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Submechanophobia's Most Terrifying: Crocodile Animatronics to Haunt Your Dreams

Jun 16, 2024
What you see here are some of the scariest



in the world. Today you ranked 14th in


-inducing alligators. I'm Walt the animatronic duck, and today I'm channeling Steve Irwin to talk about these animatronic Crocs. Here we tell you everything. about them, from giant movie nightmares to some scary theme park alligators, there are many more alligators to cover, leave a comment saying part 2 if you want a sequel, the woolly Bill Cleveland Zoo, this creature is a familiar site in the


community, but surprisingly it is at the bottom. from our list this time and if you ever want to visit this submechanophobia nightmare you need to go to the Cleveland Metropolitan Zoo, this zoo has endless animal exhibits including the Yaga tree, a 55 foot simulated Australian bowab tree and a Australian virtual games, and in this family area you can find many features such as a very cool snake-shaped slide, but what stands out the


is a cavern where the famous woolly peak is located.
submechanophobia s most terrifying crocodile animatronics to haunt your dreams
The woolly beak is a submerged


that can be found lurking in the murky waters of In this cave here it sometimes comes to the surface shaking its head and surprising visitors. A while back, Woolly Bill gave us quite a scare when he disappeared from display for an extended period during renovations to the Yaga Tree. Many people thought he was removed for good, but luckily in June. The second Bill B, the woolly one of 2023, has made his triumphant return to the zoo, so we can all rest easy now knowing that he will continue to scare visitors for many years to come, warning that if you don't like the video and subscribe, these


They will appear next time. you're going swimming don't say we didn't warn you crocodiles pirate ships Legoland Legoland Bill and Resort is the original Legoland park and opened in 1968 in Billand Denmark, the park is actually located next to the original Lego factory and since the The park has added many original lands and attractions, the park is now divided into nine themed areas, one of them is Pirate Land Pirate Land is a pirate themed area that has several attractions such as Pirate Splash Battle Pirate Wavebreaker and Pirate Boats and in the latter located where we found the main attractions at least for the purpose of this video, this dark ride was built by Mac Rides and opened in 1991 as described by Legoland pirate ships.
submechanophobia s most terrifying crocodile animatronics to haunt your dreams

More Interesting Facts About,

submechanophobia s most terrifying crocodile animatronics to haunt your dreams...

It is a ride where you can navigate inside the secret cave where the crocodiles feast on the pirates and the secret treasure. lie hidden in the dark, the boat ride will take you past a shipwreck, pirates, dangerous crocodiles and hungry sharks, all built from hundreds and thousands of harmless Lego bricks, but to people with submechanophobia, these creatures don't seem so harmless , starting with the sharks at the beginning of the ride, but this is a crocodile-only video, so we'll leave that for another video, let's look at these Crocs. Our first encounter is with a pirate hanging from a bridge and moving his legs while a crocodile tries to bite him.
submechanophobia s most terrifying crocodile animatronics to haunt your dreams
The Croc is partially submerged and moves up and down, opening and closing its jaws as if trying to reach the pirate. There are also two other crocodiles nearby. We see one of them as soon as we pass the bridge and it also opens and closes its mouth and is seen surrounded. of submerged rocks, which makes the place quite creepy, then there is another one coming out of the water very close to another pirate and then inside the cave there is a baby crocodile that is not scary at all, but it is very cute, so no We wanted to miss the opportunity to mention abandoned crocodiles Nara Dreamland, this park has been heavily criticized by other YouTubers and we have already discussed this in a previous video that we will link in the description, but here is a summary for you to label Nara Dreamland simply as a La imitation of Disneyland is unfair without taking into account the


