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Family Guy Roasting Different Countries

Apr 25, 2024
I'm going to play this very loud tonight to get back at our Armenian neighbors. Hey, it's like a fun party. Hey, listen, it's two in the morning. When will your five-year-old go to sleep soon? Pretty soon, you want weird food. wrapped in strange leaves, yeah, look, I guess there's some kind of soccer game from your home country and I get it, but some of us are trying to sleep and I can always deal with the noise, but it's the colony. right, I can smell it in my bed and I live two houses from here, that's how powerful it is, okay, that's how powerful it is, do you like it, yeah, I like that Australian's marriage mission with his didgeridoo catamaran, you take this fight as if I were your wife or didgeridoo and now, if there are spiders or plates of sausages that oppose this marriage, please speak now or keep silent forever, go find them, friend, now I declare to you, man and ship, okay, Stewie, this is the favorite book of Belarusian children called good night.
family guy roasting different countries
Chernobyl moon good night Chernobyl moon good night radiation house good night melted phone good night glowing milk good night grandpa's bleeding eyes good night two-headed cat good night nobody good night blocks and blocks and blocks of nobody the end the next book Everyone's pooping blood now Chris, this is Brazil before the invention of the soccer ball oh oh oh, you're having some car trouble, uh, yeah, we're trying to get to the North Pole. I assume you're not from AAA, right? Oh, Triple A, do you know AAA? hey, it just came from me, yeah, that's what I said, hey, that's what you are with triple A oh no, that's a-a-a, I just came from AAA, huh, let's do it, I think it's just a drunk, but drunk or not, can you help us?
family guy roasting different countries

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I can, if you want. I want to join hey hey I'm already a member of AAA I need help with the car oh I see yeah it looks like you have a water leak you might need a hose eh José Roberto whatever if you have some Latinos here that can fix cars that would be great no, I mean, it looks like you need a party, well, yeah, when it's settled we can celebrate, but let's take care of first things first, well, I can probably take you to a gas station, hey, you have a cashier, I don't.
family guy roasting different countries
I know my name carries some weight, but I don't see how that matters here. Look, we don't have enough money to fix the car and we're on our way to the North Pole. Oh, a car won't take you. there anyway, but if you want you can take my snowmobile, actually just give it to us. Oh right, that's what Canadian hospitality is all about. If you want, you can have all my money on my leg, okay? Why do we take his leg and be? in that country Brian we have to observe their customs oh damn I say it looks like they sewed a shoe in my hair I can go to the nurse to replace it faster I grew up working in the tobacco fields on the outskirts of Havana that's where I learned to play baseball our myths were made of cigarettes some of them still work ah okay, okay, I caught him at night driving a taxi, we all had to drive huge cars there, I was just a normal young man wearing pants that went over my neck belly button. you pulled up your pants when I was nine years old my father took me to my first baseball game Fidel Castro was there to throw out the first pitch he was wearing the same suit as always later we would discover he had a fashion illness known as chronic fatigue syndrome I would write more jokes about him, but our stupid writers only know what he is like.
family guy roasting different countries
We all adored Che Guevara, although none of us really knew which side he was on. Thanks, but we knew he would make a great sign in the college dorms. someday these are delicious what is the secret ingredient what oh oh did you think no no no no spoogesicum is a sugar substitute from the Czech Republic that's how it is spojizzicum like my ancestor king of Denmark from the 14th century Griffin more wine more women more table lol I'm having a heart attack, is anyone at the table a doctor? I have to hurry, but the doctor who is very far away couldn't arrive in time and that's why here in Denmark we have very small tables.
I don't want to spend the weekend doing homework, you know Chris, a little hard work can do wonders, just look at how they built the pyramids. They say that all people must go through difficult times in which we Jews will get out of the way early. From now on, everything will be simple. sail ah your kids will love this England has such a rich heritage of great theater Clemson look at Roger the boogly okay Joe you'll be happier than bullfrogs on vacation in Ethiopia oh this is fantastic it's even better than they said. the brochure ah yeah, I feel like a pig, but come on, we're on vacation exactly, don't hate yourself, we're on vacation, right, yeah, I heard Madonna is raising this guy's kid.
It's time to collect our old cables and charges that no longer work. and throw them in the trash, we can't do that, don't you know, many discarded electronic devices end up in the ocean and kill sea turtles. Well, then let's cut out the middleman. Sorry, there's a new phone that was great. I have to go to Fiji for that, they have a lot of turtles there. You can kill them. Nobody cares afterwards. I want you to fly to France and tell the French that a handsome, depressed boy smoking a cigarette is not a movie. A handsome and depressed boy. smoking a cigarette is not a movie and your sirens sound like they are gays having a threesome oh here is a nice flag what country is this that is the gay flag ah Grace, yes, well, if they want to turn me into a monster like those people, we will give them a monster like when Godzilla attacked Haiti oh my god ah India the most spiritual country in the world God is not here for Chris it is important that you learn about your Irish heritage ancient archaeological evidence indicates that Ireland was a very


