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The Best AM Skincare Routine for Redness-Prone and Rosacea Skin: My Tips and Tricks | Dr Sam Bunting

Apr 16, 2024
Hey guys, it's


awareness month so I thought it would be a good time to share what I'm doing with my


throughout the day, since I'm




like one in ten of us we live. In Northern Europe, that means for me that I have a tendency to blush if the room is too hot or if I have a glass of red (which I do from time to time) or if I eat particularly spicy foods or even if I touch my


a lot. . The skin will tend to turn pink. I don't usually have so many spots in the center of my face, which is quite characteristic and due to pasteurization.
the best am skincare routine for redness prone and rosacea skin my tips and tricks dr sam bunting
I am more


to the erythematological type. You may recognize that your skin is prone to


. so it's about knowing where you are in this kind of Continuum. I'd say I'm somewhere in between. It's definitely there. I can see small broken capillaries and from time to time they will have some laser with Dr. McCash to try. to reduce them, but I am not too obsessive about that and I think that really for me what is important is that constant daily skin care


that controls that tendency in my skin. I'm also aware of my breakout intensity, I'm prone to blemishes on the lower part of my face, although a little less now than probably five or ten years ago, but I still consciously manage my



to reduce the risk of breakouts and finally I'm worried about fine lines and wrinkles, you know, especially around. eyes maybe a little less tight on the lower part of the face, so considering all those three things I have to be pretty picky with my


routine, so I'm going to share with you what I do in a day typical while doing my morning routine, so let's get into this, we want to talk about cleansing, activating, hydrating and protecting, but first a big No-No for my skin is anything with fragrance, my skin just hates it and I attribute it probably to years of testing products when judging beauty.
the best am skincare routine for redness prone and rosacea skin my tips and tricks dr sam bunting

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the best am skincare routine for redness prone and rosacea skin my tips and tricks dr sam bunting...

The rewards when you will have boxes after boxes arrive at your door and you have to go through a lot of products in a short space of time, which means if I want a more sensory experience I have to smell the bug, so I am currently loving this. nuco water therapy, which is actually a really beautiful blend of sandalwood, one of my favorite ingredients and for the scent combined with marine elements, sage and fur, and it's a really lovely kind of smell, so I'll separate the air from my expensive. and that just creates that feeling of something more luxurious in my routine without putting my skin at risk, so the first step is cleansing.
the best am skincare routine for redness prone and rosacea skin my tips and tricks dr sam bunting
I firmly believe that if you don't cleanse well you can't take good care of your skin and that's doubly true, if not more so, for skin prone to


. I'm going to talk about Dr. Sam's products in today's video and that's not because it's a blatant sales video, but because this is actually what I use on my skin and as a founder, if I didn't use my own products there. It may be a problem, so don't come looking for me in the comments. Alright, Flawless cleanse is the perfect cleanser for redness prone skin and blemish prone skin.
the best am skincare routine for redness prone and rosacea skin my tips and tricks dr sam bunting
I formulated it specifically to meet those needs because those needs are terribly common, so that means, of course, no fragrance, no skin-clogging ingredients, no essential oils, nothing that doesn't need to be there to ensure it cleans. my skin effectively, but that it preserves those important barrier functions, so I'm going to do one pump because this is my morning routine or if it were at night I would do two pumps to make sure I remove everything from my skin, so I'm going to make a bomb for me with redness prone skin. We don't want anything rougher than finger


, so we don't do it.
We don't want flannels, we don't want brushes, we just want skin on skin and if that means taking a little more time and I'm a firm believer in a 60 second Soviet cleanse, I actually practice something called Physiological Psy, which is thought to be a bit dramatic . The most relaxing type of breath work you can do, which involves taking a deep breath in and a second small breath that fully inflates all the alveoli in your lungs, providing you with essential oxygen important for your skin and everything else, and then a big exhale long which is very relaxing. the nervous system because it activates the vagus nerve so I'm going to rinse it off with warm water not hot dry skin don't scrub now one thing I would just say is if my skin is very very sensitive or if you're having an active breakout and maybe you have an outbreak of papules and postals and your barriers feel very dry, maybe you want to try a cream cleanser, in which case I would use the Laroch Posse telluric dermocleanser, it's super gentle, almost fragrance-free.
Nothing, the next step is to activate or in the case of redness prone skin, I guess it's more of an anti-inflammatory, so for me I use acidic acid in the morning because I use brightening serum with 10 azelic acid, but what does it have? How good is this? The formula is that because it has four different actives, it's quite multitasking, very multitasking, it still has gucciol, which is anti-inflammatory but also good for keeping pores clear, calming breakouts, improving pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles . It really does almost everything that bothers a rest. that you are using at night will do, but you can also use it on the target area and you can also use the top of your retinoid for a supplemental effect.
Now it has some scoring glycoside here for me, which is surprising because my skin has become L-ascorbic acid is quite intolerant and if you know a little about the chemistry of the product, it should be formulated with a low pH of around 3.5 , which is way below the skin, and its pH level is 4.5 to 5, still slightly acidic, but L-aspheric acid should be very acidic and that can be irritating, so for me it just makes me too pink and too red and the scoring glucoside which is an ester that converts to ascorbic acid very easily in the skin is a gender option that suits me better and then we have the niacinamide barrier which increases pigmentation and improves blemishes . which again really suits my skin, so the mix of actives together really does wonders for my old, troubled, redness-prone complexion.
Now I'm going to do a pump and do the 13 point technique. You really want the benefits everywhere, not just. in your travel areas now, of course, alternatives include prescription fanatia, which is azaleaic acid 15. You could use a simpler azelic acid, for example, regular or Paula's Choice. Choose your Azalea product based on your needs, but for me I want so much. I make the


