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Best Zach King Magic Tricks Compilation 2020 - Best Future Magic Vines - Part 4

Mar 07, 2024
oh that's perfect oh no my phone wow



in one of the most innovative outfits


can you give us a ride? static electricity, check this out, you want to do some online shopping, inflation, okay, I have a little summer hack for you, please. Don't laugh, you'll get free stuff from this if you try right, so it seems ridiculous, but that's how you get a free torque hub. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to break your Instagram, oh no. i killed it three two one try two oh that was amazing no way Hi guys if you want to help me make a cherry ice cream like this video in three two one and this is how to make a cherry ice cream my sunday this is how I toothbrush, do you want a dessert?
best zach king magic tricks compilation 2020   best future magic vines   part 4
Sure, pumpkin pie, happy Halloween, do you want a slice, sometimes I use the waffle maker on my computer, yeah, so we have a slice of pizza, anyone, wait, the giant pizza fresh from the garden, no, not that It's checkmate, Michael, you can't do that. I'll show you hey hey those are mine I don't have a case to protect my phone because I have this feature called jelly mode check it out work in progress jelly all in one being a tourist makes me hungry hmm I'm just doing a little of coffee, wow. 91 92 93 show me a picture of a door a door here you go 96 97 98 100 ready or not here I come I like to do


for my treats do you want to help me do something amazing like this video in three two one thank you just wrapping a pig in a blanket when I'm lost in Korea I'd be like oh the girls are wrapping Christmas presents the old fashioned way I like to wrap them and she's supposed to be on a gift oh no and she's actually ta


a ball of soccer. ball and pump it up, uh, quick tip, if you ever find yourself on fire, don't forget to stop dropping, oh my gosh, it works every time you zack your room, it better be clean, this is extreme gift wrapping, This is how I edit my Instagrams, there we go to print. your pets all in one i just light my christmas tree fire oh merry christmas sometimes life isn't always as it seems wait a minute hey zach you're cute but you'll be cuter with your hair curly.
best zach king magic tricks compilation 2020   best future magic vines   part 4

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best zach king magic tricks compilation 2020 best future magic vines part 4...

Wow, how do I get to the Ellen show? the ice bucket challenge are you ready hello everyone I have some exciting optical illusions to go over with you today you need to pay close attention because your eyes will try to play


on your mind and if you concentrate well you may actually be able to catch some of these illusions before I reveal them to you. These are furniture illusions. The reason I love optical illusions so much is because they play such crazy mind tricks on you. Take this chair for example, it looks like a regular chair except when I sit on it the illusion breaks and you realize that the camera was set up at a perfect angle to make that illusion work when in reality you feel in this direction and we have even had to curve the wood and mesh it in some way.
best zach king magic tricks compilation 2020   best future magic vines   part 4
Again, it's all about perspective from there, so in the next illusion I'll show you how to make a floating levitating chair and this is the perfect time to tell you about our sponsor Ashley Homestore. Thanks for pushing the


on this. video and they have a fun augmented reality app that works to preview furniture, so I'll click this ar button and you can see what it looks like in your house. You can move them in 3D, but let's move on to Magic, I'm going to show you how to make this thing float, so this is the chair we're going to use for levitation.
best zach king magic tricks compilation 2020   best future magic vines   part 4
First I have to take the legs off, so now that I took the legs off the chair, I'm going to place it in the middle of the room and now I have a levitating chair. It's actually just a mirror and some boxes, but it's still a cool illusion, so the next illusion was created by a designer named Vivian Chao and I love this piece. Call it the infinity illusion and you might wonder what kind of furniture it is. You want to guess now. If you guessed one chair, you would be right, but there are actually 11 chairs.
Each piece comes out of the smallest miniature chair. the way to the last chair which is number 11 now for the next solution we need to lose the light oh sweet so we are in this darker room to show the next illusion with the three chairs. I want you to try to spot the difference. between one of these chairs one is not like the other we have the green chair the blue chair and the red chair I have your selection I am going to reveal in three two one so the blue chair if you look at it very closely right now it is doing this strange thing like trippy following the movement of the camera wherever it goes and the reason it does so is because it is 3D printed and designed in a way that it actually points in the opposite direction so the illusion is not broken until you can see the other trippy side Hey, let's move on to the next illusion.
This is one of my favorite illusions. It's called an anamorphic illusion, and although it technically lies flat on the ground, it comes to life when you align the camera in the right position. This is called three. bar stool with legs and it was originally designed by a guy called josh carmody from melbourne australia it looks like a three legged bar stool but when i run my hand over it it does something weird and the reason why it puts my hand in front it's because it has a fourth leg here, it's all about design for the perfect perspective, so I hope you enjoyed Furniture Illusions and if you did, you can subscribe right there to two other videos here as well.
Big thanks to my friend Chris Tomes for building these. illusions for us, see you Hey guys, I'm excited to show you some mirror illusions today, but first let me prepare, okay, that's better, now keep your eyes peeled because things are going to get a little complicated here too just I want to thank you. pronamel for sponsoring this video, help bring some of the illusions to life. Okay, let's get started. We often forget the