and aspirations of creator Kunio Matsu.
submechanophobia s most terrifying crocodile animatronics to haunt your dreams
The history of the park is complex with multiple accounts of its origin, contrary to claims. Mato didn't simply imitate Disneyland. His project initially had the approval of Disney. The collaboration was intended to establish Disneyland in Nara, but failed due to Disney-inspired licensing disagreements. Matsuo intended to create a unique, one-of-a-kind Japanese amusement park with Disney guidance, not a replica despite using designs inspired by Disney. Disney when Disney retained the rights to the Matzell characters changed the name of the park to Nara Dreamland, the park that reflects the characteristics of Disneyland opened in 1961 and became the closest Disneyland to Japan.
Its counterpart drew significant crowds until the inception of Tokyo Disneyland in 1983 caused its decline after years of declining attendance and abandonment. The park closed in 2006 and remained abandoned for many years, finally demolished in 2017. One of the attractions that Nar Dreamland was inspired by was the jungle cruise. The attraction was practically identical to that of Disneyland from the boats to the animatronics, the ride featured many animatronic animals such as this beautiful peacock or these tigers and even pythons but obviously the submerged and semi-submerged animals could not be missing, take this


hippopotamus and of course Crocodiles The ride featured several submerged crocodiles, others semi-submerged, some that came out of the water unexpectedly and, above all, the worst of all in our opinion was this animated accessory that had a mechanism that made it rotate in the water, creating a truly grotesque site and to make this situation even worse. scene behind him, another crocodile Towering above the water, the semi-realistic appearances of these crocodiles are some worthy candidates for this list, but that's not all, the scary part about these animatronics was that when they were abandoned for years they began to deteriorate. and rotting in the water, seeing these animatronics with so much decay is a shame and gives another meaning to the attraction, a truly


Seeing the boats full of rust makes you think of all the tourists who once carried those animatronics full of movement, now totally corroded. and with exposed mechanisms covered in mold, a sad reminder that sometimes


can turn into nightmares Tick Tock Croc Fantasmic When we first made our Disney submechanophobia video, we were very surprised to see that many people mentioned this friendly crocodile like a terrifying sight. and now we mention it once again because after all he is a crocodile in 2008 Fantasmic received an overhaul this time the three original 70mm projectors were replaced with high definition digital projectors the animation also received a new digital transfer and the Peter Pan sequence a new Tik Tok mechanical crocodile before this review Tik Tok appeared in the Peter Pan sequence, but this version looked more like a large crocodile that followed the ship that had limited movement.
The new Tik Tok was much better. This new mechanical barge had been illuminated. eyes and limbs and moving tail, this gave the character a feeling of being alive and made him a character in the scene, not a prop following a ship like he was before, but many of us know that Fantasmic has had many remodels and renovations and the last of these remodels was in 2016 this time the Peter Pan sequence was sadly eliminated and replaced by a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean that means that Tik Tock the crocodile was completely removed there were various rumors that They said that the crocodile was removed after the tragic accident that happened at Walt Disney World in 2016, but this is not true, this was one of our favorite fantasy sequences and we were very sad to see it disappear, but we have great news for any other fans of the Peter Pan sequence with the recent tragedy of Murphy catching on fire Fantasmic had to close completely if you want to know more about what happened watch this video but going back to Fantasmic the show was closed but back in 2023 Disney announced that Fantasmic would return in May 2024 with new special effects and an exciting new battle scene. between Sorcerer Mickey and Maleficent and with this they also announced that the Peter Pan sequence will return we couldn't be happier with this news although we are a little worried about how they will handle the new battle scene we only hope that Dragon Maleficent will return at a later date but for now we are happy to have back Tik Tock Crocodile MCS Dino we have already talked about Chinese companies responsible for making impressive animatronics at affordable prices like genu animatronics or just dinosaurs but there is another company called MC s dyo this company specializes in creating all kinds of Creatures for amusement parks and shows have been able to create everything from puppets and floats to incredible costumes like this Brachiosaurus or this Tonton, however their


specialized area is the creation of animatronics.
The MCS Dino creatures are capable of turning extinct animals like dinosaurs, giant insects and mammoths, but what we present to you today is this gigantic crocodile designed to dive underwater. The crocodile can be activated by remote control or motion sensor with a simple click. The crocodile shoots out of the railing and with a powerful bite devours its prey. It's just that the bite of 24 I'm sorry friends, you know I had to do it please continue. Now MCS Dino has a slightly different process for creating animatronics compared to other animatronic companies that sculpt. Their animatronics are made from large blocks of foam rubber and have a special frame system for the animatronic mechanisms.
These animatronics can use pneumatic systems or can be equipped with an electrical system with servos. It is a completely handmade and artisanal process from the insertion of the texture and skin to animal fur, if you have an extra $9,500 around you, you can also have


