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We Tested AWFUL Celebrity Alcohol (AGAIN)

May 31, 2024
champagne 699, what would you like to see how it was presented? Chad you have to pay for the show bro I'll tell you what Chad has 99 problems right now yes 99. financial problems after this I wanted to say I can't understand that Chad has 99 financial problems with Darcy since everyone is sorry having named his children sir, really, although Darcy is not bad really, although Darcy the boy is called Sir the presentation the taste is actually not that bad although do you like champagne? I'm not going to be fooled, it's pretty good. I have 99 problems, but an empty ball of


about to be won.
we tested awful celebrity alcohol again
I'm feeling Sloopy, what's next? I know,


. knowledge oh it's yellow yellow oh it tastes worse there's not much


there that means it tastes horrible first knackered man these put a little vanilla essence in the sense that this is another collaboration what is this, but this is a television show , so Cranston's first pilot episode was filmed for 85, the office Chad is too late


, so he gets okay, first guess the office, no, it's the IT guys, okay, he was locked up, yeah, close it Here, Max, would you? I'd like to guess it's a TV show.
we tested awful celebrity alcohol again

More Interesting Facts About,

we tested awful celebrity alcohol again...

You're telling me a TV show made this drink. Can I change my answer? No, oh, I don't know, it's not the IT crowd. Okay, what's next? The next fact is that this is the longest. running live action comedy series what's the longest live action man watching that happens because I'm thinking about the neighbors that's not a comedy I'm the Simpsons um I'm going to say oh Doctor Who, that was wrong Chad yet can guess first because okay, you're on a 2-2 streak, this show won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Cable TV Comedy in 2016. No idea, come in, Max, come in, Darcy, fact number four, this show stole our joke about going to Epstein's Island to fish, but replacing yes, it always starts It's always sunny in Philadelphia It's always sunny in Philadelphia Chad answered and he was wrong, so Max gets it, yeah, that's what he's been looking for.
we tested awful celebrity alcohol again
I've never seen an episode ah, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, one of Phil Philadelphia, so we have four walls. You're going to see more than four walls tonight, buddy, how you drank it, but yeah, you got a joke stolen, Scott, can we put that on the screen? Yes, it was in the FC flight logs, but I can assure you it was just going. Fishing with the boys, I mean, this isn't so bad to drink. I don't understand what the percentage is, how did the TV show do this? It's 45, you couldn't get anything normal like 35 percent, otherwise, Darcy, you're telling me a TV show Companion, this drink, guys, can you tell me a TV show that fried this for us?
we tested awful celebrity alcohol again
I'll give you a little information about purchasing this bottle, which was released just five months ago, and I was lucky to participate in a pre-order the signal to the cast also he's not listening he's not understanding I don't think anything that you're saying it's getting into Chad's little head right now yes I guess in 10 who's calculating this uh I'm going to guess 380 wait we have to do some calculations here just tell me how much it costs just tell me how much it costs out right or wrong the bottle costs 430 so you were 50 away but the clearance was 43 away so you were seven dollars short can you finish timing?
What the hell if you understand your yes? One second, all that for a handful of clients, the next, oh, clear liquid, of course, my model and I, it's another mascara tequila, it doesn't smell as strong as the others, but maybe I'm more. drunk oh no that tastes like tequila this


