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No No Nagging Song | Good Habits | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Cartoons | Mimi and Daddy

Apr 13, 2024
It's mine, hurry up, hurry up, it's time to get up, hurry up, wash up, don't be late, oh please, stop it, why won't mom stop


? Wash your hands, wash your hands before eating, eat some meat and vegetables, don't be picky, look. We are going to eat a lot of snacks while we sleep, you promise to spend time with us. Imagine yourself again starting tomorrow. No more bad


and no more complaints. Yes Yes. What should we do if our parents keep


? changing day by day, it's okay, it will help you become a better person and your parents will also stop hitting you.
no no nagging song good habits nursery rhymes kids songs cartoons mimi and daddy
Mommy is going to work, but first let's take you to school Mimi, she's okay, bye, come back soon, okay, hmm, I have to be with you if you stay. here well without me mommy I will miss you too mommy mommy do you miss me when you go to work darling darling I do it, I do it, of course I miss you, I miss you much more I come home darling, I know, of course I miss you mommy you must be thinking about yourself right now mommy, do you miss me? I do, of course I miss you so much, oh mommy, mommy, do you miss me when you go to work, baby, baby, yes, of course, I miss you, mommy?
no no nagging song good habits nursery rhymes kids songs cartoons mimi and daddy

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no no nagging song good habits nursery rhymes kids songs cartoons mimi and daddy...

I miss you why are you taking so long ladies I miss you too mommy is bad God yes mommy at home now when you miss your mom and dad who went to work I want to see mommy what do we do call your mom and listen to her voice look look at the photos about your mom and think about him or write down some fun things that you and your mom can do together after your mom gets home you can have fun with her mommy mommy um I'll call




mom is sick I'll be back soon mommy stop feeling


I had a fever, what should we do?
no no nagging song good habits nursery rhymes kids songs cartoons mimi and daddy
I have an idea, mommy, you're sick, but don't worry, little doctors will take care of you, we'll take care of you, calling patches, bandages, grave stickers, masks and something, ice cubes, Mommy, you're sick, but don't worry, the little doctors will take care of you, it's so clean. now let's make something delicious for mom Mommy, you're sick, but don't worry, the little doctors will take care of you broccoli carrots and tomatoes wow mommy is going to love nutritious food for mommy I hope you get better soon thank you baby when our parents are sick what we should do we can help them let's not bother them give them space to rest well or we can take care of the housework for them I feel much better than children taking care of their parents is better than medicine wow my little baby come on let's take care of the little one baby, I take care of my baby, my beautiful baby, my little baby, little baby, it's okay, I'll take care of you I'll be with you baby baby little baby I love you so much my baby I'm going to work don't worry foreign baby I was thirsty baby oh don't cry it's okay no dad this is what mom does well let's read this story I'll be with you baby baby baby I love you so much let's eat I'll take care of babies take your time I'll take care of you I'll take care of you I'll be with you with you, baby, baby, baby, I love you so much , I'm home, wow, you guys did a


job today, now that our parents don't have enough time to take care of our healthy brother or sister, what can we do?
no no nagging song good habits nursery rhymes kids songs cartoons mimi and daddy
We can play with him. baby we can prepare formula for the baby and we can change the baby's diaper we will be proud of you baby oh my god daddy daddy what are we going to do today I hope it's not another cake I have a good recipe today trust me bake me a cake as fast as you can roll it up and pat it and score it with one end and put it in the oven are you ready? Yes, add a cake, cupcake, baker, bake me a cake as fast as you can roll it and pat it.
Mark it and stick it in the oven and wait, yeah I'm sure we can make it this time so of course oh no no another failed pie but we don't have enough ingredients broccoli and pickles what do you do baby ? Like chocolate and ice cream, do we like fries? What happened? What are you doing here now? Mother's Day is a day for all of us to thank our mothers. Your mom always thinks about you and she always worries about you. for your mom and give it to her massage her back and shoulders and say like this thank you very much mommy and I love you mommy oh I want to sleep I want to sleep hey don't copy me hey don't copy me oh my God oh my God puppy a gorilla copy a gorilla hey little imitator meow you can't copy this yes yes how about this this is like me quack quack you are copycat ducklings that's enough daddy ran away meow Copy me in the mirror Mirror Mirror who is the prettiest of all this like this and this is how I time for lunch you need eat a lot of vegetables hey little imitator now don't copy the bad example don't copy this this and this I have a wonderful idea, children, let's play the imitation game, we will copy mommy, yes, we copy mommy, whoever loses the game, we will wash the dishes , burping on a tablet, good job, dad is going to wash the dishes now, who can copy a little sheep?
I'm a little sheep I can copy a bunny I'm a bunny hippity hoppity is the fun imitation game yes, but you shouldn't copy bad examples it's bad manners to burp in front of others don't copy that child I have to go aha don Don't forget to prepare some snacks for the


