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3 SCARY sounds to give you NIGHTMARES!

Jun 12, 2024
One of today's audio clips is used by the United States Navy to simulate the torture of Navy Seal trainees, but before we get into today's stories, if you are a fan of the strange, dark and mysterious presented in story format, then you have come to the right place. channel because that's all we do and we upload three, four, even five times a week, so if that's your thing, grab the library card with the like buttons and then check out several hardcover books, but never return them. Also subscribe to this channel. and activate all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads.
3 scary sounds to give you nightmares
Okay, let's get into today's stories. Among all these special operations units around the world, there are a handful of units that are better than all the rest and one of them is the United States Navy Seal now I'm a little biased because I was a 2012 Navy Seal As of 2017, but objectively speaking, the amount of money the United States Navy invests in creating a Navy Seal is approximately one million dollars. Now think about that. From a military point of view, the military is like the ultimate bureaucracy, where everything is about mass producing solutions, but with the Navy Seal teams it's quite the opposite, where this big bureaucracy spends all this money and time to Identify individuals who on their own merits will be the solution and to be identified as one of those individuals you need to go through possibly one of the most difficult military selection programs in the entire world and if you make it to the end of the year and a The process of becoming a Navy Seal lasts from half to two years.
3 scary sounds to give you nightmares

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3 scary sounds to give you nightmares...

One of the last things you have to do before you can put a trident on your chest and be a Navy Seal is to go through a course called psychic school. Seer means survival evasion resistance and escape, they will teach you how to handle being captured by the enemy and more specifically, being tortured by the enemy. Much of the psychic school is done in the classroom, but the famous part of the psychic school is done in the field now, before going in. Anything to do with the field exercise, just know that I can't really talk in detail about it because a lot of it is actually confidential information, so I'll talk in generalities about the course, but you'll get the gist and appreciate the recording After you finish the classroom portion of the Sears school, you will move on to the final training exercise or field exercise type of exercise and that is where they simulate that you are behind enemy lines and that they capture you and basically you need to show your instructors that You don't just fall apart because you can actually handle the stress and the pressure and the abuse.
3 scary sounds to give you nightmares
There are segments of the field training exercise where you are put in very stressful positions. You are deprived of senses and have to listen to an individual. audio recording it's rudyard kipling's boot poem and anyone who's been through navy search school knows exactly what that poem


like because you hear it over and over and over and over again it's maddening, i mean maddening , I put it on for this video and listening to it I had to turn it off, it's really horrible, so imagine listening to this because I don't even want to


away the time, but it's an extremely long amount of time that You're just listening to this in this little confined space and you're crammed in. , it's horrible, it really is, so here you go, listen to the official Navy Seal teams torture song.
3 scary sounds to give you nightmares
We have clouds of clowns flying over Africa, so it's prohibited. during the day because the company but at night it brings long strings of 40 billion boots boots boots boots moving up and down again there is no discharge in war try try try to think of something different oh my god, keep me from going crazy move by Africa in In 2013, a Reddit user was having difficulty falling asleep and then would wake up in the middle of the night and their sleep in general would be interrupted, so they decided to look into downloading a sleep app and ended up settling on one in particular .
The app was called sleep like Android because not only would it


you a lot of information about your night's sleep, but it also had a constant recording over the course of the night and every time it detected an abnormality and it sounded like snoring or a conversation. . your dream, they would record it and then crop it and provide it to her the next morning and show you these highlights of your dream from the night before, so she downloads the app and starting October 1, 2013, she starts Turn this thing on diligently before you leave. She would go to bed and then the next day she would get up, review her sleep, read all the charts, get all the reports, but what interested her most was this little timeline of all these instances. where she snored or made a funny sound was just interesting because you can't hear yourself in your sleep because well, you're sleeping, but starting in November, a month after downloading it, she started to notice that the app was getting better. strange clicking sound, it didn't have a consistent cadence, it almost sounded like someone had dropped something on the floor, but it was really hard to discern it as something specific in the room, so he assumed it had to be like the fan's rope, because some nights it was on, some nights it was off and when it swung, maybe the fan made noise and the chain hit the side of the frame or it was just something else in a room that didn't hit.
She considered it a very significant sound, but at least she was starting to become aware of the sound over the next few weeks. He heard the sound a couple more times, not while he was sleeping, just the next morning when he saw it on his app and actually started trying to recreate the sound by turning on the fan and shaking it to try to get the string to bounce off the side with He hoped that was the sound, but despite listening very carefully to the sound, he just couldn't. She doubled it and just didn't know where she came from, but again she doesn't care, she's just a little perplexed.
Then on December 30, 2013, about three months after downloading it, she had about a month and a half of listening to these clicking