own submechanophobia-inducing beast in


home as MCS dyo ships worldwide. Would you order one? Lunar Park The giant crocodile lunar park has a rather peculiar history. The oldest park in all of Italy opened in 1953 with several attractions, including the mine train ride. This attraction was a favorite among visitors because it featured large stage props and this terrifying animatronic in the center of the roller coaster, the animatronic was designed to emerge unexpectedly. from the small body of water in the center of the roller coaster it was truly gigantic and had an incredible design in our opinion, plus it was capable of spraying water unfortunately in 2008 the park had to close because it needed to modernize and adopt new safety measures. measures for its visitors however due to various circumstances the park was abandoned for 8 years all the attractions were closed and obviously this animatronic and the attraction were severely deteriorated after a lot of effort the park managed to reopen in 2016 with new attractions and some classic attractions completely Modern IED was unfortunately missing our friend the crocodile, no one knows who built this animatronic and, even worse, where such a colossal creation ended up.
It's a real shame because this ride looked fantastic. Jamanji crocodile, this fits perfectly on the list because if you have seen the original. Jamanji movie from 1995, then you already know that crocodiles are one of the biggest dangers in the movie and if you haven't seen it, then you should. This animatronic crocodile was created by Studio ADI, which is an American special effects company, one of its specialties is animatronics. and they have become one of Hollywood's animatronic studios, having created some of the most famous animatronics in the industry, the Jamanji crocodile being one of them, a true achievement.
This is one of the most realistic animatronics we have ever come across at 750 lbs. This thing was a beast, it's 15 feet long and you'll never believe it, but it can swim. We're pretty sure that if we ever encountered this animatronic in a lake, we'd run for our lives. It's better not to take risks though at that time. The best feature of this animatronic was that it was actually made to ride; In fact, there are many images of people doing just that, a mini scary walk. Apart from this, the animatronic crocodile has eyes that move, it has a body that was made to imitate the real one. crocodiles, this is a scary crocodile that probably won't eat you, although we make no promises, alligator Ramon, as we have said countless times, we love when movies use animatronics to bring their characters and creatures to life and in the 1980 horror film , we were alligators.
Treated to some of the most impressive animatronic effects of its time, the animatronic alligator nicknamed Ramone on set was impressively enormous and was controlled by a team of puppeteers who manipulated wire rods and levers connected to the various motors and gears inside the alligator. more than 20 feet. long and weighed more than 12,200 lb. Creating this animatronic alligator was a complex and challenging process.The team had to build the alligator in sections starting with the head and then moving on to the body, tail and legs. Then they used a foam latex combination. and fiberglass to create the crocodile's skin and then added layers of paint and detailed textures to make it look as realistic as possible.
The team also had to pay close attention to the crocodile's movements, as they wanted to make sure it could function. a wide range of on-screen actions, from crawling through sewers to lurching through city streets. To achieve this, the team used a combination of mechanical and hydraulic systems to control the alligator's movements and filmed live alligators as references for the animatronic movements. This animatronic was an incredible feat of engineering and special effects and remains an iconic part of the film to this day for people with submechanophobia. The animatronic alligator is definitely a scary sight, but for all of us it is a movie masterpiece.
Magic lives with living land alligators. The land is one of our favorite attractions, it is relaxing, educational and also includes a small dark ride within the boat tour. Did you know that all the things that are grown in the greenhouses are used within the park and in restaurants such as Sunshine Seasons or Garden Grill Restaurant. In the first section of the walk we can see three biomes that represent the tropical jungle desert and the American prairie. It is rumored that the animatronics in this section were originally intended for the never-built Western River Expedition attraction. Among these animatronics are simple but realistic crocodiles.