use of my money. I work that everywhere. I don't do that on my eye area because, since laic acid doesn't really play a role in fine lines, it doesn't have any impact on collagen as we know it.
Now it is worth mentioning briefly. I use neutralizing gel from time to time. I sometimes use it on my T-zone, especially in the week before my period. My skin is a little oilier and I like the salicylic acid in here to be two percent occasionally. spot and I find that if it's a kind of rosacea type bump, I don't get them very often, they would tend to be more here and I've had one here recently and it's pretty rare for me to have a spot, but yeah I think this works better for my? I even have to say benzoyl peroxide, which may be a little bit more drying but works well for others as well, so you have to find the blemish buster that you prefer, so it could be benzoyl peroxide and two. and half a percent is as strong as you need or you can use two percent salicylic acid, a little bit kinder on the barrier and this is really moisturizing, which means I don't get as dry as the patch after applying it.
It's so I can put concealer on as well, but for nighttime all I would do is swap out the azelic acid for something that's retinoid-based, which allows my morning routine to take priority in terms of solving the redness, while that at night. I'm focusing more on the health and well-being of my dermal matrix so that means a retinoid and if I'm a little bit drier I'll go for the overnight Pro and if I am I don't know how to use it. I'm ready for something big, maybe I'll be filming in a week. I'll put a little more effort into the prescription side, so this is a Tressa bhaji that tastes 0.05.
I think using a retina is really helpful because many people who have rosacea also have evidence of premature aging. I think retinoids at night make sense, but you have to calibrate them according to where the redness is and if you are in an active breakout, don't use retinol to adhere to your anti-inflammatories, so once my actives have been absorbed by complete on my skin, dry, I will move on to hydration and situation, so it is a fundamental step even for combination skin. so 65 of us have combination skin it's normal for me it usually means just using a moisturizer depending on how dry or not my cheeks are or whether I want to or not in this case niacinamide which is in moisturizer Flawless, or ceramides, which is a moisturizing cream like now. on my oilier half of my cycle, so after day 14 I tend to lean towards a light moisturizer, the ceramides are just beautiful around the eyes, but you know, just like a moisturizer I don't feel it too much, this will probably give me a slightly better finish. to my makeup at the end of the day, but I would have to block my T Zone a little more so that it really balances and surrounds you using what you need when you need it and becoming that expert of your own skin that masters your My own skin knows what what you need and when you need it, so today I'm going to use a full, flawless, delicious, oversized moisturizer now and one pump is almost always enough for me, we're just going to do, you guessed it, 13 points, I just found It's a very useful ritual and I almost do it by default now.
It would never occur to me to just do it and put it all on without precision and you know, I use under my fourth finger, under the eye area and really work it in because I want that nice soft base for the concealer application and then I'll lightly swipe it on. another place. You could do a little massage, it feels good, put your knuckles there and then you know, run it around your upper lip, just don't do it. Don't miss parts and I find that if you stick to using one or two fingers with your application technique, you get a fuller layer of hydration in all the nooks and crannies and then when it comes to your makeup, you just don't dry them out. patches time careful and constant now I do the same amount on my neck direct my neck kicks the final step is to protect and sunscreen is almost as important as your actives when it comes to controlling redness prone skin and for me I am a sunscreen obsessive mineral because it suits my skin so well and particularly with a little bit of tint because it just helps mask the redness so I have a lot less to do with my cosmetics so I'm going to use the chiffon tint one um good news about gospel dye two frontmen I need to hear now it's only been three years so yeah and I'm going to be very generous with it and it's going to look a little scary and then it's going to look good because that's what sunscreen does mineral.
Okay, so we're going to apply two thin coats and one single coat, a flawless daily sunscreen on my neck that's not tinted because life is too short to deal with tinted sunscreen on your neck and then I'm just going to apply a little bit of sunscreen in the neck. of impeccable daily sunscreen in a pinch. I can do without the moisturizer on the neck and it has a little bit of niacinamide which is a great ingredient for my neck and it's also a great moisturizer so you've applied this shade so this is the face and neck I didn't perfect it , so I only did my makeup off camera.
I filmed it so if you want to see it let me know in the comments and I really think you need to learn to master your skin. I'm really passionate. about that, that's the premise of the entire Dr. Sam's brand: there is no living skin, no one knows eye skin, so I hope seeing what I do to my skin on a normal day helps you create a plan of effective skin care so you can enjoy. the benefits of healthy and glowing skin thanks for joining me guys, see you soon

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