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Is it OK to sleep in VR ???

May 28, 2024
Hello guys and welcome back to the virtual reality show where we talk about everything related to virtual reality within virtual reality. I'm your host fia, it's time to get cozy and cozy as we delve into the world of garden


ers today. from all over the world are jumping into the title of social virtual reality and many people have started using virtual reality as a replacement for many things in their real lives, one of these things of course is


ing, so, in thoughts Initially, sleeping in virtual reality sounds super uncomfortable and similar. It's a terrible idea, but as an avid VR chat gamer, I keep hearing about people doing it, so I decided to get to the bottom of it.
is it ok to sleep in vr
Why do people sleep in virtual reality chat? Is it healthy to sleep with headphones on? What is it like to wake up? in a virtual world and what I will think after trying to sleep in VR by myself, let's discover these secrets together as we dive into the cozy world of VR chat sleepers to first gather information. I reached out to present my own research of people on Twitter and Discord. A few dozen users came up and explained to me the way they sleep in VR so I could better understand how it's done, why it's done, and where they do it.
is it ok to sleep in vr

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is it ok to sleep in vr...

One of the users who reached out was a friend of mine. Why Fight Punk? I decided to conduct an interview with him to get his opinion on vrchat sleeping, as I knew he was an experienced player of the game who could potentially give me insight into this phenomenon. I'm Wi-Fi Punk, so yeah, I guess. I first downloaded VR chat around 2016. I'm curious, how many times in a given week, for example, how many nights would you say you fall asleep in VR chat? I probably fall asleep right now, maybe like four, five times a week. so I got a VR sleep expert combined with responses from random internet users who reached out.
is it ok to sleep in vr
I learned a lot about the basics of how sleep works in virtual reality. My biggest concern was how do people get comfortable enough to fall asleep with a giant. headphones on without breaking them what's your setup when you're actually trying to fall asleep as a comfort as to what that's like, if anything, I'll put a couple of pillows or something behind my neck, you know, make sure I have support and I'm not going to move too much. If anything, that's the advice I would give people is to try to get in a position where you're not going to roll over in your sleep.
is it ok to sleep in vr
It seems that people use mattresses. beds, beanbags, or even just sleeping on the floor with pillows, but they usually find positions where they won't end up sleeping on their side to avoid possible damage to their headphones. It is also important to be careful with the cable and put yourself in a position where it will not be an obstacle in your path. A festive friend of mine warned me about the dangers of this. I was lying on my back when I remember falling asleep and having a dream and waking up and noticing the coil had wrapped around my neck. four times, so I must have been in such bad shape that I kept twisting it and it wasn't like it was loose, it actually had some tension, not enough to strangle someone, but enough to scare them if I did.
You don't really realize what they're waking up and what they're doing and for that reason I just didn't want to do it again because it's scary, you don't know what the hell is going on when you're just waking up to your first thing I thought okay, here we go, I'm waking up. Mine was sacred. Why do I have a cable on my neck? Many people I spoke to mentioned that they found it uncomfortable when they first fell asleep in VR, but they got used to it over time. So now that I understood how I wanted to move on to the question of why people choose to sleep in virtual reality instead of the comfort of not having a giant piece of technology strapped to their head.
Well, there are two reasons why I learned the connection that you're making with other people around you is really the key, so anyone would go into a public world and swoon over random strangers that they don't know or that you don't know, that maybe you have a partner or whatever and I know that you want to spend time together and you don't want to be part of it. Reasoning is something I have considered social. VR sleep chat is a social game where the main objective is to spend time with other users. The most dedicated players go. to enjoy this aspect of the game that close friends and relationships develop so much within it as they grow up, we have sleepovers with their friends and enjoy extra time with them, we fall asleep next to our loved ones when we are older, it is totally normal . wanting to be around people or a person you trust when you go to sleep, what virtual reality does is make this easy, it doesn't matter how far away you are from your friends, if you have virtual reality you can feel that feeling of presence of having them there with you, you can turn your head and hear their voice coming from the same direction, which gives people a lot of comfort;
