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IELTS Speaking Test Demo : Band 7.5

May 14, 2024
Hello, this is the international English language


ing system oral


which will be held on Saturday, September 29 at the space camp center number IBC 007. The candidate is Allan Miman and the candidate number is 23011 0. The Examiner is Nisha Tasma. Examiner number 433 816 is good. Good morning, my name is Nisha tasmia, can you tell me your full name? Hello, my name is muham Alan, what should I call you? You can call me Alan. Okay, can I see your ID? Please thanks. Well, well, in the first part of the interview I am going to ask you some questions about yourself, are you a student or do you work now?
ielts speaking test demo band 7 5
I am a student but I want to be an IT specialist after finishing my course, can you tell me? a little bit about your course, the course is about that or what is known as information technology and we are learning about data inputs from blockchain databases okay and stuff like that okay thank you can you talk about your daily routine? My daily routine is. a little mixed up because I don't really follow a routine, it tends to be different every day, okay, but if I have to say what my average routine is every day, then it would be like I wake up in the morning around 7 or 8 .and then I just run to my university to my class to study and after studying I have some free time and then I finish my assignments or if there is any presentation then I just work on it, okay is there anything you want to change about it? your daily routine or your course there, yes, actually I would tend to change some things in my daily routine if necessary, then I would change.
ielts speaking test demo band 7 5

More Interesting Facts About,

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I would prefer to change to be more productive. I would prefer to make it more productive. I would read books and do things like reading or brainstorming different ideas about my course etc. Okay, let's talk about movies. How often do you go to the cinema? To be honest, quite often. What kind of movies you like? I like them. Movies that are cinematic and dramas, then animations, but mostly dramas, okay, thanks.
ielts speaking test demo band 7 5

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