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1 HOUR of World’s *LUCKIEST* Moments!

Apr 18, 2024
listen to the audio get ready for this they played Mario this person oh my god he has a little burn on his butt but at least he's okay more dude I've never seen a bowling ball have a strike forget the fact that it broke down the half, look he has a strike, what the hell, this guy is bragging, are you kidding me? You just weaved or should I call it a six-wheeled wheelie attempt at that. vehicle just for nonsense, imagine seeing your wife or partner opening the door, oh my God, how that look looks, that millimeter away from breaking the door right there, oh, how beautiful, friend, I don't think I have the strength to sustain me. top I don't think he can get out of that position What the hell is all this?
1 hour of world s luckiest moments
Oh, I've never seen a machine like that in my life. It's like the money making machine, but sweet. Oh oh oh, okay, okay, she's got the skills to do a handstand. Michael Jackson's skills and skateboarding isn't exactly skateboarding skills, oh man, I'm telling you, I think humans like to lift things with their feet, I do, that guy did it, oh my god , oh, this looks sick, oh, come on. I don't know how people like cars that skid and skid like that, just as good as a millimeter, oh speaking of millimeters, that car missed one, two, three, four lanes of traffic to avoid hitting anything.
1 hour of world s luckiest moments

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1 hour of world s luckiest moments...

I don't know how, oh, this guy did this on purpose. Is that already done? Is that what he meant? I don't think he intended to do that. Talking with the people. Whoa, whoa, who just broke the other one. That person thought what a ghost is. He just started playing pool. Okay, going up the. after throwing, oh my god, he's gone up to get a soccer ball, he's into soccer. Honey, they just took 10 footballs, jeez, how many lightning strikes were those, oh, that person is furious, whoa, what are they pointing at, they're pointing at a trash can, right?
1 hour of world s luckiest moments
He's a perfect guy, that's a one in a million chance that this gu will run until he falls backwards and there, oh, how does he stay? He is a teacher. He is a master at staying in those things. We continue. He bounces or tries. to be tackled by throwing it, oh God, you know those last minute buzzers you can't beat them, it's just that he was eating something in the air, throwing it oohh, who how high did you just throw it? Literally, the king of the party. After that, this guy has an oh, how, oh my God, this is him, his face is giving me all the emotions.
1 hour of world s luckiest moments
I wait this, what is he, he is telling someone else to leave. Oh, that's why you always get someone to check what's under the bridge. while you're jumping, oh my god, don't do that, scary people, wait, this is a friend, imagine being, oh, look at that boat, drive like we're leaving here, Bob, I'm going full throttle to get out of here , talking about getting out of here. God, that's why you don't run red lights people, the rules are there for a re whoa wao oh, oh my god, that's sick, what is he up to? He's like a miniature version of a kayak, oh God, we, what has that become somehow. the most graceful landing I've ever seen in my life, oh my god, he didn't even hurt his foot, his shoe came off, holy mother of all that's lucky, look at that boat, this person just does nice things, you know that everyone is about to push him.
He goes in and uses the towel so he doesn't get dirty at all. I don't go to pools when it's stormy, by the way, he looks at that guy, that's literally if that had happened a second later, I think he would have been in the pool. when it hit, they always tell you not to do that, people is that a shark is an oh my god, oh no, this is the worst nightmare, this is literally nightmare material right now, thank god, okay, right? What's going on here? Atlantic white shark with Conservancy oh it was eaten so no no no no no no no no this is too much this is too much these people are so lucky talking about Lucky what's up with these lightning strikes literally falling right next to people?
Go on oh oh Does that count if you let go of the cane? I think that means oh Technic or I'm not sure the Rollings caught him technically he didn't hit the floor and if we're going to dress up as someone's friend is this a the shark whisperer Hannah Frasier you're the craziest woman I've ever seen in my life, but fair play, you seem to know what you're doing, oh my god, this helicopter, what is it?, oh my god, my god, I think it's too windy, oh my god, it can't. Land, the weather is ridiculous, landed, landed, not a single person was here, are you kidding me now?
All these clips are luck, some are skill. I feel like that's pure luck. I don't know how he didn't take her face to face oh my god, that ship, geez, what are they doing in the middle of the ocean so close to each other? I don't know if this guy is really good at football, well he's definitely very good at football, look, that's one way. Putting your trash in the back of a truck, how do you not break the TV? This guy's back is turned again, look at him, he's literally doing tricks by putting trash in the bin.
I don't know if that guy who did the tapping meant to be part of the video it's sick, oh my god look at this beautiful new Mercedes, they're just going to sit in the car, why are they so stressed? because this just happened, their cars may be damaged, but at least they are okay, what is this Formula? 3 oh holy, that's a turn and a half, he literally did a barrel roll in the car, luckily he's okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, chill, chill, chill, oh, I wish I could do something like that, but Don't do it so close to the edge of a mountain either, are you kidding me?
Are you trying to fall? That's scary, only do this if you're a trained professional. I mean, don't ever do it, oh my God, he's so casual about it. 3 2 1, literally, oh my god, you've done it. I can't offer you free luck yet, just subscribe to the channel, it's free and the next time you go to a vending machine you will get two things for the prize, an imine walking down the street and then bam, lightning, wait, where did he do that? She hit, hit the umbrella, holy cow, why is she standing on a track? Because? I don't even know how they were allowed to do that, to be honest with you mate, that's a wa that's sick.
I think they are totally harmless to humans, they were crazy and on the screen these are some of the most impossible weird


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