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VRChat in a nutshell 20

Apr 05, 2024
easy windy oh okay, so what did we just enter James? I want you to play a horror map right now. I'm pretty sure this is a horror map in itself. The largest rock in the world located completely in my kitchen. Children, calm down, calm down. Kids, don't come down, daddy, oh my God, no, no, don't cry, don't cry, don't I have this? Life has always prepared me for this moment where I'll have to deal with seven lightning fast babies, wait, I'm handling it. Babies, I can almost hear you. These babies want to go back to the future.
vrchat in a nutshell 20
Sure, that's fine, that's how it is. What will be in the future? Will improve? Not ten times worse. Oh, can I go back? No, once you're here, you can. I won't come back, no, you are my favorite YouTuber and you are my favorites. I guess that's what you sell. Oh, you guys sell tacos. So how's business going? It's not very good. I was arrested twice. I am loosing. my brain cells i've only been here for about 10 seconds thurger i love your podcast i don't have a podcast you guys like them my cats they look really happy wow where's his front where's his back he looks like oh my gosh? the thing on the back of your head looks like a face in itself I would roast you but my mom said I can't burn trash oh my god yeah we're like the fourth night okay okay.
vrchat in a nutshell 20

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vrchat in a nutshell 20...

I've been, I've been preparing for this moment my whole life. I knew that one day I'm going to walk into the wrong bathroom. Okay, don't say it, don't say it, James, I knew that putting on a show on an island in the middle of nowhere was going to be a good idea. This crowd is rocking James. Where's your bathroom? I have to occupy a cubicle uh good question I think second second floor uh second from the right why does what you're drilling have your face but it looks directly at you in something else that was in the corporate claim I really like this uh exaggerated part three jojo i never found five nights at freddy's scary until i saw this creature that is terrible absolutely terrible what time is it seriously for a second those full body tracking wait wait it's full butter tracking you're a full body truck scientist of course What is that man with the scientific equipment?
vrchat in a nutshell 20
How about the scientific equipment? Yeah, hey Gordon, it's there though, hey Gordon, no, I'm with Team Sox, you had it ready, you had that training, listen, I couldn't say what you were saying at the beginning of your voice change, but now you're falling behind , so I can't hear a word. Hi James, you don't. That's the man himself, bro, it's probably not like you've actually fixed it like your real solution is like you've actually fixed it, like what is that creature on the stairs and why is he looking at me? Oh yes, you are a small but gentleman. oh no, no, Jesus Christ, the inside is probably one of the scariest parts, you know, seeing these gaps in the elbow area, oh, it makes it like it's not scary enough, you guys are psychopaths, you know it, very well, it's dead, there are so many.
vrchat in a nutshell 20
There are things wrong with this here I choked on my own life oh just yeah okay you got a yanke what wingless yankee maybe let me go over oh my god what's going on in the bathroom someone's sitting on the head of My brother, oh no. This is terrible, you can't do this in front of her family, Angela, it's just legs, it's just legs, yes, let me, let me give you some donations, ma'am, please read my name, raise my name, yes, we'll have a hot dog in our organ. when I selected the runescape map I didn't expect it to be literally the runescape map, okay, split it with it, okay, okay, look, those gloves are already coming out of the shots. your asses the ball is running so late I don't know where it is basically it's not like watching nomio and julieta only there's no gnomeo or juliet I'm not going to lie I didn't want to be a part of this I want to be a part of this I didn't oh wait yet I have an idea I have an idea are you going to put the baby in that choir there is a baby in the aquarium there is a baby there quarry please help me you are too much there we go it's the right stick good point I like the fact that I can move this pair and all these ducks just follow it, it's like you spin something in front of a cat, oh, I'm spinning the duck itself, this is one of those. cat cafes that I hear about very often lolathon has entered the lobby you should have like an avatar that really joins the world it's like lolophone has joined the lobby at all levels don't take it out understand this this is the worst this is the worst wait I gotta make that speaker cloud okay I took a turn that took a turn oh no oh no it's a loot bag oh god oh no no I don't hate you guys so fast oh my god you're seeing a lot of friends running stairs below. very funny because they are so small it's just that you made us that's weird right no, I'm a gecko it's like a shaved rat okay, it's like a straight dress I have the impression that I saw a muscular giant uh roblox friend somewhere yeah, walked into this room oh god you barely fit that room I'm a little big for this map just a little bit do you think you're going to fit in there Jesus Christ why did I expect this why is this?
