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Jun 08, 2021
No it's not, yeah I'll try it, come on man, when we try it, yeah, die cheetah, it's good, you don't even know how, it's not even that hard, okay? Guys, it's now the 7th round of your


video, are you ready for this? Come on rock, paper, scissors, let's shoot, close our eyebrows, here we go guys, stop closing your eyes, okay, here we go guys, three, two, one, see what happens when you're the collector, okay guys, I got somethingFiery Cheetos, bro, and I got the regular Cheetos, crunchy, cheesy, cheesy style, oh, look at this, I haven't had them in a long time, okay, you're okay, Mike, oh, I got a big one here, you don't have any. a waikido what you see guys this is me when I eat when I eat hot fries like hot cheetos and I don't know why I eat them but it's hot I don't know why I keep doing this all the time like do you do that?
spicy vs extreme spicy food challenge
Like do you eat


things? but it's whoa. I eat hot Cheetos and I know they're hot, but I still eat them anyway because it tastes good, but I'm like, Do you do that? Downstairs, do you want to eat hot things? Nobody is hot. Yes, everyone is sniffing, but they do it anyway. No shut up. I don't care about yourself. Listen to this. Hey, it takes a long time. They are so good. Do you know what they are? you know how they taste like a hot summer day sitting by the pool this with a comey sound with a little mayonnaise oh that sounds so good no I don't prefer to eat peanut butter and jelly salad just eat cheetos what did you say peanut butter and jello sandwich while eating cheetos, okay, you get fired, what did I do?
spicy vs extreme spicy food challenge

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spicy vs extreme spicy food challenge...

This I would have called a sandwich, no, some turkey meat with mustard and mayonnaise, no, that with peanut butter and jelly, pb, what are you eating with?, uh, you call me a sandwich, frilly doritos. everyone has their preferences listen which one is better to let off steam these best


cheetos are best spicy cheetos alright guys it's round 8 of the


video are you ready for this come on here we go I'm thinking about mine , boys? three two one no well yeah okay yeah both so I'm not complaining but I really like them but I'm fine with this I'm fine with this guys so I've got some go ahead what You have, I have the uh munchie. snack mix cheese edition i have the flamin hot flamin hot monkey snack mix it is actually very good i was disappointed because i got through it very quickly they are actually pretty good they are hot but they are good they are stale wait , they are hot.
spicy vs extreme spicy food challenge
They taste weird, what did you just eat? Which one did you really just eat? They also became different. I really like pretzels, especially because they take away the sting. Mmmm, my stomach is going to hurt. I have a little stomachache. Why Emma? I know she's running this, let me turn your hand. Oh my gosh, it's actually good, how do you like it? Oh, my son is trying to hurt you, brother. I don't think I have too many interesting things, like too many different fries and things like that for me. and many different spicy flavors, yes this is very good with cheese, did you try ginger, it's good, but my stomach is starting to hurt, yes sir, welcome home, I'm not going to sleep, we have video, damn, hello Oh, what happened, what happened, let me try? get someone, you have more flavor no, I don't eat that, I choose in this, I do everything else, I want mine, no, that's mine, no, that's mine, huh, welcome home, no, that was better, bro Yeah, the hot one, let's get it out, that was better, baby. alright guys, now it's round nine, the last and final round, now this one is going to be spicy versus


ly spicy, you guys have been, are you ready for this?
spicy vs extreme spicy food challenge
I'm afraid, no, I'm afraid, here we go, rock, paper, scissors, let's shoot. come closer I bought them okay everyone okay come on here we go guys three two two one okay guys so what I have here is I have a hot flame surge. Let's get this is a hot flamingo frog from the ranch I have. some tji fries crispy fries


heat bake extreme heat extreme heat extremely I never ate this before they expire they're expired stop playing no no bro they expire this summer yeah so I got some flame in my home, she has something. extreme jumps oh okay, also the fries okay, why do your fries look like?
Hey, listen, I don't trust, listen, guys, everyone sees how mine is red, hers is orange, listen if something in the package is hot but the color is not red, I don't. Don't trust, that's how I screwed up with a habanero, the habanero was orange and I bit into it, I said oh my god, they played me bro, never again extreme heat, they clicked the bait, they clicked the bait, yeah they did click on the bait. He says extremely no, you are lying, brother, what was it? I could feel it on my tongue, but it's nothing compared to the extremes.
No, this is hot, though let me see, wait, let me, let me try, oh yeah, oh okay, now eat this, yeah, eat. If you're playing with me, don't eat, I won't lie to you, baby, don't you say baby like that, wait, why, baby? Come on, try it hard, so first of all, my mouth is hot right now, first of all, my mouth is hot on this side My mouth was out on this side huh, I think my mouth went numb. I think I ate a lot. Look at her, look at her. Everyone sees. I knew he was playing.
No, this is hot. That's what I. I'm saying guys, my whole mind is a little watery, my whole mouth is so numb that I think I became immune to it. No, I'm not immune to any of this. I don't know. My nose keeps running. Eat that again since you. You're so immune, let me see, oh man, I thought you were immune to that, oh, bro, I thought I won this round, bro, this is hot, this is hot, I thought you're immune to that, I'm hey, hey, so the prize. these prizes are more attractive bro these hats okay guys this is the end of this video if you made it to the end make sure to give this video a big thumbs up but since this is in the video we have to make our publication.
Shout out notification and that goes to Jack Rogers. You all oppose that cry, winner of today's video. If you want a chance to get a shout out in tomorrow's video, all you have to do is turn on post notifications, though once they make that comment. Below, how did you feel about this video? um, it was very, I would say, exciting, we got to try different chips that I've never tried before, but on the other hand, I'm fine with the cool stuff that you're fine with too, yeah, I'm not going to play with that now no, I'm not going to lie, some of those things were hot, some of them were like last round, I thought the fries you had, yeah, they played, click bait at the top of the package.
It said extreme heat like, oh the only spicy ones I liked were the chex mix, the chess mix, yeah, so the only high ones I liked made my stomach hurt when I start eating that one, yeah, but it was okay , as? Do you like it? My nose still runs, so I keep building like my nose runs every time I eat hot things in those that run. I actually thought this challenge was cool. You know what I'm saying, this was one of the funniest ones. challenges because it was extreme because no, I don't like hosting, I don't know, you know what maybe maybe a little bit, but maybe we should do another challenge video using other hot


s like extremely spicy things like other like yeah. like a habanero, that's extreme maybe maybe if it will get at least ten thousand likes, so if this video gets at least ten thousand likes, guys, tomorrow we will release another finger, but without further ado, subscribe to the channel right now, join our family. because we're gonna be releasing the hits back to back for the rest of 2020, but without further ado, it's your boy damien and bianca, boy, david bianca aka the prince family and we'll see you later in the next video peace.

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