of mirrors. They are like another dimension, but flipped and then when you put another mirror in front of it, you start to question. reality, speaking of questions, who wants pizza?
So this is a delicious looking pizza so I'm going to give it a small slice and actually I guess it's just the power of the mirrors making the pizza look whole but there's a little trick if you take your pizza slicer. pizza and give it a nice flick of the wrist which is a handy trick to know so now it's time for a little game and it's a simple game because all I want you to do is count how many actual tubes of toothpaste you can see down here in the scene and don't be fooled there are a series of mirrors here so once you think you have the answer comment below you can see if you are right if you need more time just pause the video but If you're ready, I'm going to reveal the correct answer, it might surprise you, so we have one tube of toothpaste, we have a second, we have a third right here and four, how many of you got it right?
And then the last one. one is actually only half, so if you guessed four and a half as your answer, congratulations, you're correct. In the next one, I'll show you how you can always win a game of hide-and-seek. Well, the game has already started, so I have to do it. make this bigger okay pure work oh okay it worked well on the next so I have some wishful thinking here and the reflections are not exactly what you would expect and you may have seen something like this. This is called an ambiguous cylinder. actually it looks cylindrical but in the mirror it's a square and I'll show you how this works with other original prints that we designed so this one is very pretty it's actually a smiling face but in the mirror it's actually sad or with the frown, I'm not sure you'll let me know what you think, but if I move it, that gives you a clue as to what's going on here with the warp and now it seems to be the opposite, this next one is my favorite.
This is really cool, this is a cow with a UFO on top of it and all we need to add is a little beam, you know, lift it up, but if you turn it over again you can see the deformation and now the cow is jumping on it. UFO, but I thought the cow jumps over the moon, so I don't know what's going on there. The latter is also very good. This is an alarm clock and it actually has a surprise that tells two different times and how it works. You have the red and green time here, so now you know that a mirror image is not always a reverse image and by the way, I have a trick for you.
Did you know that if you grab the corner of a mirror just to the right, you can actually remove it, so if you roll this up like this you can see the next illusion. Well, for this illusion I am in a colorful room. See what happens when I go here. We have a black and white filter. room, so there is no editing, by the way, you will notice that the furniture goes from color to black and white as we go around the edges, check this out, how cool is that and this is possible because we actually built a room in white and black. over here a colorful room over here and put a mirror in the center it's so amazing I wish you could see this in real life it's amazing so that's the mirror with filter since they are enhancing the magic I thought I'd use this next illusion to Speak on how you can protect your enamel for strong, healthy teeth with Pronamel.
Now I'm just going to show you that we have a normal chart here and when you eat acidic foods like pineapple or, by the way, you eat other acidic foods. If you're wondering, it's empty, if you eat other acidic foods like oranges, it can still cause enamel loss on your teeth, but brushing twice a day with Pronamel helps return minerals to your enamel, this is huge, so anyway, thanks for hanging out. with me today and as always don't forget to watch the videos there or subscribe there or do both so I have a little Rubik's cube illusion puzzle prepared for you here in the main room.
I want you to be able to count how many rubik's cubes it takes to form the entire structure and so give it a quick count, also count the ones in the structure in the back and if you need to pause the video at any time right now, you can continue and Do that, otherwise I will give you the ready solution. I guess eleven, well it's not actually eleven, it's twelve, because you have to count this one right here, so make sure you count everything carefully when you look at these illusions. I have a couple more Rubik's Cube illusions for you here in this video, but I'll just give you a little behind the scenes, check out the last one.
I didn't really show you that side profile, but it's half yellow, half red. I painted on this cube and it took me a long time testing it to get it right. Here are some more illusions. This is a fun illusion because it is very simple. You can attract your friends home by drawing a small pencil shadow by resting your cube on it. edge of a piece of paper there and you have a fun little floating cube illusion. Speaking of floating, have you ever wondered if they can float on water? Here we go, hey, they float, but it's crazy, it's resolved if you put it in, not too. floats okay this is going to happen real quick but I want you to count all the real cubes in this shot here and here we pause if you need to and we have six real cubes here this is one of the real ones the rest.
They are made of paper, so you can see, we have three here, we have three real ones there, so there are six of them and these three are printed on paper. This next illusion focuses on colors and your mind's ability to stay focused on them. colors, so don't be mad if it doesn't work, it works on about 75 people. This illusion is a photographic setup and is a bit weird. You'll see that I'm focusing my camera on a foreground object by lifting it up. several feet higher than the other objects in the background and I blended the top cube so you can focus on one of these red or orange colors.
I'll show you a photo. I'm going to continue like this. about 10 seconds I want you to focus ideally on the orange some people work on the central red dot for me that's not when I look at the four orange dots the rest of the cubes start to fade if you need more than 10 seconds you can pause the video and just watch If your eye can slowly fade away the other cubes. A lot of people told me that suddenly half of them disappear, the rest, some people can make them all disappear and for me they actually flash slowly and Let me know in the comments what happened to you when you looked at this photo, even if it wasn't nothing, so I want you to guess right now how many Rubik's cubes I have here on the floor with me while I solve. this last fact so if your answer is four alexa I didn't say anything if your answer is four then you are sadly mistaken because there are two and a half I have this one I have this one but there is a reflection and this is half of two so let me show you the whole situation here you are looking at a mirror you are looking at a cube here second cube here and our half is over here but there is a boom in the mirror I love that it looks like a 2x2 hey I have one more illusion for you, but think about it first if you want to subscribe, It's totally free and I have a lot more great things coming out this summer, so I don't want you to miss out.
If you are looking for a summer, read mysecond book of magic just posted the links below on and for your final big illusion I hope you have a sweet day so well comment your favorite flavor below these are fantastic for Clark and I here It took the studio about a day to make these Lego illusions for you and we're really excited to show them to you, so we have them set up just around the corner. I want to show you this first one, which is a chair illusion, so this first one is fun. This is a classic illusion that you may have seen before, but not in Lego format.
There is a small minifigure relaxing sitting in a chair. You know, on a normal day, except, oh wait, he's really big and this chair. It's very small up here and really distorted. These are some of my favorite illusions because it's all about lining it up correctly to trick your eye into seeing something you're used to seeing, but in this case we played a trick on you. when we revealed it and I love that it's so fun, so this is the Lego hero and this is his little seat that we had him sitting in here, so it's also a flashlight, if there's ever an emergency in the studio, I'm running to grab it. this first let's move on to the next illusion really built illusion online and I had to recreate it to see if it's really real and I love it because it's another one of those, place it at the right angles and it gives you this eye trick so that they are placed at 45 angles degrees each and this is the actual configuration you have.
It's actually placed on the floor just barely touching the corners and when you line it up correctly you get this cool, is it an up or down illusion? Don't get me wrong, I love legos, but they are way too expensive, so luckily I have a little magic up my sleeve. No joke, I actually have to buy them too. Did you know that Legos cost about 10 cents a piece on average? So even the classic little baby illusion is well known and we legitimize it here, so it starts with a no and then if you turn it around like this, it becomes a yes and you tell me if you think they really line up, I feel like he's a little clumsy, but that's the