These crocodiles are divided into the left and right sides of the boat on the left side we can see a crocodile out of the water and another semi submerged but the most terrifying animatronics are on the right side and can easily go unnoticed because the waterfall obscures them a little without However, our friend Peter from the crazy theme park managed to capture them in his submechanophobia videos. If you like dark roller coasters and animatronics, be sure to subscribe to his channel. These animatronics are very close to the ship and completely submerged, making them a real nightmare for many, however, they are not on it. at the top of our list, so what do you think are positioned correctly or not?
Mildred, the coca swamp. Mildred the croog is the cutest contender on the list, at least for us, not only because of her looks but also because of her cute story, if you think about it too. Mildred is the cutest cochle swamp in the world. Leave a Croc Emoji Milre is located at Be Wilderwood, an adventure park in the ancient village of Horning in the English county of Norfolk. This park features several activities and attractions, including Be Wilder boat rides, where you can witness The Adventures of Swampy the Boggle Swamp This swamp is full of characters and traditions but without a doubt everyone's favorite is Mildred the bogeyman Mildred has caused a great stir in the submechanophobia community because many consider it too cute to be scary, however for others its texture and those giant eyes in the lake provoke a feeling of Terror but what is Mildred's story, fortunately our subscriber an o wonder wolf 101 who works at be wilderwood contacted us and told us all about Mildred so special thanks to her and remember if you want to talk to Send us recommendations or share a malfunction or a funny video.
You can contact us on our Instagram. There have been videos where Mildred can be seen swimming in the water, but this is just Mildred being dragged across the lake in a boat when they need to take her. for cleaning and maintenance Mildred also has a lovely puppet version. Suave is adorable, but you all put this swamp cocle in the top five of the scariest on the list, which surprises us a little because he is above Ramon, who literally eats humans, while Mildred is a sometimes vegetarian It's a little strange how everyone votes but we say it with all the love in the world now get ready for the most terrifying Lake Placid Crocodile we've talked about this animatronic several times but it's so scary and of course an Animatronic crocodile so it had to be in the list.
This alligator was created by the super famous and talented team at Stan Winston Studios for the sole purpose of losing him for the Lake Placid movie. The biggest challenge with this animatronic is what brings you all here. Nowadays, the animatronic had to be submerged in water all the time, but being as talented as the studio team, they made it work and created a full-size animatronic puppet with moving head and tail and jaw that worked underwater. . nightmare stuff to give you an idea of ​​how big and scary this thing was, the largest crocodile in captivity in 2013 was just over 20 feet, the Lake Placid crocodile was more than twice as long as the one the team created by first time.
A small-scale model that would serve as a guide for life-size construction, the crocodile was machined using hydraulics which, as had been learned in previous projects, worked quite well in an aquatic environment as long as they were protected in waterproof casings and surrounded by a waterproof skin now, before finishing the animatronic and doing a full paint job, the team took it to Lake Casca in the Los Angeles National Forest to test it out. Imagine coming across that thing when they were testing it, the team dropped it into the lake to confirm that the animatronic worked well underwater and swam like they needed it to and of course it moved perfectly and even propelled itself.
As soon as they knew this nightmare fuel worked, they took it back to the studio and finished adding lots of paint and texture details to make the animatronic. It would look as real as possible, they fixed some small problems and the Croc was ready to go while they were filming, the crew tied the crocodile to a boat using a cable so it could gain more speed and the animatronic was a success, it must have been terrifying. for the actors to be swimming in the lake, being chased and attacked by this thing, a huge animatronic crocodile swimming in a real lake attacking us, no thanks, we asked the experts at Stan Winston Studios what happened to the animatronic after they were done with the. and they said that unfortunately it was finally dismantled because it was too big to store and was no longer operational, but at least we can see it in action pirates on the Pavia crocodile.
