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The Tragic Mystery of Pokemon's Ghost Girl (Pokemon) | Game Theory

Feb 27, 2020
Hello Internet! Welcome to Game Theory, the show that's like Team Rocket: always ruining things for people who are just trying to have fun. Oh, and real quick, before we get into today's episode, since I've seen a lot of comments about this. , a new Game Theory video is uploaded at least every weekend. With all the changes happening on YouTube, it seems like more people haven't been receiving notifications, so ring the bell to make sure you get those notifications or just check I come on the channel every Sunday, because I've been producing videos all the time and then usually every other week Austin does a science video, and then I'll appear with MattChat occasionally midweek, but for the most part, if you're looking for



, it's every Saturday or Sunday, and I I mean every Saturday or Sunday.
the tragic mystery of pokemon s ghost girl pokemon game theory
Now, with all that stuff out of the way, for today's video, I have a question for you: Are you ready for a


story? Because, for a series that's all about carefree gaming along with your favorite sentient ice cream cone, Pokémon has some seriously scary themes, themes that most of us overlook in our quest to be the best like no one ever was. Sure, by now we're all familiar with the


s of Lavender Town and the spooky Pokédex entries, but that's only scratching the surface of the horrible tragedies hidden within these


s. The world of Pokémon has a surprising number of ghosts and I'm not talking about Gengars and Gastlies, I'm talking about real children who die.
the tragic mystery of pokemon s ghost girl pokemon game theory

More Interesting Facts About,

the tragic mystery of pokemon s ghost girl pokemon game theory...

Throughout the series, we see repeated cases of ghost


s, unexpected moments where you walk around, searching for your next shiny Magikarp. when the next thing you know the


you were next to vanishes, or just pulls a Batman and disappears and it's always a ghost girl for some reason, I don't know why Apparently Game Freak thinks it's really creepy. have a ghost girl come up and say "You're not the one." The joke is on you, Game Freak. Growing up, that kind of rejection happened to me all the time and those girls weren't even dead while you were playing. game, these are the moments that make you stop and say, "Huh?" That was weird" before immediately seeing a Berry and continuing on your merry way.
the tragic mystery of pokemon s ghost girl pokemon game theory
As a result, the stories behind these ghost girls remain largely a


, little pieces of history that are waiting to be unearthed by trainers who are willing to put off their next gym badge and instead explore off-the-beaten-path places. So today I want to start piecing together these mysteries. starting with the original ghost, the girl Marvelous Bridge from Pokémon Black and White. Think about Generation 5 of Pokémon; a trip back to the Unova region In that game, when you visit the Marvelous Bridge that connects the city of Nimbasa to the Black City or the White Forest, you will see a girl who disappears like a ghost if you get too close and no, that wasn't just a sprite error, the NPC who was next to her reacts immediately, saying: "Hey...
the tragic mystery of pokemon s ghost girl pokemon game theory
What... just disappeared if you explored the area near where she appears and moved towards it?" At the east gate of the bridge, you will find an old woman who will tell you that a girl used to play in the area with an Abra before she the bridge was built, and that was it. At the time of this game's release, those were really all the clues we ever got about who she was and why she was there, just a weird little Easter egg of your run-of-the-mill bridge ghost. But the ghost girl would soon become part of a much larger


, while each other trainers continued with their lives in the years after Black and White was released.
More and more clues began to leak about who this character could be and, to truly solve the mystery of the Ghost of the Wonderful Bridge, we will need to visit three different places. black and white games, the sequels Black 2 and White 2 and the previous generation of Diamond and Pearl games, all to discover what really happened to this girl and why in Black 2 and White 2 a new area becomes accessible The Strange House But strange to put it lightly besides being full of ghost Pokémon when you explore the house the environment will constantly change The furniture will be rearranged the objects will shake it is very clear that this place is being haunted by something or someone Someone turns out to be a girl who when you talk He says this to her: "An eternal dark dream, an endless dream of darkness, Dad?
Mom? Open? Where are you?" Let's see a girl in a haunted house calling her parents and her