I can do.
I like to do a good job here. I don't know, tell me down in the comments if you think it works for this next illusion, we actually need to get out there. A little better light, okay, let's see if we can figure out the angle of this, so this is an impossible triangle that you have to line up perfectly to get right, you have to have good lighting and it works pretty well I think. It probably looks better in a photo so let me know in the comments which lego illusion you enjoyed the most that we created and don't forget to subscribe and I have a special lego illusion for that okay so I have two.
Adorable penguins here, one is gray and white and the other is inverted color, but now I'm going to throw a little iceberg into the scene. I want you to look at their bellies and tell me which color of their belly looks darker. In fact, I would be surprised to find out that both of their bellies are exactly the same and let me prove it by showing you in a viewfinder that they are both exactly the same color gray and this is because your brain takes into account the same color in different lighting circumstances now let's move on to a more colorful illusion so next time I want to take this photo right here and create a giant magical mural on the wall behind me and we will do it using the vibrant colors of the canon pixma printer and they are our sponsor for today's video and i have a little trick to help speed up production alright buddy get to work and i'll have the help of two of my teammates here so let's get kijon and nathan let's get to work okay that was a lot more work than I thought, but the mural turned out amazing, uh, we have two seagulls that you can see here, we have a purple seagull and an orange one. seagull, but what if I told you that they are exactly the same color?
What if I also told you that there is a third seagull hidden in this mural? It's right here in the center, so if I move it up it seems to match the color of this sequel. Here from the orange, if we move it down on the mural, it looks like it's changing color to purple, but that's actually because in this seagull we have orange and a little gradient of purple, so it changes its color appearance depending on the background. versus pretty cool, huh, okay, fly from this illusion to the next, okay, so we have three flavors of donuts in front of me, I have white vanilla, pink strawberry and brown chocolate, but you may have already realized that these flavors may not be as they seem we have the white vanilla which is actually maple now let's reveal the brown chocolate this is actually also a maple donut but this third donut is really a surprise the pink strawberry is actually oh that too It's maple, could you look?
So we have three identical donuts and this illusion is created mainly by this foreground object which is one color, while the background object also plays a role. What's also interesting about color is that it can alter your mental perception of flavor. Strawberry pink I really shouldn't but I will so for this next illusion I have a normal traffic light and this will demonstrate how important it is to see color in context so I have a green, blue and a red overlay and this is what I want what you do I want you to look at all the colors of the brake lights and tell me if you see any gray lights, count them, comment below how many you are guessing and now I'm going to reveal them to you.
You can see the three gray brake lights there, but what's also fascinating is that the light that's supposed to be yellow is actually green, this light is supposed to be red and it's actually purple, this one is supposed to be yellow , but it's orange, so it's pretty crazy how your mind uses context to see color and if I pull up the color wheel here, blue is a complementary color to yellow, so your mind naturally fills in this colorless gray piece to make it yellow. I want to show you for our next illusion a really sweet negative color trick, so let me reverse this.
The interesting thing about your vision is that when you look at an image long enough you start to see what is called an afterimage and it is like a ghostly image of the one you are looking at. and so what I want you to do to experience this next illusion is you're going to stare at the center point and you're going to stare at the center point for about 15 seconds, you're going to want to make sure your video is full screen for this


