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Over 2 Hours Of Cyberpunk Corporation Lore | WiseFish Lore Compilation

Jun 01, 2024
In today's video I have compiled all my Mega Corporation videos into one long


video, since many people have said that they like to listen to them in the background. This will also include information on corpses that I haven't covered yet, such as kangta and zetch. as well as a bit about how they got to Night City and their hidden projects, so sit back, have a drink, and enjoy


law while you do what you do. We start with some of the laws behind how


s came to light and some of the first wars they got involved in.
over 2 hours of cyberpunk corporation lore wisefish lore compilation
Until 2023 our story begins in the early 90s where the world was very different than our current timeline. During 1992, the US found itself in a political war later called The Silent War against its once allies called the European Economic Community with the Euro on the Rise. US involvement within Europe itself was less tolerated and Due to their exclusion, the EEC began to gain global power, making the US second place and with the EEC being able to drive international policies above the rest. US policies to really solidify their power, the EEC wanted to make sure the US knew who they were really dealing with and with this they defied US wishes and sent much needed food and aid to all states of the Soviet Union, which angered the US as a Soviet country.
over 2 hours of cyberpunk corporation lore wisefish lore compilation

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over 2 hours of cyberpunk corporation lore wisefish lore compilation...

The European Union was their long-term enemy for years due to their opposing political views. With food sent to the East, the Soviets accepted the European Community as their new allies and with it they accepted the Euro-dollar over the American currency and with this dramatic change in NATO collapsed when the Soviets finally made peace with Western Europe, something that had not been possible for four decades after this event, and by 1993 the European Community was growing even more, even with a prototype mass controller being taken to the moon in New York. The year 1993 showed its strength in the space program, the US had to counterattack in some way since Europe was growing in all factors, especially in its military, here they would hit them the only way they knew how, the way most devastating through the economy, they would initially begin with actions. market fraud to try to disrupt military treaty talks between the Soviets and the Europeans, but eventually things came to a head with the gang of four also known as the FBI, CIA, NSA and DEA would join together to form a plan in which they would show the economy. power of the EEC by hacking into the stock market of Europe and Asia, the gang of four would artificially inflate stocks and promote an illusion of American wealth.
over 2 hours of cyberpunk corporation lore wisefish lore compilation
This worked at first, however, the EEC quickly discovered this plan of the gang of four and leaked it to the World Press as the world now recognized what the United States had done: the exchange rate had been completely undermined and with it The entire system collapsed, leading to what became known as the Crash of '94. Following this event, the United States was hit by hundreds of embargoes instituted on its trade relations and with all of this happening, only a short amount of time passed. Before the event known as the crash, now with limited trading opportunities and worthless stocks, the elderly were affected.
over 2 hours of cyberpunk corporation lore wisefish lore compilation
First, they lost all their pensions and investments, meaning they had no more savings. and was essentially left homeless and forced to move into relatives' properties. In the end, the United States had no way to help with its finances, they could not lend to anyone, there was overwhelming violence in the streets and millions in the process died. The military really tried to help control the situation. violence and getting supplies to those who needed them, but in the end it was useless and although they saved many lives, it really wasn't enough with the euro dollar thriving in the rest of the world.


s had essentially begun to rule the world and would seek out more and more properties to increase their profits. The year was 2004 and during this year a company called Transor World Airlines tww was failing as a business and needed dramatic help. A company at the time called Electronic Business Machines attempted to buy out the bankrupt company and met with its CEO, the deal, however, was not enough and would fail. Another company called orbital air took this opportunity to take tww for themselves, desperate for tw's air traffic facilities and with this they would immediately block ebms.
EBM quickly caught wind of the takeover attempt and decided to hit them back with some of the same tactics, but a little harsher this time. EBM was going to hire terrorists to kidnap the Orbital A trade negotiation team traveling to meet with two. but during their task the terrorists failed and it immediately became clear to orbital air that ebm was responsible for hiring them to ruin their business plans, it didn't take long for orbital air to step up their game once again and after this attempted attack on their Orbital Air negotiation team recruited Ed, a technology company known as Zetch, to help them in their conflict against EBM.
Immediately, zetch started a large scale net attack against ebm using their best hackers, but unfortunately for this relatively small technology company, their attacks were repelled by ebm and with their resistance forced zetch to exit the war completely now with the Annoyance that was zetch out of the way, it was finally time for ebm to begin its own attacks on orbital air facilities using physical and technological attacks as well as here both sides would take using corporate solos as well as third world proxy soldiers to carry out These attacks as well as the use of acts of terrorism, network attacks and forms of hacking, two major battles occurred during this, the first was inside an EBM space station which was attacked by orbital air.
Command successfully but this attack caught the attention of the European Space Agency who denounced both companies and demanded that the two not fight within low Earth orbit. The second major battle was the one that finally put an end to the war between the two that took place in In 2006, the orbital air commandos carried out another successful attack against EBM, but this time on its complex that housed its general director of Grunwalder. , with his capture, EBM was forced to surrender to EBM and with that the war officially ended. This set a precedent. to the rest of the world and sent a message to the other corporations, this war proved that military style warfare against other corporations was in fact a viable business practice, while both companies lost hundreds of millions of euros, in the end the winning party He benefited the most from it. than they would have ever expected thanks to this series of events that occurred between 2004 and 2006, this was just the beginning of the corporations fight for profits, now it had become the era of corporate warfare, the year was 2008 and the world had just begun. about the events of the corporate war between ebm and orbital air, but during the final years of that war another company had laid the groundwork for what would become known as the second corporate war in 2006, the company known as s oil in Eastern Europe had begun producing a new fuel source that would power vehicles ch2 was an alcohol based fuel that was originally produced by pem along with this new fuel petram offered updated petroleum technology to help them drill, pump and create other fuels from unused oil resources and within Siberia, but with this offer there was a problem: it would see PEM obtain partial drilling rights if they accepted this new technology.
The deal seemed to be going ahead as planned with no real problems in sight, however, just before the documents were signed, Sov Oil engineers announced that they had just developed a new drilling technology that was the same as what Petrm was offering, if not better, meaning the deal was now worthless. Oil immediately canceled the deal and suddenly a rift formed between the two companies, but as both had done. their own territories nothing happened yet a year passed and both sovo and petren looked outwards to expand their empires they both looked at the South China Sea and began to move towards that area the rift that the two had formed became even more hostile during this as they both searched for this land and finally that tension turned into aggression and in April 2008 the second corporate war had officially begun.
The starting point of the war was when the offshore platform owned by Petr called Sabino Bravo exploded without knowing why Petr immediately accused the Soviet oil of using explosives to get it out of the ground, this started a series of events involving public verbal battles. between diplomats representing each corporation after these hostile communications broke down. Petram was the first to attack, using his military divers to place explosives on an oil platform. To exact equal revenge for what the oil had supposedly done to them, the military divers were successful and the platform was destroyed, starting the full-scale war.
The oil facilities were obviously the main objective for both, since this was their lifeline and these being the objectives of both. The sides would suffer huge losses in just a matter of weeks and both would lose around 75% of their oil facilities after a year of intense fighting. Petrm Gotwood would be a pivotal moment for them in their battle when they captured the Spratley Island chain and assassinated the CEO. and founder of s oil and toi neovo using Malaysian government military aircraft, to many this would seem like an easy victory for petram as they had essentially eliminated the head of sov oil, but regardless sov oil regrouped and took advantage of this loss to really We hit them back and were finally able to overpower Petrm, endlessly repelling every attack Petrm launched at them with so many failed attacks.
Petrom was seriously weakened in October 2009 and with its oil we were able to take de facto control of the South China Sea. The war had officially ended and Petram had suffered a major defeat that forced them to leave the area, but to add to their humiliation, it was also discovered after the war ended in 2010 that the initial explosion that triggered the events of this war in the first place place was not done by S oil, in fact it was just an unscrupulous accident and no one was really to blame, as with the first corporate war, the second one between these two huge oil companies really caused shockwaves around the world, In a conflict like this between two military corporations, the amount of influence the companies could muster in the Pacific Rim countries was quite terrifying, showing how powerful they really were and furthermore, both companies, especially the Soviet oil company, were able to place their own governments within their borders. some countries and then ignore the demands of the nation states and only focus on their own interests, but the worst part of the war was thanks to what they had attacked in the first place, the oil refineries, most of them destroyed, this meant the southern part. of the Pacific Rim was massively polluted and conditions were described as nearly uninhabitable by 2020, forcing many to have to flee the area once again, two corporations had devastated part of the world and used armies that many had never seen before. seen before, but although this was the worst war yet, this was not the end and in fact it only highlighted to the corporations once again that the war was extremely profitable for the victors for 6 years, the world returned to a form something normal without corporations trying to eliminate each other.
In 2016, a very different war between two factions was about to take place. During a check carried out by some examiners from the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, these people were going to discover that there had been a trust scheme organized by some investment advisors, Meril Asuka and Finch, these individuals would be targeting private investors and would use the Rothstein fund as leverage. The Rothstein fund being a subsidiary of the Bank of the City of New York, upon finding this vital information, investigators would immediately notify the District Attorney's Office, who began investigating immediately the day after the hearing. about what had been happening in the background Rust Steam was furious at mf's unwillingness to help with the investigation and claiming that they knew nothing about what had been happening and that they would also hand over everything they had to the prosecutor's office from District.
The Rothstein fund would also hire a bunch of local Street netrunners to start probing its data strengths and find out what had really been going on within itscompany, seeing that netrunners were being used. M andf saw this as a direct attack on their company and immediately took action. strengthening their network defenses and also using their own private netrunners to launch their own attack against the rostin fund targeting their financial targets first, but MF did not stop there and used their attacks even further by focusing their efforts on destroying all of the company's computer systems. rusin that Things would escalate even more with all this happening, the data fortresses were heavily armed as everyone waited to see what was going to happen next, but with all this happening, netwatch, the global network monitoring organization headquartered in London, took action and limited network access for everyone who tried. desperately trying to put an end to cybercrime and also carrying out regular raids that would lead to numerous arrests and many people with the network out of reach of their attacks, both sides enlist the help of mercenaries and, for a short time, 12- In Over a period of one hour, small battles took place within low Earth orbit and on Earth as they desperately attempted to destroy their enemies' physical network locations.
Communications equipment Although these battles were small in scale compared to previous corporate wars, many lives were lost during them and, in addition, millions of euros were lost in material destruction over 6 months. This Grid War continued with many attacks that provided no real use to either side and the 12


of conflict were said to have caused more damage to the dam on both sides than it is. fighting for half a year, the war finally came to an end as the rosam fund simply ceased to exist for the MF, no matter how they left. They then handed over the corpses of the two of their Executives who had started this series of events to the da and they also offered to pay for all the damage caused inside Leo and on Earth, which is not the most dramatic.
Of wars, this one was certainly unlike anything else, it mainly used the network to conduct all the battles. For many, it was a shock how long this war lasted considering how it all started and many were confused by the means of war believing the network was the main one. weapon to be very confusing this war may not have seemed significant but in reality it was possibly the most important as for many people they saw this as the new form of warfare using the Nets to do all their battles others claimed that armies would still be used used and in fact this didn't really change anything, but his questioning about the future of the war didn't have to wait long because not long after the third corporate war ended, a new one was about to begin, but this one was the most devastating. that no one has ever had.
Ever witnessed, especially for the people of KN City, the next corporate war would be the most devastating yet and would involve two of the largest corporations the world has ever seen. These would include Arasaka and Militech, two that had honorable beginnings but lost their way as they progressed. increasingly international power the story of arasaka begins with sasai arasaka born in Tokyo Japan in 1859 his career began when he joined the imperial Japanese army where he rose through the ranks to become a captain after his retirement from the army Sassi entered the world of business Initially a laborer and then becoming a successful businessman in his own right during this time, Sasi met and married his wife Yui and began construction of the Arasaka family compound.
The complex was built in the style of a traditional Japanese fortress, perhaps indicating the focus of Sassi's future career. He wanted the complex to be a safe haven for the family he wanted to build with UI and had created many escape routes and ways. for the family to defend themselves shortly after completing the Arasaka family compound. Sesai created the Arasaka corporation in 1915. The purpose of the corporation was weapons manufacturing, which took advantage of Sassi's strengths and his previous experience in the Imperial Japanese Army, his business prowess, and his focus on the safety of his family, as well as As the business grew steadily and the site's success improved when Yui gave birth to her son Savoru in 1919.
The fortunes of the Arasaka family incorporation were truly booming when the Second World War broke out. Sasai took advantage of Japan's involvement and began supplying ships and aircraft to the Imperial Japanese Navy, which had additional importance to Sassi as his son Savoru, now in his twenties, had enlisted as a pilot in the Imperial Japanese Navy Savoru, like his father, quickly He rose through the ranks and became a lieutenant at just 23 years old; However, Saburo would discover that World War II would be a much more intense experience the following year. The Japanese attack on PO Harbor, the Japanese Navy had been gradually taking Allied territories in the South Pacific, they captured the Philippines from the Americans, British Malaya from the British, and the East Indies from the Dutch.
This was all part of the plan to isolate Australia. and New Zealand from the other Allied forces in May 1942 Japan had captured the Gual Channel in the Solomon Islands, a place where they could actually attack Australia by the Americans in retaliation and, despite being very unprepared, launched the Operation Watchtower, the first Allied ground offensive in the Second World. In the war, the Japanese were taken completely by surprise when the United States made its first amphibious landing in the Gual Channel. A brief battle ensued, but the Americans successfully drove the Japanese out of the Gordal Channel, saving Australia for the moment.
