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The Most Savage Talk Show Guest of All Time

Jul 04, 2024
all the late night


s this is the easiest to fall asleep you look like George Clooney if George's mom drank during her pregnancy to me your comedy is like crypto I don't understand it but I admire it and I didn't even know it There was an audience. I had heard the monologue, but you know, some


s you come across



moments that make you cringe, you smell good, which is surprising. Why is it so surprising? I don't know, I just wouldn't think of you as a guy. who would have a nice scent and that's like I'm really going to work hard not to take that as an opportunity.
the most savage talk show guest of all time
Very sincere. I thank you for watching it, for hating it, whatever the reason you were tuning in, or just for being hilarious. are you ready, yes 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 mother, I'm telling you with me, eating has completely replaced sex, in fact, I put a mirror on my kitchen table, but rarely are people rude to those who say that no, I mean, you're pale yeah, you, pale, you, you, you make Mike Pence look like a character from Black Panther, everyone except Martin Short and I've been on your show many


s. I have never seen a funnier show than tonight. I'm serious, my God.
the most savage talk show guest of all time

More Interesting Facts About,

the most savage talk show guest of all time...

God, your skin is so young, thank you, thank you, it's not firm, but it's youthful, it's very exciting for me to


to you because I usually talk to celebrities, you look like a number two pencil, so there's this etiquette on talk shows, a certain level of professionalism. You need to maintain to properly promote what you are there for and keep the audience interested. Just because the audience isn't laughing out loud doesn't mean they aren't laughing inside. I heard laughter, Marty. You did it? Yes, well, it was Jimmy's, but before every televised appearance there is a rehearsal, a practice interview meant to ease the tension and create a sharper exchange, but what happens when the


doesn't stick to the script?
the most savage talk show guest of all time
What happens when he thrives outside of stress? and the interviewer ends up being the one who is defensive. You never get old, Jimmy. Oh my God, now he seems like the


jovial Undertaker in the world to me. If you're not familiar with Martin Short, you're probably wondering who keeps letting this guy wreak havoc on TV, why do the presenters seem to be having fun? live next to him to me, when I see you, you look like someone freeze-dried from Prince Harry, that's all I'm saying or I just feel like they're putting up with it, well this is what Martin Short is no stranger to Limelight, I mean, we're Talking about a guy who's been in the industry for al


50 years with a resume that most professionals could only dream of seeing a fraction of if you're not aware that it's possibly one of the best comedic lines of all time, a exceptional work life.
the most savage talk show guest of all time
I don't know how many times he was on our show, but I'm telling you it was like a holiday, yet it took him a while to get here. Short has been active in the entertainment scene since the early '70s, while his beginning was on the theater stage, he had honed his comedic talents through the famous Second City. I'm Second City, you're Second City but you were Second City Toronto and I was Second City Chicago, an improv comedy Troop who saw comedies like Greats like John Candy Steve Carell and Chris Farley when you watch his interviews you wonder how he's so clever.
I think you may be the best storyteller in Hollywood. The thing is, improvisation teaches you to be incredibly inventive. I think he attracted me. character work and there was a part of me that was drawn to the fact that they regularly perform in front of a large crowd, there is an immense amount of anxiety that you have to overcome in order to be fast after a while, although it does get far away. It's easier which is why so many comedians start on the small stage. You know all of these characters, I think, come from people you know or combinations of people you know and it's good that they do because that creates even though they could be.
Being absurd as characters creates a kind of three-dimensionality. By the late '70s the short was already building its resume within the industry and in the early '80s it would catch the attention of SNL producer Lauren Michaels. What do you think of when you think of the name Lauren? Michaels, I think of an old friend and I think of one of the great innovators in the history of show business. SNL had a pretty big problem on its hands: it was struggling to retain viewers and to make matters worse, Eddie Murphy had left the show in the middle of a booming career, however, the addition of Martin Short would help turn the tide completely and I can show you an equal number of studies that show that smoking can be beneficial for you.
Yeah, well, could you name them? Why should I name them? Why don't you give it a name? their characters were not only creative but incredibly well acted, to call it a success would be an understatement because I had a one year contract and they also paid us more money than they had ever paid people before so I felt like come on be funny . Be funny, but there was an obvious problem. The SNL workload was very different than what I was used to. I just wanted to survive. I didn't want to be in nine scenes. I wanted to be in two scenes.
Second City provided him with a more lenient job. In their schedule and in a less stressful environment, there were many more rehearsals unlike SNL where they often presented sketches live on air for the first time. He was so overwhelmed by the workload that by the third episode he was already writing his resignation letter and again after the third show I came back and had a meeting with Dick EOL and told him that I wanted to leave, however he decided to hold on for a season complete and eventually left to pursue a wildly successful career in film, do you know if I leave this?
What's going to blow up and you're all going to blow up so move on since his career started to take off. He had been making many more appearances on different talk shows. It was here that we saw his improvisation skills really start to shine. They removed a rib, what is the new chin? No, I'm just looking out for myself. I look, is it the new one? able to hit back and make witty comments on the fly as if it were second nature to him. I have the best hair in the business. You're an expert, well, I mean, first of all, you can barely watch the networks and second of all, he had perfected his experience not only as a