. She wakes up and sees on the timeline of her app that there are a lot of audio recordings, but there is one particularly loud recording that took place at 204 AM. That same morning, she picks her up and she starts hearing those clicking sounds that she had gotten used to hearing. but then she hears herself sit up in bed and say what are you doing and then there's a pause and then a male voice tells her nothing and then you hear more clicks and you hear that same voice say "no" and that's it.
After listening to this recording, the Reddit user says, "OMG, with someone in my house" and she runs through the house to make sure no one else is there. All doors are closed. All the windows are closed. There are no signs that anyone is in the house. There is nothing missing. At least nothing she can say. The Reddit user's friend suggested why don't you post it on Reddit and see if anyone can give you an idea of ​​what this was from the thousands of comments that were all over the map about what this was. It could be that there was a speech expert who actually contacted the Reddit user and reviewed the audio with her and then asked her to send recordings to him and his son to try to see if it would be possible for him to do the voice. and the speech expert determined that it would be impossible for her or her son to have made the voice in the room, meaning that someone else was in the room with her in the middle of the night, after this particular night, she never heard another voice in his room with her, but she continued to hear that clicking sound that she began to associate with whoever the person was in the room with her, so she and her son eventually moved here.
The audio recording is set in the late 1940s and 1950s. Reverend Jim Jones was known for his charitable works and his efforts to desegregate Indiana, which earned him a loyal and devoted following, particularly of the African American community. In 1956 he bought a church in Indiana and called it People's Temple and all his loyal followers went there and joined his congregation during his fiery sermons, Jones emphasized helping the poor and uplifting the downtrodden, but despite his best efforts, raising money was proving to be a big challenge for him, Jones knew he was an incredible performer and was really good on stage and so instead of trying to do all the old school church fundraising techniques , he decided to do something a little newer in school that played to his strengths, which was acting, and what he started doing is announcing that he could perform miracles live on stage. and specifically what he said he could do is he could pull cancer out of people and he had this magic trick where he would go up to someone who had cancer and it looked like he was pulling on them and then he would pull what looked like flesh out of them. person and it was meat, it was chicken meat and he made it look like he had removed the cancer and the people loved it and his congregation grew immediately and the money was pouring in and it was at that moment that Jones began to realize the power .
By his own influence, he could make his followers believe anything he wanted in this power trip, although over time he would cause Jones to lose his grip on reality, so when he began to adopt quite radical views, he had no I mean, I don't know if you're right about that, instead, he had a mass of people who basically blindly agreed with him, but when his social goals became so radical that they attracted Marxist leaders and groups violent leftists to the town temple, it was the Once, his followers said enough was enough and there was a mass desertion from the town temple and some of these deserters when they left and had the opportunity to look at the town temple to see what it was , they realized that it was more. like a cult and that they had been brainwashed and that jim jones was a lunatic and anyone who followed him could potentially be in danger and then they went to the media and told them about this the media converge on the town temple and suddenly it's It was a big scandal that Jim Jones is the leader of a cult and when the story started to spread that Jim Jones is a horrible person who steals from his members, abuses them and brainwashes them, he goes to South America with hundreds of his dearest. loyal followers and resettled in an area called Guyana that would eventually be called Jonestown.
Life in the Jonestown complex was very bleak, not only did they have 10 hour work days every day of the week, but food and water were extremely limited because they were so cut down. isolated from modern society that the only way they could get any kind of resources was by haggling over a shortwave radio that usually didn't even work, so they were totally cut off, had very little supplies and then at the end of his 10 hours on the work day it was mandatory for all members to go into this main area under this big scaffolding where Jim Jones would get up on stage and rant and rave about various government conspiracies that were going to happen to them, criticize deserters and talk about how They needed to gather them together and give them examples and if you stepped out of line even a little, you could find yourself locked inside a coffin or trapped at the bottom of a well, as a form of punishment was already spiraling in. control, but some health problems led him to take a near-lethal daily dose of amphetamines and sedatives that turned him into a total lunatic.
