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two bots race for 400K VBUCKS... *default deathrun*

May 02, 2020
We started with $100,000 B and Barney decided to double, then we went for $200,000 B and Barney decided to double again. Now we're playing for $400,000 B, except this time, instead of doing a death


to the best two out of three.


, we go in one go, 50 levels, the first person to finish gets the 400,000 VBox, okay Barney, let's go where we're going, we're going to earn cookie money, bro, oh my god, okay, this is it, I don't know. I'm not even going to look, you're trying to distract me, I can tell, oh, yeah, oh, I was almost wrong about that, oh, I think you're a little ahead, Barney, back, honey, no chance, what do we do?
two bots race for 400k vbucks default deathrun
Oh yeah, come on, don't stop, yeah. he died oh my god you owe too much to celery oh my god dude this time we only got one run again yeah it's not the best of three we're only doing one is this a neo jump? What is this? Oh, those are tears I have, so I wasted so much time doing that Oh oh no what do I do what should I get down here no why do I do that too much brother him - man I have some easier chubs I didn't even know they were stairs oh yeah, it's alright alright, I'm on the speeder Barney, just one maybe the only thing that matters Barney, one race, one race to rule them all, come on, come on baby, I'll be the ruler at the end of the day, oh yeah I failed, so funny, I feel like I'm wrong.
two bots race for 400k vbucks default deathrun

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two bots race for 400k vbucks default deathrun...

