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What Prince William Taylor Swift selfie could teach Prince Harry & Meghan | Palace Confidential

Jun 28, 2024
Australia with Prince William for 5 days and I was in the early stages and hadn't told anyone yet so I know traveling there and back is exhausting, you're a bloody trooper Rebecca. In English, never let it be said well, there will be a lot more to talk about, including Prince William Taylor Swift and a certain rosé wine couple before all that, just a couple of the three and a half thousand comments you left on the show last week, thank you. You are the first to speak Pamela Crra had a message about another anonymous member of the royal family.
what prince william taylor swift selfie could teach prince harry meghan palace confidential
Not only is Royal Princess Anne wonderful, we must highlight her husband Tim Lawrence, he is always with her in the background, he always has a smile on his face and is a wonderful representation of the royal family, occasionally he appears alone representing the king and does a magnificent job. he is a big strength and sticks around for a while and is often overlooked as he looks at himself, consider him noticed on this show at least with the little cooler of him to go to the hospital. We love it. Also many of you wrote about the controversy over the conflicting moment between Catherine's announcement that she would be in the color trope and Megan's announcement about her new jam and dog biscuits, Shindy Adams smelled conspiracy and WR and writes yes, for sitting there, you think Megan didn't approve the release date and time of her joyful Jam, Are you all joking, well, we think she means shitty Jam, just don't shoot the messenger, uh, while Sheila Graham says, let's be Honestly, this German dog biscuit thing is just another indication of how irrelevant the Sussexes are, and that's not the case.
what prince william taylor swift selfie could teach prince harry meghan palace confidential

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what prince william taylor swift selfie could teach prince harry meghan palace confidential...

In short, street cred is very good, oh dear, and Gina Maria Mascaras sent her best wishes to the Prince of Wales wishing Prince William a very happy birthday and a wonderful day and a great year ahead. Well, Gina and other William fans will want to stick around. watch the montage a little later in the show we'll stick with Prince William now who along with most of the UK seems to include me was seen at the Taylor Swift concert Rebecca tell us more why he was there. I'm the only person. Who didn't go to this? I think you might have been Yeah, so I had an idea again on Friday night that I was going and I texted someone and said if William was at the Taylor Swift concert and I got a text back. he didn't guide in his private time and I was thinking he's there, he's definitely there with the kids and uh we didn't have confirmation until officially until the next morning when the royal correspondence got a message saying you might want to keep an eye out.
what prince william taylor swift selfie could teach prince harry meghan palace confidential
On social media there will be a photo and lo and behold there was a brilliant


of William with George Charlotte and, uh, Taylor Swift and her bow, Travis Kelsey. If I pronounced that correctly,


you explained to me was very, very important. I think it was a big step to put it in a photo that was definitely going to be worldwide. Now this


with Taylor Richard taken with the Royals had that spontaneous feel, but something says it. It also tells me


