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Remembering Alan Rickman: Why He Was the Best Human Ever| OSSA Movies

May 23, 2024
It's been 8 years since Alan Rickman passed away, but Harry Potter actors and fans around the world still love him and remember,


ything that made the kids on set fall in love with Allan, the Harry Potter star had a candid conversation with him after filming. and how he helped create the Snap character. Let's remember why Alan Rickman was the greatest


being of all time. How the kids loved him, but not from the beginning. In fact, when the series had just begun, the young Harry Potter actors were terrified of Alan, all because of how. great, he was like the intimidating Professor Snape, some kids were afraid to even talk to him, so it took me about 6 years to work up the courage to say anything more than good morning.
remembering alan rickman why he was the best human ever ossa movies
Alan, that was Daniel Radcliffe, he could say the same thing as me. It was so fantastic that it scared me to have to constantly remind myself that it was just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie, nothing is real, but it was terrifying. In the end


yone realized that Allan was a completely different person in real life, he was kind. and affectionate when they had visitors on the set, he was always followed by a crowd of children. It turns out that Allen had always loved children and wanted to be a father, but he put his dreams aside because of his long-time wife, politician Rema Horton.
remembering alan rickman why he was the best human ever ossa movies

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remembering alan rickman why he was the best human ever ossa movies...

She didn't want to have children, that's how she commented about it sometimes. I think in an ideal world they would leave us three kids ages 12, 10 and 8 and we would be great parents to that family, but that never happened, so Allan channeled all the Amo in him to the young cast of Harry Potter and they certainly felt it. . This is what Dan said at his memorial when Rickman passed away. Working with him at such a formative age was incredibly important and I will carry the lessons he taught me with me for the rest of my life and career. the Snape actor even gave him a copy of his favorite book The Catcher And The Rye, yes they were very close and that brings us to the next reason why Allan was so amazing, the master of pranks, this is one of the funniest Harry Potter stories.
remembering alan rickman why he was the best human ever ossa movies
The set is reminiscent of the scene in Aaban prison where all the students sleep in the Great Hall and Snape and Dumbledore walk around them and talk about serious black people. It was a pretty serious scenario but it became very different behind the scenes thanks to Rickman and his co-star Michael Gamban is actually very funny and for you, for Dan, it became the most embarrassing day. Sometimes we completely enter our own world. You know it's completely our own world and we like, we like to swim in the deepest waters. You're listening to Sounds Good and this is where they came from.
remembering alan rickman why he was the best human ever ossa movies
They had put a fart machine in my sleeping bag. This whole Echo and Michael Gambin had actually been pushing him during the take. I found out it was all Allan's idea and here's something that made everything worse. Dan was lying in the Great Hall next to the girl he had a crush on at the time, he probably never dared approach her after that, but Alan and Michael were extremely happy with their prank, yes, Rickman had quite a bit of sense. humor and also. He had a heart of gold in making someone else's dream come true, he was the potions master on screen, but in real life Allan didn't need any elixir to make people feel better, he always had a genuine desire to help. to others during the production that the team organized.
There were scheduled visits for terminally ill children and one of them was especially moving. There was a boy named Jay who was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. He was a huge Harry Potter fan and couldn't wait to meet his favorite actors. One of them was Allan. the Snape actor had a moving conversation with the boy Jay surprised him with his vast knowledge of Rickman's filmography even Beyond Harry Potter and added that he always wanted to be cast in films without thinking much Allan realized the boy's dream they just looked at the equipment and seriously asked why this kid doesn't appear in the movie.
The next thing that happened was that Jay became an extra in Asab Ban's prisoner. It was the scene where Lupine teaches the students how to fight a Bogard, though the moment with Jay. on screen was not used in the final cut, it made the boy extremely happy, and he was not the last person whose life was changed by Allen. You can do it on Allen's last day on the set of Harry Potter, he was suddenly visited by his Younger co-star, Matthew Lewis, who played Neville, went to Rickman's trailer to say goodbye, but even standing at the door, Matthew he was terrified to touch, although he was no longer afraid of Snape.
Allan bullied him due to his, eventually Lewis', superstar status. He dared to knock on the door and said something very sweet. I just want to say thank you for allowing me to work with you for 10 years and never yelling at me or, you know, treating any of us less than your equal, I'm sure Allan was touched. those words because he immediately invited Matthew to his trailer for a cup of tea and we just chatted about what I was going to do, you know, in my career in the future and, plus, Rickman gave him some life-changing acting advice of the young actor.
Say you can do it, he said to me those are his words, you know you can do it, it meant a lot to Matthew after his talk, he knew how to develop his acting skills and there was only one thing Lewis regretted that day. I'm so glad I did it that I wish I had done it 5 years earlier, you know what I mean, much earlier during production. Allan also had a sweet interaction with his other co-star. I want to see a doodle of Snape. This story happened while we were filming one. From the early films back then, Rick still terrified younger actors with his snake-like presence, young Rert Grint had a funny story about it.
He was playing with my pen on the book. I drew this rather unpleasant picture of Alan rman and right at that moment he was confronted by Alan rman who was standing right behind me and I was so scared that I would be in big trouble if Allan was even a little bit similar to Snape, but the end of that quite awkward situation was actually nice, he was really cool about it, I even think he even kept the photos that Allan himself shared once he did more than just keep them. I made him sign them and I have them in my possession and I am very fond of him.
This is further proof that Allan was a kind friend to everyone in the world. set and you may not know that he also contributed to creating the character of him becoming Snape. Did you know that Rickman was closely involved in the creation of Snap's costume? For example, it was his idea that there had to be a lot of buttons and that the sleeves had to be tight enough and he always made sure that his cloak looked as perfect as possible on the screen, for example, you surely remember the scene with Malfoy and Snape in the half-breed impressions where the professor saves him from the SRA sectum, that's how costume designer Janie Tamime remembered it.
When filming it, she did it 20 times and 20 times the cape was exactly placed on the ground in a perfect position. She added that one has to be a Shakespearean actor to do it well, but helping create Snap's look wasn't the only contribution. Allan also always made sure that his performance was perfect and he was able to do that because he knew at least a little of Snap's backstory at the beginning of production. JK Rowling had a private conversation with Rickman and she shared a secret with him, as the writer later explained. She told him what's behind the word always.
Allan kept this secret until the end of the series. Interestingly, he sometimes argued with the headmaster so it happened at times when he was asked to do something that Rickman knew Snape wouldn't do. do in those moments he refused and gave his own suggestion, even Dan remembers how it was Chris literally told him why do you do that like that, he said: I'll tell you later so we can definitely know when the series was. Allan was relieved to finally be able to talk about it. The last movie was very cathartic because you finally got to see who he was after all this time.
Allan always held the Harry Potter series close to his heart. He was a big fan of books. and I intended to stay that way when I'm 80 and sitting in my rocking chair I'll be reading Harry Potter and my family will tell me after all this time and I'll always say with sadness that he didn't live to be one. him that age and he passed away at 69 years old, but he will live forever in our hearts. What was your favorite Snape moment in the series and what other Alen Rickman roles do you love? Share in the comments below and check out our other videos on the Harry Potter franchise.

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