, so look fixate this marker in the center of the picture and try not to blink, okay, so you're looking, don't get distracted and I'm going to count down, I'm going to count from five and when I get to one, I'm going to take a photo and the image will change ready five four three two one keep your eyes on the center point but make the colors of the image become more normal try moving your eyes and you will notice that the colors you think you are seeing are not actually there, so In fact, if you look around, everything is in grayscale, it's quite strange how your brain can play such crazy mental tricks on you when in fact, reality is very different for this next illusion.
I'm going to go to the computer because first I'm going to show you a little animation. Let me change it to color, so I want you to look at the blue duck in the middle and don't take your eyes off that duck in the middle, so at first. You will notice a space moving along the arrangement of the ducks, but at this moment you should be seeing a yellow duck start to appear in your view even though it is not there, your mind is filling in the blanks and it becomes so vibrant that you can just reach out and grab it. oh rubber ducky, now for this next illusion we have to go to a world with only one color.
Wow, so I'm in a monochromatic room right now, which is really mind-blowing because I actually look completely desaturated because of this special light that only emits one wavelength. amber, so it allows you to do some fun things when you take a regular flashlight and introduce light back into the room. To me, I can only see them as various grays or grayscale, but when I introduce light you can see that there is actually color. there on the shelf, so my next question is what color is this paint for you? To me I see a very dark gray, but when I turn on a light it reveals that it is actually blue and we have the red logo.
You can do other fun painting tricks like this. one just looks like a scene of a small tree with a cute butterfly, but actually with the light you can see that it is a chameleon about to eat the butterfly and a little butterfly friend there, my great grandfather passed me a painted portrait from the western days and it was a nice heavenly day so turn that light out good this has been the monochrome room now I'm going to go to another illusion so the really cool trick about colors is that if you look at them long enough they can do a trick on your eyes like this illusion here if you're going to look at this central star and by the way this works better on a desktop or a larger tablet if you have one, but look at this star and you can start to notice the word dream and the color starts to fade away. away, but comment below if that worked for you, so I have one more final wishful thinking for you here and this is a little seizure alert.
If you are prone to seizures, don't watch the next