We have already talked about this trip before on this channel. You can find it at Europa Park, one of the best theme parks in all of Europe and one of the most beloved attractions of this park, is of course Pirates in Bavaria, which opened in 1978. This 7-minute boat ride transported to visitors through the exotic port of Batavia on the East India Sea. Located in the Netherlands Parks section, the attraction operated perfectly for 30 years until May 26, 2018, when unfortunately a small fire broke out in a warehouse in the Netherlands section, which quickly got out of control. and caused a fireball to spread towards the Pirates' attraction. engulfed in incandescent flames and thick smoke and burned down the entire attraction, fortunately the Mac family decided to rebuild it, so the attraction reopened in July 2020 and looks much better than before with an updated story and a new attraction system. and state-of-the-art animatronics made by life formations from Garner Hulk Productions and Hoffman with all this came new scenes and one of these is where we find our crocodile the ship goes through a storm that takes us to a descent and right after In this installment , We started the trip, we arrived at the remains of a sunken ship, which is fantastic.
The props combined with the huge screen on the back work perfectly to make this look fantastic, but the main thing about this scene for this video is the crocodile, we see a pirate standing up. on the bow looking at another pirate who is hanging by his foot and near the hanging pirate we see the crocodile very close to him waiting to get a bite, this is particularly scary because after all that pirate is probably seconds away from being eaten by the crocodile . and although the movements of the crocodile are not many, the way it opens and closes its mouth is quite creepy, the new version of this attraction is fantastic and we are very happy that the park has rebuilt it gondwana Das prehistorian now that we have reached the second crocodile on our list also in Germany specifically in shiff where we can find the incredible prehistoric museum Gondwana Das this museum combines the fun and technology of a prehistoric theme park with the education and history that a museum provides one of the premises of this museum is to tell 4.6 billion years of Earth's history in a single museum, all thanks to an immersive experience full of exhibits full of special effects and best of all animatronics, in the museum we can see several animatronic dinosaurs such as Comus or the Tyrannosaurus Rex, this museum also has an incredible animatronic show where thanks to its mechanisms it seems that dinosaurs walk on stage but what brings us here is this prehistoric crocodile, these crocodiles are ancestors of the Nile crocodiles and were found in the region of gondwana in the exhibition we can see the crocodile semi submerged in water with a swampy environment with quite eerie lighting the crocodile can move all its limbs and threaten the visitors around it with its powerful jaws the crocodile was built by the japanese company kokuro, which specializes in creating animatronics for various exhibitions, they are known for their work in the natural history museums of London, the dinosaur exhibitions in Dinopoulos in Spain among others.
A curious fact is that this company is part of the SREO group, the creators of Hello Kitty. so the sreo group can create characters as cute as Hello Kitty or sub mechanophobic nightmares like this prehistoric crocodile Roaring Rapids Croc Shanghai Disneyland is one of the most technologically advanced parks in the world, almost all the attractions are filled with many technological wonders and that This is the case of Roaring Rapids Roaring Rapids is a wild and out of control attraction that ends with an encounter with a mythological Mountain Guardian. On this trip we set out to find the source of the mysterious resonating roars that can be heard behind the waterfalls on the mountain. abuaku.
The ancient arbori say the source is the ancient crocodile Guardian Croc who protects the waterways from those who harm Adventure Island, but the Adventure League says this is all mythological nonsense, so let's explore and As expected, this is not the case. While we are on this expedition, a fallen tree diverts the river into a collapsed lava tube where one of the most impressive and surprising animatronics ever lies in weight as the raft ventures into its rocky chamber. He turns to evaluate the noise. His bright eyes narrow and enrage the guardian. He snorts and sniffs and then lunges forward ambushing us as the WFT helplessly gets close enough to feel. its moist, misty breath we have to duck wildly as the crocodile snaps its sharp, foot-long teeth, naturally we barely escape the creature's jaws as the raft runs down a lava tube and into the Geyser Springs in Mountain Shadow The animatronic is really impressive.
Due to his size and movement and although his appearance is short, he is quite scary, so it is not surprising that you voted him first on the list. Did you enjoy the video? Consider subscribing and, even better, becoming a member or patreon. They have no idea how much. That helps us create more videos, you will also have access to publications and soon exclusive Q&A shorts with me, links in the description and pinned comment. Thank you very much for watching the video.

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