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Mary Trump: Donald wears ‘a badge of honor’ for being ‘sleazy’

Jun 03, 2024
joining me right now psychologist and author of the books Too Much and Never Enough and The Reckoning Mary Trump Mary is Donald Trump's niece and host of the Mary Trump Show podcast Mary, a big welcome to you, uh, speaking of big, It was a great week of The Testimony with Stormy Daniels and her alleged encounter with Donald Trump was Daniels believable for you. I'm curious to know what parts of her testimony you think Donald Trump was most interested in. I have to ask this question. Do you think she was embarrassed by the adulterous and explicit story that Stormy shared well, first of all Alex, it's great to be with you today and I think it's important to be clear about this and it's part of the reason we're here Donald Trump is incapable of feel ashamed or ashamed um he is capable of


humiliated, but the kind of details that were revealed in the courtroom are not really the kind of details that bother him.
mary trump donald wears a badge of honor for being sleazy
He has no problem


seen as someone who is a bit


and that he doesn't treat women well. In fact, unfortunately, he takes it as a




. That being said, I thought Stormmy Daniels was incredibly candid and I thought she came across very well. There was no reason to think that he was making up anything he says at any given time. to the defense attorneys, if she had made it up she would have made a better story, so yes, I thought it was incredibly believable and I saw no reason for the jury to doubt her, and I think the point remains. that if Donald Trump believes she is lying, there is a very simple way for him to set the record straight and that is not to break his gag order outside the courtroom, but to testify in his own defense at his criminal trial inside the courtroom, yes.
mary trump donald wears a badge of honor for being sleazy

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mary trump donald wears a badge of honor for being sleazy...

What do you think of your uncle saying that he would be proud to go to jail for possible violations of Judge Maron's gag order? I mean, first of all, do you believe him? Would he be scared or would he feel comfortable playing the role of the teacher? a jail cell. I think it's absurd for anyone to think they would willingly go to jail, even for one night, even for one afternoon, honestly, and hopefully, if they ever say it, they'll go to jail for violating the gag order they've already made. . 11 times um, it's real, it's not like he's going to some sweet, fancy hotel that's just guarded, uh, he's there in a cell without his phone, like any other American would be, uh, he'd come out a changed man, honestly, I don't think he can handle it, he would love martyrdom, but I don't think for a second that he would be willing to go to jail in any way, so, with the exception of your cousin Eric, who showed up occasionally, no one in the La family has been in court proceedings.
mary trump donald wears a badge of honor for being sleazy
What does it tell you that the first former president in U.S. history to be criminally prosecuted and potentially face up to four years in prison has little to no family support in the courtroom? And why not, I think just to order. To take a step back and look at the bigger picture, it's just another way that Donald has changed people's expectations and sort of warped our sense of what is acceptable or expected, that his family is not there and that the people who support it probably don't. nothing like that, but as you point out, it is extremely unusual, the truth of the matter is that although they are not there because he doesn't care if they are there or not, his relationships with everyone, including people in his family, are very transactional and I don't think you get anything from having them there, they don't get anything from being there.
mary trump donald wears a badge of honor for being sleazy
He's much more worried, angry, and disappointed that he doesn't have thousands of followers, uh, picketing outside for him, in fact, last time I checked. Maybe there were two yesterday, yes, in your newsletter Mary, you reveal where the pet name Stormy alleges your uncle called her comes from, so what is that name and what was your reaction when you heard he used it on her? ? Yeah, the nickname used in my family mainly by my two uncles Donald and Rob and my aunt Liz uh was Honey Bunch and they used it for everyone. I mean, at one point I thought maybe they had forgotten my name because they called me Honey Bound all the time they called me.
Grandma Honey Bunch, uh, I first heard Stormmy Daniels make this reference a couple of years ago, I think long before this trial, and honestly, it chilled me that she used it so indiscriminately with her nieces, her mother and their women than at random. having sexual encounters was very disturbing, I have to say that his legal tactics of delaying his trials as much as possible until after the election seem to be working. You have the Florida Classified Documents Case, as well as the Georgia Election Interference Case, in both cases rulings were handed down this week that made it almost impossible for them to go to trial before November 5th.
Are you sure that your uncle will be held accountable in court and that losing the election would be his responsibility? I am hopeful that this will be the case. The trial will result in Donald being held accountable, but as you well know, juries are pretty inscrutable, so it's impossible to know. It doesn't matter how we judge the evidence presented, it only matters what it is, but as you point out this. It may well be the only trial that not only ends that but even begins before the election, which is a damning indictment of the state our legal system is in right now and it may all come down to the election, which They are not really what they are.
It was supposed to work honestly, the American people needed to see these trials finished before the election to get the information they needed because not everyone pays attention every second of every day to what's going on politically, and if these cases were adjudicated before the elections election would have mattered a lot to a lot of voters, so unfortunately we're going to have to find other ways to give voters the information they need about one of their two candidates. Let me ask you a question about the story that broke yesterday about Baron Trump, 18, going to the Republican National Convention as a delegate from Florida, was officially refuted Friday night when the Milan office issued a statement and said no he's going due to prior commitments but that came to light, like why does it sound like something his dad would have promoted him to and if so why would he do that?
I don't know, but I can speculate. He reminded me that Donald installed his daughter-in-law as one of the heads of the RNC and that he's actually just trying. make this another family business, uh, and you know, another family business that would probably fail if he were to run it again, and if that's the case, it's just another way Donald always puts himself First of all, Baron's 18 years, he hasn't done it. he even graduated high school, but he needs to be excluded from this, so luckily someone came to their senses and basically brought this idea up right away, but it should never have happened in the first place, but I think it's a feeling we can understand. of where Donald is headed in terms of making sure all his family members are in key political positions, yes, the last question next week with Michael Cohen on the stand given the fractured history between his uncle and his former fixer, someone who was there and Lock us up with him for many years.
What do you think is most concerning with Michael Cohen's testimony next week? What will worry you the most? Honestly, what will worry him the most is simply the fact that he will be in the same room with clone Michael without any ability to respond, no matter what Michael Cohen says, that is going to be an extraordinary challenge for him and we know that during the Stormmy Daniel's testimony, Donald was wildly inappropriate, he was reprimanded by the judge and I think it's safe to say that Michael C is much more triggering for Donald than the stormy Daniels.
That's absolutely something. I think it's very important to remember that the reason we are here is because Michael Con committed crimes in Donald's name, he was punished for them and Donald was like that. There was no light between these two men until the time when Michael Co was no longer useful to Donald and Donald decided not to take Michael Conen to DC with him. who were on the same page for years, even for this alleged crime, okay, Mary Trump, we're all going to buckle up for this testimony, that's for sure, it's good to see you, my friend, thank you very much.

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