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Dr Wayne Dyer - How to Get Out of Your Limiting Beliefs!

Mar 06, 2024
I would like to give you what I consider to be the great spiritual teachings of many different faiths. There is a story that sums them up. It is the story of what I call the four philanthropists in a village through which the conquerors had passed and taken everything. the men or many of the men who were warriors at that time and had been placed in this prisoner of war camp right in the village and many of the villagers knew that their countrymen were imprisoned and the first philanthropist was a person who had a great wealth. and he went to the people who had the jail and were in charge of it and he told them I understand that men cannot have fresh water and cold water I would like to donate all my profits and everything I have to purify the water for them and make sure that everyone would not get sick and he was granted that and he felt that he had fulfilled his destiny, that he had done what he was here because the second philanthropist discovered that the men were sleeping. stones and they were cold at night they had no blankets and he took all their funds and told them I would like to provide bedding and blankets for the people so that they are comfortable when they sleep at night and he was granted that right and donated his money for this purpose and again felt that he was fulfilling his Destiny the third philanthropist discovered that the food they were eating was inadequate that they were only given beans and water and some bread. and then he said: I own a farm and I would like to grow all my food and I would like to bring this food to all these prisoners and he was granted that right and the three great philanthropists of the village felt that they had really completed their mission, why They were here, but the fourth philanthropist was a saint, he did not live in ordinary human consciousness but in higher levels of Consciousness and he went and found out where the keys were and he went to the prison at night and he freed all the prisoners and this little story Metaphorically it really tells us that when we live in ordinary human consciousness there is nothing wrong with those who are out there and can help us suffer in Comfort, and many of us have learned to do that and accept that and say it's okay as long as it's comfortable even if I'm suffering it's okay but there are those who have keys and those keys can open the prisons one of the great teachers in my life was Carlos Castaneda and Castan talked about his teacher, which was what they call aagu a and a Native American term that refers to everything what can be known and he, his teacher, told him that


life is like being born in a room, a mansion, so to speak. that has a thousand rooms but you are born in a room and this room is called daily human consciousness and the only way you can get in is through conception and the birth that you are in and the only way you can get out we teach you is die so we spend our lives in this mansion in one room, although there are 999 other rooms, we don't know how to get out to those rooms unless we die, so we hope to die and what his master told him is that I can teach. how to leave the room of daily consciousness and enter the other 999 rooms and if you stay with me and learn everything I have to give you, I can teach you how to leave the house all together without having to die and what we have to do to get there to that place where we can take the keys and open the self-imposed prisons or the prison that we have given ourselves based on what we have come to believe are our limitations, what we can and cannot do, we have to let that go. side and I call it rewriting our agreement with reality, we literally have to make a completely new contract with what I perceive as what is possible for me and in order to do that we must We have to get out of the things that we have come to believe in and everything that you came to see this show tonight and believe in was given to you by someone outside of you through the experiences or testimony of someone in the past and because it comes from outside of you there is still a element of doubt and this element of doubt is not bad but it prevents you from reaching higher levels because what you think is what expands and if you are thinking about doubt then Doubt is what expands William Blake said that if the Sun and the Moon ever doubted that they would go out immediately, so how do we rise above what we believe or what has been given to us and still honor it and be grateful for all the teachers and all the people who have come before us, so what What we have to learn to do is let go of that tribal Consciousness and shift to what I call knowledge.
dr wayne dyer   how to get out of your limiting beliefs
Now there is a big difference between what you believe and what you know. Everything you know. It's something you've made conscious contact with conscious contact with, so there's no one out there watching, there's no one in this world who knows how to swim and who learned it when someone else tells them you can swim or by seeing Mark. spitting in the water or by uh, by watching other people do it, you can eliminate some of the doubt, but you will never know how to swim until you get in the water and do Blub a few times and then you do it and then you will have a knowledge and that knowledge is something. that you will never lose like riding a bicycle or dancing the Macarena or making a lemon morang cake or whatever you know how to do is because you have made conscious contact and I would like to suggest that there is a big difference between knowing of a divine presence knowing of a consciousness sacred knowing about God and knowing god there is a big difference just like there is a big difference between knowing about the possibility of being able to cure myself of something that is bothering me maybe a disease process that maybe I can I think it is possible because I have read other people and I have heard others say it and I have read the testimony and I have listened to the tapes and I have attended seminars, but until you have made conscious contact with it you will never know and I would like to suggest that there is a wonderful poem.
dr wayne dyer   how to get out of your limiting beliefs

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dr wayne dyer how to get out of your limiting beliefs...

