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First Week Owning Your New Bearded Dragon! - Beginner Tips

May 04, 2024
this is what it looks like the








, wait okay it doesn't actually look exactly like this but



s are one of the most popular pets when it comes to reptiles, now some might debate that some geckos or some you know ball pythons depending on what you like, but chances are that if you clicked on this video it's because you bought



bearded dragon and you're curious to know if you're doing things right, so in the Today's video I'll give you an idea of ​​what it's like to own


bearded dragon for the first


and what to look for and what to expect and some


on things to avoid.
first week owning your new bearded dragon   beginner tips
With that said, let's start with the video, okay, the first day, and now assuming that you did your homework and placed your bearded dragon correctly. You have now placed your new bearded dragon inside the enclosure. So what should you do on the first day? The first thing you should do is not touch your bearded dragon. like going on a first date with someone you don't want to touch, okay wait what is it oh my god this is this video has gone a different way you don't want to stress your bearded dragon so the same El First tip would be to not touch your bearded dragon and just allow it to settle in and get used to the new environment and the new enclosure, and you may start to notice your bearded dragon acting a little strange as it runs around exploring, perhaps trying to escape. of the enclosure now, this is completely normal, especially if you have mirrors or place the enclosure in a strange location.
first week owning your new bearded dragon   beginner tips

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first week owning your new bearded dragon beginner tips...

This could be a great opportunity to learn certain things you notice your bearded dragon doing and you may want to move that enclosure somewhere else now. It's actually meant to feed your bearded dragon, but maybe maybe see if your bearded dragon wants some water so you can take a little drop and give your bearded dragon some water because all that running around will stress them out, but don't make him want to eat, but he may want to drink some water, so definitely keep your bearded dragon hydrated throughout the week, but especially on the first day, you don't know if the bearded dragon drank water when he was with the pet. buy or anywhere else now, for the most part, your bearded dragon during the week is not going to do much and as I recommended, do not touch your bearded dragon in this period of time, allow your bearded dragon to just relax and adapt to your new environment. but something that is very important that you do is you have probably bought crickets or some type of insect for your bearded dragon to feed on during that week or in the coming weeks.
first week owning your new bearded dragon   beginner tips
It is very important that when you buy these insects from a pet store. or from a local reptile insect breeder, what you want to do is load up the crickets or the super worms or the hornworms that you've purchased and when you load them up, it doesn't have to be very complicated, you're basically just giving out some of the vegetables. that normally you would give your bearded dragon to insects and at this time you will notice that the insects eat it and it might even turn a strange orange color, especially the crickets, you might notice that its belly is full of whatever they are. eat now, that's what you call intestinal load and then you could give it to your bearded dragon for the most part, on the third day you will notice that your bearded dragon is not doing much, it could be chilling on a branch, it could be giving you the side eye it could even It may still be shaking its head or running around, but you will still notice that your bearded dragon is quite calm.
first week owning your new bearded dragon   beginner tips
Now, around this time, you can start trying to bond with him by approaching the enclosure and interacting in that way. but like I said, it's very important that at this point you just allow your bearded dragon to adjust and normally I would give them about a week. The important thing here is that you want to allow them to feel comfortable. Some beer dragons feel faster. comfortable than others and it really all depends on where you bought your bearded dragon, but if you notice your bearded dragon getting stressed, don't handle it too much, which brings me to the third tip and that is to simply observe your bearded dragon's behavior. and what you are looking for are signs of maybe illness or any signs that your bearded dragon is a little uncomfortable and stressed now, a new environment will definitely bring some stress to your bearded dragon, but it shouldn't cause your bearded dragon is sick, you want to make sure to keep an eye out for anything like diarrhea, maybe even mites, and maybe even some coffee, and you want to look for certain signs that your bearded dragon is healthy now, of course, hopefully you've done your homework and this. beforehand, but sometimes we go to the pet store and say, "Oh my God, I want this bearded dragon." You buy everything it needs, you get your bearded dragon and it's sick, that's the worst feeling so make sure you buy or adopt. a bearded dragon from somewhere you trust, so now what.
You kept your bearded dragon well hydrated. You haven't touched your bearded dragon. Your bearded dragon checked all the markings for illness and you still haven't held your bearded dragon. driving you crazy because you've probably been waiting for months, maybe even a year or so, for a bearded dragon, you finally bought one and now there's a guy on the internet telling you not to touch your bearded dragon, but trust me, everything will be like this. It's worth it in the end and now like I said most of the time some beer dragons are super good at bonding with people but you want to allow your beard dragon to be safe so I would say around the fifth day is when you can finally get started. to interact with the beer dragon and potentially start holding them now just hold them for a couple of minutes and place them back in their enclosure and repeat this process as the days go by and trust me once the week is over you will finally be able to hold your beard.
Dragon as long as you want and try, he will most likely bond with you and trust you much more. Now building that trust is really important and I have a ton of videos on how to do it so definitely check them out if you're curious. on how to build the bond with a bearded dragon, but the first week it is very important that you just look at the new bearded dragon that you picked up, make sure it is not sick, make sure you feed your dragon good quality crickets or worms. bearded dragon and on top of that, you will keep your bearded dragon happy and not stress it by handling it too much and stressing it out, especially if you have kids around and dogs and cats around you, you definitely don't want that bearded dragon to get angry. stressed because it will take a long process for them to bond with you afterwards, but that said, I hope you are having fun with your bearded dragon, especially if you just got one now, if you already have one for a long time, this might just be a nice update to remember, so with that being said, I hope you enjoyed this video.
Be sure to give it the thumbs up, but I'm the lord of the line. Keep the blood pumping and I'll see you again in my next video. peace, you gotta hit that notification, hit that notification, you gotta hit that notification button, baby

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