and it's okay, we'll be fine here at home, trust me dad like a little kid, he's so strong, this is my dumb dad, I'm hungry, I want snacks, we'll have to wait. until mom comes back I have a wonderful idea I'm going to make you some fun snacks daddy he's like a little boy daddy daddy oh my daddy sometimes your clothes are all dirty mommy will tell us to take a bath if he sees us like that can he be funny like a little boy he It's dad he's like a little boy so silly she's so playful she likes to play with business oh my dad this is my great dad I love my dad more than anything I'm back Oh dad so much oh um now like this What do you think of dad?
She is our superhero. She is a fool. Dad. He is our great dad. What about your dad? Thank you. Wow, let's make daddy look really cute. So you guys are amazing. How much paint. It is fun. Get some paper. We'll paint. oh I found a better place I found a better place yellow yellow I love it so much fun I'm home I'll clean up right now don't waste time find a better place to paint a better place to paint remember Darkness find a place better place to paint come on let's paint it's very funny i cried over our box a sheet of paper is a better place to paint a better place Red Or red paint in red yellow paint yellow red and yellow make orange I love it find a better place remember to paint where mom and dad say ok oh now let's try draw in a different way eh ok you can make a unique painting with colorful leaves and you can paint with your hands and feet you can also draw anything that comes to mine wow it's all done oh aha wow I love you home sweet home oh I love you I will help you Grandpa, I'm fine too I love my grandma she's so sweet let's make a cake Mommy and dad I love you so much I love my sister she's so brave I love my brothers oh wow


think about what you like to do with your family grandma and Grandpa preparing sandwiches and with his mom and dad wow and with his brothers and sisters games of points and doing things together I also like to do that everything you do with your family will become good memories, yes, let's go Oh, I don't like car seats, this is the way we're going to drive, buckle up, you'll be safe, this is the way we're going to drive, it'll be safe and fun foreigner, take it easy, Honey, this is the way we go to drive, buckle up, you'll be safe, let's play together.
I want to go out and play. I don't like it, thanks, it's uh, foreign, it fits in your car seat and it will keep you safe wow, it's okay, riding in a car can be fun, hey, you can play king, I'm your king, listen to me, everyone, you can sing very well and you can look out the window, wow, we've arrived safely, yeah, oh. look dad, people are lining up there, let's go take a look, okay, delicious popcorn, come and try some. I want strawberry popcorn, let's make popcorn, let's make popcorn, stir and stir, stir and stir, the yellow kernels and the strawberry syrup, all ready, adding some sprinkles.
It's time to drink. a delicious bite yum yum yum yum yum come poor people I want blueberry popcorn let's make popcorn let's make popcorn stir and stir stir and stir yellow kernels and blueberry syrup all ready wow it's blue come and take a look come and take a look popcorn corn adding some sprinkles it's time to eat something delicious, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, oh so much to make this please let's make popcorn, let's make popcorn, stir and stir, stir and stir, kernels yellows and secret syrups, all ready, wow, sprinkles, did you know what we can do? popcorn at home the sound of wrestling now touch it with your hands they are hard oh it doesn't feel like popcorn don't be in a hurry now let's heat it up come on listen carefully the corn kernels are pumping it's all done wow the kernels turned in flowers popcorn popcorn remember that although popcorn is delicious you should not eat too much at once, okay Mimi, here is a letter from the germs, the germs love you so much that you are dirty and messy and you don't like it brush your teeth I love you I love you so much germs love you so much you are dirty and messy give me something sweet I love you I love you so much then you might get sick oh wow wow health love me oh no it won't make me love you germs love you so much touching everything I love you I love so much oh oh my god oh the love letter but I'm married James I love you so much oh I feel itchy please scratch my back did you wash your hands did you wash my pants wow everyone? it looks so clean now germ cards mom it was you do you know what places on your body germs prefer to the dirtiest places if your teeth are dirty then you could have a cavity so should we brush our teeth and what if there are germs on your teeth? hands I should wash my hands if you don't shower germs can hide on your skin make your skin sick or break out pimples so we should shower and take care of ourselves I made a lot of delicious food please eat some oh why aren't you eating?
Are you OK? Wait I'll call the doctor for you I'm a little doctor come on ready ready checking your temperature foreigner wait the doctor is here for you It's me I'm a little doctor I feel much better now great thank you honey no I'm not a honey I'm a doctor okay doctor do you know what a home care doctor is hello when you are sick or hurt? Home care doctors visit your house and take care of you oh my goodness, they can also visit your house to give you a medical checkup. Thank you doctor, goodbye.

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