because it will be a short animation. that's eye catching but before I finish this video if you enjoyed it please like and there will be two videos here and subscribe here but here is the next illusion follow the instructions so I want you to watch this z logo animation and don't look over to the other side, okay, keep recording now in just a few seconds, I'm going to cut to another image and you should see some crazy warping, okay, so three two one, what's up? I'm super excited because today we are officially here.
Launching the merch store I just have to finish the screen prints here we go beautiful okay let's load it up shooting the hole in three two one okay we also have some really fun products in the store like this custom bicycle deck of cards. Check out some of these designs, in fact today we are setting the world record for the tallest pyramid in North America made of cards. Focus buddy, you'll get it next time. We also have very fun snapback caps. Look at that, I want to show you. what does this clothes look like on real people okay guys sites will be launching in ten nine eight seven six five four looks good three pose a little smile two twist your hair and one side activates so I hope you have fun shopping on the site and find something you like peace I love me a good discount I'm a boy okay, it's my pleasure to pronounce them now husband and wife now you can kiss the girlfriend honey where are the developers? okay buddy, I didn't know you wanted to do it help, I want ducks and she wants to house Zach.
I can do something I just do baby. Can we have live music? We might have live music one day. It just has no class. So you mean now? You mean you can do that for me today? Yes, totally. Exactly how to make a thing looks a little smaller today doesn't it? It only has three layers. Is it gluten-free? It's not a limo, it's not as big as my last wedding but it's okay, did you get the delicious honey? Do you know how much I love the ring? like I'm sure we're in the vip we can get some cake it sounds good this illusion will test your mind and your ability to focus on a single moving object and it sounds very easy but I promise it's not us . you have a cup and ball routine and you have to follow the ball very closely and if you can, okay, so actually we are going to follow these three cups, we have the ruby ​​cube here, nothing here, follow this. and now let's test if you were able to trace which cup the Rubik's cube is in.
You might think you've got it, so comment below if you think it's cup number one, cup number two, or cup number three. I have a feeling some of you actually did. I don't quite understand this comment below, so if you come back to us, let's see, uh, let's guess number three, it's not there, number one, it's not there, it's cup number two, everyone, now, this is the strange thing, this is suddenly resolved and if you can pay attention, there are other things that have changed, like we have cardboard aspect ratios, we have my shirt changed, we changed a hat, so that's the thing, were you able to focus on all these changing elements ? comment below how many do you think actually switched and if you got 100 that's awesome let us know below okay see ya guys can you hold this up for me?
Yeah, sure, don't light fireworks indoors, ugh, but they're fireworks for babies imprinting on their pets, ugh, ugh, oh. good game, good game, so I'll play table tennis against Mark, but first I need to finish my ping pong paddle, okay, let's wait, we need this, okay, this is our rematch, the loser will be dunked in a bucket of water . Okay, there you heard it, the stakes are high in this table tennis match and, ooh, 1-0, Zack loses a pointeasy. It's unfortunate. You can tell that both players are beginners and need to work on their form. Zach had a nice easy shot. prepared for him there maybe next time it would be nice if his rallies lasted more than four hits that's a point to score good zack scores in the rally that's a point to score let's cut away now to see some of the first videos from zack featuring some of his table tennis skills, hopefully a little more entertaining than this disappointing match of cooking ping pong balls for breakfast mmm delicious approach yeah oh yeah we skipped a few rounds you haven't missed much here we go here we go here we go and oh yeah, Zach makes one in decent save there for Zach at nine and nine no brand is currently in the lead.
Zach urgently needs the next point. No, no, he takes the game. Alright. I promised. Time out of the water. Erin. keep going wait 45 here baby oh hmm so how is this going to work? well, what's next? ready, ready, oh wow, zack, this looks amazing, we did pretty well, huh, okay, it's getting faster, what's up? Everyone, today I have three magic tricks for you that you can perform and show to everyone. their friends using common objects like a water bottle. Now, if you don't have friends, this will also help you get friends like me anyway. Your eye on the bottle and keep your eye on this pen three two boom and if you think this is some weird magic, I'll show you how to go to the park.
I'll show you two more tricks to indicate drone shots. alright let's find a bench let's do some magic the next trick shows the power of water and air and how they can work together to create a really fun and simple illusion so what you're going to do is grab a glass and take out a bicycle card. or any type of playing card and turn it over and you will see that the air is actually creating a vacuum with the water and the card now I show you this because if you actually take a bottle of water, you take the top and you seal it with your hands that They're creating the seal for themselves and you let go and ta-dah, I really think recycling is important and I need to tell you something you're probably missing is that soda contains two drinks, so whatever you want.
What you have to do is place your thumb on the front of the drink and really believe enough that a soda can go back to normal and that's the first step, the second is to shake it a little with the barrel and notice how it comes back to grow to normal. there in front of your eyes, so greetings, we will return to my house and I will explain all these tricks to you. You can do this trick with any soda or carbonated drink, but you want to make sure it has a can. so you can pierce the aluminum, so what you're going to do is take a hairpin here, take out the little needle, you could use a needle, but this is


