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GOLFING IN SPACE?! *Insane New Map* (Golf With Your Friends)

May 14, 2024
are you ready Home Slice dog, how's it going guys, welcome to another episode of





. I'm here, we're going to play


and JP is my friend. Yeah, how's that? Yes, I'am


friend. Yes, JP is the pink ball here. You look pretty. Thanks, you're welcome, so I'm really excited because today we were playing on a new map. They just added a free


map if you have the game, which I do and you do the


level. Yes, I'm excited. I just want to do the classic mode just to see what this level is like.
golfing in space insane new map golf with your friends
You know, yeah, me first is JP, the new classic space map. I don't know anything about it. Are you ready, ready, oh, here we go, no, we're, we're back, it's like I'm late. It's running late for you yeah buddy we're in Star Wars this is sick okay oh okay you're gonna have to remind me how to play this game you drag forward in your shoot oh my god I could have made a hole in one, okay? So oh my god was I too harsh oh no was it go go go go hell yeah we're amazing look how cool this looks good look at the gravity this is sweet okay just I'm going to oh no, don't you? what I just did I'm going to try this, okay, oh, we should have eaten, I'm going to hold a guy that was my friend, look where I landed, oh, that was your first hit, dude, gravity.
golfing in space insane new map golf with your friends

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golfing in space insane new map golf with your friends...