shares a phobia with Freddie Mercury I saw the movie in the movie he's talking about he's afraid of spiders it's a really good movie what was the name of the movie with Freddie Mercury Scott are you getting distracted? Mom kiss me Chad uh Arachnophobia cast what was your question or answer or are those celebrities scared he shares most celebrities are scared of spiders yeah lock that in you most Liberties are scared of spiders, that's wrong, okay, what's next?
This celebrity was on stage. for the launch of Xbox in 2001. Soldier Boy Jesse, what was that YouTuber Jesse's name? Which one was Wellens? What was the question? What were they on Xbox Live? Pass that is incorrect. This celebrity's original stage name was Flex Cavana. What are you talking about? about flextape who made flex tape? Bill Swift put it in the real Swift Max. Yes, you go the same. What did you say? Phil Swift. Okay, both are incorrect. I thought I had this celebrity is the number one highest paid. actor in the world, so yeah, the Rocks, right, finally, what do you expect, what did you say?
He's the number one highest paid actor right now. Do you want the left one or the right one do you want this one are you sure Chad when it changes well what was the question Max while Chad was away would you like to guess how much that bottle cost uh yeah 200 flat on the tip that's incorrect it was $154 that's two I'll be right back , that's why he disappeared without finishing a drink, yes, Chad came and strangled me, this is double, no, it's not like that, it's like that. Can I see the bottle real quick? Darcy, oh, that was his name.
She was called a shaman. I remember always promoting this when I drank it. I'll take a sip for you. Yes, half is yours. I'm not going to drink that much tequila. I only took a third. Actually, it's not that much. Bad, it's not that bad, it's not that bad. I think they know it. I know why tequila made you the Rock. Wouldn't you drink it? What I drank we thought Jesse Ridgewell and Walter White were horrible because she can. I don't see Ridgewell, Dad, you're breaking the rule Darcy, oh finally someone has some color, why does this smell so much like champagne?
Oh, I'm French, now we're ridiculous. Do you want the first fact? Yeah, ridiculous to me, close it though. on this celebrity's first tattoo was a Playboy bunny oh ridiculous that sounds good can you imagine Vin Diesel that's my luck and Vin these are ridiculous Vin Diesel unfortunately both are wrong okay next next question, this celebrity performed at Kylie Jenner's 18th birthday? party oh that's ridiculous Eminem I'll eat my hat if Eminem has a Playboy tattoo it wasn't Eminem or ridiculous that's cute this celebrity supposedly spent forty thousand dollars on Postmates in one year um ridiculous logic that's wrong okay and Ludacris also wrong, are you ready for the next one, this celebrity loves Bud Light post, Malone, that's a tie look, let's go to a tiebreaker, first person to say a post, Malone's song wins, I pushed more songs , Oh Fall Apart, suck it, suck it and actually this is good, what is this, oh my god, congratulations, there you go, I gave you another one, there you go, I gave you another one, I'll drink my post, even though it's a legend , no, hey, yes, no, no, no, you didn't lose, it's not a good drink. up not what we're going, it looks good, drink that Chad, okay, I'll just do it to show that I want congratulations, come on, drink, up, okay, Tessa, bring the bottle here so I can drink more.
I've tried this before from Mason number nine Maison ah. Do you know what that drink you're drinking is? No, I don't know, I literally don't know, it's not that alcoholic, yeah, they just bought me the stop, it's not that alcoholic, ah, I'm glad I don't want that. man, why are they so fruity? Darcy, one day they will have their first beer. You guys still throw up like Kiss Me. Oh, he hit us. This alcohol celebrity is a band. Bon Jovi, come in for that boy. Lock it in John. The Fat Joe was like the Bon Jovi context, the Iowa band formed in 1995.
Is that why Logan Paul is strong? My city is in England. I'm in England. Quiet boy. It's Max Bon Jovi. That is incorrect. Following. They refer to. their fans like worms Jake Paul Metallica some middle metal band worms that's Insane Clown Posse that's wrong both this band won a Grammy for best oh this band won a Grammy for best metal performance in 2006. In what band is Ozzy Osbourne? Pass Black Sabbath, it's not Black Sabbath, the band wore masks, barcode, Slipknot, that's right, cheese, there you go, bro. I mean, okay, you have to finish this one too, although remember you did it to me like seven times.
Oh we forgot to guess the price oh yeah there you go yeah good idea wow you have this Slipknot Iowa whiskey this was another one that didn't involve any imports. I was only here 110 which unfortunately isn't close enough was 129 I'm sure you drink that's why you don't know you were wrong you know the new rules you have to drink that honestly I shouldn't have drunk I shouldn't have drunk you didn't finish yours you know that It's mine it was yours Shut up I didn't do it no that's true Hello guys, thank you very much, the video is this one more, there is one more, what if it's a home run and one more, is it another one?
I literally drank that stuff. That was the last thing I said. You're interested in Chad. Focus on this one. it's clear oh no, it's not clear thank god you would like to have a little smell taste I'm not going to touch it I'm not going to go near my face hmm this celebrity's first stage name was Chris lover lover Chris hemingworth Hemsworth yeah I didn't I don't know anything Mr. lover lover was his first pit bull wrong people yes ridiculous your assumption was wrong. Okay, they're finishing. The debut was in 1998 on a song called Fat Rabbit Egg.
I have no idea, uh, Eminem Max, Jeremy Fox, wrong, right next to this celebrity. he owns a restaurant called Chicken and Eminem ah P Diddy no no Biggie Biggie Smalls P Diddy wrong wrong now just get ready Chad let your brain deaden he's getting us ready when he tells you you have to count all five come on this celebrity is okay known for her role in the Fast and Furious franchise one uh three Max has been saying all night oh five what are the other questions? Yes, I already assumed it, I already guessed it. Ludacris in this answer.
I guess Darcy has me. I will do it with you. Okay, that's fair, okay, let's get up, why can someone get three, two, one scarf? I won like you came here Chad you're a legend bro the video isn't over wait what are you guys playing for a prize okay trash. Get up, we prefer to take the banana. I can't get up, you're really going to help me with this, okay, okay, sit down, sit down, pick up some, pull up a spring, why am I covered in ridiculous things? Do you want to take a stab who won this competition Max you get this reward to open here live on the beyblades show yeah oh that's cool you know I need a friend to play with wow thanks Darcy that's awesome good work, Max, good riddles, can you open?
I'm so drunk oh I love Beyblade this looks like the kitchen sink Darcy how do we get this baby to break? Yeah baby I'm uncontrollably drunk if I win you gotta take a shot there you go hold that and then you snap it when you're ready whoever wins finishes every bottle of celebrity I won okay you're ready for orange you want red, red, three, two, one, let it break. I'm sure yours fell apart. I'll try, hey Max, one is fair and just. I will take it. one shot, congratulations Mark, you won Beyblades, you won all the questions, yes I am a celebrity expert.
I follow it now. I can do it easily. I think I can do everything well. You're going back. Do it


. Alright. Basically, next time we'll get that back, five bucks a month and you'll get all this uncensored, see you next time.

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