I know about Camp Taylor and that it probably wasn't that simple, right?
what prince william taylor swift selfie could teach prince harry meghan palace confidential
No, I'm sure it took a lot of organization. I think you know that it was Taylor Swift who invited Prince William and his children to attend her concert remember that they know each other, that Taylor Swift had sung at a charity concert at Kenston Palace about 10 years ago and dragged William on stage, yeah, so that didn't happen last Friday and not to William on stage, although it did. We saw a great father dancing, didn't we? But I'm sure that, um, yeah, this selfie that was posted on social media would have required a little bit of organizing and there were things like, actually, the outfit she was wearing in the photo was quite modest.
I know it was some kind of jacket rather than a more outrageous stage costume. It's over. I know those costumes very well. I'm Swifty. It was about a very skimpy leotard and boots. That's what I'm talking about, so the fact that she was wearing the jacket probably suggests that she knows that, in general, her social media, you know, is pretty modest, so that again would suggest a little bit of organization and we got more information about what happened from Taylor's boyfriend, Travis, right? Yes, yes, this. It was, yeah, a pretty relaxed account of their meeting and I think beforehand he certainly wasn't very interested in royalty or anything like that, but he made it clear on a podcast with his brother Jason that he was actually quite I'm too nervous to talk and he lowered his beard.
You know well that this is a serious conversation about his Royal Highness. She described William in colorful language that I won't repeat on a family show. But he seemed to be impressed anyway. and I think there's that kind of aura of royalty that seems to impress and Travis, I'm sorry, I was going to say that you actually said that William was a great father and he also said that I thought it was really sweet that he was really impressed. with Princess Charlotte, he basically thought she was a little firecracker, he was asking a lot of questions and he really became captivated by her, which I thought was charming.
I think I suspect it might be Princess Charlotte, who is the big Taylor Swift fan in the family. Well, the smiles on her faces really must have had the best night and haven't had the easiest year. Do you know everything they have been through with their mother and her grandfather? And that reminds me of the days when Princess Diana used to take William and Harry to concerts, you know, that was pretty revolutionary at the time and I think it's good that you know that William is doing that and I think he would have gotten a lot of cool dad points for having taken them. to something like that, yeah it's a shame Katherine didn't go with them but she stayed to look after Louie who is probably a bit young because I would have loved to see Lou dancing that she had a great time doing her little 3 hours . three and a half hours, I think the atmosphere is just if you need to cheer yourself up, go to a Taylor Swift concert.
Oh, I'm sure they'll take Lou next time. Taylor well, he will soon do more dates at Wembley. I can not wait. Now you're back to Mischief, Richard Eden, writing about Williams' friendship with Taylor and comparing it to her brother's celebrity friendships across the pond. I just point out in my article for Mel plus and in the newsletter letter that it's a very different relationship because essentially Taylor Swift is here and she wants to show her respect for the royal family and in some ways you


say pay it forward to the Court, um to um , Prince William, whereas with Harry and Megan, I think it's the other way around.
They're the ones who always seem to be fawning over Hollywood royalty, you know, they thought. I think when they move to California we will be at the center of this type of Roy course and everyone will come to see us. but it never seems to work that way, you often see them at concerts or I remember that we saw them when they met Beyonce and JayZ and it was a Disney premiere and that they were taking advantage of the occasion to do the favor of these greats. wigs trying to get work for Megan well I will say that uh Williams certainly seemed like she was having a better time with Taylor than Harry did when he went to Beyonce, don't you remember that's definitely true, but people do.
Let's just say it's a little unfair that you can see other photos of Harry where he was having a great time, so it was just one photo, but while we're on the subject, Rebecca, it shows, doesn't it? William's friendships are unlike those of his brother or even his father, yes, I mean, William has a very close circle of friends who are all you know, landed gentry types, you know, the kind of nor , as they were once described, the norol turnit. TO, but they're very close and very loyal and it's very difficult to get genuine stories out of this group of people because they've been trying for 20 years, they're very low-key and very protective and I think when he does these celebrity moments.
I think what's interesting is that he does it and you know they knew that selfie would break the Internet if he even joked with you, you know someone on his team. I told him: how many times can you break the Internet in a week? This is the third time you've done it um uh, so I think he does it but then he doesn't put in the effort and I think that's the difference that makes it, it makes it look like the kids were here, you know, it's Taylor, everyone you know. In London everyone talks about it, it's a bit of fun and then we'll go back to the rest of our normal lives.
He doesn't seem to want to get any more out of it, which I think goes back to the point you were making about Harry and Megan and made me think about that moment in their Netflix documentary when they were sitting together at a desk, remember and then Harry says oh surprise, he has a text message oh, is he out from Beyonce? with this kind of terrible acting from H and you know she says oh well I