The Americans now had to control the Gual Canal. It was completely surrounded by Japanese bases throughout the South Pacific Sabura was stationed at one of those bases, the former Australian territory of Rabul in Papa New Guinea. Later in 1942, Saur was assigned to be part of a flying escort in his GM4 Betty Bombers A6 M0. It was to successfully get the bombers into the Guo Channel, where they could attack the American forces station there, but first they would have to navigate the South Pacific Ocean, where they would be completely exposed and vulnerable to American attack, as the Americans feared.
Japanese. The Americans soon pursued them across the Pacific and Saur's escort came under attack by a group of E-clearance godfathers for FS. The zero pilots broke formation to retaliate against the Americans. Sabura was able to take down a cleaning godfather, but while he was chasing another he crossed. Enemy Lines took heavy fire on his plane, the bullets tore through the metal and outlook of his cockpit, shattering his left arm and sending fragments of the plane into his face and eye, and Saburo quickly lost consciousness due to his injuries, his plane began to plummet. 15,000 feet into the ocean below with only 2,000 feet to spare Savoru regained enough consciousness to correct his plane, he had no choice with his serious injuries to attempt the 560 mile flight back to his base in Rabol, unsure if he would make it. would achieve, sabura did.
He returned to Rabol and managed to inform the commander about him before collapsing and with that he was immediately transported back to Tokyo for medical treatment when he finally regained consciousness. They told her the extent of his injuries. His left arm had been saved, but he never would. Being able to use it never again would have scars on his face for the rest of his life and the damage to his left eye had left him partially blind. Savoru was told he would never be able to fly for him again. the final failure felt it was dishonorable to have been medically discharged rather than have his Heroes finished and fell in battle fighting for his country for the rest of the war he languished in the arasaka family compound ashamed of how his career had ended military in In 1945, the war ended with Japan's surrender to the Allied Forces, which meant trouble for both Sassi and Sabou.
Japan's economy suffered as a result of the end of the war, which would mean the end of many Japanese companies. However, Sasi had foreseen that defeat was a possibility, so throughout the war he had been storing his assets abroad, allowing his family and the Arasaka corporation to stay afloat afterward. from the war. Saboru, however, was devastated by the loss of his country and felt that there was no way he could continue in a world where Japan would not be. Victor Sabura was about to act on him in desperation when he was suddenly hit by a Epiphany.
On this Epiphany he foresaw the future and potential of the Arasaka corporation and all that he could achieve with the company when he inherited it from his father and not alone. How could he use his position within the Arasaka Corporation to allow his beloved Japan to return to its former glory and even rise as a greater global power than ever before. Savoru at that time put aside the tragedy of Japan's loss and his own wounds and resolved to become an effective businessman. He began by enrolling in Toai at Tokyo Imperial University and studying business policy, economics and history.
His plan was to lead the Arasaka corporation to become the dominant business over all its competition in 1960. Sesi passed away leaving Saboru. at the age of 41 to inherit and become CEO of the Arasaka Corporation Suburu quickly set to work implementing his vision of corporate domination by diversifying the reach of the Arasaka Corporation beginning with the opening of the Arasaka Bank Sabura predicted that Japan's economy would begin to grow and wanted to be ready to capitalize on the recovery using the accumulated fortune that his father Sassi had protected and continued to grow over the years. Saburo had a decent capital base on which he launched his bank which would focus on corporate and commercial accounts, starting with small built saburs.
Increase the bank's capital by investing and lending intelligently to companies that he believed would be headed for growth in this new economically viable era for Japan. In 1970, after acquiring an extreme amount of wealth for the Arasaka Corporation, Sabura was ready to expand the family business even more so. In starting his third company, Arasaka Security, Arasaka Security had two main functions: first, to provide manpower for personal and corporate protection, and second, to provide and manufacture technology for electronic and computer security purposes. Arasaka Security was a huge global success. Saboru had focused on creating a true quality service, the security personnel received the best training and were the best equipped on the market, they were trained in the latest security procedures and were capable of facing any form of combat, both armed and unarmed. , was also fully trained in how to handle a variety of equipment to meet the needs of Arak's customers.
Sabur knew that having such a sophisticated and elite security service would allow him to charge a high price for borrowing such agents by making the service completely personalized. Saburo enabled a variety of people and businesses to be able to afford world-class security by maximizing the profit potential for the Arasaka Corporation Saburo had successfully established and maintained what he called the three pillars of the Arasaka Corporation Arasaka by manufacturing the Arasaka Bank and the Arasaka security but while Sabura was publicly expanding his father's legacy behind the scenes, he was resorting to different tactics to increase the power of the Arasaka Corporation.
Suburu had no problem bribing people and finding ways to blackmail and extort important figures in politics and business, sometimes even resorting to kidnapping and murder to obtain information. And besides his influence over the people, Sabura was also using his newly founded Arisaka Security to gather secret information on his clients using spyware built into the security software he had been selling to other corporations. Sabur had no intention of selling the information he collected, but rather he used the information to predict economic and business trends that allowed him to stay ahead of his competition and make smart business decisions and profit that way.
Instead, this information also allowed him to exploit the people who use his new bank and know when his clients would desperately need a loan and be there with high interest at just the right time. Sabura was also using the bank as a front for money laundering among The Arisaka corporation and the smaller companies it had been gradually buying up the corporation at this time was losing strength. To strengthen there was only one more thing Sabaru needed to solidify the growing power of the Arasaka and name an heir and in 1980 his legacy was secured. with the birth of his son.
Kay saur specifically intendedThat Kay would one day become the CEO of Arisaka Corporation, just as he himself had inherited this responsibility from his father, Sabura wasted no time in grooming and grooming Kay to be an effective business leader worthy of everything Savoru had achieved until now, after the death of Saburo's wife, he met the beautiful and sophisticated Mito in Kyoto Mito came from a wealthy family and had the distinction of having attended one of the most elite universities in all of Japan, since Saori he wanted to see Japan prosper again after the losses caused by the war.
Mito really didn't know much about the Arosa Corporation. but she fell in love with what she perceived as saur's noble nature and they married a year after meeting, the arasaka corporation was going from strength to strength and yet sabura was rewarded for his work by appearing on the global 500 list by first time. In the early 1990s, but it was in 1994 that Arasaka had to survive his first real test. In previous years, the Gang of Four, an American political cabal made up of the NSA, FBI, CIA and DEA, had become increasingly dissatisfied with the drift away from the European economic community.
American influence this EEC was doing increasingly un-American things, such as sending aid to the Soviet Union, which led to the USSR accepting the Euro dollar E currency over the US dollar and making peace with Europe for the first time in 40 years as a result of this. Was the collapse of NATO further diminishing US power and influence? The EEC was also expanding its space program, which worried the US because the EC was not only the largest economic power but could also become the largest military power in the world and the NSA convinced the gang. Since four thought that something had to be done to protect the status of the US on the world stage and so they resorted to undermining the structure of the EEC, the force gang began hacking the stock markets of Europe and Asia and skewing the figures to make the US look much richer than it really was, this plan, however, failed greatly when the EEC discovered what the US and the Gang of Four were up to and revealed everything to the press. .
This caused an extreme lack of faith in the exchange rate between the euro and the dollar. The US dollar people panicked and the world stock market crashed in 1994, this disaster dissipated for corporations around the world, but Sabur had been furtively monitoring the EEC and the Gang of Four for years, knowing exactly what was going on and using your Superior business. His knowledge was able to predict the crisis and prepare the Arasaka corporation to not only survive the crisis but also benefit from it. He also predicted the consequences for the US in 1996, after the EEC and the rest of the world imposed an embargo on any trade with the United States effectively turning the United States into a pariah state when Saburo took full advantage of this loophole in the global market.
The Arasaka corporation began buying up companies that had fallen victim to the crisis and could be valuable assets and destroy any competition the Arasa corporation had. left left the security branch of the Arisa Corporation was also expanding by creating a real private army that was training in the forbidden desert of Hako Island, now a corporation. A person or a country could hire their own customized paramilitaries to any war they wanted. Saburo now wanted to implement the next part of his 1945 vision, which is that of a truly powerful and glorious Japan. Sabur began his plan by using all of his illegally acquired knowledge to control the environment.
However, 60% of all Japanese politicians, despite their intentions to help Japan, other Japanese companies and corporations had grown tired of Saur's endless ambition and how it was impacting them and the freedom of the Japanese people. , the other companies joined together to form the Far Asian co-prosperity. sphere or facts for short, Sabura for once could not overcome the setback and facts successfully undermined the political control of him, leading to the arrest of many Japanese politicians. This did not stop Saur's quest for supreme power at all, but instead turned his attention to the Japanese police force and completely undermined his power by creating the Arasaka Police, another sub-branch of Arasaka Security alongside the Arasaka Army.
Tokyo was the only city that managed to completely resist being taken over by the Arasaka corporation despite a setback with its political ambitions in the late 1990s, Suburu was number two on the world 500 list, it seemed that Saburo and The Arasa corporation had become untouchable and while Saburo built his empire, his family with his wife Micho also grew. Mito gave birth to a son, Yobu, in 1995 and later. In 1999 he sadly gave birth to his daughter Hano, although Mito did not see her children grow up as she died as a result of complications during childbirth shortly after Hanaco was born.
Therefore, Hano became Saur's favorite son while he waited for his sons to follow him. Doing business and going out into the world Saburo kept Hanaco safely home schooled in the Arasaka family compound Now approaching 20 years old Saburo's eldest son, Kay, had become interested in martial arts and had begun to train at the Hoko facility, Sabura was fine with his son having interests outside of business until Kay began prioritizing his training over his studies, an angry Sabura to force Kay to stop his Hoko training and focus only on preparing for lead the Arasaka corporation by the year 2000.
SAU was now 85 years old, but his age had become small. As a result of his ability to keep the Arosa Corporation at the top of its game, he had used cybernetics to replace his damaged eye and arm that he had injured during the war. This cybernetics also slowed Saur's aging, meaning that despite political setbacks he was fully prepared to bring Arasaka Corporation into the 21st century. At this time, the Arasaka Army was being contracted by governments around the world, such as Slovakia, Hong Kong and also Taiwan, who needed help against China, which had contracted its own Army from ARA's main rival power, Militech.
In 2013, Saur decided it was time to expand into what was left of the United States, choosing the city of KN as the site for a new Arasaka American headquarters while he oversaw the new headquarters. Suburu heard of an employee of a rival corporation called his, known as Ult Cunningham. ult was a specialist in artificial intelligence and had developed a program that could transfer a person's consciousness and personality into a digital form called an engram. He had decided to further capitalize on this new technology by having ult develop what they called The Soul Killer. the soul killer took the idea of ​​transferring a person's Consciousness and changed it to forcibly trap a Consciousness causing instant death of the intended target.
Sabura knew she had to have this technology to stay ahead of the competition, so she arranged for ult to be kidnapped when she was leaving a concert with her boyfriend Johnny Silverhand. ult was forced to replicate the soul killer under the direction of Toshiro Kade, the American CEO of Arisaka, meanwhile Johnny Silverhand had incited a riot outside the newly built Arisaka Tower and was then able to storm the building. Kade knew that time was up and decided to turn Soul Killer 2.0's first victim into his ultimate, however, he was able to defend himself from the attack by eliminating Harad's bodyguard and the Netrunner team and when Johnny detonated the bomb in Tower Har took advantage of his opportunity and prepared to separate the ult's Consciousness from his body, he almost succeeded before Johnny burst in and killed him.
He found ult connected to soul killer 2.0 and disconnected her, however, he did not realize that by disconnecting her he had completed what he had started. She was killed instantly but her Consciousness was trapped forever as an Ingram Savoru However she had gotten exactly what a rival soul killer wanted no matter the cost with Tashiro Harad Dead Savoru appointed her eldest son Kay as the new American CEO of Arisaka and with yobu finishing He graduated from Alma Mar toe from Saburo. Saburo felt it was time to bring him into the inner circle of the Arasaka corporation. Saburo told Yobu the whole truth about how he ran Arasaka and what her vision of the future was for both the corporation and Japan.
I bu. He did not share his father's vision for the future and wanted nothing to do with Arisa's future. However, she decided to remain silent letting her father believe she completely agreed with him and Kay Yobu left the family that same night with a plan to take down. His father and the Arisaka Corporation, after leaving that night, Yobu sought out a tough group of Tokyo nomads called bosozuku or unmoving dragons whose purpose was to take down what they saw as the corrupt Arasaka Corporation. Yoba was able to provide the steel dragons with valuable inside information, although he still posed as a loyal member of the Arasaka family, his work for the corporation also allowed him to travel the world and meet other people who also wanted to see the fall of The Arosa Corporation After a few months of this deception, Sabura discovered what his son had been after him.
Sabura was devastated by this betrayal, but knew he had to deal with Yobu to protect the corporation. Kay had no such pain and she vowed to directly kill her younger brother for her betrayal. Yobu hid with the steel dragons and although Sabor wished to protect her daughter Hanaco, a bond was so strong with her brother that she would keep in contact with him once a month through the network after this betrayal, Sabor decided it was time for him to step down as CEO and hand over the Reigns of K, however, K was CEO in name only, with saurus still pulling the strings of the Arasaka family complex.
