on the side of the road, aren't they beautiful? Only write me. These may belong to someone else Karen you should get them back immediately but if they had an owner she wouldn't have left them there with the box maybe the owner accidentally dropped it so they shouldn't have dropped it I found them they belong to me now they're mine baby listen to me carefully I may not be able to buy You have new shoes right now, but I don't want you to wear someone else's shoes just because of that, please don't be stubborn, promise that you won't wear these red shoes.
red shoes english fairy tales and stories

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red shoes english fairy tales and stories...

Karen sadly promised her mother that she wouldn't wear red shoes and she hid them under her. Months passed in her bed until one day Karen came home and she couldn't find her mother in the house. She searched everywhere until she realized that her mother had become a shining star the next day, on the way to her mother's funeral. Karen wore those red shoes those who came to the funeral couldn't take their eyes off Karen's shoes how dare she wear red so disrespectful but Karen didn't care because she loved her shoes a kind hearted old lady passed by the cemetery this old lady He found out that this girl was now an orphan and he wanted to adopt her, come with me pretty girl, I will do everything to make you successful and beautiful when you grow up, so Karen went to live with the old lady for many years, Karen, you have I've been wearing these shoes since your mother's funeral you have to take them off now they're so dirty no, I love my red shoes oh Karen don't be so stubborn come on change your shoes I'll buy you better shoes I promise Karen I didn't want to offend the old lady who had been so kind to adopt her so she finally took off her red shoes and threw them away.
red shoes english fairy tales and stories
Days passed until one day Karen was playing in her new room with her clothes and her new toys and the old lady brought her a new pair. of shoes, but Karen didn't like these shoes at all, but these are blue, very ugly, I don't like them at all, so for years Karen missed her red shoes very much, she became a beautiful young woman, but her stubborn attitude never. it changed even when the old lady brought her gifts i don't want to use this thing but i knit this for you i will never eat this food make me fries at least take a bite honey the old lady was very upset when karen got up from the table without eating she made him fries and She took them to her room at that moment Karen was taking off her blue shoes look look all my things are so small now that I'm grown up well let's go then buy you new clothes and shoes then the old lady and Karen went to the store oh it looks just like my shoes Favorite reds I must have them, let's get these Kevin You don't need fancy red shoes You need shoes that you can wear respectfully Like we have to go to a funeral I can only buy you one pair of shoes Let's buy those black ones and let's go home I'm very tired I don't care if you don't buy both shoes I will walk barefoot everywhere from now on Girl, I wish I wasn't so stubborn.
red shoes english fairy tales and stories
The old lady bought the black shoes for Karen and spent what was left of her money to appease her with the bright red shoes. They also had to walk home. The old woman's feet hurt a lot. the road and she couldn't keep up with spoiled karen and karen didn't care she walked home with her new red shoes one day the old lady told karen that they had to attend a funeral in town karen make sure you wear yours black shoes otherwise it will be disrespectful at the funeral Karen looked at the black shoes in her room and then the bright red ones she chose to wear the red shoes when they left the house she covered them with her skirt so the old lady didn't want to see the shoes However, at the funeral everyone saw Karen's shoes shining under her skirt.
They talked among themselves about Karen's red shoes at the funeral and how disrespectful the shoes were. When what was said reached the old woman's ear, she got very angry. You didn't listen to what she said. What did I tell you and you put your red shoes back on. You are so stubborn. Karen shows some respect. A young and handsome man who was passing by at that moment was impressed by Karen's beauty. He approached her and fell on his face. He knelt down and congratulated her. beautiful he is and so delicate with these beautiful shoes uh my lord makes me blush he must be a very good dancer I invite him to the dance night at the palace tonight please come with the happiness of lord's offer karen began to dance with joy but after a while Karen couldn't stop dancing why can't I stop my feet what is happening Karen started to walk away from the old woman and the man while she was dancing Karen returns even though the man chased Karen for a while he lost her Karen's red shoes turned out to be more stubborn than Karen.
They took her to the top of the mountain and made her dance day and night for three days. Karen's feet hurt so much that she screamed with every step even though they were placed in the mud. and the prickly needles stuck into the shoes they kept dancing long enough i'm so tired i won't be so stubborn from now on i promise please put the shoes down please stop stopping and when karen said she would give up all her stubbornness the red shoes jumped up and Karen also fell to the ground and the red shoes continued dancing without her.
Karen found a stick and managed to limp home in pain. Her legs hurt a lot. She started crying with happiness when she saw her house. The old woman greeted her at the door. They hugged each other. I was a very stubborn girl but I promise I won't be like that anymore after Karen gave up her stubbornness things started to get better one day someone knocked on the door it was the young and handsome Mr. there you are Karen I tried to keep up but you danced so fast how did you do that karen was happy to see the handsome young lord that was the day the love of the lord and karen began to leave stubbornness behind kieran lived a happy and peaceful life your life

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