read it out loud, she says how wonderful I am, you know, which for me was one of the highlights of that documentary and I thought how different William was.
I managed that kind of prime time on Friday night, so Richard talks about an article you wrote over the weekend and there are plans for another new product coming out of Montesito. Yeah, we're obviously fascinated to see what's going on there with this is Megan's lifestyle. brand American Riviera Orchard um and with um my showbiz writer um Alison bosov we did some research to try to figure out exactly what's going on and obviously on this show we've talked about jam, strawberry jam, raspberry jam, dunk cookies , but it seems like it's much more likely that the first real product will be a bottle of wine that may appear on the first episode of your cooking show, right?
And it's a very popular thing that a lot of celebrities have wines that you know and they're often very successful like um you know Kylie Mano, the singer, for example, um and we know that Megan has favorite wines in the past, there's a Ros in particular and in fact, his um, his old blog, the tig was based on the name of his favorite wine, I think. TIG, isn't that one of those? So it's those kinds of things that are much more likely. The question is: would people want to drink a wine that, as you know, was drunk by Megan on her show?
It remains to be seen, well maybe they will. You're like me and you're not very picky when it comes to wine. The wine is great. I think so, maybe if the nice wine people buy it it will be a bit of a treat for you, although we should do a sample here. do live sampling, shouldn't we, if it happens? I would love to include them now, yes, it's done. Rebecca just rushed back to William who actually turned 42 on the day of the Taylor Swift concert she attended, it was her 42nd birthday and we had a wonderful photo to commemorate that occasion, didn't we know how beautiful that photo was ?
I thought she was really fantastic and again I think the


is going out of its way to post a photo taken by Catherine after all the discussions we had about photoshop. and earlier this year, you know, they're just making the point. I think she takes the best pictures of her family and lessons have been learned from what happened and you know people are moving on and I think what it was was really nice. The twist is obviously the week before for Father's Day, we had seen a photograph of the back of William and his children and this was the front and then we just skipped over to Joy on the Sands on Hulan Beach in Norfolk, which is a beautiful Beautiful part of the world, if you've never been to it, you know it's a definite bucket list place to go and then jump on Junes in a really happy and joyful way. um, I challenge anyone not to look at that photo. and smile how many shots must that photo have taken for everyone to smile jumping through the air at the same time anyone who has tried to take a photo of someone jumping off a board at the side of the pool or something like that will know how difficult in fact it is especially with several children and trying to make them all smile at the same time, yes it's a nightmare now Richard, there was an article about William written by one of his colleagues, Richard K, which suggests that all the struggles the family has faced have had place. it just made William stronger Yeah, I mean, essentially it was about Williams Anna Herbalis, you know, just having to deal with his father and his wife's cancer at the same time, obviously, that would test anyone, but the point that Richard was also pointing out was that one.
What he has done, which is very positive, is bring him closer to his father. You know, they've had some tough times over the years, they haven't always seen eye to eye, but according to Richard, it's definitely brought them closer. so that has contributed to the strength of the monarchy, this definitely piqued my interest Rebecca, there was a line in there about Andrew that not many people would know saying that he is part of the reason for William's frustration with him is that he feels that Andrew He wasn't very welcoming to Catherine at the beginning of their relationship, yeah, I mean, I hadn't heard that, but Richard has great sources, so he obviously heard, you know something different, I mean, in some ways, I can imagine it because of having I've had dealings with Andrew, over the years, you know he's pretty pompous and I can imagine him, yeah, wanting to pay a lot of attention to someone until they're worthy or he needstake note of them so you can see that happening, I mean, if William Bears. a big grudge about that, I'm not sure because I think he has other things to worry about and you know, as we know, Andrew hasn't covered himself in glory over the years, um uh, but I think it was a very interesting, hadn't heard it before actually, fascinating stuff and now we'll stick with William because for Mar's 42nd birthday we've rounded up 42 of our favorite photographs of our future king, well a happy belated birthday to the Prince of Wales.
From all of us here at Palace Confidencial, a reminder to please like and subscribe. If you haven't already, thank you so much to Richard Rebecca and you for watching and we'll see you next week, bye.

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