The year was 1996 and an Italian weapons designer known as Antonio Luchesi would eventually establish his own company where he took his designs to the world stage by creating this company, he would call it Armor Tech Luchesi International and it took him a few years to get it up and running after two years of setting up everything I needed. Armatech LZ International was involved in some new testing of a brand. new standardized American infantry assault weapon that would revolutionize the world's armies as these tests continued, the US government decided that this was something they definitely wanted to invest in to help bolster their forces despite being still in debt from the economic collapse of In 1994 three finalists were finally selected from different corporations, the first was the FN saap, a cheap but clumsy and unreliable weapon that seemed to be considered only because of the powerful ties between the company Fabriek International and the US government, in addition to having ammunition and parts that were compatible with other NATO members or what was left of NATO anyway, the second weapon was the Colt ar1 17x, which was an incredibly good weapon in all tests, but it was held back greatly due to how expensive it was and the third option was Armatech Luchessi International, which was a rifle that was considered compact, reliable and moderately priced, as these finalists were considered.
USMC General Donald Lundy, who was overseeing the testing, quickly became enthralled with the Armatech system, stating that it was the best combination of price, reliability, robustness and accuracy of all. they seem to be following Armor Tech's path as their creation was clearly better than the rest of the competition by far; However, despite all of Donald Lundy's plans to get this contract with Arch, the US government finally had the last word and due to the recovery of the US economy thanks to the 1994 crisis, the contract was awarded again. contracted FN to manufacture their extremely unreliable but extremely cheap weapons for the national army.
This news did not stop the Luchesi company, however, they continued to create and sell their own weapons. but this time to more private companies in 2003. However, the United States was sent to South and Central America once again to begin its war against the alleged drug traffickers who were responsible for the downfall of American society. This wasn't the real reason I went in there, but regardless of whether troops were there en masse, this war was the first sign that America's choice of cheap and unreliable weaponry was a bad decision, as thousands of soldiers died in the field because their weapons became clogged and became unusable.
Due to the tropical conditions they were fighting in at Lundy, he saw how devastating this war was becoming thanks to the terrible decisions made by the government, but by that time he had already resigned from the Marine Corps in 1998, shortly after the weapons tests and at an event. of protestHe became the active CEO of Armatech at Liesy's request, as he could see how passionate Lundi was about his brand. Loney wasn't just a former member of the Marine Corps, he was also a former Pentagon chief, meaning he had an absolute ton. of experience and knowledge within the modern military industry, which meant I could see which of the companies were becoming incredibly bureaucratically burdensome by selling extremely cheap, poor quality weapons, as well as all the other overpriced products they were able to sell thanks to its many policies.
The contracts that were published with this enormous Insight Lundy could see a great opportunity for a more streamlined and efficient manufacturing of military products that would be able to manufacture modern equipment of very high quality at truly affordable prices, something that Liesy demonstrated was possible back in 1998. The only thing Lundy wanted to focus on was reaching the private market instead of simply trying to close political contracts that would allow them to enter the global market and essentially be a household name, as Lundy came up with this proposal to revolutionize the. company it had now become. The CEO of would combine this with Luchesi's brilliance in weapons design and together they would allow armatech to begin raising its capital, propelling the company into a period of enormous growth and expansion.
It wasn't long before the world began to notice this huge brand growing bigger. and more around the world with a very clear business strategy and because of how big they had become, it was finally time for a complete rebrand, the company needed to change its name to help it stand out more and be much more recognizable with those militech arms. International was officially born and its global success reached a new level. This success was evident in 2004, when the company saw a great opportunity, all thanks to the second Central American war. During this time, the US government was massively humiliated by massive charges of Losses occurred so many times within the countries they were fighting that their contract with FM was officially canceled and the FN sap rifle was no more.
It had cost too many lives and, despite being cheap, it was still too expensive to continue needing. a new supplier for their military, the US government returned to Militech and chose their new standardized military weapon, which was the Militech Ronin light assault rifle and with that the contract between the two was officially signed, as well as another contract for a military weapon. had created, which helped the military see enormous growth in that specific weapon throughout the world, both for nations and corporations, essentially these weapons were the gold standard throughout the world, this continued for many years and in 2010 it became the largest defense contractor. in several countries, including the US, but not only that they were the preferred resource for military weapons by many corporations who would use the weaponry to take over smaller companies and those that were on the verge of bankruptcy, which would trigger many corporate corporations.
Regardless, wars occur around the world, but not always Bliss within Militech headquarters, as there were frequent power struggles between those at the top of the corporation. Donald Lundy was always seen by all the global workers within the corporation as a solid leader who could never do anything wrong, he was the one who led them to great success, as he had proven since then, however, the board of directors had other ideas. and he never saw it in a positive light, maybe they could see who Lundy really was because, to put it bluntly, Donald. Lundy was very power hungry and was not afraid to show that his only goal for this Corporation was to make Militech the largest military force on Earth, something the board members were not too willing to do;
However, Lundy needed to win the corporate battle. against their closest competitors, the Japanese military supplier known as Arasaka, which dominated the Eastern Hemisphere and Lundy despised Japanese corporations, tension between the two began to become increasingly hostile, to the point that many people around the world They were worried that there was soon going to be a corporate war involving those two and when it started it would be the biggest they had ever seen. Due to this fear, many within the military began to disagree with other members, which generated much confusion in the corporation's decision making over the next decade.
Time passed, many members of militech left to pursue other careers that did not agree with the direction the corporation was going and also to help the corporation grow even more by inserting itself into other fields within 2020, for example, The former president of Militech known as Elizabeth Crest would become the new president of the United States, which would help the corporation grow even more, especially in the US, essentially making it the private army of the country that supplied them the latest and greatest technology in In case someone invaded them with that, Donald Lundy at that time was becoming a paranoid man who thought that everyone was against him and that he was losing control of his own company.
That wasn't exactly true, as many people still were. extremely loyal to him, but with the junta against him and arisaka on the rise in the rest of the world, it was only a matter of time before it was officially broken, but now it was the year 2023 and both militech and arasaka had reached their peak and finally It was time to get involved with the competition and try to finish them off once and for all to become what Donald Lley always wanted to be the greatest force on planet Earth in the year 2022 21 Ceno's two rival water bodies and otk would start with Waring. against each other in an attempt to seize the resources of another failed aquac Corp known as IH.
Seizing those resources would mean that the corporation that obtained them would become the largest underwater transportation and technology provider in the world and could essentially have a monopoly on that market. To do this, although both corporations needed a good army to scare the other into surrendering or simply annihilate them forever, here the Military Defense Forces were hired as supplementary support for the Otek security forces and to help them with military tactics through use. From advisors supplying them with weaponry and other crucial supplies on the other side, Ceno would enlist Arasaka's help to fight his battles and provide them with his own resources, pitting the two Mega Corps against each other at first, however no conflict occurred. between arasaka and militech, as neither wanted to get involved in a direct conflict, they both wanted to announce and demonstrate how powerful each of them were to Donald Lundy, however, he was desperate to eliminate Saboru Arasaka as he saw defeating this large corporation as a way to defeat everything. of Japan, something he was passionate about due to the ties to his involvement in World War II, I guess when the war between Otek and Ceno took off, Milch and Arasaka began to get involved in CT operations and prepared themselves for if something still happened more heated.
Lundy during this time believed that Milc was officially out of the war and, as he always had a soldier's mentality, he knew that the only way out of this war was to annihilate Arasaka once and for all with Militech being completely victorious; However, when 2022 arrived, the ocean war arrived. between Ceno and Otek had come to an end with the signing of a peace agreement on February 27 although Arisaka continued his mission on his behalf, this time developing software called Soul Killer 2.5 that would capture the engram of whoever they wanted. and stored it in their database to extract as much data as possible from them.
Here they were going to use it on a military executive and officially interrogate him, setting off a major conflict between the two superpowers that were simply trying to destroy each other now with the two now facing each other, a bunch of governments around the world tried to stop them from causing a absolute destruction in the many cities they inhabited and some US states, such as Texas and Southern California, decided to take over the corporations' facilities and nationalize them. To try to teach them a lesson and stop the escalating conflict, the EC eventually threatened to get involved as well, but despite all the concern over their escalating conflict, Arasaka's forces invaded a military exhibition hall inside Italy causing once again destruction.
But this was the last straw and finally the EEC got involved, confiscating all the assets owned by both corporations throughout the European continent. Japan also followed this despite everything Arasaka had done for them over the years and nationalized all of Arisa's assets within their borders and surrounding territories it seemed like all was lost for MTIC and Arasaka while the world was counterattacking by taking everything from them, however, the war would continue until reaching its peak on August 20, 2023, where militech would establish secret strike teams. that he was going to enter the Arasaka Tower from its rooftop to collect all of Arasaka's vital data from the pre-data collapse, as well as the soul-killing program, and if everything failed or didn't go as planned, they would deploy small nuclear weapons. weapons inside Sabu's office taking out his Night City headquarters entirely, this team would consist of the legendary solo Morgan Blackhand, the iconic rocker Johnny Siland, as well as his team of Rogue Spider Murphy and Shitan.
As this mission progressed, many different stories were told. What happens inside the building, but the end result was always the same. This equipment would detonate the small nuclear weapons and completely destroy the Tower and the surrounding area. This explosion would kill over 12,000 people inside the KN City corporate center, causing another 750,000. In addition to deaths in the following days due to the amount of radiation and debris that had been thrown into the atmosphere with this attack now around the world, drastic measures needed to be taken to ensure that attacks like this one and these two would not happen again. megacorporations were to be completely stopped now shortly after the fourth corporate war came to an end with Savoru's son Kai renouncing his participation, President Elizabeth Cres would declare martial law in many different parts of the country to ensure that they were under complete government control to ensure that nothing else was going to break out and cause even more chaos, on top of that, he would also blame the entire attack on Arasaka claiming that they deliberately destroyed Knight City to assert their dominance and destroy the United States from within;
However, despite all these public claims, many people are demanding that militech come forward and take responsibility for their actions knowing full well that they were the ones who launched the attack, not Arasaka, despite some of that public outcry calling for Justice, President Cres would assume full ownership of Militech by nationalizing all of the corporation to ensure that its federal role was in full force and no one could challenge its role. For those in the top positions of the MCH, they were offered lucrative positions in the reformed US Department of Defense, most would accept these offers, however, for its top executive director.
Donald Lundy had become completely paranoid at this point and extremely impulsive and massively opposed this change of his corporation with Militech now officially a nationalized corporate asset that would continue as a private corporation to some extent on the side of secret rebuilding back to Their previous role as a combination of weapons manufacturer and mercenary army was a difficult task for them as they had lost a lot during their war against Arasaka, but that did not stop them as they would continue to use their different contacts and many experts. in Guncraft remain one of the largest producers and sellers of all types of military weapons worldwide, with many countries not really caring about what had happened to them during the fourth corporate war by Donald Lundy despite his massive outburst before and After nationalization, he would remain CEO and senior leader of the corporation and would remain incredibly influential across the entire board of directors, which he said was not technically in full power of Militech as he did not own enough shares to control the corporation.
The only reason he was able to persuade so many people was because of his fierce personality, his strong allies and connections, and his incredible track record of success that had kept Militech on top for many years, and he said that his hatred for Arisaka made him had made many enemies, not only within Japan, but in the rest of the world, one of them being President Cres herself, who would do everything in her power to make sure that he did nothing stupid and start morehostilities with Arisaka or anyone he actively disliked in 2045, unfortunately for many within the milk, Donald Lundy would.
He passed away, but not before naming his new son, Donald Dixie Lundy Jr, to the corporation's board of directors. Many mourn the loss of this great man and pay tribute to everything he had done for this company and how he had helped them grow over the years despite his His final years were filled with hate and anger at how they had been treated. taken out of their war against Arasaka and had become a nationalized company. His legacy and leadership would be forever remembered throughout the military corporation and his plans for the company would continue in the many years that followed, with many of the corporation's leaders still idolizing everything about him, the military was quick to blame the corporation. devastated by the nuclear explosion saying that they intentionally destroyed their own headquarters and the data housed there to prevent their information from entering.
In the hands of her rival, then-US President Elizabeth Crest, she believed in Militech, even though it could not be determined who exactly set the nuclear bomb. President Crest set out to humiliate the Arasa corporation, revoke its right to operate in the United States and brand its members as terrorists, forcing them to flee the Japanese. The government was also humiliated because one of its own companies was supposed to have done something so terrible and in order to save the country, it decided to distance itself from the Arasaka corporation, in fact, K as CEO had destroyed his father's legacy and everything that Suburu had built.
Kay had not been in KN City at the time of the explosion, so at least he had survived, but while aboard his ship, the Sea Viper, he was convinced that he had failed his Corporation, his family, and his family. himself, and that there was only one way he could do it. Kay agreed and Knight took his own life using his own soul-killing device. K's death restored his honor and also ended the Fourth Corporate War. Yobu decided that he should attend Kay's funeral and make peace with his father Savoru with the support of Hanaco, who still cared about his brother, he decided to finally welcome his second son to the family and the corporation, while a It seemed to the AR family that Yobu had left his traitorous past behind, everything was a deception, even though the Arasaka corporation was greatly diminished.
With the consequences of the fourth corporate war they were still not completely destroyed and with Sabur back as CEO there was still the possibility of the Arosa Corporation regaining its former power, so Yobu had decided to change his methods to destroy his family's business. and realized that he could only be taken down from within it would take many years for uran obu's plans to come true in the 240s the arasa corporation had split into three rival factions, all vying to become Subaru's next heir. and take control of the company. Yobo's faction, which he called Taker or Hawk, even though Yobu disagreed with his father on how Arasaka should be run, the two were actually very similar, both determined to get their way and with increasingly covert methods, the next faction called Kiwi or The Green Pheasant Faction was led by Subaru's daughter Hanaco, she had been working on the soul-killing device believing it had potential not only as a method of assassination but also for transferring people's Consciousness to new clones, allowing them to continue living in what Hanako believed in very much.
