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CEO 2024 GRAND FINALS - Kola (Roy) Vs. Riddles (Kazuya) Smash Ultimate - SSBU

Jul 04, 2024
tournament. You know, holding it down and I mean, we had a lot of competitors that really showed how great the roster could be, you know, it's exciting to see because a lot of these characters don't usually have that space and time to really like to shine and thrive. and we're seeing matchups that are played much more intuitively, like understanding yes, something we rarely saw in the past, when people played chess as if it were the meta standard, but now, over time, the game has become available long enough to People really need to be a little more granular with some of these matchmaking details and we're seeing that in leaps and bounds and that was absolutely phenomenal.
ceo 2024 grand finals   kola roy vs riddles kazuya smash ultimate   ssbu
I feel very honored to be able to choose that set, it was crazy, 100 ridiculous, 100%. I'm so glad you mentioned that too. I mean, again, what we were thinking coming into this match didn't really work, but this goes back to what you talked about about that idea of ​​the meta being constantly evolving and always changing. I was sure that Roy is a great character, that that character is as good as the players who play Roy at this level. You're still combo food for a character like Kaiser, you can't afford a smell that you can't afford to spread too much because you know.
ceo 2024 grand finals   kola roy vs riddles kazuya smash ultimate   ssbu

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ceo 2024 grand finals kola roy vs riddles kazuya smash ultimate ssbu...

What's on the opposite side of that? However, Cola brought us something different again, going for those shots, dodging the spot, dodging the first hit from the twin Pistons, the divine fist, whatever, it's like, look, I need to expend some bravery to really get it. This job is done because I don't get anything playing fear versus puzzles and he really adapts to the occasion, man. I'm so happy to have seen this play the way it did, yeah man, isn't it absolutely phenomenal. M, that was, that was a set. that was a set that was a set right there man that's right for three times they played on top man they played three times that It was absolute madness right there, it doesn't get tested any more in battle than those two, true, true, real man, yeah, yeah, wow, gotta get off that tall man, gotta get off that right, take a break, bab, take a break, thanks. you take a break, take a break, that's true, but all joking aside, although this has been a phenomenal thing, I mean, again, we got to see some new players, of course, you know this stuff, you know, we've seen the hype. , you know, definitely last year's Champion.
ceo 2024 grand finals   kola roy vs riddles kazuya smash ultimate   ssbu
He did his thing too, we got to see some Beast smoke Paul and some omegas I talked about, that's right, Kobe too, a lot of players I've been watching over the last few weeks, how are they going to be successful? What's the next event on his, you know his tour list or travel list, whatever you want to call it. I mean, there are tournaments every weekend in the Smash Community, where they'll go next, and most importantly, how they'll rise to the occasion and measure up. occasion so with that in mind folks we need to talk about some awards okay joke tell me how you feel man what an ending Rob I can't believe it but let's do a quick review of your top eight results Please give us.
ceo 2024 grand finals   kola roy vs riddles kazuya smash ultimate   ssbu
Applause for Jazzo Goblin also got seventh place, he already has the medal from him, but it represents liquid and a buzz, he is last and also in fifth place. Leave it for Kobe in fourth place. He is Omega. Third place. Leave it for beast mode. Q. Second place, let's give it. to puzzles and its


CEO crushes the timeline of


champion Cola the Blessed, this is what we wanted to see the man shout out loud, of course, to all those players. I mean, it's very difficult to compete here in the top eight, it's not easy, especially as a CEO.
I'm just talking about the nature of the event The Narrative just the stage that the production has built it's very difficult to do this at this level but they made it look easy up there man oh th% man like I said yeah give a round of applause to all the competitors, Please, please, let them know, man, let them know that it's never easy, it's never easy, no, it certainly isn't, man. Co of course did the damn thing this weekend and I'm so excited to see what's next on his list, man I know. He's going to enjoy it tonight as he should, okay, maybe you'll have to see what happens with the performances after this, but yeah, it's been an absolute pleasure and an absolute honor, doing this with you, as always, we can't do it. rock it very often, but when we do it, we have to do it in a major way, yeah man, no, th% th% man and, as you know, thank you, obviously, you know, I know the production and the old broadcast team, everyone here man of course you see jab.
Bailey, you see Tong, everyone holding him down, you know, thank you for inviting us here once again, it's actually been phenomenal. I know it's a great time here for the scene and to see these types of tournaments and everyone coming together like this. what it's about man this is why we do what we do day in and day out so I love seeing this. Thank you very much, have us and then we have some Street Fighter, yeah, here, some Street Fighter that I'm very excited about. what with that we're going to call it here at night man this was



top it was R it was bam and we had a lot of fun keep it closed here when we come back we have some Street Fighter coming your way right after this wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait, oh you have an announcement, wait, wait, I don't know, come here, what are you doing in production?
We, no, yes, yes, okay, come here, come here, come here, come here. you got something you want to say, yeah, it's actually nothing crazy, but it's bad news, oh what, you're good bro, but don't put it on live, yeah, okay, so I'm really happy. I want CEO, but I have to do it. Say I won't go to the


regeneration because, um, financial problems. I was in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. I'm fine. I got to a survey but I can't go to Europe because I have to pay for my car, yeah man, but uh. two champions two time champions yeah, yeah, and thank you all for watching, you know, and Roy is our guy and Nigerian, uh, Nigerian Nightmare, yeah, there we go, that's what we love to see, but yeah, thanks to everyone for commenting, of course, brother, of course, and yes.
Nice tournament, love seeing you, hey man, that's what matters, but anyway, let's cut it some more in the meantime, like I said, there will be some Street Fighter Six next, don't go anywhere.

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