Abra. Yes, she looks like she could be our little girl, her dialogue continues: "In the dark dream. I heard my dad's voice. Forget the Moonwing, stay here with me." and finally, "Oh, the Moon Wing. I can't stand it now, but everything will be okay. Please give the wing back to the Pokémon that was waiting on the bridge so I can give it back to him myself." A bridge, you say? It seems to me that this is our smoking gun that connects the girl who disappears on the Wonderful Bridge in Black and White to the girl. stalking the strange house in Black and White 2.
After exploring the house, the girl gives you a key item, the Moon Wing, and sends you back to the Wonder Bridge, where you can now find and hopefully catch the legendary Pokémon Cresselia. Now that all seems pretty simple: the girl disappears and the story seems to be resolved. But this is just a sample of what really happened to him. You see, the developers presented us with this ghost girl's entire


backstory and we've been overlooking it for a long time. For most of the last decade, by now, we've all been hoping that games like Dark Souls and FNAF wouldn't wear their stories on their sleeves, instead hiding the story in nooks, item descriptions, and secret Easter eggs, but instead to resolve the case.
From Pokémon Ghost Girl we're going to have to do a similar type of investigation scattered around the strange house or shelves, each of which references some random fact about Pokémon or their moves. But when you really stop and read these entries and think about why they were put here Inside this haunted house, you start to get an idea of ​​the real story the developers are trying to tell us which all have to do with Pokémon possessing abilities related to the dream. First, there is an entry about the sleepy date. There are cold, sleepy Pokémon, they put others to sleep and eat their dreams, they eat nightmares, it can upset their stomach.
Below is an entry about its evolution. Hypno again, each one carries a pendulum that can swing to put people to sleep. It has been said that a hypnotist once hypnotized a child and took him away end of quote Then we learn about the move Dream Eater with this move a Pokémon attacks while the target is asleep and eats its dream, restoring HP equivalent to half of damage dealt to the target with all this talk of dreams and nightmares. Is it a coincidence then that the girl's first dialogue inside the house is an eternal dark dream, an endless dream of darkness?
All that information taken into consideration It seems like what the developers are trying to tell us is that the girl was trapped in an endless nightmare and her parents were stuck outside researching every possible way to wake her up. That's why books are scattered all over the house. The parents were investigating her condition, most of their search was spent searching for Pokémon with abilities that could possibly cure her drowsy eating dreams and Hypno's hypnosis. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Drowsy probably tried to eat. dream, but because it was such an intense nightmare, she couldn't find the solution to her problem.
Wasn't that it? Simple, we know it through two additional books on the shelves that help us complete the puzzle. The first directly mentions the shadow of Pokémon Darkrai to protect itself. It scares away people and Pokémon with terrible nightmares, and the next entry is about Cresselia, her wings shine like the crescent moon and she keeps the nightmares away. So it seems that the girl's inescapable nightmares were caused by the legendary Pokémon Darkrai. The girl is put into this dark, endless dream and despite the family trying to get Drowsy to eat her for free.
The intense nature of Darkrai's bad dreams. they are impenetrable, which is why we also learn about Cresselia, as Cresselia's moonwing is the only real counterattack to Darkrai's nightmares. Not only the item description hints at this. In fact, we've seen him rescue a similar child in the past. If you go back to the previous one. generation of games Diamond and Pearl we meet Eldridge, a sailor who lives in the city of Canalave. Finally, we learn that his son is trapped in a horrible nightmare, a nightmare that also appears to have been caused by Darkrai. He doesn't say much about the incident. except for one line Our darkness is watching me.
Although he never says his full name. Darkrai is the only Pokémon whose name starts with the letters DA RK and the only way to rescue it is by using, you guessed it: the Moon Wing. There is another book in the strange house that was given access to one that specifically mentions the skill. warn summon a Pokémon with this ability you are alerted to one of the opposing Pokémon's moves. High power moves will be recognized first. It's worth noting that Sleepy and Hypno are two of the six Pokémon that can learn this move, so it's definitely related to this. story But that's great, this seems to be the last of the missing pieces and tells us the order of events that the parents bring.
Whether it is a drowsy or a hypnotic to use as a warning or as translated in the original Japanese prophetic dream and that movement tells them. What happened to the girl? What a move a Pokémon had made to trap her in this endless darkness. This in turn is how our ghost girl's father knew to investigate Darkrai's nightmares and, ultimately, Crecelius' lunar wing as the second cure for the girls. The dialogue says that in the dark dream I heard my dad's voice forgetting about the moon ring. Stay with me. It might be tempting for us to assume that the second part of the sentence is the girl telling us what her father said after all.
She begins by saying that she heard her father's voice, but if we dig deeper, it becomes clear that it is her. She doesn't quote her father at all in Pokémon Black and White when one character's Dialogue includes them quoting a different character. In fact, we see quotes. For example, when the player fights the Elite Four's Shauntal for the second time, she will talk about Volkner saying "do you know Thunderbolt?" was her first greeting to me, note the single quotes around the words Volkner said because she is quoting him. So when the girl says, forget the Moonwing, stay here with me.
She is not repeating the words her father said, there are no quotes. This is instead the girl crying out to her father. Her father went out in search of the Moon Wing, but the girl did not want him to leave. She wanted him to stay by her side. But she couldn't let him know because she was trapped in this dark nightmare and seen in this light. This story takes an even more