Vision of her father, although Sabura was still more protective of her than she had been of her children, so it is unclear if she knew the true extent of the Arasa corporation's dealings. The third faction was led by Mito K's secret daughter and therefore Sabu's granddaughter after her. After her father's death, Mito faced deportation to Japan despite being an American citizen. Mito managed to plead her case to stay in the United States before President Crest and she finished her education and when her uncles established their two factions of the Arisaka corporation, some Arasaka approached Mito. employees to form a third.
She previously had little intention of having anything to do with her father's family business, but in the end she saw the benefits of joining the corporation and infusing it with some of her more Western liberal ideas. Mito's faction was called Hatto or Paloma. faction while Shinobu Hanako and Mito were amassing support for their cases to succeed Sabura, the patriarch actually had no intention of stepping down as CEO anytime soon, this was miraculous since at the time he was over a hundred years old, Sabura was spending on Secretly a large amount of Saburo had spent time in medical tanks regenerating their aging body tissue and had also begun to invest heavily in bioengineering and mind preservation technology.
Saburo had commissioned Anders Helman to build something called The Relic Project as a hanaco. Saburo believed that the soul-killing device could be converted into a life-preserving device. device as well and that is exactly what Relic 1.0 was designed for: a person can now keep their Consciousness preserved forever like an Ingram, that people could interact with technology; However, it was extremely expensive and therefore The Relic could only be marketed to the top 1% of wealthy people around the world, this caused outrage among most people who believe that the Relic was a way for the rich people would live forever while being immune to any real problems in the world, such as poverty, natural disasters, and economic crises.
However, the Relic was not. an actual way to become truly immortal, as it was more of a secure version of a person's personality and had no self-awareness or ability to communicate. Beyond basic conversation, of course, though Saboru had another version of Relic Relic 2.0 made in Secrets just for Arasaka corporations in a shrine. This version was much more sophisticated as it was capable of transferring all of a person's Consciousness to another organic body, this could only be achieved after a person's original body had died, the Consciousness would be stored and then transferred to the host using Nano technology;
However, the initial tests did not go as planned, while the Consciousness could be transferred, it would never actually be carried into his new body, which inevitably led to the failure of the biochip in which the Consciousness was stored, however, Saburo persevered. meanwhile. In America, which was now quite divided into the new US and the free states that had been gradually separating from the US since the collapse of 1996. A unification war was underway, the Nusa wanted to reintegrate to the free states back into one country, but the free states and cities, including the city of KN, had none of that and therefore the arasa corporation decided to publicly support Knight City against the Nusa raids.
This greatly improved Arisa's relations with KN City after what happened with the nuclear bomb and city councilor Lucius Ry invited the Arisa Corporation to return to Knight City to reestablish their American headquarters there. AR Sacka and his army arrived just in time to prevent a US attack. At night in the city's Coronado Bay, the Nusa knew that they could not bear any more losses as their situation had become unstable, so They withdrew from the bay and the city of KN was officially saved. Sabur was welcomed back to KN City and was able to build a new headquarters, but he did not do so.
We didn't stop there, he replaced many of the ruins that still remained due to the nuclear fallout from the fourth corporate war and instead built a port with new warehouses, hangars and automated assembly lines while Yobu was still working on his plan. to finish off the Arasaka. corporation from the inside and was secretly working with the network surveillance operation Netwatch. Together they formulated a plan to recover a sample of The Relic project with a functional engram while Yuron Noy was in his father's laboratories in Tokyo, he took his opportunity and stole one of the Relic prototypes and specifically chose the engram that contained the consciousness of Johnny Silva's hand, however, Anders Helman knew what Yuranova was doing and knew that she had fled to KN City.
Anders warned Suburu of Yobo's betrayal, but also called Yobu and warned him. talk to Saboru before doing anything with the Relic prototype and see netw Saboru then left Tokyo and set sail for the city at night with Hanaco at his side, she was the only person he trusted with the news of what Yobu had made. Yobu and Saboru had agreed to meet Hanako, although he feared the outcome of the meeting and felt that he should go in Saboru's place or at least should accompany his father to help keep the peace between him and his brother Suburu, however, he insisted. in which he would find himself alone with Yobu.
Hano asked his father. What he intended to do with Yobu was a question, although he could not answer. Saboru met Yobu in the Yobu suite in Keki Plaza without either of them knowing. They weren't alone either. The news about Yobo's theft of the Relic prototype had spread and become of great importance. interest to others, including mercenaries V and Jackie Wells, who on the same night of Sabu's visit to his treacherous son had also sneaked into Yobu Suite to steal the prototype Relic for Evelyn Parker's former lover. Savoru and Yobo's meeting quickly went sour and in a fit of rage, Yunobo lunged at his father and strangled him to death despite all the bioengineering and over a century of being a formidable force in the corporate world.
Saburo's 158e life came to an end in just a few minutes at the hands of his own son, Yunobo, knew that he could not waste time, it would soon be discovered that his father had died and he had to secure his position as CEO of the Arasaka Corporation in order to continue with his plan to destroy the company from the inside. Yobu arranged Saur's death. to look like poisoning and blamed it on his father's Takimura bodyguard, however, what Yobu didn't know was that V and Jackie Wells had witnessed all the events of the night and knew the truth of what Yobu had done. .
Yobu wasted no time in sabotaging the arasaka. From the Inside corporation by immediately closing the Arasaka facilities in some parts of Japan, but Yobu apparently had to play the role of the devastated Sun who had just unexpectedly lost his father, particularly for the sake of his sister Hano as a family, they He along with Mito decided to attend the Float Parade in Japan City and took that as an opportunity to deliver a eulogy for Sabu. However, Takimura. The bodyguard had agreed to a plan to clear his name and reveal the truth about Sabu's death. He had to talk to Hano and get her.
To see what was really going on during that parade, Takimura confronted Hano and tried to explain to him that it was Yobu who had killed his father, Hano, although he did not want to believe what Takimura was telling him and would not listen, so Takimura decided that the only way. What could convince her of the truth was to kidnap her from her and force her to see who Yuran Noou really was. Takimura had little success in convincing Halo of her brother's guilt until V appeared and, as an eyewitness to what really happened, was able to convince Hanaco of the truth.
Before she could process this information, the Arasaka soldiers burst in. At the place where Hanaco was being held, having been sent by Yobu to rescue his sister, Hanako was returned to the Arasaka family compound and V managed to escape, but now Hanako knew something had to happen. made with yobu and that he had to be held responsible for killing her father hanako was able to contact V secretly and assigned him the task of acquiring a copy of the soul killer. Hano's plan was to go to Arisaka Tower and find Sabu's engram and present his engram along with V's testimony to the Arasaka board to convince the board that Yobu was guilty of Sabu's murder, the fate of the Arasaka family and the Corporation was now in V's hands and whatever they decided to do if V went to Hano then Yobu would trigger a military coup and kill the entire junta except Hanaco and Mito, however Hanako still had soldiers from her faction that they were loyal to him and, together with Takimura, could retake the Arasaka Towers.
Hanako asked V to stop her brother and V finally found Yobu. and he took the weapon that yobu had tried to use against himself. Hano did not want his brother to be killed and instead decided to put the interests of the corporation first and transferred Sabu's Consciousness to his brother. Savoru was, in fact, resurrected in the body of his son, this would ensure that once again the Arasa corporation would regain its former power, his future would be secure; However, if V decided not to join Hano and instead team up with Pan and Palmer or his Ingram friend, Johnny Siland, toassault the Arisaka Tower in KN City and destroy the Relic project.
They would also release Ult Cunningham's engram to take revenge on Arasaka Tower, this would lead to Hano's death and Yobu leading the Arasaka Corporation into an uncertain future. The other option is for V to not do any of this at all. Hanako and Yobo's fate is unclear: Will the Arasaka corporation survive? Will it ever be remembered as the great power when Saboru led it in its heyday or will it be forgotten? The legacy of Sassi and Saburo destroyed in 2077 milit still maintained its title of one of the largest manufacturers. of weapons and military vehicles in the world, however, thanks to the fourth corporate war, it found itself with more competition not only from arisaka, which was still a massive supplier in the eastern hemisphere, but now from the kangta corporation, which was gaining tons of new traction thanks to their creation of their own unique smart gun that was first sold in China but was now sold worldwide and they had one of their main headquarters within Knight City overlooking Milch's other headquarters. and also to the newly built Arasaka tower that stands where the old one once stood for milk, although they would begin to work closely with American military and law enforcement agencies over the decades, providing them all with weaponry and machinery. high quality, as well as the best training they could ask for, all of this was thanks to the fact that they were completely nationalized, so every aspect of them as a corporation had to be for the American people and they had to give back in everything they could and in this The case was with his Arsenal that they had gained some independence at this time, however, as many of the members of their board of directors now hold high-ranking positions within the Ministry of Defence, allowing them to pull all its strings and help it Milch grow in power.
Basically, they took as much from the government as the government was taking from them. This whole deal with the NSA government allowed Milit to grow. further, and 60% of the corporation's contracts came directly from the president, however, Militech entered entertainment and also went on to produce and release a corporate film called Wars the Musical, which received many mixed reviews upon its release. with many praising the film for its story and musical numbers and others criticizing the film for its essentially melodramatic plot and propaganda, the film was set within the fourth corporate war as it would completely idolize General Donald Lundy while demonizing Arasaka at every turn. possible opportunity.
The plot revolved around the general's daughter, Sarah, who was going to fall in love with an idealistic young man named Andrew, who would adore everything that Saboru Arasaka did during the plot. Kai Sabu's son would see Andrew's loyalty to him and use him as porn in his operations. installing a nuclear device in Andrew's heart that he would detonate when he came to the conclusion that Arisaka had lost the war. At the same time, he would also launch a false flag operation to destroy the Arasaka Tower to put all the blame on Militech, regardless of the plan. failed as the detonation never went off, leading Kai to kill Sarah himself, breaking Andrew's heart and ultimately leading to the detonation going off at the end of the film.
Andrew moments before his death would realize that he had been played by Arasaka and him. was just a POR in everything they did and because of this blind and stupid decision to join Arasaka, he had lost everything essentially the movie was a big statement saying that if you join Arasaka you will be part of the enemy since they are extremely evil and If you join them like Andrew did, you will lose everything, so it is not surprising that many saw this as blatant propaganda in Night City in 2077. Milch was considered the second largest and best corporation to work for, where all Employers would receive up to 50% off all weapons and milk supplies and, most likely, free tickets to see corporate Wars the Musical as many times as they wanted, plus some other military soldiers would also be based in the Pacifica area known as Dogtown, these soldiers would be the remaining soldiers from the unification war who were almost sent to attack the entire city to force them into the new United States that President Myers was trying to achieve, eventually Arasaka would enter the city to defend them from These American forces and as soon as they did so, Myers would remove them all from the area, some like these military soldiers in Dogtown would remain keeping an eye on everything going on within the area and perhaps doing some dirty work for Myers that was kept completely confidential, However, that is a story.
It will be exp


d at a later date as the year progresses. President Myers would announce that she would run for another term as President of the US despite all the years of her in Waring trying to force the states to do her part, devastating many with bombings. . races and troop attacks, many people definitely did not take kindly to her decision to run again because they knew it could cause more chaos throughout the United States, which said that she had been CEO of the militech corporation for many years before becoming president and Since many members of the board were in the Pentagon, it was considered in Milch's interest to keep her in power, as with her in power they would grow even more and gain even more assets for the people of the US despite have one of the best protections.
The world wasn't too crazy about having Milex's involvement in running the country with Washington DC being the biggest consumer of the militia, but that being said, if capital ever ran out of money, milch as a corporation would lose it too. everything, meaning that people would be free from your control but at the same time your country would have no money, so it's not really an ideal situation. The most recent thing that Militech has done in 2077 is to come up with a new plan to expand their cooperation to the stars and build a new colony on Mars here, they would start selling residential modules everywhere and if they dominated this red planet, who knows what would happen in the last years of the 21st century, to this day, they are still considered an incredibly powerful force, although extremely controversial, as many of their scandals have been exposed to the masses since their attack on the Arasaka tower in 2023, Milch has been singled out as an ethically Shady Corporation that conducts blatantly illegal Black Op missions to eliminate their opposition or anyone who goes against their clients.
These include hiring his private army to support revolutions, military coups, assassinations, terrorist attacks and ethnic cleansing in 20177. Milch was caught massacring innocent NSA citizens and 75% of the victims were identified as the Japanese president. Myers also likes to use militech as a way to make sure. foreign intelligence gets shut down very quickly, whether through shady business links, untrustworthy foreign delegates or just anyone who seems to be against the government in the end, militech is whoever you want it to be, they have the best military, the best equipment and they will do anything. job you need if you have the right amount of weapons, regardless of whether it is illegal or extremely unethical, what was once a simple weapons manufacturer has now become one of the largest corporations in the world.
The world has ever seen with so much power that they are essentially their own country pulling the strings from within the Nusa to solve any problem they see fit. Under the leadership of Donald Lundy, they have grown from strength to strength selling some of the best guns they can. You have never seen and no matter where you are in the world, you can guarantee that someone in your neighborhood will own a militech firearm where the milk will go to the 22nd century, no one knows yet, they will grow bigger and bigger and will dominate not only the Earth but Mars and space too, or something will happen that means they will fall dramatically eliminating all possible vital assets, which would probably also include the NSA, but that story will have to be for another day.