They'll snuggle up next to each other in a full-body tracking and relax while doing things like patting the head or practicing ghost touch almost all the time. People I spoke to said the main draw for them is the social dream. Only a couple of users I spoke to ever slept alone, but for the people who slept alone there was another aspect that really made them want to sleep in VR and for them it was the fact. that you can experience any world or place. One of the biggest things about being in New York is the fact that I literally have no way to see the stars because where I lived at the time was the Bronx, it's just filled with so much light pollution. every building, every car, every streetlight always has a light on or something, so it's terribly horrible to see in the sky the world that I found if you knew that this moon flying over there had like a lot of planets even had something like that, believe.
They were a couple of shooting stars and obviously not seeing it very often I thought it was amazing because I don't get it on a day to day basis, that's definitely one of my biggest favorite moments in VR. At night, sometimes right before I go to sleep, I look up and say, Yes, this is amazing. People like Festivities can experience worlds and places they could only dream of due to their real-life circumstances. The possibilities of the worlds are endless. Sleeping by the ocean in the rain on a rooftop near a castle or even a video game from your childhood, but that's where the next question comes in: where do people choose to sleep in virtual reality?
What are the main worlds that people choose to go to? What would you say are some inherent ones? traits that would make a world relaxing or maybe some world options that would be ideal for a sleeping world oh that's easy so you have the most important one: post-processing options, environment is really important and people forget that it's not necessary like being outside, having an environment, you know, the indoor environment is still very important and I have beanbags, I have to have blankets, pillows, things like that, so it seems like there's a lot of things that go into a good sleeping world. , worlds where you can change the lighting and sounds to your liking draw people's attention to them, anything that looks soft and comfortable also has great appeal, but wifi punk didn't know I was actually collecting their tips from my own sleep experiment, what would be your advice for first time sleepers and if so?
How to get comfortable or what it's like or some similar advice, uh, make sure you get comfortable, find some worlds that you like so you don't think about it too much if you want to try to force it into something you like. You're just going to be miserable, um, I think most people who sleep in VR now just did it, you know, like they didn't really do it, if anything, when they started sleeping in VR, it was by accident, um. It was because they were staying up too late because they were having a great time with their friends uh, it was because they were trying to comfort someone, it's not something people should treat as escapism, there's enough of that in VR So although He said you shouldn't force it, I decided I wanted to do my own sleep experiment anyway, but before I was ready to commit I wanted to know if it was healthy.
After doing some research online I found the health and safety guide for oculus which said not to use headphones if you are sleepy, this was an obvious bad sign but I wanted to do more research on my own first, there was an obvious lack of research on this topic considering how new the phenomenon is, but the one thing I do remember is that my doctor always told me to limit screen use before bed, so how bad would it be to put a screen next to my face during all night? Well, what I discovered is that the main concern is how the light from the screen affects our sleep cycle. but specifically how blue light affects you.
A quick Google search led me to discover that blue light reflects sunlight and how it suppresses the release of melatonin in our body, a hormone that helps us fall asleep. I personally use a night mode on my phone and For this reason, orange computer light is the opposite of blue and is a much healthier alternative to blue light. Now, although the headset with my PC headset does not have night mode, you can lower the screen brightness to 20 in Steam settings, which greatly reduces the impact of light and helps you fall asleep much better easily. I can't say if there is still potential harm from having the screen next to your face even in low light, but my personal and non-professional opinion is that overall it should be fine, of course.
I would recommend doing your own research before making this decision for yourself. Here's what Wi-Fi punk had to say about his experience. I have semi-consistent health checks for myself. I know I'm fine and I went to the eye doctor and they said my eyes have been or looked fantastic oh this is great the prescription hasn't changed yeah it's really funny because since I really got into virtual reality my prescription It hasn't changed at all in the last five years, so it's like As far as I'm concerned, it's like it only has benefits. Well, now I felt safe and educated enough to try my own sleep experiment and see what it's like for myself.