but also as a host.
You know you have a very unpleasant way of speaking, thank you, yes, it's not a compliment. you're an oh, I'm a yes, you're, this is the famous Larry David, angry and you're full of anger, how did you find Pepito?, how did you do it?, where did he come from?, you know, I was always fascinated by the idiots with power, Asel. In Second City he had given him many characters to experiment with, one of the most memorable being Jiminy Click. This is the craziest interview I've ever done in my life. That's why they call me multidimensional. Why was it called Fridays? because it was like Saturday Night Live but not funny, but no, yeah, this character was a clumsy, manic, sometimes nonsensical interviewer, and you've done so many movies, when are you going to make the big one?
What do you mean by something big? That fits with something that fits with all of this was creating tension and awkward moments. You've had an interesting career, right? Yeah, I don't know much about it. I see you haven't gone through the hair. or makeup that was a choice. Mar Short found it much easier to mask anxiety under a fat suit and complete creative control. Short's ability to adapt to almost any celebrity was on full display here oh, you're hungry, sorry, I have a big A celebrity will come sit here in a second, but I think I ordered a club sandwich topped with Stevia.
He even felt comfortable touching on topics that, if he hadn't been in character, would have seemed outside the bounds of a talk show if I heard one more. Semitic comment from your mouth, oh, now we're pretending your people don't litigate. It's okay with this experience. He had become desensitized to the awkwardness that comes with being the interviewer or the one in the hot seat. It doesn't come. with the same anxiety that most people do nor adhere to the same standards that you see when Martin Short is on a talk show. He directs the entire exchange. Jimmy laughs about what Roma lettuce is to E coli.
Thank you. Well, there are those who can. Play along, able to take the hits and adapt to his sarcastic comments. Marty. I love it when you're active for a period of time and then you're glad I'm gone and then I'm so glad you're doing it. They're gone, huh, or those who seem to stagnate under the pressure. If someone had told me 20 years ago that I would be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon with all these Emmy nominations, I would have said Jimmy Fallon, you know, I never thought about that. way Martin Short is a strong test of a host's temperament you look like the most modern insurance adjuster in the world you really don't and I want to say that with love thank you very much I accept it I will take you with nothing but love if you are experienced you know that for the most part it's just a little, some would even say they're relieved.
I could relax and as a viewer in the audience or someone at home, I could just enjoy Marty just by being around him when he's on the host. able to relax, take their foot off the accelerator and let their charm work, it's almost as if they were the ones being interviewed. Martin Short is, at the end of the day, an entertainer, his purpose is to create interest and laughter with a little. In a naughty twist, the audience keeps saying oh, he's no good and they're no good, and if you have a joke that kills, if you're the person who makes those jokes and they don't work, you're very aware of the bass, but if you Ask his friends and those in the industry will tell you it's the exact opposite offstage.
Martin Short is an incredibly empathetic individual. I love you so much because you know it's true, he has lived a life that at times was plagued by plagues. With the tragedy, the loss of your wife, yes, listen, I can have a full conversation with Nancy right now as if she were here. I know exactly what I would say because you know. We were together for 36 years. He has shaped and molded the man he is today. Comedy. I'm sure it served as an escape, you know, I think in some ways work is the best healer for that because you know she wasn't necessarily in Boston when I was putting on a suit and ready to go on stage, she was at home. .
A way to build relationships and cope with the turmoil that comes with a big loss becomes more apparent when you're at home, so when you think about why most great hosts tend to roll with the punches, you realize there's an intense amount of mutual respect. here Martin schw is among the best talk show guests of all time, without a doubt, and it's a lot of fun to collaborate with them, they know that at the end of the day it's just comedy, they know that he's not acting with bad intentions, They know you've faced enough loss to empathize with almost everyone.
They know that after 50 years in the industry he has done more than enough to earn his reputation and they are happy to be sitting in the presence of comedy greatness. You know all the people I admire in show business. You're very close to being one of them and that's when the question arises as to why he's letting this guy wreak havoc on your talk show. I think the answer is simple, if Martin Short feels comfortable enough in your presence to roast you how long you were on the EMB bombing table before jumping that's terrible it means you're doing pretty well.

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