Milch would also later reveal that they have been secretly active within Night City since the 2020s, working on terrifying projects to counter Arisa's soul killer super weapon. All of this would take place beneath the area that was going to be the specific region where the Deep Underground Milk would begin to develop an underground city project secretly called Sinosure. The idea behind this, based on the very limited data that exists, was that it was a facility. research to help netrunners dive into the deepest regions of cyberspace beyond the black wall that was established after the data crash. a long time ago and capture the so-called rogue AI to probably use them as weapons in their future wars against other corporations that could threaten them like Arasaka, for example, making it clear that if Arasaka used his soul killer on a large scale. militech would have something to counter it, this facility was huge and housed hundreds of workers, all of whom were developing this impressive core, forging AI prototypes to use in battle and spying on operations around the world and all of that right under the noses of the people of not only Pacifica, but Night City itself, however, even though everything seemed to be going well to a certain extent, this project would be pushed to its limits when the fourth corporate war began between the two and Arasaka time passed after that the Holocaust event began to spiral out of control. within their secret facility, it was reported that the AI ​​had begun to take charge of destroying some of the netrunners and their equipment and sabotaging all the data collected, not only this, but netwatch had learned that the netrunners broke into the old net and passed through the black wall. and began to take action, it is unknown what the specific reason was that Sinos Shore closed, it could have been due to how lethal the AIS they had captured were or due to the heavy surveillance presence on the network, but regardless of that , the underground facility was closed and abandoned.
With all the milk equipment still there and the Rogue AIS still somewhere within its technology, everything took a turn for the worse a few years later when investors looking to build the Pacifica area as a tourist destination arrived and construction began while they worked. The contractors discovered the abandoned laboratories and were suddenly forced to leave the area. Investors claimed it was due to a sudden and dangerous gas leak, as well as poor documentation of local developments. An unexploded ordinance of the fourth corporate war thanks to This milittech instantly moved to secure the area and make sure no one saw the underground facilities and erected a wall around the area and stopped construction for a while.
Anyway, it was also later revealed that during the unification war some military personnel were outraged by what the president said. Meers had not agreed at all with the signing of the treaty and because of this he founded his own area, the former US colonel Kurt Hansen at the time was outraged by what his president had done by signing everything that he and his forces had fought. because he essentially believed that he had been betrayed by his own president and now they seemed weak to everyone, so he turned his back on the NSA, gave the middle finger to Rosin Meers and stayed inside KN City with his loyal Troopers taking over. control. area he had been fighting in knowing full well that the ncpd was too scared to venture into it and turned it into his own new area that was already wiped out thanks to milit Antics in 2020 who settled here with their Troopers, once milkmen , which I would go to. he would then name them the barast in honor of the legendary dog ​​that would terrorize the population and with all of them ruling the area, it would be named dog city with this new area configured, Kurt would pass on to H all the equipment that was left there during the war, such as weapons, tanks and submarines and sell them on the black market to allow their forces to gain a monopoly and enough power to do what they want so much that even the politicians and corporate owners of KN City would do it. turning to him for help during Arasaka and Milch's constant attacks on each other, destroying almost everything in their path, other corporations would try to stay away from the conflicts and build their own empires to some extent, a Mega Cor operation during this known as Biotechnica would make it clear that they were in fact trying to build a better world for everyone and because of the PR they put out, they became known as the good guys of the corporate world.
In fact, this wasn't particularly true, since they were just as good. Corrupt like all others, the origin story of biotechnology begins like many other corporations within the universe


that was established in the early to mid 1990s. Biotech originated in Rome, Italy and was a very small company that at first looked towards future technologies that primarily involved food production and how. can influence things like fuel, being a company mainly of scientists, they would only have one office in the early years, but fortunately their fame was just around the corner, as the entire world was suddenly plunged into an energy crisis due to operating oil reserves.
Wars in the Middle East and financial collapses in multiple large countries. The world is now looking for an answer to this energy crisis. The biotech began working on a solution, investing everything they could into this project. Here they would find and work with a wheat product. genetically modifying it and finally created the triticum vulgaris megas suavis that could surprisingly adapt to a new fuel source that was the answer to all the world's problems with this essential wheat, the company would go on to create the new oil known as Chu which was massively promoted as the next stage in human innovation, a fuel source that was obtained entirely by genetic engineering, this brought a new problem for biotechnics;
However, this fuel was so popular that within just a few years, all fuel-burning vehicles and power plants had been converted. to use it and we were reviewing it at a rapid pace knowing that it could be made over and over again and there was no limited reserve unlike natural oil, but for biotech they just didn't have the wheat reserves or the land to make it. All this masticau needed to adapt and create more farms to harvest this wheat because the chu formula could not be made with any other wheat apart from the tarus plant instead of opening their own bi a Technica farms around the world.
License the fuel source formula to any potential corporation that wanted to produce it themselves, which would allow them to make a massive profit, but would also help them get Chu to spread throughout the world. Here, Petram's mega corporation was the first to jump on this shiny new company as they bought the rights to manufacture it and with that biotech had established itself on the big stage and Sho 2 was the new standard for all the gas stations around the world. world a few years after first selling his new company. formula to petram biotechnical would then sell the formula to 14 other manufacturers around the world including sov oil but they were a little late to the game as petrm had really taken advantage of this opportunity and with how early they bought into this new fuel source they were now responsible for the 60% of the world's supply, as they realistically possessed the most soil oil to grow the yeast needed for production at this point in biotechnical history, in the late 1990s, this small company from Rome , Italy, now had enough resources in its bank to be officially labeled as a mega corporation making deals with other mega bodies around the world and establishing many new offices.
Arasaka became one of the big names that Biotechnica made a deal with that went unnoticed by many people at this point in its history. biotechnica could focus their scientists on anything they wanted that would essentially make them a profit. Arasaka saw this and forced them to come to a mutual agreement that would consist of Arasaka providing them with troops to protect their resources. The CEOs would land what they needed and in return, Biotechnica would provide them with biological weapons that were cutting edge and far more advanced than their enemies, helping them continue to expand their corporate empire under the rule of Savoru Arasaka.
When the now Mega Corporation moved into the 2000s, they would begin working on brilliant and bold discoveries, however, that being said, their second biggest discovery was quickly kept secret from all prying eyes due to it being considered illegal in the world. most countries. This discovery was made in 2004 thanks to scientist Francis Young, who would be the first person to successfully achieve it. cloning humans in some unethical experiments, these experiments didn't really reach the climax of the clones being self-aware and fully functional with a personality built until the year 2020, but the process and origins started here in the year 20 4 At first, these experiments were mainly artificial, but as they progressed further and further, these scientists working on the Secret Discovery would begin inserting digitized natural personalities into the Clones, a similar technology that would later become the basis of super. secret weapon that Arisaka would harbor.
Known as the Soul Killer, unknown to many, this entire cloning facility would be located within Knight City and would house an entire R&D department made up of over 200 security scientists who would work in secret making sure no one caught a glimpse of what was happening. they were carrying out. Most likely, the big dogs like Arasaka and Militech knew what the biotechs were doing and kept track of their ongoing processes without caring in the slightest how unethical and illegal this whole Discovery drive was, but despite What were they doing here inside this cloning facility that violates all the laws of the United States and many other countries.
Biotech had a reason why they were doing this and for many it would be seen as something positive and not unethical if it were revealed what their real goal was with this cloning process. It could have been accepted by many governments around the world, this true goal of biotechnology was to recover flora and fauna that had been wiped off the face of the Earth or massively altered during the 1990s thanks to major climate changes in those who converted. biotechnica's main public image at this stage as they would be known as the corporation that was trying to make a difference and bring back the Green Planet that humans once lived on in storage facilities around the world, biotech teams would have This focus on reclaiming long-gone natural resources and making the environment great again in the late 2000s.
This research was proven to the world to be worthwhile as the corporation was going to create a park Natural in the night city that would become known as Lake Park, rich in man-made forums, it was a place where people went to relax and escape the chaotic, fast-paced nature of the neon city around them. This biotechnical creation had a huge PR boost as people loved this Corporation and what they had accomplished. In just over a decade, but they didn't stop there. To end this new decade, the corporation also recovered extinct animals that had been exterminated due to climate change, and suddenly these newly recovered animals became widely sought after by the wealthy. who wanted to come keep them as pets in their luxury homes and apartments, once again making biotechnica a massive profit, solidifying their status as a megacorporation as the world entered the 2020s, the fourth corporate war would be seen by many. as the most destructive war. the world had ever seen, and ultimately everything Biotechnica had worked to try to return the environment to a more stable state had been completely ruined when the war began in 2021.
Biotechnica, despite having corporate ties to Araka who supplied them with biological weapons, remained as neutral as they possibly could, allowing them to stay away from the battlefields and their offices and headquarters left untouched by both sides. Interestingly, the only way the biotechs could remain neutral was by supplying both, behind each other's backs, with weapons and other biological equipment that once again, many people would consider hugely unethical, but for the CEOs of the mega police helped them make huge profits during the war and also kept them away from harm, if anything it was absolutely brilliant of them and it worked because still.
To date, both Arasaka and Milch have a good relationship with Biotechnica and continue to do business with them. He said that Arasaka still received some additional bonuses due to his previous contracts with them. Those items were just Biotechnica and not Arasaka, but they could have given Arasaka the upper hand in their conflicts, although ultimately it was not to help them, as the military would go on to completely annihilate them by attacking their nighttime headquarters in the city with nuclear weapons, killing over 12,000 workers and forcing them to surrender in the war to save them and Japan from being massively humiliated.
On the world stage and eventually collapsing forever after this major event, biotech remained relatively quiet as did many corporations around the world while attention was focused on rebuilding all the devastated countries that were hit by the fourth corporate war, including the city of KN, which had been one of the hardest hit with the Corporate Plaza being rebuilt in the following years by a technician, they were going to build their new US headquarters building in the heart of downtown, next to All of the other Mega corporation headquarters besides Biotechnica also began investing in properties and relaxation resorts for paying customers, building the Biotech Hotel right outside their headquarters, a luxury hotel that would have rooms full of FAA and natural sensations that would give paying customers a relaxing place to stay that would overlook the neon-lit main city center and would not disappoint at all.
The corporation also established a second hotel during construction of the Pacific region. This hotel was going to be something absolutely special as it would contain a beautiful main area. room that again contains man-made forums and tons of natural light filling the building, the huge windows would also overlook the bad lands outside of Night City, which would be exactly where the corporation's protein farms would essentially advertise how big their scale of production and how much protein the corporation produces only in the city at night, with the idea that people will want to see where their meals come from, it would also seem that biotechnica invested in part of the Terra Cognito Park that shows some of the beautiful forums and the best parts of the natural world here in a building known as would never see the light of day thanks once again to the unification war that began in the late 2060s and was launched by President Rosalin Meers, concerned that their precious investments could be destroyed by the ruthless president of the NSA and his The military VI to Technica along with many other large corporations withdrew all their investments in this area and left their buildings behind to simply rot believing they were going to be destroyed in The Unification War anyway, the war however did not take place. in Night City and unfortunately for all the corporations that put up and abandoned their precious buildings they were now properties of homeless people and gangs that had moved into the area and made Pacifica a completely lawless land, the biotech hotel after it was completely taken over by the gang known as the Voodoo Boys who would use it as their new access point to begin their illegal network running projects behind the prying eyes of netwatch who were desperate to make anyone who might be breaking network law With their life in Night City returning to some sort of normality now with the signing of the Arvin Cord and the Unification War coming to an end, Biot technically used the 2070s to return to where they were a few years ago, focusing on rebuilding. the environment, including forest restoration and bioengineering of previously extinct animals around the world. world not only to continue selling to their wealthy clientele but also to help with the ecosystems they were now rebuilding.
On top of all that, the corporation was now also focusing on helping the people of the world by providing them with new vaccines for various diseases. and viruses, viruses and future medicinal products that would help combat new environmental risks caused once again by climate change. To do this, Biot Technica needed to use the many farms it owned around the world, but this came at a cost to the farmers who primarily lived there. In North America, a Technica began to massively increase its fees for cultivation licenses. Basically, it was an extortion plan that was going to exhaust the budgets of small farms, forcing them to sell their land to the highest bidder, which in this case would havebeen biotechnics.
Small peaceful protests occurred at first, but Biot Technica's response to this was to simply raise fees even further and it was rumored that the corporation also unleashed a virus that decimated all crops grown on those farmers' lands. With their own laboratories, with this reaching boiling points, the small farmers started their own new organization to counteract biotech and with it Crimson Harvest was formed, this group grew bigger and bigger as the corporation took over more and more lands for themselves, throwing away all the innocent farmers who were only looking to live and grow products, but Crimson Harvest was not a pleasant group despite coming from innocent pasts, this group went around attacking each and every biotech facility and employee. , harassing them, beating them and even murdering them in some of the bloodiest incidents.
The world had never seen help them be labeled as an official terrorist organization. This allowed anti-Chorus individuals to join the ranks and make them larger in number, but many of those who joined together to counterattack Biotechnica's operation only realized that it was not going to go so well. as they wanted and now their overall message had been lost due to blind hatred and anti-corporate rhetoric, while biotech worked on their medicines and vaccines for the people of the world, this would not always go well for them, like an individual known as Sasha Yakov Lev. he would lose her and her sister Stella's mother, Galina, to some horrible side effect of the corporation's latest painkillers, leading this to Heart.
