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Raising a Grocery Store Crab as a Pet

Jun 12, 2024
This is noodle, wow, my blue


that I rescued from the supermarket, but we won't eat it for dinner, instead we will try to keep it as a package and if it works, we will surprise noodle with his dream house. Realistic crunchy


for her to explore. You see, last week while I was shopping, I noticed a live animals section. I realized that these animals were sold as food and that's when I saw her at the bottom of a bucket, completely alone. I knew I had to try to save her, but the staff didn't think it would work.
raising a grocery store crab as a pet
However, I've seen people do this before, so I had an H that we could save her. I'll call you noodle. I can't believe it was only $1 if this. Works noodle will be the cheapest pet I ever had, so here is the game plan to save noodle, first we need to take him to a hospital emergency team, then we will feed him to get stronger and finally we go. to build the Crusty Crab and while I'm building, can you see these characters? Somewhere in this video, in the studio, we are setting up a Cycles Hospital tank for Noodle and we can't forget to add some fish.
raising a grocery store crab as a pet

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raising a grocery store crab as a pet...

Jank Essentials for her now at this point I had no idea what was going to happen but then Noodle started blowing bubbles, she was moving and a few minutes later she was doing this cute little dance. She loves the fresh water at the supermarket. Noodles' eyes were completely in their sockets and now that they are completely out, I was super excited, but then I quickly realized that it might be too late to say no, one of his legs is missing a whisker and his shell is damaged, the worst of all is that he is not eating, so I am adding. a small waiting room to monitor the progress of the noodles and we can't forget our first visitor.
raising a grocery store crab as a pet
I really hope it gets better. If we're going to try to save the noodles, we need to know everything about her, so I sent Adam to Maryland, the blue crab capital. In the world there are more than 322 million crabs in this bay and we are going to capture one of them. This bait goes in the crab trap which lures the crab into the net and then you reel it in, but I spent hours trying to catch a crab and I have nothing this may be hotter than I thought in the studio. noodle keeps ignoring any food, he is very weak and I don't think he remembers how to wear his clothes, he has gone back into hiding and I am losing hope while Adam had some success with his crab, healthy crabs are super strong and fast.
raising a grocery store crab as a pet
The noodles should have bright orange claws and a deep blue color like these, see you guys. Days passed and the noodles still weren't eaten, so I decided to invest. Meet Stanley, my red crab. He has a big appetite all crabs are scavengers and eat a lot so I knew I couldn't give up Noodle and after 5 days without eating this happened. Oh, she's eating. This is the first time Noodle has eaten in weeks for the next few days. She began to explore her tank. She really loves those bubbles. Maybe I should have named it after her, but then I realized that this Hospital tank is too small for her.
If we want Noodle to fully recover, we need a much larger tank. We have some huge tanks in the studio. I like this ecosystem for my Axel and this claw machine fish tank, but these are fresh water and the noodles need salt water, so I'm at Petco to get supplies for a saltwater noodle setup like this and Le wo gives a Look at all the fish here I even came across. a fan of the channel, are you subscribed? Yeah, okay, anything you can get in 30 seconds I'll buy it, go, go, go, okay, he knows exactly what he wants, sign up, we have the supplies, but we still need a tank.
I spent hours browsing the web. I found the perfect tank, but it needs to be picked up today. Ah, but I just got back. Sorry Nole, I need your help, so while Adam gets the tank, we're making the Crusty Crab and while I'm building it, I want to tell you about today's sponsor. Better Health last year Stress and anxiety started to get to me. I knew I needed expert advice, so I looked for a therapist who had experience helping others. My therapist suggested


fish to control these emotions, which has really helped me relax with better help. find a therapist much faster than it takes me to build the Crusty Crab.
I just remember that the Crusty Crab has arches and I only have straight wood, so I made a bunch of smaller pieces to create them. Answer a few questions and I will help you better. licensed therapist has a master's or doctoral degree with 3+ years and 1,000 hours of experience and will usually match you within 48 hours and if you're not a great fit, you can try someone new with just one click , Crusty Crab looks great. but something is missing, how about the iconic fls on the front and the famous clam sign? Now we're talking, so click the link in the description or visit Aquarium Information to get a special discount on your first month of therapy.
Look this. she's remembering how to use her Clause it was clear that the noodles were getting strong maybe a little too strong it seems like she doesn't really like my camera meanwhile Adam came to pick up the fish tank let's come new turtle just 10 more cubes Almost there We have everything, but we have a big problem. The tank looks great, but there is no way the stand will fit here. The only option we had was to tie it to the ceiling. Now we just have to get it back into the studio. Adam nailed it, this tank is huge and after a quick clean it looks like new, but the stand is a different story.
This stand has a lot of water damage and is super unstable. If noodles are going to live here, we have to fix this, so I ran to Home Depot to grab as much wood as I could, which was easier than I thought. We are noodles. Noodles' house will weigh over 600 pounds, so every joint of our stand must be perfect or else our tank could fall over and explode. You know that blue crabs like to be alone most of the time, they are actually a little grumpy and don't like to share their space. I wish we could get Noodle a friend, but I don't think she'd like that.
Look. I bought this light for Noodle and we have to add a custom Bikini bottom. They are much more resistant, but the next day, Noodle got worse, he went back to hiding in the sand and he is not eating, we have to hurry and I installed his large tank, but first we need a pump, a filter, a sock, a heater and a light, although the noodles were only $1, this setup is getting pretty expensive, but I do just about anything with the noodles since she loves to dig. I'm creating a thick layer. of sand for her and her miniature crunchy crab will be the perfect hiding place and we can't forget the iconic shell sign and the Bikini Bottom bus, soon Noodles will have plenty of room to explore and although Noodles can't be with other crabs.
She really won't be alone. You see, if we look even closer, it's clear that Noodle has a lot of little friends around her and if you want your own pet, I'll get you an epic kit with everything you need, so she comments below. For a chance to win, it's finally time to welcome noodles home when I found noodles for the first time in the supermarket, she was alone and in very bad condition, she became a confident little explorer. I can't believe she's dining inside the Crusty Crab. I am so happy that Need has become a member of our team.

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