Wow, yes, I'm in the lead. I am in legal control. How are you doing this? Oh, I need to do it much sooner. I need to do it much sooner. Oh my goodness, friend, you're getting what's coming. Give me that, yeah, finally, thank you, I finally made it. What is it that all the belts must be behind us? Oh, Barney, I'm screwing up a lot right now, it's okay, we still have many more levels to go. Oh, fucking dude, you just missed the rebound. I know well, yes, I screwed up because I'm about to. Oh my God, come on, I don't, oh yeah, me, me too, me too, oh my God, we're almost halfway through eighty dollars, man, yeah, that. easy, oh it's just a slow section, come on, easy, what do you mean slow section, speed section, what are you talking about, page, what's going on here, Susie, oh, we also have the party of the cage in the cage, oh, is it close?, my cousins, come, right? neck and neck almost neck and neck level 25 what I lost my advantage Barney, slow down come on, I was trying the whole jump but it's not necessary what oh oh I'm in the lead now finally on Friday you come back Cossack eat my dust Marty, oh friend, what is this?
two bots race for 400k vbucks default deathrun
I was also close to the trap, the way I knew it, I knew I was going to make it through, man, I should never leave myself like this, I know, there will be a section where you will mess up. up and although you might come back no way not yet what is that okay I'm done so today I'm ruining this what in what in the nuts what are these nuts spoiling everywhere? Oh nuts, why why where are they? your party where are you? I'm on The Dropper right now. Are you serious? What's going on? Okay, this is a big enough leap.
two bots race for 400k vbucks default deathrun
A big jump over here over here is 29 Marty Here I'm just ruining everything, oh my God. Do you have a tag account at Inc to pay these B dollars? No, no, I screwed up. I ruined the impulses. I ruined the impulses. Come on, it's time. I had never heard of this before. I can't control these impulses. in the moment of the moment, wait, ready, man, this is going to be decisive, Marty, this is going to be decisive. Come on, what's up with this? Oh, okay, oh, I can't lose my big lead. I can't lose my big advantage.
Barney was silent, he's saying. He's getting nervous Look at his tag against Dave all the way back It's okay I better concentrate It's okay I have to concentrate Barney I can't believe you're a stuntman or nothing I can't believe you decided to do that again uh. wait how is this actually a far jump this is actually a far cut oh my god wait he's always right behind me oh you go up you go up what am I doing oh my gosh I'm so dumb I'm literally so sick I'm so bad, what? Why didn't I think of that?
Oh my god, are you stuck yet? Barney, I'm ahead of you now, honey, oh man, you're kidding, you're kidding, you're absolutely kidding, no, I should have been kidding. around yeah oh wait, he's going to die there okay, let's go up to this goddess no way, come on, come on, speed, speed, speed, no, it had to be momentum, Barney, slow down, Barney, don't do it, no Do it, Barney, Mr. No, please don't do it. I go for it. I can't allow myself to concentrate. This advantage. That I am? I don't know how I survived. That's crazy. It's absolutely crazy.
I was very lucky. Okay, avoid the trap. Come on honey, no, what do you mean? What do you mean what are you talking about? Oh, I'm so bad at doing these things. I'm so bad at doing these things. Tires. I'm concentrating badly now. I can not believe it. I lost that lead I can't believe I lost I will thanks bro oh are you kidding me? Well, oh, it's lovely. 105 to this, easily open the upper traps. Oh, too deep, please, please, please, please, sleep, look. Also close, oh god, us two, we're neck and neck, baby, okay, all the way, come on, 36, thanks, party, I got the moves, he got the moves, like me, I got the moves, yay, you got The moves, buddy, you did it.
Don't eat the spinach, Marty, you didn't eat the spinach. I've got a Popeye upstairs, man, I've got a Popeye upstairs, bring that spinach, let's go all the way and that one, okay, I've got the moves, here we go, I'm like a dancer around here Barney no, I know you're sure you've got the leg, he says, go back all the way, all the way, why, how did it not work?, how did it not work?, I did it perfectly, I am not going to lose this 400 that so we are both on the same level, no friend, It's the biggest road right in front of my eyes buddy, I did everything I could, Oh my god, buddy, I'm going to slip up on you, I'm not going to surprise you, what am I doing?
I'm doing it and the protection of my spa is making it harder for me to respond oh my word all my words are on the field right now Barney all my words are coming backwards speed speed speed speed through easy easy easy waited no easy easy yes easy level 38 Damn, dude, you caught up fast, don't be so nervous, my heart is racing, bro Susie, that only came because I'm so focused, dude, it's like NASCAR in my heart right now, it's like NASCAR in my heart, right now? TRUE? now Oh, easy, easy mode, Oh, body, where are you really, I'm right behind you.
I'm going to go, that easy man, aha, okay, wait, what do you leave me, let me go through this guy on the outside floor, oh, I'm. That's it, let me, uh, I just need to go, I lost my fighter, Barney, I have to go back down, oh my God, clapping, I'm so close, no, no, no, my parachute, let me up, let me up, for what, oh, come on, what. How can I, boy, shoot here over there? Yes, where is the air outlet then? Finally, oh my god, my parachute. There are still eight of us. Now we are stunned by Connect Bell.
We're still getting the neck closer. Oh, what's going on? shenanigans of the world Barney I can't handle these shenanigans come on, well I can't put my shoes on, we're both in the same boat right now, go on, I have to understand this, it must still be an early poll or something, it's earlier, later , what's happening? I went on with this, oh my god, oh, they finally took my shoe off. I missed the door, man, just ten more levels. Vardi, it all comes down to this, it comes down to ten levels where there is almost a thousand B dollars for each of these levels.
I can hardly get it. I couldn't take out my parachute either I couldn't I can't take out my parachute Iser what Barney doesn't really do is fine, joking aside Barney no, don't do this, don't do this to me Barney Barney, don't do this to me joking aside joking aside 100,000 B dollars I know I need it I need it you need it I can finally carry it here I come after you again 42 oh my god that's some parkour here wait I thought you wouldn't run down maybe I just needed more speed, oh my god, Barney, I'm like getting so nervous right now, oh love, 42, I'm with you, I'm with you, oh no, I suck at parkour, I suck at parkour, it's literally the worst, except not today, honey.
Not today, come on, no, what are you doing, what do I do, what do I do, oh I know how to do this, I gotta find the right time, I gotta find the right time, dude, this is one crazy jump, oh, I missed too many times, I failed, what minute am I going to jump, what do you mean take the jump? oh, you're behind me again, he's behind me again, God, what are you going from?, oh, there you go to here, there's no wrong angle, come on, Barney, I've got a lead on you. again no, I have the impulses where I'm going no, I can't believe you anymore no, yeah, okay, impulses up there up there, look at the feet, oh my God, I literally hit him and I got out of 400,000 on the line and I got out of the platform after hitting it, you've got to be kidding me, come on, come on, don't screw this up, don't screw this up, don't screw this up, focus, focus, focus, oh no, no, no. do this Barney don't do this don't do this there don't do it he did it he just did it I'm done yes yes yes yes yes yes and I juggle the whole maze through the whole a dark maze wait Oh Barney's Bharath this of what I'm like that I have to have a wheel down I have to have the buildings I have to go down yes I'm done I'm third - up there - no no oh, I wasted too much time no, oh, there's a catch, there's a catch, I know the last two levels the party is killing us.
I gotta do this, man, I came all this way for a thousand dollars. I can't lose this now, come on, come on, come on, please, oh, I bet you've got momentum. here we go forty-seven you're at forty-seven Barney I'm still at 46 it's up it's too close it's too close yes thanks no I hate light parkour I absolutely despise light parkour I despise my parkour I despise it so much I can't I don't do lights What's the what's going on? What is my life right now? Why do they have to do this level? Simply remove this level from the map.
It would have been fine, it would have been my purges. Come on, I'm only fighting in the last two levels. Barney, please fight the last two levels, come on, come on, my whole life has gone down the drain, there's a drain that goes straight to the sewer and my whole life is going down it right now, no, please Please catch this trap, what an awkward angle. I hate awkward angles that don't come early this year for me Christmas doesn't come early for me please I'm so close don't do it Barney don't do it yeah 49 no don't do it what are you telling me?
I need to try a different strategy. I need to try a different strategy, come on, this one strategy, no, I thought I could do a different strategy, it didn't work for a party, don't do it, don't do it, it will feel a lot at level fifty, I can feel it, come on, friend. Why am I so bad? This level is my kryptonite. This is the only reason. This is the only reason. No, it's a dropper. I've almost done it. No, no, come on, this is the last try. Last try here. No, no, maybe not. make it fade it on the line yes yes finally all my life I'm not dead everything goes wrong you completed it I completed it 400,000 dollars almost jumped out of my pocket but we saved it Barney we did it like the gentlemen I'm like the gentlemen I'm well played Barney well played yes Lord I'm going to go cry now I'm going to cry

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