Sasha would spring into action when his team led by the Edge Runner known as Maine would be offered a cont to infiltrate the KN City biotech. She sets out to extract vital secret financial records about CHW 2, as well as one of her latest projects, a new immunosuppressant prototype known as 0.091 when the team broke in. Not only would Sasha find the information they were hired to provide, but also information about the painkillers that her mother had died in a scene known to be safe, it became clear to Sasha that these painkillers were not suitable for human consumption, as it was known that caused gradual neurological generation, but biotechnicians saw the financial potential of these painkillers and knew they were too profitable not to do so. release them into the rest of the world and instead of taking them out for further research, they would simply release them without worrying about the consequences.
Sasha knew that she couldn't just sit back and accept this and she told herself that this was her chance to do right by her mother and she began. to upload the entire secure scene database file to network 54's news line, but while doing so, Main Jammer's communication dropped and biot technico quickly followed Sasha by sending a group of security robots to their location establishing a perimeter that Sasha attempted to maintain. She returned them but she knew she wasn't going to do it bitechnically. They were going to catch her for exposing her secret information by cutting off communication with her team.
Sasha held on as long as possible to help make sure all the data was transmitted and once it was. Unfortunately for her, Sasha was shot, causing the explosives she had planted to blow up the entire office she was in. Later, M found Sasha's body on top of a car outside, completely lifeless, and she said a final goodbye to her loyal Netrunner, but while Biotechnica closed. Downstairs, Sasha, she had exposed her extremely harmful scine insurance drug to the entire night. The city hit them with some really damaging PR, surprising quite a few people who saw biotech putting profits before human life despite all that backlash.
If nothing had happened, more and more protein farms would have been created throughout North America and the rest of the world, with sites like that within the Badlands, on the outskirts of Night City, with all of these areas, their food production was growing and also produced synthetic protein derivatives on a large scale. massive scale and because it became the base product of much of Night City's Food Source, on top of that, it would maintain positive public relations with many working within its ranks offering its employees up to six days of paid vacation a year, which which may not seem like much, but for some people who work for other corporations this was a dream in the year 2017 7 the corporation is considered the third largest and best place to work within KN city bi Technica in this same year it was made so large in terms of their resources and global status lands that even the nomadic group known as the Allies under the rule of Soul Bright began negotiating with them to have their entire clan work for them to help them survive in the world.
Saul wanted his family to do his job. agricultural work for biotech in exchange for equipment that would allow his clan to farm in the inhospitable lands of the Badlands and thus became much more self-sufficient despite good intentions, however, many members of the Nomad Clan were extremely worried and with reason. about what it would mean for their future, essentially believing that siding with biotechnica would mean that the alic cardos would now be corporate property, which went against everything they stood for, even if it meant they could have a food source that could cultivate all the time independently. of the environment around them due to this reaction Soul faced the agreement with biotechnica did not go ahead and fortunately the alardo maintained their independence in the heart of the night city, however, the latest actions of biot technica began to attract attention once again involving the nomadic community despite having such a good public image for years, this event really made people wonder who they really were behind their closed doors in a project called Project Nightingale, a biotechnical team formed by Dr.
Johanna , trainer Alex Pushkin and Diana Kuno, would go on to capture several members of Red. The ocher nomadic group used them for scientific research using them as test subjects for biological weapons and other creations and because of this they killed more than 70 members of their clan. . The for go trainer claimed that her research was related to the development of antibiotics, but many others claimed that it was simply her poisoning them. Dr. Isaac Su of biotech was going to perform autopsies on the bodies of some of the deceased clan members claiming that they had died due to electromagnetic overstimulation along with abnormal changes such as drastic neurological growths, even after the autopsy finished manipulating the bodies.
It turned out to be quite dangerous as a biotech employee, Brandon Murphy, would lose an arm when coming into contact with one of the victims. It was not known why exactly this whole project was so brutal or why the biotech wanted to go down this path, but according to an investigation started by Manuel Mendoza, he would note that the Militech was a possible clue as to why this whole project went ahead; in those same notes he goes on to write about possible tests of soldier immunity with chemical weapons or genetic modification and perhaps some previous experiments were done with just those. times on foreign soil, as well as many other things, these were just theories about what was happening in that project, but it seemed that this was not the only case of these tests and it seemed that another large corporation was hiring Biotechnica to do these tests and These experiments were known to the other members of The Nomad group, they ignored any attempts at forgiveness from the doctor and instead contacted Dino Doovic to have her killed, in which Dino contacted the famous Mer V to do this at the same time. . however, Dr.
Coach would also issue a Kill Order using biotechnical security to wipe his colleague Amelia Morton off the face of the Earth, as well as shut down Manuel Mendoza to ensure that no one could expose these tests that Technica had performed on the poor members. of the red Ocha clan, this was not the only closed mission since Crimson Harvest was formed, they had been committing horrible terrorist acts, one of them inside Paris that was going to kill not only members of the organization but also ordinary residents . Tourists passing by who would be members who were part of this bombing and filled with tons of guilt stating that he did not want innocent lives to die in this attack and that he wants to do anything to make up for his crimes, approached Mr.
Las hands to find a Merc that could assist her in her quest, unfortunately for her technical biot, they were quickly on her heels and despite having the job done, he arrived on the scene to arrest her for killing innocents in the terrorist attacks in Paris. It would depend on whether she Nail would live and try to lead a new life free of her past sins or hand her over and accept whatever biotechnical thing we did to her. Either way, biotech would not forgive an act like this and would take care of anything on its own or put her up.
Give V another hit to make sure they are silenced at the end as well. 12 Biotechnica is an ecological corporation that has done a lot of good for the planet, such as creating artificial park fields with energy and alternatives for food. sources and bring in tons of animals to use as pets and for the ecosystem, it's safe to say that they are just as corrupt and power hungry as any other corporation willing to go the extra mile to silence people who want to expose their experiments or just talk. It's mean to them on a public stage, if you ask Crimson Harvest and Red Arer, I'm sure they'll make it perfectly clear that Biotechnica is a barbaric megacorporation that doesn't care about anyone but their CEOs and their profits and everything.
What they do is simply for profit, not to care for the planet at all. What the future holds for this Corporation remains to be seen; However, their goal of improving the environment for the future of humanity certainly seems to be something they really strive for. his human cloning process is still quite secret to the people of the world and maybe one day it will come to light working hand in hand with the other mega corpse projects like arasaka with the Hallow to bring people back from the dead and put them in their own unique bodies, that would certainly be something that many people wouldn't be comfortable with, but maybe it would work very well.
We would have to wait and see how bioteknica does its thing in the world and militech and arasaka. Only focusing on themselves, one Corporation rose up because it took the other weapon completely by surprise. The manufacturers and advancement of their new line of weaponry, Kang to Kanga, began in the 1990s, but never reached a status international like that of arasaka originating in China. This corporation became one of the lucky ones that was not bought by large Japanese corporations. looking to take everything for themselves with this ktown they remained massively independent from themselves within Taiwan and continued to make their small firearms, which were very successful, but again not to the level of Milotic and arasaka in Asia;
However, Kow's pistols were extremely popular, mainly among gangsters who wanted them. a reliable and affordable brand, this continued for quite some time until the time of the data crash, when things got so bad for the corporation that the CEO of kangta at the time committed suicide, most likely due to how much he crashed into the fourth corporate war, things did not improve much for this Corporation as all of Asia was massively effective due to Arisa's actions, especially within China, but with the war officially over with Arisa's surrender, this was a chance to rebuild once again without the worry of a corporation taking over everyone in 2046 Kanga appointed his new CEO, a former army colonel, shiming XU to try to restructure what was labeled As an obsolete and collapsing corporation that was only kept alive by government subsidies, incredibly shiming Seeing the potential of this, the government, which was extremely connected with the brand, put everything into them and invested heavily in modern technology.
The research facilities rapidly expanded the smart weapons market, this paid off enormously as over the next 20 years, ktown vastly outperformed its main rivals and rose to the top of the weapons manufacturer market, now placing it with the big guns of arasaka and milch and by 2072 he continued to triple the value of his shares, making him the leading arms exporter in Asia, placing him above Arasaka, which many thought was impossible in 2077. Kanga was at the top of the game; withoutHowever, at Hangju, one of the company's refinery facilities, a massive explosion would occur that would wipe out tons of its resources, as well as 50,000 of its workers and Innocents officials cleared Kow of any wrongdoing, saying they were not negligent. ;
However, the public knew that they were responsible and now the tension turned sour between them ignoring the ongoing criticism that Kow was looking to move to KN. The city wanted to buy the Pacifica District, the council met with Kanga about this request and explained that they could buy it for a cheap price. First they would have to clean the area of ​​all crime. This request is still ongoing. To date, Kanga has not even attempted to take the area by force, perhaps it is due to Kurt Hansen's crew and the voodoo boys or the fact that Kangal realized that it would not be profitable to rebuild the entire area once more, regardless of what ktow has established.
Its headquarters is in the center of the city and St is the fourth largest corporation within Knight City along with Kanga, another corporation that exploded massively after the fourth corporate war mainly thanks to how many had been affected by what had happened within. of her and in the After this, Mega Corporation would now be known to all as Traum Team. The Traum Tetin corporation is not actually a corporation primarily based in the night city, but the Traum Team International trademark now spans most of North America with its headquarters in Seattle. Washington, this team currently also has locations based in, as mentioned, most North American cities, Tokyo, and of course the night city that was originally located in Seattle prior to the year 2020, this Corporation noted that There was a real gap in the personal healthcare market and now As the United States suffered more and more violence due to a wide variety of things, such as the collapse of data, the increasing gang warfare and nomadic clans and the many wars that the United States wanted to get involved in to benefit from different trade routes and everything, like the Wars in Central America, this was the perfect time for them to establish themselves as a trauma team.
International created violence and crime rates increased massively within the United States and because of that, this Corporation easily became one of the most powerful in the entire United States, gaining customers almost every second, this immediate increase in power allowed them to spread to Canada, parts of Europe and finally reaching Japan by 2020. More than a dozen trauma teams would be sent to major cities at a time to help with injuries and deaths from natural causes, which were honestly quite a few. rare and criminal related deaths, as the trauma team was established within KN City, they would build a large medical hospital within Little China within the Watson district, which would also give the public access to their own night city Rapid Area .
Transit service that ran from the medical center to other parts of the larger city. These members of the trauma team are in fact in some of the best paramedic checks and staff money could buy all over the world without money being saved within this Corporation and many people. I really respected them when they saw them on the streets. All that said, it sounds like the most perfect medical system you could ask for within a city and most would probably think they would want them in theirs without hesitation, however, the trauma team has not. They didn't get to where they are today without asking their clients to pay a dime for their services in the 2020s.
The trauma team's business model was said to be divided into three types of coverage, the first being life coverage full body, which would cost the client $500 per month or $5,550 per year with this, they would gain full access to the trauma team; however, if you were to call them to help you with your condition, you would have to pay an additional $100 for each minute they were off your call and that would not stop until your arrival or your arrival at the nearest corporate Medical Center with said medical team. trauma with this package, for example, you would not be obligated to take it to a hospital or Medical Center here, they would be responsible for Revive. and stabilize your condition even if you were seriously injured and once done that, if it wasn't in a good enough package, they would just leave and bill you once they got back to the medical center or hospital, on top of that, if there was a trauma.
The team is sent to an area where they would have to use their weaponry. The customer who called them would also have to reimburse them for all the ammunition they used, as well as the fuel they used to get there and any damage to equipment and personnel one time. This is the most popular service for people within their cities. There is a benefit they can have if the traumatized tetins do not arrive in 10 minutes and that is that the customer will receive a 50% discount on the cost of the ammunition spent, so while they may have lost their life thanks to them arriving late, at At least you won't have to spend an absolute fortune on their ammunition, but your corpse will only be charged 50% and who will pay for it, it doesn't really matter, that's something for you to figure out. or your closest relatives anyway, the second coverage in the 2020s was a so-called corporate coverage or the most expensive corporate executive coverage that would cost the client $1,500 per month or $116,500 per year for corporate coverage and $12,000 per month or $120,000 per year for executive coverage.
With this plan, you are guaranteed a turnaround time of just 7 minutes and when the equipment arrives, it will be taken to the corporate medical center, but the customer will still have to pay for the equipment or personal injury from regular corporate coverage anyway. . Executives won't have to pay a dime for any of this, however, they will pay $12,000 a month. I don't think anyone expects you to accept the above plan; however, it is known as high priority coverage that will cost you $34,000 each month and expires. Due to how expensive this service is, there is no annual charge, it is only monthly, perhaps due to the nature of the people who contract this coverage with this plan, clients who contract it will obtain the Gold Trauma Team Inc card and will be will guarantee you a response. time of 3 to 5 minutes which they claim is the fastest in the business on a call, the customer who needs to be picked up and care will be picked up and taken not to a medical center but to a corporate hospital, fortunately for the client will not do it.
They will have to pay for the ammunition and fuel used when they come to pick them up; However, surprisingly, they will still have to pay for any damage to equipment or personnel, so really what made these plans different in the 2020s are two small things, the response time and the location of where it occurred. . customer goes, those who paid more are more likely to survive any critical condition and will be taken to a luxury bed to recover, while those who have less benefits will be more likely or not to bleed to death on the street and even if they recover simply to stay there on the street this time with some bandages and with the heart beating again by 2022 and 2023, the fourth corporate war had taken place and for the trauma team this was the busiest period they had ever experienced, which could be seen as a good financially, however, they were struggling greatly due to the war and their resources were becoming very limited with so many calls almost every minute that the corporation had to change their policies to ensure the right people were served due to the nature of the war started by both Arasaka corporations and Militech Trauma Team stated that they would accept absolutely no calls from either side.