turn. Maybe she knew it was too late. And she just wanted her father to be there in her final moments, where maybe she was just scared of her father's death.
A comforting presence was the only thing that allowed him to persevere through the eternal dark sleep. So here we have the final, complete, tragic story of the ghost girl. We have a girl just like Eldridge's son before, who one day suffers from inescapable nightmares. Parents don't know what to do using the Dream Eater's ability to try to make the nightmares go away. But when that doesn't work, they use a warning hypno to see what exactly is going on. Thanks to that move they learned that it was the legendary Darkrai who did this to him and that the only way to counter such a strong Pokémon was with the power of the Moon Wing of another legendary Cresselia.
The father goes out in search of the object that will save his daughter's life Unable to hear her begging him to stay when her father finally returns, although it is too late, the girls have already died unable to wake up from their nightmares and her father leaves the Lunar Wing in the room as a memory of the girl she lost forever, the parents leave the house and many years later the house is invaded by ghost Pokémon and the wonderful bridge was built where the ghost girl wanders to this day. Trying to return the unused Moon Wing to the Pokémon it belonged to and that is the sad and tragic story of Pokémon's first ghost girl who simply started out as a randomly disappearing NPC.
Admittedly, there is a big question here that I think remains the issue. We know that the girl was plagued by Darkrai's nightmares. And we know it. that her parents couldn't break the spell in time. But why would Darkrai do this to him in the first place? Darkrai's Pokedex Entry Indicates It's Not a Malicious Pokémon and Doesn't Take Advantageintentionally of the weak. He uses his nightmares as a defense mechanism. So why would Darkrai afflict this young woman who presumably posed no threat to him? I'm not one hundred percent sure. There doesn't seem to be any evidence that his son in diamonds and pearls was also affected, so maybe Darkrai just crashes sometimes. in the movie The Rise of Darkrai It turns out that a girl's grandmother had met and befriended Darkrai whose nightmares ended up helping them save the world.
Turns out the nightmare told me just what to do. The nightmares were prophecies that ultimately helped prevent an apocalypse. So maybe that's the case. I'm not entirely sure that there doesn't seem to be enough evidence to make a judgment. This is all just speculation. Honestly, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Help me finish this


. But there you have it, theorists, Pokémon Man isn't afraid to go there. And our legacy in game theory, making sure we cover every game with every dead child. He goes on to talk about the FNAF and PetScop theories that will come up over the next two weeks again.
We post every weekend, ring the bell to get notified to make sure you're I can legitimately comment first. And in the meantime, remember that it's just a theory, a game theory, thanks for watching.

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