Why is this the first thing I see when I turn around? There is no shock in my bathroom. I don't like that it's so fast too. That's the worst part. It is fun. This movement was so fluid. This is my bathroom, please, please. Go away, hey, Ward, I haven't seen you in a long time and I still can't see you, that was pretty good, that was, that was pretty good, oh my god, you put all the support in the world baking biggie cheese, come here, biggie, come here, biggie. oh my god, it's another pikachu, oh my god, it's free, baby Jesus, it's the whole family, look, this is the biggest cheese I've ever seen, do you have cheese?
What are we saying? What are you saying here? see don't look at me like that but i can't stop sorry what's wrong with this minion actually oh it's not the minion oh no jesus christ the only thing you're killing is my frame rate . Okay, now you can explore. the island there's a treasure on it oh there's a treasure no oh guys there will be a pill jesus christ i like how you have holes for your ears immersive it's custom made my hat i keep trying to fly through it but the invisible The force is stopping me Do I really have to do this in real life?
Oh yeah, why did we have to carry 200 pound matches up to a third floor when he could walk on his own? What are we going to do? Hey Haley, are you the motivational lizard? Hey, uh. Yeah oh aka the lizard crushing my game, do you think it will be cooperative? You are too close to each other. You better wash your hands after that. I finally found what they said next to each other because Neko is like. so low that you are so giant again, is it a cat or your son? It looks like a deformed fetus.
Do you need some motivation? No, I think I'm fine for now, oh my god, you're actually getting brighter as I get closer. It's amazing that you say my other shaders aren't as good as this one. What you're telling me is that well, I mean you're not very bright in general, so, my God, what is this? Is what you want. be, I don't want it to be in the first place, I just don't want it to be understood, you don't understand, don't look behind you, look behind you, oh my God, this duck neck, I think, I think, I think I broke this. duck so many ducks the ducks are everywhere stay away from me it's my prayer can you sign my pair please I'm a big fan they're eating your prayer they're eating your pear this bear is so small now oh my god that's that? a rare duck, the sauce, they can also beat a guy nae nae, honestly, that almost seemed like a pre-weight animation because you're a natural at this, you're a natural at this, you've been practicing, I can tell you that.
I've been practicing oh yeah I knew everyone was smiling I just have to hit them it's all lined up the wind gives it the impact if you do it yeah you look like an office plant you look like an office plant but do you do this or you look like a giant giant pineapple a giant pineapple I don't know what gestures activate things but you know something like a dance too yeah, that's very busy, I could dance with what's going on, okay, my pet is acting like he does with babies. like with babies, don't turn like that, don't turn like that, you can't do this too, man, no, you can't, store man, take a seat, it's okay, I don't fancy the idea of ​​being so close to being so easy, I don't trust it, I don't trust it, so what I'd like to do is demonstrate a technique I call defense against a guy in a chair, wait, excuse me, yeah, oh, wait. oh my god this I couldn't get a Red Bull before I remembered it was so confusing because the other one could stay in place oh my god I'm pretty sure we've left this dimension okay look at this I really don't like this .
I don't like this even the action now hello welcome welcome to the stage I feel very uncomfortable here are the diamond airpods oh my god that's a corporate claim dude look at my inventory bro stop flexing , dude, stop flexing, signature dance, come on guys, that's what I do. I'm talking about he's here for nothing God, why is it never for nothing buddy, I'd rather not have anything there's a roomba in the knife room you can't do this you can't do this in front of Patrick you can't do this in front of Patrick, sorry, oh, he's a purebred trucker.
I thought it was an animation that's even worse. Did you get the thoroughbred trucker just for this joke? He's really here saving money. I hate this. I hate this naked. naked avatar people oh well you were close but we cut it also entered that portal I don't know why you don't find out I think I'll overlook you better be careful you're in my coverage distance oh I got you ah don't take that take that okay here we go oh my god what kind of creature is this is a nikkei dodrio all the movements of a head the rest are just static oh and he's dead I'm glad I mean I see why it's called it's equal to three wait that's equal to five now oh Oh my god they're multiplying so fast there's so many there's so many they multiply by the second I think I'm spreading it doing it with someone's mom at the same time it's so bad this is like a fever dream this is like a fever dream Hi guys, my name it's james and I'm the creator of this channel and I want to quickly mention that I'm not planning on doing any brand deals or any sponsored ads on any of my vr chat videos and in short at the time I recorded this there are less episodes of the archer In a


that the amount of copyright claims I received for making them, so if you want to support me monetarily and get something in return then just go to my website and don't forget to subscribe, that's all I have to say and I'll see you next time.

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