This could have been seen as a way of showing their neutrality so that both corporations would keep them in their good books for when the war comes to an end, this allowed the trauma team to focus only on civilian requests, but with a new problem. , this was the combat rate, if someone fired a gun within half a kilometer of your premises you would be charged for it and quite substantially too despite this new policy focusing only on civilians and adding new charges to your finances , the trauma teams were still fighting within the corporate war as calls increased and more battles occurred around the world by 2045, the long fourth corporate war had finally come to an end and fortunately for the trauma team, they had survived, but that meant they only had to focus on regional areas rather than full international coverage.
This was because the war had devastated their suppliers and as a result of this, repairs to their A4s were becoming difficult to come by, as well as things like medical bandages, key medications, vaccines and trained personnel, and increasingly More hospitals and clinics were collapsing due to lack of resources and funding, many patients still sick or injured. discovered that their plans with the trauma team changed to just the base rate, most of the reasons being due to the fact that many of the sick and injured people could not afford the high response rates that had likely increased due to the high demand. had been converted despite that, however, it was reported that many Edge Runners would purchase individual trauma cards which they would then tear up to trick them into thinking they would name priorities in the hope that the TR team could provide them with regular information. treatment for their team members injured due to the nature of their work due to recent events over the past few years, these trauma teams would also undergo a makeover, not really by choice but because they had to due to how the world I had changed them to the teams.
They would now change from their basic blue and yellow uniforms that had shown their compassion towards their fellow human beings and would now be heavily armed to allow them to deal with anything in their work. These trauma team workers, almost soldiers at this point, would all operate using extreme methods. Protective and advanced armor, they would continue to fight in a medical emergency with the latest and greatest in flight engineering, being their new TTI medical av4 a, which would be an extremely light aerodynamic that could get in and out of tight spaces with ease and had heavily armored protected to ensure that if someone were attacked, they would be able to withstand the most intense gunfire they might experience, and he said they won't exactly run away from a fight if necessary, as the AV will be heavily armed. with a Gatling gun mounted on the front, as well as 7.62 saw machine guns that are mounted on the sides of the vehicle in which the security specialists would be seated with mobile tankers and a ground refueling station that would accompany them as backup within this team. the main pilots with the co-pilot sitting next to them working the front mounted Gatling gun and none of these individuals leave the airship at any time ready to take off at a moment's notice and shoot anyone who does not comply with their methods and requests behind.
The pilots are the security specialists who, as mentioned, will keep an eye on the vehicle with their machine guns and then directly behind them are the actual paramedics who would perform the extrication operation and would be the main medical personnel on the scene if the operation seems a little iffy or risky, the security team will escort the paramedics out of the vehicle and clear the way for them using their rifles and underwater machine guns and most of the time they won't shoot them, they are just there to intimidate anyone. in their path, if they will kill someone or injure them messily, if they try something and just let them die at the hands of the Trauma Team Corporation, the hypocritical oath doesn't really mean anything at this point, they are there to help the client who has called.
They ask for help if they have to kill non-customers to get to them, so keeping the peace isn't really their job, after all, they are a corporation, not only that but also their respect from their peers is gone in this one. period, what was once the comfort of the trauma team coming to help people was now a group of heavily armed, overworked, harassed, angry, and impatient workers who no longer treated anyone kindly. They were at the end of their bond with the citizens thanks to the amount of bloodshed they had seen on a regular basis at the end of this year, the international trauma team had been greatly reduced and now became part of the Simply trauma brand team North America, which would be independent franchise-owned groups. that would patrol the cities and respond to insured victims once again due to this change in the business model, the corporation could notcharge what it previously did and during 2045 a new planning scheme was carried out with only two coverages available to people for America's corporate police officers.
They would receive special treatment that would allow them to have full medical coverage from the trauma team for anyone else. They had the option to choose between silver coverage and executive coverage. The silver coverage was exactly the same as the 2020 standard membership, where it would cost the customer $500 per month. but if the client needed surgery, then they would have to cover the cost of what happened. That being said, however, if the client did not want to pay more for hospital treatments, the tra team would do everything in their power to help them before giving up. the member was in a hospital which would likely force the client to have to pay regardless of the executive coverage, it was relatively the same, costing $1,000 per month and included the same things as the Silver coverage, however this time the only difference If the customer of this plan would not have to pay for any surgical treatment, essentially, 2045 created a system that many in the United States could afford compared to what they offered in the 2020s;
However, that being said, thanks to the recent war, many people are now left homeless. and the unemployed still couldn't afford treatment and even if they could, the trauma treatment equipment offered was now filled with disdain. The loving doctors that once existed in the 2020s had turned to quasi-soldiers who were just doing their job and their clients were simply there to earn money for their cooperation. For 30 years, the trauma team continued as a small organization until it arrived. to a point within 2077 where they finally had enough resources to establish themselves as trauma tee International once again, allowing them to recover all of their previous assets. lost within the fourth corporate war, this did not mean that the world had changed;
However, once again the gangs were increasing and the crime rate was skyrocketing because this growing international criminal trauma team was able to once again increase the price of their services and with the increase in prices they would once again equip their equipment with the latest weaponry and more substantial kangta machinery than they had in the year 2020, including things like some of the most sophisticated life support and resuscitation technologies available, some of the best the world had. It has ever been seen to include a mobile cryotank that they could use to keep clients safe if they are in critical condition and give them enough time to return to the medical center without the client dying in Night City and many other cities during this point. .
He would now be equipped with the Atlas AV trauma equipment, which would be a flagship product of Zeta Tech and the most popular AV model used in Night City. This AV would be extremely sleek in design and extremely reliable, meaning the troma team would never have to worry. their equipment was failing when they were out of service now that the trauma team was back to full, their new pricing was revealed and now they have three types of packages but for all paying customers they would receive on the ground services which would include 24/7 emergency AV dispatch with reflex booster at the ready Armed security expert pilots and trained military paramedics;
However, to ensure that their clients were being genuine and that the emergency was necessary, the health of all their clients would be tracked by internal cyberware and whether their signal was going to be displayed. that needed help, an AV squad would use their cyber software to locate them and would arrive on the scene within minutes, although it is not specified how long exactly it would take, however it is stated that this would come down to how far they were. paying for their service to care for impatient patients would be on top of that and would ensure that every trauma clinic would be equipped with surgical nanites, specialized antibodies, and cryogenic chambers.
They would also offer their own medications and resuscitators and would possess a selection of surplus implants that would benefit from their suppliers in terms of plants, however they would be classified as premium packages, these packages would be color coded and would be silver, gold and platinum, as that most of the gold and silver were exactly the same as the services provided in 2020 and 2045, however the most important package would be the Platinum which would offer everything you could want, this would include 24/7 monitoring days of the week, emergency patient transportation, surgery and nanosurgery, post-traumatic rehabilitation, plastic surgery on request, free check-ups with the client's riid do and up to 90% discount. of recipes and, in addition, they would be guaranteed a 3-minute response time to ensure that nothing bad happened to the customer.
Prices are not really known at this time; However, it's safe to assume that anyone on the Platinum package would pay something similar. at $334,000 per month, if not more, at that time, for everyone else, they will be allowed a free 24-hour trial for premium trauma equipment packages if they cannot afford it in the long term; however, if they use it, that will be it and they will never be seen by the trauma team again unless they pay most of it. This is the norm for everyone in North America and in some countries the trauma team is there to take care of their paying clients, however they are much more ruthless with how they treat them. and others around them, but it can't be said that people still respect the trauma team, as was discovered with the EMT in Night City in the year 2077, named Nadia.
In short, the trauma team is some of the best medical experts there are, but their job is much more than that and they are always at risk of being killed wherever they go, the paying customer is their priority and if that means they lost two, three, four or two entire squads to save a platinum client, whether it's that big, that's the job. Now, will the corporation continue to expand in the future or will it be affected once again by the world events around it? Only time can tell, but for now this has been the story of the Tetin Trauma Medical Corporation approaching Night City. itself is one of the last corporations in existence that may not be a mega police force but has enough power to affect everything within KN City which is its own police force known as ncpd for years starting in 1994 around the same time as the data. crash the ncpd was your standard police service within KN City and offered all the standard services you would expect from the boys in blue with so much going on within KN City and across the United States, these officers were massively overworked, underpaid criminally and the stress ran. in all ranks as they desperately tried to combat all the gangs that plagued the city as well as random moments of street crime and even trying to clear up the homeless problem with so much to do, their headquarters would be located in the heart of the city ​​within Little China by 2020 established a maximum security facility that was considered equal to any federal prison in the US that was built on the site of Southside's original police precinct number three, a police headquarters Rather uniquely, this was as well as within the basement of the facility there was a fallout shelter that also contained an armory and weapons repair station, a 70-foot firing range and four evidence storage vaults, as well as many others. state-of-the-art equipment and rooms to do They were sure that they had everything they needed to combat all forms of crime in their beautiful city and during the year 2020, the ncpd managed to keep the downtown streets quite safe, although it must be said that due to KN City's extremely LAX views on the firearm owning public.
Many of their problems were solved by good citizens who wanted to take matters into their own hands, so many times the NCPD didn't have to get involved at all. It is unknown what exactly happened to the ncpd in general during the years following 2020, but considering how many corporations, gangs, and other parties became involved in the city, it was pretty safe to say that their entire presence certainly diminished, especially during the fourth war of the Court and at the time of the unification war in 2069, the ncpd really were just a shadow of what they once desperately tried to control everything that happened within their city, but with militech and the NSA invading their borders, they didn't There was only so much the city Police Department could really do if there were to be a full on Invasion, luckily for the ncpd they didn't have to bring their best ranks and equipment as Arasaka came to save the day and pushed Militech and N away.
USA backwards, ending the war, returning power and security to the people of Knight City. As the 2070s were in full swing, the Pacific region reached boiling point, now without all of its investors, gangs flooded into it en masse taking full advantage of its high-quality club accommodation and construction resources. that were left there completely abandoned. The ncpd saw this. as a criminal offense and they knew they had to try to intervene to secure everything in the area that would once be one of the best tourist destinations in North America, but unfortunately when the mcpd began to enter the Pacific region they saw how many gangs had taken over the area that included xitech soldiers and realized that there was no way they could take it as it would end in a complete bloodbath with this, the head of the NCPD, most likely Claudia Feldman at the time, ordered a retreat. of the area and with this he also got the night council to shut down all city services there to force the locals to leave, which also turned out to be a complete failure sometime during 2074.
The cyberpsychopath's presence began to worsen for the area. people of KN City with regular attacks occurring in densely populated areas, a specific event occurred within Kabuki that caused the death of three citizens when Night City and the NCPD began to panic over these events, N USA became involved once again with the offer of President Rosalin Meers. his military services to help them clear up their problems and restore order to the city once again, however, the ncpd commissioner understood this offer knowing that if they accepted his help they could take over their city from within and Knight City would lose its independence. and become an NSA state and with that he harshly criticized Myers' plans and flatly rejected his help stating that the ncpd and Night City could handle it on their own two years later, in 2076, it became clear to the Night city council that the ncpd was simply not for profit.
Profitable in their eyes it was costing the government an absolute fortune and in the end the crime was still as big as ever something needed to change and quickly with this the ncpd was transferred into private ownership to make sure it could finally bring in some money. edies to help fund Night City, at the same time the head of the ncpd would be replaced by a data terms sales executive named Jerry Faller, who many who would see him on television or around would think was a man of business smart, but behind scenes where he was incredibly corrupt during regular dealings with gangs and even being a close friendship with the Pacifica District's main barast gang leader named Kurt Hansen, indicated that at some point in his role in the post, Jerry conspired. with Alexandra Satova, member of the Melstrom gang, to lure Officer Reggie Lob and his partner into an ambush for being too proactive in their investigations and also organize the removal of homeless people with member Scavenger and Sedova in a development project in Northside, but Jerry didn't stop.
There, when he became police commissioner, he would also save money the best way he knew how, getting rid of half the officers, reducing patrols, and ordering the beat cups to prioritize issuing tickets, which would only lead to even more crime in the streets. half the police left due to severe budget cuts. Jerry would launch a drone replacement program for police and launch more AI officers, meaning he could monitor crying without having to pay anything for it, plus he would set a new $5 per minute phone charge for anyone who does 911 calls to make sure the phone lines weren't jammed with unwanted calls and also to make a fortune off of people by keeping them on hold or not actually helping them when they were on the line.
Private prisons became a It also helped bring more money to the ncpd and by the end of the year his finances improved, but it still wasn't very good, clearing some of their debt and bringing them a step closermore to liquidate it, all this seemed fine for a while, but when the year ended. In 2077, the ncpd's finances plunged again by 177% and as a result, Mayor Lucius Ryan began to get involved trying to find a new solution to what he claimed was the police problem and here he would continue to bring in corporations. . security companies to help the Knight City police, instead security companies like arasaka Kanga and even biotechnica, in the mid-1977s, crime was still at its highest, helped greatly thanks to corrupt ways After Jerry F's struggle with gangs and dangerous criminals, Pacifica had been completely abandoned. by the ncpd officers and if they remained in the area as some officers like Sasha yakovlev, Bill Mitchell and Charles Wilson did, they would be at the mercy of Kurt Hansen and his barast officers and if they did disobey or go against their wishes, they would be hunted down and killed if the need arose, showing who really had the power within this part of Knight City, but it wasn't just here in the north side industrial district of Watson and Badlands, the ncpd.