I got some VR sleep friends together. To accompany me to a sleepover on Vrchat, I needed to do some preparation, so I asked a close friend named Croa to show me some worlds where we chose one called Wolfy's Hangout and Sleep. I also bought a giant beanbag to rest on. I called my British boyfriend Protostar to join us too and there isn't a single person I'd rather snuggle with in VR. Okay, I put on my pajamas to be nice and comfortable. I have my giant bean bag that I bought. specifically for this video it was like 250 dollars.
Hopefully, this is a good investment. I really hope it's worth it. But let me go grab some of my additional tools that will help us later. Ready, pillows, stuffed animals, hydration check, a check. Now I have pretty much everything I need to be nice and comfy and cozy tonight so I can sleep in VR so I guess all I have left to do is put on my headphones and enjoy the comfortable sleep vibes, welcome everyone . the slumber party, yeah, yeah, I'm going to change into my comfy avatar so I can match with Protostar, okay, awesome, welcome sleepmates, I've got my cuddle buddy, Protostar, we're going to be hugging, he's not He's not sure if he's going to sleep all the time yet. but he will try, um and then we have the expert sleepers, croa and star, um, and they will be our sleep guides.
A couple more people might show up at the sleepover and a little later once we're really ready. go to sleep bedtime and I'm really excited so um croak and star I know you guys are experts at sleeping so tell me what it's like when you sleep in VR uh it feels like a void that if you don't have someone to sleep with you just grab it like a hug pillow and then you just hug your friend and he'll see me late like you're actually sleeping with someone it makes you feel a little less alone at night.
Our lighting controls here, so I can control how dark it is and stuff, what do you think it'll be like to fall asleep next to each other after being apart for so long? I mean, it'll probably be something similar, you know, you get a feeling. to replace it, but you know it's not exactly the same, you'll probably feel very hot, that's true, it'll probably get pretty hot with the headphones onpositions, especially for you without ec. I went to bed at midnight and had an alarm set for eight to make sure I got a full eight hours of sleep during the experiment.
Honestly, it took me a long time to fall asleep. I felt quite uncomfortable as normally sleeping on my stomach was not a possibility at all with the giant headphones in my face. It's not the worst, although it was nice to cuddle up to my boyfriend and feel like I was sleeping next to him. I had my stuffed animal next to me, so it almost felt like he was there next to me after I finally fell asleep. I suddenly woke up. the familiar sound followed by appearing in your chat world. I still have no idea what happened, but somehow I was kicked out of the world away from my friends.
I tried to rejoin, but everyone was on do not disturb mode, so I was stuck. I decided to choose a camping world with a starry night sky and sleep inside a tent until the morning when I would meet everyone again. I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It felt weird to suddenly wake up in a virtual world and see polygons. from real life was a shocking moment for me and I really felt immersed like I really belonged in this world. I quickly rejoined my friend's world and we chatted about the experience. It was not easy to fall asleep.
I think most of the others had already passed. I left before a meme. I noticed that my tracking kept disconnecting, so even though I was in a place where my trackers could be seen, I think just by being in a static, somewhat hidden position, they kept disconnecting and the same with my controllers, I I realized that there was really no point in holding my controllers because all night they would just spin. I turned them off and would have to turn them back on, which is obviously a bit annoying, especially with the sound. I had the brightness very low so it was very comfortable and I snuggled up next to Proto at some point.
The night I know he just gave up, which I don't blame him because he doesn't have air conditioning and you're wearing headphones in his little room with no air conditioning, it sounds pretty miserable, but I was a little sad because this let you down a little bit. I know how to wake up and not have it there. I'm not sure if I'm going to do it again. Maybe I do it by accident, sure, but I don't think I'll ever go out of my way on purpose. again sleeping in VR because it was quite uncomfortable to just wear the headset on your face, it's just that that's what kills it, so once you get used to that I'm sure it's a lot easier, but you know it's not I am someone.
Who can really sleep on planes or cars anyway? So it's similar to how if I'm uncomfortable I have a lot of trouble sleeping, so while I didn't necessarily enjoy this experiment, I'd consider it a success. I actually fell asleep and had the experience for myself. I hope you enjoyed my journey learning about VR sleep and learned something for yourself too. Make sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel for more VR related content. I'll be streaming on Twitch later. this video is posted so hop on over to hang out and chat with me. Be sure to check out my patreon to help make videos like this.
I have tons of cool rewards that I think you'll love anyway. I have been your host. fia and see you in the next video, bye, special thanks to this month's patreon members and virtual vips baxorn dutech klukle scoremaller and tamagotchi poppy you.

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