I would like to share this poem with you. It is written by a wonderful woman. Her name is Valerie Cox and she lives in Seattle. I wrote quite a bit of poetry, this poem in particular really speaks to me about the difference between what you know and what you believe. Dive into this. In these words, a woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several long hours before her flight, she hunted. She looked for a book at the airport store, bought a bag of cookies, and found a place to leave them. She was engrossed in her book, but she saw that the man next to her, as bold as she could be, grabbed one or two cookies from the bag she was trying to grab. ignore to avoid a scene, she ate cookies and watched the clock while this brave cookie thief diminished her stock.
dr wayne dyer   how to get out of your limiting beliefs
She was getting more and more irritated as the minutes went by thinking that if she wasn't so nice she would give him a black eye with every cookie she picked up. He also took one and when there was only one left she wondered what he would do with a smile on his face and a nervous laugh, he took the last cookie and broke it in half, he offered her half while he ate the other, she took it to him. rapture. him and thought: Oh brother, this guy has some nerve and he's also rude, why didn't he even show any gratitude that she had never known when she had been so G and she sighed in relief when her flight was called, she gathered her belongings and headed al Gate refused to look at the ungrateful thief, he boarded the plane and sank into his seat, then looked for his book which was almost complete when he searched through his luggage, he gasped in surprise, there was his bag of cookies in front of his eyes.
dr wayne dyer   how to get out of your limiting beliefs
I love it. I love that if mine are here she moaned in despair then the others were his and he tried to share Too late to apologize she realized with sorrow that she was the rude one the ungrateful the thief the cookie thief and all of us in some way way we are cookie thieves I have eight beautiful children our youngest girls are 8 years old one of the things you do when you become enlightened and become a guru like me that will be the day we place something that is important to know where it is We practice the full attention to never lose anything.
Obviously, having reached this exalted level of consciousness in my house with my eight children, I never lose anything, so I put my keys here in a certain place, but my little girl has a wonderful habit of taking them. my keys and hide them from dad in the morning so she can watch me turn around while I look for the keys and I'll say wise how many times has dad told you? Don't hide my keys in the morning, dad, you told me that. so as not to do it I don't hide