place before the discovery of alcohol, most experts believe it was something like that, gentlemen, today we are pure energy populations, absolutely, hey, Michael McLeod just invented a new type of drink in his basement, hmm, whiskey, okay, what better place to find God that the birthplace of all Western civilization.
Great religions and a really bad one. I had a feeling that this was what this place would be like. Oh God he's getting married. Oh look, Joe is giving them pennies. Someone takes a photo. I can't believe we didn't find God in Jerusalem. Well, we will do it. I have to keep looking oh, here's our bus to the airport. Wow, that was super loud. Hey Peter, what's your hurry? I have the most beautiful woman in the world at home and I have no one to keep her waiting, evangelo, blame me. A pretty melody, ah Italy. It's 9 am. and I've already kissed eight boys twice, why do you look at the other babies, huh, why do you make me do it in the supermarket?
I don't want to do that Peter, I know you'll love it here, but riding. Your bike around town doesn't pay the bills and the kids don't learn anything in that Italian school look at these how big these calculations are I don't know I think maybe it's time to go back to our real home and to Quahog but I thought you loved Italy , an Italian Peter and a southern Italian Peter, olive oil, is this a Japanese thing? an octopus, yeah, feel good, oh we're not laughing at you, we're laughing at Griffin's shoes, why is that happening to them?
I don't even know what they are. What are teslick? I'm not sure, but my mom says they are very popular. with the Latvian athletes running throwing lifting big things first breakout that's fine with me man sold separately but I want you to know I'm very skeptical about all this oh okay listen I was skeptical about traveling to Mexico I took a step outside from the resort our main story Channel 5 news anchor Tom Tucker has a crisis at a local comedy club. Look at you, you fat, disgusting Moroccans with your ooga booga food. I don't even know why it is called Nepal.
The mountains look like nipples. Well, you can. Don't just call a country nipples, what about Nepal? Oh, I like that. Ah, surprise. God does it well. No, wait, let me clarify this. None of you have heard of Bono. He says he knows you. Dad, what the fuck are you throwing? Peter. in jail, hey pumpkin, welcome whatever, tell them you have a clitoris, yes, they told me that in the eyes of the embassy this is going to sound racist, but stop, no, no, listen to me, it's just for, everything What I say is for, it's only for, the Norwegians can't. dance, oh that's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, it's clear, really, you haven't seen me dance around the Century scan in July, often, really, yeah, yeah, we can jump like lutefisk in the pot of almonds, Family Guy, we Googled Norway. this joke I say we are on a good streak we blow up the Great Wall of China we bomb the Eiffel Tower and look at this note I sent dear Pakistan up yours love India let's see what happens they didn't need much this is worthless like my Palestinian alarm clock Akbar we will be a better team let the Warsaw Globetrotters give my friend a twist of the finger two rotations dream about the window guard the basketball goal to work in the calcium mine man Russia has the ugliest and most attractive women in the world dozens and units wow whoa wow whoa wow whoa whoa ah I'm a whoa come on let's go back home before history gets hurt like a hairy bear when he went to Saudi Arabia ah it's good to worship Allah 'cause I used to worship summer Waka Waka oh me I once met a guy that he was so Arab, what an Arab he was.
Oh, he was so Arab that everyone liked him and there was nothing funny about him, oh Matthew, what are you doing? Don't hang around with that old man, his inventions are just crazy. I'll get you in trouble, oh, don't win the DeLorean, they just told me it's a time machine, oh, now you're going to go back to the 50s and your parents' lives, and you know you're using your brain, but It's not you, you're not using your brain, oh, don't get in that spaceship, you stupid bastards. Ricardo models buns there and has small tits and he will put snot in your ears and you will go crazy, oh don.
Don't be stupid, silly, oh, there's a damn cell phone with her tits, no, see, he's putting the books in your ears, he's going to go crazy and it's no one's fault but yourself because you're not using your brain, oh Andy, don't go. Go to the laundromat alone, you know those other guys are down there waiting for you and they're going to rape you in your boom. Oh, get out of there, wise man, oh there they are, they're going to rape you, oh look, that's why I told you to do it. Get out of there oh, they're raping you in your boom Oh, your boom is going to hurt now oh, you're not using your brain yeah, where's Peter? oh he went to get plastic surgery he did yes korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world no one here thinks you look good unless you have big round eyes and a little nose and chin Hi guys Peter, did you? are you OK?
Do you know how good I feel? I feel like I want to laugh behind my hand at a lot of things and hold them, but not eat a big ice cream cone Quagmire, what are you doing here? You don't have kids Don't be so sure Brian I've slept with girls from all over the world who knows I might have kids in my 20s it's the director Shepherd we We were very surprised to get the call from him. What's going on? Mrs. Griffin. Meg and Chris were caught cheating. Yes, they had the Lost Boys of the Sudan replacing them in gym class.
Good block. Griffin. Good shot. Another Griffin. This is terrible. What do you think? This Pete, eh, bad, very bad, I don't know you guys, we'll be as out of place there as a black in Sweden, blackened, drinking, yeah, black and drinking, we're going to build a new settlement, we'll have a happy new life . and we will have the same rights for everyone except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, homosexuals, Muslim women, that is, everyone who is not white men, and I mean white, white, so no There are no Italians, no Poles, only people from Ireland, England and Scotland, but only certain parts of Scotland, simply an island. full-blooded white people, you know, not even white people, nobody has any rights.
America, I don't know, Lois goes to the house in Cleveland, where someone else lives there, it just seems strange, like when she found out the Pope moved to the Vatican, hello, I don't know who. to complain about this but I keep getting xvii's email yeah, no, he's not here anymore, this is XXIV, yeah, no, I don't need Newsweek, no, I don't need National Geographic, oh, you know, no, yeah, no , we will endure. to Boys Life and there's the Vietnam War Memorial, hey, look at that Vietnamese guy they gave those Vietnam pea markers a business, ah, what happened to your friend?
Hey, I know that guy. I kill him, he would cry like an undefeated man from Vietnam.

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