so you don't kill your finger and before you do this, you might want to have a little bit of protection because this is going to go flying everywhere, so I normally do this in a sink, but to show you, I found this little thing in my garage and I'm going to throw it in, yeah, and what you can do is Keep shaking it.
I like to leave the cans half empty for this trick to work. Once you lift it like this, it will stop and there it will be, you will dry it. I usually like to put the hole in words on the back here, but it really depends on the orientation of this, it's awkward if you have the hole here because then you're covering most of the trick, which isn't fun because you can show this trick like that, so stay here. The second step of this trick will be to make it look like an empty chamber. This is a really cool illusion for me because it's a real life illusion.
People aren't paying attention to this piece of black paper that you can cut out. in the same way slide it under the top and in good lighting so you have to be careful when doing this trick it will look like it's an empty can which is just amazing now you can just squeeze it if it's doing this during the trick you're going to want to empty that out a little bit, oh damn, I forgot it was there, I just peed my pants, so you're going to pat the top like that, that part is pretty easy and then sometimes I'll crumple it up. in my hand, while they're not looking, I let my hand naturally swing down and put it in my pocket or crumple it and let it fall and in fact, while you show them this part that falls to the ground and you go to step on that paper, the next part is going to be shaking this can and this is the interesting part of the trick, it just works because of physics with carbonation, so you've got it folded here, so you're going to shake this. part of the trick and I like to twist it like this so it doesn't make a sound with the soda inside and you'll see that now it's inflated you get the idea and if you were to let go of that hole you'd want to do it quickly. open this up and part of the trick is to pour it quickly too so you can taste it, you can see liquid coming out and that really sells, what the hell was it soda all along?
I love this trick because it's fun, it's physics, it's real. There is a lot of practice involved. I'm going to explain the concept of what can happen so that you have a card and can use it in your performance also to show it to your friends, but you show superficial attention. I don't know what the physical aspect is. The term for this is called but the air pressure holds the cart up and if I take it there it will fail obviously all the water will fall out to perform this trick you'll want to grab a bottle of water and what.
The first thing I do is take a drink and I'm showing that it's a real water bottle, but I'm also showing this air pocket that will help in the next part of the trick because I'm going to put a card on you. You can also do it with your hand, if you improve a lot, remove it just to the right, you will have a nice effect. You can also do it again with your palm and I'll show you in a second, but what? I'm also going to be able to do here, this is the part that takes a lot of practice and you put the straw in there and what you can do is turn it over quickly.
I can't, it usually goes bad, so I take it out and then you can drink it again. I'm going to draw the straw. You can do whatever you want. So what are you going to do if you want to do it by hand? Many people like to put their hand. up at the beginning and turn it over and this is the part that is difficult, you have to be very stretched and then you will slide it like this and when you get it, if you squeeze this water bottle, this whole thing will go down. so you have to be still with it and then you just pick it up like this now my desk is sticky and wet.
I love this pen trick because what happens is the pen is there all the time, so you'll need a duplicate. pen, go ahead, take this here and it's simple light refraction, guys, this is how it disappears, you can't see it, so you have to make sure you do this at the right angle for your friends, too low for them to do it. look at the pen, maybe from the side, you can definitely see it, but there's a sweet spot here. I point it a little bit towards the camera or you can go straight, you can move it to show that there's no pen here if you do it slowly. but what you're going to do is open a pen and fill the inside of the pen if you take it out.
However, these pens break, fill it with small nails or weights. Some people make small ball bearings, you just have to weigh them. down, so when you put the pen here it will sink, otherwise a normal pen, this one will float like this, so put it heavy, do the trick like this with the back of your hand, you will just do like this for the performance we are saying boom and boom and this just comes here and hides, you're palming the pen, they're not paying attention to it because they're looking this way and you're hiding it, tilting it behind here for a while. second, then drop your hand, drop the pen in a pocket, or give it to a friend who is involved in the trick.
There are a lot of ways you can get rid of the pen, but I'm just going to do this and this and you. shows this pen and I can also show my sleeves or my arms without a pen, what I've really done is I've been able to hide the pen here all this time, so there's a lot of different ways you can get the pen from hand to hand if you guys do any of these tricks to fool your friends make sure you film it and send it to me here's the email here send it and we might show it in a