keys anymore let's go where you put my keys the last time they were in your dollhouse where you put dad you told me not to do it and then of course my 12 year old son My daughter, Serena, simply loves it assume this posture, you are seeing me raise my voice, you will say.
I wonder what all those people would think of Mr. Positive if they could see him right now. I get a lot of reminders, so I give up. I said, look when it arrives. I come back here I want those keys here and I come back and put my clothes on and I look in my back pocket and there are my keys right where I had left them the night before in my pocket and I think there's a fine line between being a guru and being an idiot okay and I probably crossed that line more times than I should admit here on TV, but this idea of ​​being a cookie thief and creating a knowledge is something I did for the benefit along with my wife.
A couple of years ago with a man on Maui whose name is Michael Koff who had been injured in an accident and is a quadriplegic or paraplegic and at that meeting, when it was over, there was a man who lived on another of the islands that was known as Kahuna . A healer, an ancient Polynesian healer, and he was introduced to me and he said it was a nice talk, etc., and I said, how do you become a Kahuna? you take Kahuna 101 I mean, what courses do you take? How does this work? And he said no, he said that Kahunas are bred to have no doubt, to have no doubt, to have a knowledge, and he said, when a knowledge is faced with a belief in a disease process, knowledge will always triumph and that knowledge is something in which you say you are healed and the healing takes place.
One of the great stories of knowledge is again with our little Sage, who we were spending the summer at our summer house and we went to visit this dermatologist and she knew that she has had this thing called flat warts for the last few years, well, since He was 2 and a half years old, from 2 and A2 until he was seven, which is more than four years old, he had these flat warts and not only did he have them around his face, around his mouth and around his nose, but they got worse, they went up and they rose around the eyes, etc., and we noticed that they were getting progressively worse. even though every place we had taken her had said they would go away she would get over them but it didn't seem like that and they always said it would be a few months, well it had been years and she still hadn't done it so We were at my friend's house, uh, this dermatologist on uh in kii and he, um, I said, uh, Kenny, while we're here, would you mind checking out Sage?
My wife was there and she took these great ones. white light and he put it on her face and said uh you have flat warts she hates that term she never wanted to call them she called them flat warts she calls them her bumps okay she just called them her bumps so, he said: her but the good news is that when you get married you won't have them well she's seven and a half who is this idiot you have me talking to from time to time he told her something he said you know we can't burn them and no There is medicine we can give them, but he said something to the effect that the ability to get rid of these things is within you and that if you can invoke that healing ability in yourself and start talking to these bumps in a way where you ask them Let them go, you have a much better chance of getting rid of them faster than anything I can give you and we certainly can't burn them because we might damage your pretty face and that's basically The message he gave us I'm paraphrasing so we went back that night to where we were staying and there were a bunch of kids there, like there always are when we say, and all their friends were there and us.
I walked into the bedroom and it was late at night and in the corner on his air mattress there was sage and he had the blankets pulled up to his head and he had a flashlight under the blankets and I went over and lifted the blanket up. blanket I said honey, it's all right, she said sh. I'm talking to my bellies and I left the room and walked in with my wife and us in the other bedroom I said honey, you're not going to believe this, but Sage is inside. talking to her lumps is not so good the next night we did the same thing that was the second night the third night the same thing now that it was Friday this happened on Monday Friday, God is my witness on television every day. one of those lumps disappeared and never came back since I learned that there is a healing current that is something we can connect to, it's a lot like electricity, people say: well, in ancient Greece there was no electricity, there was electricity, we just didn't have it.
We don't connect to that, that's all and there is a current of healing and when we enter that current of healing with a knowing, we go to a higher level within ourselves and we don't allow any doubt basically in each of us. each human being there are two of us there are two peopleThe first person in every person is called ego or I call it ego, for example, guide of the Earth, okay, this is the part of us that says Who I am is separated from you, separated from God, separated from my environment and therefore Therefore, I am in competition and my value is based on how much I get, how much my things are worth, how much better I look or how much more. attractive could be how much more money I could have the value of my possessions and so on what is mine so it is not the mystical consciousness that says I am connected, it is that individual lower level of consciousness that says my ego this is mine too In each and every one of us there is another person and this other person is called what I call the sacred self or the higher self and this sacred or higher self really doesn't care how much you get, it doesn't care who you are you better not care.
It doesn't matter how many things you have it doesn't care about any of it the problem is that we rarely listen to it we pay very little attention to it this higher or sacred part of us only wants one thing it wants us to be in peace in peace whatever choice you make in every interaction we have choose to be at peace your sacred or higher self says while your ego says oh no no no no, it is much more important to be right and that is why we find people in relationships who fight they fight a lot and one of the things they fight over is who is right and who is wrong.
Most of the fights you have in your relationships are basically when you often forget the details, but basically it's about who is right and who is wrong, so if you want the higher or sacred part of you to rule in your life. I suggest you practice being kind instead of being right when you have the choice and you have the choice in your relationships with your spouse and your ex-spouse with your parents. with your grandparents with your in-laws with strangers on the highway with flight attendants with waiters whoever you interact with if you can master this ego part of yours that says it's important for me to be right, which will introduce you to stress and anxiety and fear and a lot of the things that I talked about before and instead of saying how can I suspend this part of me and allow the part of me that wants to be at peace, that wants to be happy, that wants to feel fulfilled and if I told you I'm going to give you a magic wand and with this magic wand I'm going to allow you to just wave it and get whatever you want, whatever you want, you can have this, you can have this car, you can have this.
These are the nice clothes here, you can have this house, whatever it is, or I told you I'm going to give you another one instead and you can wave this and for every moment for the rest of your life. You will be at peace, no matter what, you will be able to choose peace and basically we know that we will only be here for a very short time and to be able to choose peace, which is what the sacred part of you begs the higher self for once. You understand that you start to walk away and stop telling yourself that the people who are close to me in relation to me are the people who don't belong there.

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