I'm happy with it, you can jump on this one, you can't, you can't, this is classic, dude, why do you have it? You are too strong, there you have double bogey. I put it right next to the whole X, oh, I think. we go on these like gravity cannons in the tube, man, it wasn't strong enough, it's like a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Wow, I'm only one here, oh my god, oh my god, oh oh, I was like there's no funnel, right? there that would have been very different here goes nothing where is the hole if you just follow the yellow brick road it's not yellow you never followed the road well you should do it because I'm here and there yeah boom I made sure what he did you just did it See, did you see that belief, yeah, okay, parkour man, I can't let myself see your ball in this game, oh, this is dangerous, one, two, three, oh, no, oh, I'm going backwards, this is not well, this is not good.
golfing in space insane new map golf with your friends
I fell off a cliff oh I didn't know you could go straight down the middle oh I ducked yeah okay I gotta time this right oh you're giving it credit and you stopped yeah oh my god that was Too difficult, I'm not. used to power, you know, yeah, no, oh dude, what, oh my god, okay. Wow, you're on the edge, you know you're not, you're going to fly, buddy, yeah, I'm not used to this, yeah, we're too strong. You're too strong for this game, okay, I thought I was too far behind, this is, I don't know what we're doing here, I don't know, here I go, oh, we're on floaties, oh, you can jump in the water, yeah, damn, oh.
golfing in space insane new map golf with your friends
Oh my god that sucks where I am oh no oh I'm awesome I'm awesome yeah we are we're cool well that's a good part too pink yeah mess we're killing it you know oh my god yeah like a gravity well. I'm going, I'm going 100% to this little guy that wasn't that great, that wasn't that good, come on, why is he shooting me over there? Do you let it go? Oh, turn it around, no, you're going straight to the center for sure JP do that, that's a pretty good putt that actually worked pretty well, okay, set, set, I'm coming oh, oh, my God, oh, don't hit it that, don't hit that, he'll hit it oh no, oh no, it's okay.
Gotta time this really, really right oh I just recovered that could have been an awesome putt I mean it still was dude I bounced out of the hole on that stage that was cool so what we gotta do It's getting over this, oh wait, I see. we have to do what I'm sorry you like to bark and JP, oh wait, are you supposed to go through that or not? I don't think you should go through that. I think you're supposed to know. Oh no, why? You do that? Wait, how do you get there? I did it again I didn't manage to avoid it no, it doesn't work, it goes too far, it shoots you too far, how did you do it now?
I bounced it ooh oh that's a ramp that's a ramp right there it goes nothing where am I oh wow that worked really well actually what a hit you're like 10 but I'm about to be a gun oh that was a good thing, well, well, I'm done with this. oh, that's a space, oh, that's a little camp, I didn't realize that was like an optical illusion, yeah, it was oh, that was perfect, oh wow, dude, I'm cool, go to the middle, wait, yeah, in the middle, where yeah, wait, what, oh, it's like going to the bathroom going to the bathroom weird where's the hole?
It's over here okay, I don't have that to help you, okay? That could have been amazing, boom bogey, I'm happy with that, are you ready for this? ready Howlin wants it even though you're on strip five, okay, not quite, but you know, I hope the effort was there. I'm not really sure why that was, but it was great, when you did everything right, you did it, yeah. Yes, oh, yes, I did with what you just said, yes, oh, it's like an elevator, please, I thought you were supposed to get on the elevator, weren't you? Oh no, oh my god, I'm back to square one, dude, why why black? hole why are you making me like this then what are you supposed to go to the ramp yeah that's going to be the hardest thing in my life oh my god that's a jump I didn't know there was a gap oh no oh I'm here for real yeah That was amazing Oh, you're here too, uh, I was going to lament and see what happens, Oh, I'm wandering around, are you kidding me?
Yes, that's exactly what just happened to me. Wow, isn't that cool, ramp over black holes. How do you see using the right? Oh, oh, oh, see where the flag is, yeah, you're a genius, look at this, damn, boom, yeah, which is true, at a time when we would be tied, I would have done it if I didn't follow it. your advice, yeah, shit, yeah, you're over it, I'm over it, look at this, oh, that's about to get sick, what, oh, okay, you can go, oh, that wasn't sick at all, it's weird because yeah, like a gap, there we go, that's how I do it.
Come on, come on, you can do it, Charlie, that's my opinion. His name, Charlie, was that. It was pretty good, not bad. Well, I'm sorry, oh, this is going to be difficult. Yeah, except I'm awesome. You are amazing? Yeah, great, it's not so. Awesome, okay, oh damn, this one is crazy. Is there a ramp? There are houses. How did you balance? You know I used my geometry skills so close. Can you go under? Yeah, I went under up there. Oh how did I miss that? Hello hello. Okay, okay, I'll take him there, that was good, what do you have? 77 77 cute, I'm just improvising, you know, I don't know what I'm doing, oh, that was really perfect, oh no, no, it was.
No, I'm down a lot so you just eat almost, oh my god, what did I waste? Okay, I'll just do this, where am I? and that is not correct. That is not right. It's not where it should be. Oh, it's fine. okay, this is going to be great, this is going to be great, oh, that was almost great, what I just didn't do, what you just did, what I did, no, I got it, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, how do you do this, okay, it wasn't enough, yes, no, yes yes, it's okay, I did it mm-hmm, I'm sorry too, oh, I see the hole, don't fall off the cliff, don't fall, it's okay, thanks, yeah, boom, I got it at ten, buddy, and at ten, yeah, I can still reach it, oh.
Well, none of you, no, that was an L-rail, that was a 91, not bad, okay, yeah, you can see how to do this oh no, oh yeah, that worked for the dog, you know, it worked amazing I don't know how but that worked amazing oh wow I'm getting lucky mate yeah I'm right behind you oh this is cool what wasn't cool come on in yeah I gotta go around the circuit. I know you're angry, but you don't have to. bark about it, okay, there you go 100 100 100 okay, yes holy one the next three what the hell are we doing here can be exceptional whoa what is this nonsense oh, you have a flight on everyone oh no, don't stay down, yeah okay, this is a type of person, oh my god, that was not right, no, you're done, I'm done, yeah, we'll see about that.
Hey, okay, okay, so it's like a maze, uh-huh, and you have to jump. the little things yeah this is cool oh I shouldn't be there but I probably should have jumped in there oh yeah bounce get in there dude not bad for a dad yeah you're not a dad oh yeah I'm down about this I'm down about this truck yeah , oh I'm killing it, this is amazing, I love this level, oh no, just a little bit more, yeah man, this is amazing, I love this one, oh boy, oh snow skunk, that's what I was going to say, okay, he'll hit him. look at this Oh, look at that Hey, oh yeah, where are you going?
Do you let yourself fall into that thing? Please, please, yes, yes, oh, I'm in another bathroom thing, oh, come on, come on, let's go through the toilet pipes, the plumbing is here, this is crazy. this is this is crazy oh no oh I didn't see that coming buddy I'm doing good it's not enough mm-hmm oh no stop, stop, stop, stop, thank you, where am I going? oh oh, you have to wait for a ramp, oh that's crazy get in the hole hurry up five seconds come on game go up you're still going oh you do it you can do it you're probably kidding you got it you got it wow dude wow oh wait oh no I know , I told it Ok, no, I wasn't scared, what are you talking about?
I'm fine, just wait, I missed all those where's the hole? Well, what the hell is this guy? This map is crazy. Okay, left, buddy, how do you top it? this last hole, oh, I'm going to punch this computer in the face, take me and drop the Spurs here, oh, there we go, come on, okay, stop rolling, I'm dead, I'm dead, oh no, no, I'm fine, no . No, your sound effects are amazing, okay, nothing's happening here, oh, I'm on ten, there's no way, dude, go ahead, get out, you're glad it happened. Well, this is my last shot unless this is a hole in one.
Are you kidding? Is this the last one? See the space without traces in the last one? I'm disappointed, look at this, I'm jealous, I'm so jealous, you're doing this right now, oh boy, oh my god, he almost just did it, oh my god. you're on the buzzer wow, that was cool and look you won, oh yeah, by 10 for 10, it's because you tried to get a hole in one on that one, that was funny, I think that's the best level by far. they sure need it, they need to release more levels like this, okay guys that was awesome.
I hope you enjoyed watching this new map with your


once again, it's free yes it downloads immediately into your game so I'll go check it out if you haven't already, if you enjoyed this video please click the button Like, hit the subscribe button. Also click the notification bell so you never miss an upload and get all that done for JP too. I'm going to put the card right there. He skateboards. Video art videos do a lot of interesting things so check them out. I also have a main channel. I'll put it in the description and that's all I have to say.
Okay, I'll do it every time I want to drink water. In the end I ran out of water, so it doesn't matter, I'm still here, yeah.

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