It also had no presence mainly because of those massive officer cuts, but also because the higher ups in Night City simply didn't care about those areas and just let the people who lived there take care of it themselves if you lived within KN City. . In the year 2077, the best places to live would be the corporate center of the city and Westbrook, with Haywood and Santo Domingo being relatively safe but still quite hostile, but despite everything listed here about how much the ncpd is fighting now, they still have clear roles. For the officers who still insist they can make a change throughout the city with serious concerns for anyone who might break the rules especially in the ncpd hotspots, the top cops on the streets would be known as the patrol officers who would be seen as the backbone of the ncpd and most police forces across the country the objective was relatively simple: they would patrol their given sector to enforce the law and try to reduce crime divided into three sectors there would be the pace Traffic patrol Patrol and Cruise Patrol the beat Patrol officers would be boots on the ground walking the streets and keeping an eye on their everyday public.
Originally, these officers would do it alone, however, due to the high crime in the night city, the B Patrol now works in pairs to ensure that they always support each other in case a shooting breaks out, although it seems like a simple job, It is extremely dangerous as these simple officers will not only have to report minor crimes such as theft or riots, but they will also have to try to take on corporate gangs. shootings, riots, drug dealing, psychopaths and other forms of violence, they essentially have to be on guard all the time to deal with whatever is thrown at them, and there is no support for them if there are reports of a gang war against those two officers.
They have to try to deal with this on their own and hope that somehow the gangs make sense or can take them all out without anyone else's help. They have bulletproof vests, helmets, handcuffs, first aid kits, a gun and maybe non-lethal. launcher with them at all times, so their chances of survival are a little better thanks to the Traffic Patrol having it a little easier and, in fact, many within the ncpd consider it a boring job and if you make it , you are considered the low Twist on the totem pole or hated by your hups and they have given it to you as some form of punishment their job is simple they manage traffic they give tickets they watch people speed and that's it, but the problem is that no one likes them, not even other ncpd police officers they see They consider them minors, even though traffic is still relatively dangerous and that is why they are given an armored vest-type traffic helmet and a 9 mm pistol in case of that someone tries to avoid paying a fine or something else.
The last of the patrol officers is the Cruiser Patrol who are seen as the highest ranking in the patrol class, these officers will drive around in their BMW 600 which they know as black and white, and if a patrol officer is lucky , will see them and come help them if they have nothing else to do that day, but that being said, most officers won't get involved because, let's be honest, they have the luxury of sitting in the heat behind a thick sheet of metal. so that nothing can harm them, most gangsters and petty criminals are afraid of these officers due to their cruisers and also the fact that they have much better equipment in their arsenal, so if you see a cruiser charging at you and You are not equipped with good weapons and protection, you know you will be.
In quite a few problems, the next division within the ncpd is the investigation department, which is much smaller in scale but much taller in stature and with some of the best agents working within it, these include Vice Robbery, Homicide and special investigations that the Vice Department mainly carried out. deals with narcotics with an emphasis on trafficking, possession and distribution, as well as other major crimes, such as prostitution, gambling and weapons crimes. The officers have a variety of cyber that helps them with surveillance and then infiltration, this helps them in their covert operations that take place throughout In a span of months, the vice department has managed to infiltrate some very dangerous gangs. like Melstrom and the scavs in operations that took place in some of the most horrible parts of the city.
The Robbery Department obviously deals with any type of theft, including petty domestic theft. to vehicle theft and armed robbery, it also deals with more insidious types of theft such as large loan fraud, forgery and embezzlement in Night City, this type of theft is common and therefore Therefore, a lot of money and resources are invested in the Robbery Department in order to minimize the damage of these types of crimes, as with Vice, the Robbery Department spends a lot of time on long undercover missions covering gangs and criminal networks, but With such a high level of robbery-related crimes, the Robbery Department also has a lot of paperwork to do, which is time-consuming. and not to mention having to interrupt their operations to attend a sudden armed robbery where the police rush in with weapons ready to take down the last perpetrators, moving on from the robbery, then there is the homicide department, although they are obviously murders that can occur. many forms, including mass murders, serial killers, and the ever-prevalent corporate murders that lay waste to the city's competitive businesses.
In fact, the homicide department can handle around 50 murders a day overnight, making this department one of the busiest and most overworked, leading to poor arrests. rate and many cases unsolved and abandoned due to the sheer volume and the need to set priorities with very little being done about murder gangs and perpetrators are becoming bolder because they know they can get away with extreme violence as a result of see such horrible scenes. Every day, homicide offices have become cold and distant and many are experiencing psychological difficulties. Finally, we have the Department of Special Investigations, which is also known as Sin.
A special investigation is classified as a more serious and larger-scale crime than those dealing with theft. and homicide, although there is some crossover - for example, a special investigation could also include a case of mass murder or forgery or corporate espionage - but what makes these cases special is that they have to be part of an organized and widespread crime , essentially cases that are too large or complex. so that the other departments have the time or resources to deal with this, however this causes some debate between the other departments and sin as Sin receives more funding and can often take over a case entirely without taking into account the officers who have already worked in them.
Moving on from the investigations division, we have the Tactical division. The Tactical division exists to replace the investigations department when a situation escalates and reinforcements are needed when the investigation has reached the end of its usefulness. The Tactical division is divided into three departments. They are SWAT Max Teac and Riot. I won't go into too much detail about Max Teac because I already made a video about them but to give a general idea I would just say that they deal mainly with cyber psychopaths and they are officially called Cyborg Suppression Units or Psycho Squad They deal with everything. which is above what the SWAT team deals with.
For SWAT, which stands for special weapons and tactics, they are trained to deal with higher risk situations and situations involving heavy weaponry than regular police officers. You simply don't have the team or KN resources to deal with these situations, such as hostage rescue shootouts and sieges. The SWAT Department also provides security for high-profile clients or locations that could attract particularly nasty attacks and crimes that the SWAT Department is equipped with. their own special tactical police vehicles and have access to as many cyber combat systems as they may need. Finally, in the Tactical division we have the Riot Department, which is self-explanatory in that they are there to deal with riots, but they have to take action.
A different approach than the SWAT Department, unlike them, the Riot Department cannot use excessive force and has to deescalate situations by means other than instantly meeting violence with violence. The Riot Department is available 24/7 for any outbreak in the night city and They work in teams of 10 riot officers armed with protective equipment like R shields and ballistic armor and crowd dispersal equipment like guns Tear gas taser and non-lethal munitions, although the primary goal is pacification, the NCPD has an if you don't want policy. to get hurt, not Riot, which sounds simple enough to me, in the other territories, the ncpt also patrolled the network even though many believe it is just network surveillance.
Who watches over you here, the network security section, also known as netsec, make sure that the network within the night city is patrolled and kept secure and city-specific data does not leave that area. This team will hunt down daring criminal netrunners and also maintain regular checks to make sure everything is up to date and secure, but there is another side too. This group here has their own netrunners who are part of this organization who they use to dive into the net to search for important information about dubious corporate transactions, gang operations and also to gather as much information about certain topics that they believe are part of a big crime within the city, this is extremely rare to see and many of the cops will never get any information from netsec, but if they do, most of the time it will completely clear up the case and help put the culprits away once and for all. .
The problem with this division is that netsec officers are often extremely edgy and are allowed into the ncpd without any training, which really upsets many within the force who are being scouted in a police-like style. of the Corps, when these members join netc, they will. They will be given access to high-level software and hardware that will allow them to become extremely proficient in their chosen area of ​​netr. Without this group, the ncp arrest rate would be much lower than it already is. This split is really a sign that despite low funding, they have some money. One of the best teams and people to deal with criminals living within Internal Affairs is another division of the ncpd, but all the regular officers see them as the bane of their existence.
This group of individuals will not investigate crimes that occur with citizens, but they will. Instead, investigate officers if they have received reports of serious misconduct in the performance of their duties or corruption, dangerousness, or conduct of any other activity that abuses their position and endangers the department as a whole. For the IID, they have the ability to do it completely. remove officers from their duties once and for all and they may even make up evidence just to get rid of some of the officers they don't like, but most of the time, if an officer is suspended or expelled from the force, it would be the Inter-American Division who was behind this and once this is done, the rest of the force, including your own friends and close associates, will know that you are a corrupt cop and will never talk to you or work with you again unless they too arecorrupt.
The final division is the most boring one there is simply administration, which is key to keeping the ncpd running. These guys are just deadly joys, making sure all arrests and reports are processed and all evidence is presented correctly. The only time someone really wants to work. Administrator is when they have been involved in a horrible shooting, have been injured, or simply no longer want to do any legwork, but if you worked in administration for too long you would never be considered a real officer and would have little prestige among the other officers in the organization. with all these divisions covered, it sounds terrible as if the ncpd was extremely well equipped despite all the massive budget cuts made by their commissioner and this would show on the equipment side as well. where, despite once again their budget cuts, the ncpd possesses some of the most modern equipment to deal with the city's criminals, this is mainly seen at the top end of the organization where they will possess the latest automatic weapons and the militech M10 AF Lexington weapon, as well as other industry standard weapons for Max Tac, have some of the best armor you will ever see and cybernetics is a requirement for all their members, with some possessing mantis swords and armed launchers to Fight anyone you can get.
In its own way, the ncpd has also recently acquired some of Mil's incredible centur exoskeletons, which some lucky Patrol officers receive. Max Tac already has them, but the fact that some cops also have them means they can fight crime much more easily, even if there is a limited supply. Supply not only has exoskeletons, but Militech has also sold the ncpd its famous minor mechs that patrol the city with other drones as well, and its commissioner is all for those who are the milk wyverns Griffins arasaka robot R MK2 Patrol robots and Zeta Tech bombus drones to add to your ranks without having to worry about them getting sick or damaged because unlike humans, these drones and robots can always return, meaning it's an endless stream of troops that you also don't have to pay a salary for. regular with everyone.
Having explained this about how the ncpd works, you might think that many are proud to be members of this team that helps save citizens from the endless waves of crime within the city, but the truth is that all officers are enormously overworked and barely receiving a salary of late. years the wrong kind of people have also joined the service just to assert their power over the people of the city and one was quoted saying why I became a police officer. Well, when things get tough, I like to be the one who pushes, who you can push really hard with. a hurricane assault shotgun, some officers still feel that they can really make a real difference in their city and will do everything they can to help the citizens in Dire Straits, but with corruption rising to the top and no light at the end.
In the tunnel, when it comes to fighting back against crime, many are losing their morale and have directly adopted the mentality of just shutting up and getting on with what they are told to do. To this day, the ncpd still has a pretty strong presence. However, the neon city does not mean that they are the only ones controlling the streets, that is ultimately the role of corporations who now have so much power that they can start crime, manage hostile gangs and keep the peace with their own. military and corporate police. Technically the ncpd is a corporation that is now primarily funded by Night Corp, but behind the scenes, both the Arasaka mega corps and militech still pull the strings and organize them to do things for their benefit, the force also has a huge problem when it comes to solving. their own cases despite having so many parts of their organization to fight crime in the year 2077 they will hire MKS who will do the job for them obtaining the evidence that is under corporate jurisdiction that prohibits any police presence or is simply far away Too hostile to risk sending ill-equipped officers, but having said all that, maybe the ncpd isn't the best police force in the world, but they all are that night.
The city has to try to control crime in the area, maybe in the future the ncpd. will deal with his corrupt leadership and become a true Force for Good and corrupt gangs and corporations will become a thing of the past for the ordinary citizens of the night city, for now, although this has been a look at depth to neon crime fighters. KN City Metropolis, this is the story of the ncpd and finally we have the Zeta Tech mega Corporation, which unfortunately not much is known about them apart from all the information from the corporate wars, however, if the N operation The US would be successful in Night City ridding the world of Kurt Hansen and his Barast Zetch operation would rise to power massively alongside Milk, most likely with them combining to advance the technology market by the year 2079.
Zeta Tech officers would be established throughout the night in City with its main headquarters. Being located there, these stores would display some of the most advanced pieces of cyberware the world has ever seen, and furthermore, even the ncpd seemed to have benefited from their technology, which would unfortunately mean that many independent companies would lose their stores and means of transportation. life, since the mega corpse would grow day by day, it is most likely that zetch is doing exactly what Kanga is doing and benefiting from the struggles of other corporations that disappear from the map, especially since at this moment the arasaka are no longer inside from KN City, but this could lead to hostilities again as it is rumored that in 2079 zet are at war with petrm over vital resources and land and it is only a matter of time before another corporate war takes off perhaps involving the new zetch and Kang guys, but only time will really tell.
But for now, although these have been all the stories of the mega corpse of the Cyber ​​Punk universe and how they became so powerful over the many years, I want to say a huge thank you if you have made it to this part of the video and I can't thank you enough for the support you have given to this channel with all the cyberp punk love. I want to say a huge thank you to my supporters on Patreon and YouTube who help fund this channel and allow me to make videos regularly, including my little fish, my big fish, Greg and nox Vox, my YouTube channel, the wise men, gamer 75 and Lord Sith 9006, my sharks, Alfred and Jason's race x117 and my megalodons, bad clams, 83, confused thoughts and sinusitis, if you will. please support this channel the links are below including some of my products which I am very happy with so check it out and see what you think of it and also check out the audio version on Spotify and other podcast providers but that that's all. for now, thanks for watching again, please like, comment and subscribe to help spread them and finally, with all that being said, I'll see you all in the next one, cheers.

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