Suddenly, his late night speeches just weren't enough and he started giving these crazy speeches 24/7 over loudspeakers all over the camp. The defector said the speeches focused on the idea that in the United States the government was systematically rounding up African Americans and sending them to concentration camps and that it was only a matter of time before they came here and took any of the African Americans. in captivity and since most of the town's temples were of African American descent, this was terrifying. US congressman leo ryan had been keeping a close eye on the town temple ever since the news broke that jim jones was some kind of pirate and maniac and when they went to south america he just felt like no one was checking on them and i'm worried about their well being of the people who are there, so on November 18, 1978, Ryan along with 18 other people flew to Guyana to talk to Jim Jones and to make sure everything was okay when he arrived, he expected it to be in bad shape and was a chaotic scene, but it wasn't like that.
The camp was well maintained. The people were well dressed and polite. It seemed like a happy and healthy community. with a few hundred people there and actually went to Jim Jones and said, "You know, it seems like you've got something good here," but Jones, in the totally delusional state of his, believed that the United States governmentUnited was sending Ryan to round up the members and send them to concentration camps and as soon as the congressman left the field and headed back to the airport, Jones sent a security team after them and they shot and killed Leo Ryan along with another four as the massacre continues.
Jones walks to the middle of the camp where he normally gives his nightly speeches and calls the more than 900 members to the middle of the camp to listen to him, turns on a recording device, grabs his microphone and delivers a speech that would become known as the death tape, his famous first line of this speech is: I have done everything I can to give you a good life and you can hear the crowd burst into cheers as he says this and what the listeners of this tape cannot see, what is is revealing at the same time, right next to Jim Jones is the silver cauldron of the sickly purple liquid and next to it are about 900 cups.
The next day, the authorities are outside the gate of Jonestown and they are preparing to head to Jonestown to confront Jim Jones about his connection to the murder of Congressman Ryan and the four others and they are loading their weapons, they are preparing for what which is sure to be a massive resistance from this crazy cult leader and his followers and as they walk down the road and the camp comes into view, they notice that there is an eerie silence and they see no one moving and as they walk through the grass high, someone trips and falls and they think they have stepped on it. on a log, but when they get up and look down, they notice that it is a dead person and they scream and then they all look around and notice that all over the ground in front of them there are hundreds and hundreds of corpses, there are more bodies than Possibly can tell last night, that purple liquid that was revealed to the crowd after Jim Jones began his speech was kool-aid mixed with cyanide and over the course of several hours and it's all caught on death tape, it encourages its members to come. to rise and die with dignity and drink the kool-aid, however, if he did not drink the kool-aid or did not want to drink the kool-aid like many of the 300 children, his parents would force them or the armed guards would come.
They finished and injected them and after they all died, Jim Jones doesn't even drink the Kool-Aid and ends up shooting himself. I've decided to include only a very small portion of the death tape because much of it is just heartbreaking, it's distressing and it should be something you decide you want to listen to, it shouldn't impose on you how much I've gone out of my way to give you the information. good life that was established by the greatest prophet of all time. immemorial no one lays take my life for me I lay down my life if we cannot live in peace then let us die in peace we have been so betrayed we may have been so terribly betrayed take the portion like they used to take in ancient greece and step back in silence because we are not going to commit suicide it is a revolutionary act we cannot go back they will not leave us alone now they are going to tell more lies again which means more congressmen and there is no way we can survive So that's it guys let me know in the comments what you thought of these three stories and I will put the best comment at the top of the comments section.
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