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Aphmau DIED and became an ANGEL in Minecraft!

Mar 17, 2024
this evil has




and her friends are heartbroken now they have to play


without her or that's what they think until she comes back as an


now it's their job to protect her friends while she earns her


wing but when another player invade heaven, they can cause an apocalypse yes, my sword, oh, it's enchanted, oh, I have to get more experience to be able to get something, uh, oh, oh, I can, it's mod and now there's a mutant creeper too, oh no, enough, stay away from that, guys. be careful oh wow these are oh no oh no no no no no no no no no okay here's the tmt yeah I got it I'm going to go up there okay I think she's right yeah it's actually a good period, come back from them let's just hang candy instead of lighting the tnt, we should shoot the tnt, guys, wait, wait really, thanks ian and pierce, blowing up, I've got it under control, uh, okay, okay, wait, What's going on with my arm, what, what, what, what. what happened oh no why why am I transparent why am I transparent uh okay okay okay okay okay okay I just have to uh maybe take a potion or something or I don't know, I don't know what's going on uh wait everyone's outside what are they oh I'm walking through a wall wait who is that now oh no I'm walking through a wall what does that mean why am I floating what's going on here oh boy I'm so yeah I really dropped the ball on that today but No, it was you who waited here oh no, this is bad, this is bad, I think I really


in this, well we did everything we could, it's a big shame and our house is right there.
aphmau died and became an angel in minecraft
I just have to uh do you think she has things like diamonds that we could take I mean purple oh actually how hard am I I should totally be me what must be a sign what's that going to mean I guess uh drill and I'm going to go , okay, yeah, okay, what's that? What does it mean if you could talk to us? I'm in heaven, oh my god, and I look super cute from here to the beautiful doors, oh my god, whoa. They are huge angels hello oh wow you have a sword I have a sword too look it's real okay I'm going to continue here oh my God this is so beautiful I can live here forever oh hello um wow oh I I guess there is an oh , they shoot and go to the whales I guess it's okay, you guys stay up there, oh right, so what am I supposed to do?
aphmau died and became an angel in minecraft

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aphmau died and became an angel in minecraft...