YouTube video if you want to see other fun things that are cool and that's cool and again this is cool too It's all it always amazes me how it does it it's just that you can turn it sideways it's just amazing and if you turn it right no yeah hey everyone I just want to give you a quick look behind the scenes watch our latest video this is half an apple , we have a soda that looks like a double soda but is actually also double and then we have these pieces painted half in black and white to give the illusion of The Mirror here of playing a game of chess that was your shopping scene it's the season Christmas that stresses you out.
Do you feel like there is a lot to do but not enough time? Hi, I'm Zach King and I'd like to introduce you to the magical Christmas sweater oh I can't say the magical legals won't like it, that's not the point, it's a magical Christmas sweater, yes, but we don't want to say it, we just want to show it, so take it back to one. It's not magical in your own words just not that during the holidays there are so many things on your plate like baking but not anymore with the Christmas sweater we covered you you can't bite the head there is no head anywhere else arms legs whatever is most human just not the head but if you want to see the rest of this video and also find out what else my magical Christmas sweater can do, click the link in the bio and hey, from now on it's not too late to order and receive it on time . for chris, the four more stars of the american vine, the first olympic trials for the long jump, well, we have never seen that before on the track, he will need at least an eight meter jump to qualify, he is a little sloppy, no is gaining the right speed and That's not good, look which one you choose the orange.
I don't have it. Do you want to see a magic trick. Are you kidding? What does it take to impress them? These things I do all this magic just because I've done it fast. I don't have a case to protect my phone because I have this feature called jelly mode. Check it. Work in progress. Hey, buddy, let me help you. You're okay, Wow, Mason, let's see if we can update. How cool, friend! Liam, do you want a dog here? Let me make you a dog. Yeah, oh baby, don't be scared. I hate how my wife dances with this hot dog.
He was so cute, although I like to treat myself every day. Aaron friend. Flip the water bottle over. movie yeah, okay, keep going, 45 takes baby, uh, wait, I have a different idea, okay, walk away, three, two, one, wow, that was amazing, no, no, wait, oh, I'm coming late, bring all your friends and grab your squeaker, let's do this? in your car, yeah, okay, hit him, cool, let him keep trying.

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