Look at these angel wings. My angel level is too low. What does that mean? Help players win. on more levels I can do that oh okay just come here and wish I can hear your voice hello I'm here that's really you hey guys what hey wait wait no no no no no no no no, no, no, what do I do, come here, come on, come here, oh yeah, a little busy. trying to build my house but what a face I was half of what I was uh wait she was she is what was here a minute ago wait no no no listen she was here she was alive she's crazy I don't know you miss her but I just have to let it go go no no no no listen she was here I don't know where she went but she's alive I can feel it I have one of these cookies let me accept it on time okay um maybe if I do something like this ah her house is fixed oh hey I love that let me see Yes I can get your attention but your house is fixed I don't know if you can hear me oh I have to go fix this thing that hurts a lot in my kitchen In my house something is happening here I don't know what it could be a concussion from the arrow , but something is really starting to happen.
aphmau died and became an angel in minecraft
I mean, you know what works great. Come on, I'll help him. Here we go and let's get this sheep here and it should be most of the nice animals there we go salsa that means doing good things works you know what I'll leave a flower thank you very much okay let's see what ian does and then maybe pierce and casey and I can try to help them and a little, this is fine, it's just a dumb mafia, said sane, he came into the server and I was screaming about ghosts, what's going on, you know what he's trying to do, you need help, let me, let me catch him, so oh, it has a lot of materials here yeah, maybe I built this for so long no, not everyone knows that ghosts can't climb, so let's stay up here, it's okay if I leave like a little flower.
aphmau died and became an angel in minecraft
I'll know it's me there go, wait a minute, this is your favorite flower, yes, that means I felt like yes, it's trying to chase me, stop, okay, it's not, actually, oh, my level went up, okay , okay, what does that mean? uh huh oh I'm leaving yeah I can get a halo yeah oh wow I'm back I can try to see what's going on now um let's see this glow and let's see it's gone that's cool what's not do you say anything? I'm supposed to be here because, you know, maybe there's a technical problem or something. Hello, I don't think you should do it.
Oh, what is this? I want to see what's here. No, oh, what's that up there? Hey, look, you're lucky. Coming in here first, okay, don't try to make them angry or anything, what do you mean get the mat? Wait, I don't have the golden circle hat, how do I get the golden circle hat and the wings? Well, then what you have to do is here. You have to go do good deeds on the Minecraft planet. Okay, so there's a Minecraft planet. You have to go there. I just did some good things. Here is your wood. By the way, back up, go ahead and grab that um and here, look, maybe I can unlock my halo, let's see if I can, you mean the golden circle, hat, I have my halo, yeah, I want, I want, how do I get it? ?
How do I do it? Get it, no, it doesn't work like that. Look, I have my hello. What is angel level zero? That means you don't have an angel level. You haven't helped anyone. Okay, so if you're coming, what are you talking about? I'm always nice, it's like being mean, but on the contrary, I love them, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, now trust me, come on, come down this way, all you have to do is stand here and then you'll be teleported to the seat, I guess. he didn't make it um ian oh there it is, are you okay?
Well we go down here and you can also go invisible and invisible like that it's not so cool, oh you know what I think? I know exactly what I can do. but you gotta do good things, you know what I'm going to let him do whatever he wants, okay, that's what he's doing, um, let's see, oh, I should go see what Zane's doing, that's right, let's see, uh hmm. maybe he's there, let's see, maybe on my tombstone, uh oh, there it's perfect, laughs, I mean, maybe things are okay, I can always make new friends, I mean, other players on the server aren't So bad, but oh, I miss you. too oh, what is that?
You said you wanted diamonds yeah, yeah, yeah, I got a lot of diamonds here, I got a lot, I just gotta go get 'em, go get 'em, uh, I mean, we got the shrine, this is really nice, let's see what he comes back with Uh-huh I'm back I have a lot of diamonds here this is amazing it really works maybe maybe if that worked maybe I could find a way to bring back Aphmau I'm leaving to go see if anyone else needs my help I have to get to work there is science to be done I could have made it so much better for you wait big scary dog ​​why do you have wings now and why do you look so cute oh you know what?
I forgot what part what was that's funny come on are you ready come on cheers I lost a friend and he gained a friend oh my gosh I love being an angel I thought what hey why my part Is it exploding? Oh, come on, I just want to put it back together, whoever is doing it, stop. You're supposed to be doing good things, not bad, but good things are boring. Well, how about some other one? Oh, how poor, no, no, no, no, oh, oh, it's going to be funny, there's going to be. Hilarious oh no you're being cursed with my barn exploding yeah oh no I just don't think that's good I'm going to move on and there's an angel watching over me it's time to go bye bye okay I'm back um oh I can fly in what happened to you I um well you know I tried to do good things but that wasn't any fun so I had fun doing bad things and it's the opposite day wait what it's the opposite day do it but hey Wait if it's the opposite to the opposite, so whatever and I like these wings and stuff, but I didn't buy that gold circle hat.
I want it, I know I can get one somewhere. Give me the hat with the golden circle. Okay, uh, uh, maybe give me. I your golden circle um maybe you should fly away ian you know what let me deal with it I want the golden circle uh I'm going to get my spells to maybe do something about it uh let's see gimme gimme oh hey I will Follow your new friends from me part, well let's see if I pass on this one, maybe if I pick it up, yeah I have all these cool powers, yeah okay your friends aren't very nice, that's because you're not nice to them, ian, where do you did?
See, but I'm not supposed to be nice, I'm not an angel, they are, oh, there you are, yeah, you might want to be careful, okay, that's it, I'm out of here, no, you're not okay. . come here come here no you're going to jail I don't want to go to jail yes I'm in my golden circle crown no you're coming in here come in here no no no no what's this, stand up straight Here we go, now you stay here and you think about exactly what you've done, but thinking hurts. You know what I'm going back to help people with my brain?
Okay, just a little bit more and okay, that looks good now for the fun part, okay, it comes up, it's trying to bring me back to life, but I'm okay, you know what, let me, let me, let me make you think who has done it, you are an angel, I mean, more than usual, but yeah, you know what? Are you welcome here? I missed it, so look, I have to save this in my science books. No, no, no, no, no, don't tell people it was a success. No, what experiment, what are you supposed to do? I mean, okay, look Zayn Zayn hey, hey, hey, hey, you know, grabbing this right, I still remember the combination, why are you running so fast, guys, really legs?
Everything was a six oh minecraft angels aren't an exact science oh my god I got you good. I'm in so much fire that I'm flying out of the way Hey, okay, that obsidian should protect you from the media coming from the sky, but you must have done something, okay, you gotta get back to science, bro, but now you won't get my gold . circle hat that these bad valkyries will give me good because you are not being nice to them ian and you are also provoking him like nice I want my golden crab you should see what is happening below oh no you are not what That's it, I can summon animals and ian , you have to apologize, apologize, yeah, sure, I'll apologize when the pigs fly.
How about what is it? It's a flying pig. Now give me, give me garbage containers. No no no no no. Believe it, I don't believe it, you're not supposed to be there no, no, no, it's okay, you asked for it, hello, yeah, where did you go, where did you go, where did you go, I need the Valkyries, sir whale. help me do something it's a whale there's a whale what's the whale here we go no no go go go go look for it catch it catch it hey no no what is that is that a whale from the sky Mr.
Whale get up go away that's the only thing you want that crown yes, That's pretty obvious I love the crowd, but no, it'll give me a nice gold fine, you know what you can handle with mine, wait, what, there you go, you've got your golden crown, halo, I've got my own circle golden. Yeah, and I gave it to you because that's what good angels do, you know? Thanks, afmal, you're welcome. Now one more thing. I don't think they're very happy with you yet, so you better run. Wait. I'll get you out of here, ian, you know what?
Oh, okay, this place isn't that bad, but I have to work on it. The whole friendship thing with that angel hasn't escalated. I have a menu. Wait, rest forever or be human, uh, no. I don't want to rest forever. I'm going to choose the human, maybe that will bring me back to life. Okay, just one more time. Come back to us. Well, I have two diamonds here. Everything you need. what I do is I just come back and they'll go oh no and what's your favorite food potatoes she's back and it's all thanks to me I can't believe she really did it I think there was a modern time when she kept coming back to the life I achieve for science hey at least I have the guardian okay maybe no no science now I'm going to go and come home see you later zayn bye see you later half son of science

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