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True Facts: Killer Surfing Snails

Jun 07, 2021
Let's back up a little bit, this is Abigail, second from the top center-right. Abbi is a sea snail of the species Olivella semi strata and she tells everyone because it's so fun to say that she loves the beach but that she minds her own business. A species of snail, she spends most of her time hiding under the sand. Abby's friend Milly also lives there. Milly belongs to the Mazatlan species, Kurata, which Abby thinks is a bit much. There's always drama with Milly and she can't stop talking about her babies. which he carries on his back if he would stop being scared for a second we could see them freeze see form little clusters on his back and if we look closer we can see all the little babies inside caviar and


all in one very French they too are going to die in any case let's go back to Abigail the semi strata of olivella as the low tide approaches and it's time to eat abigail does something special mostly buried in the sand facing the ocean stretches to propose eel appendages that are extensions in the shape of wings on the front of his foot.
true facts killer surfing snails
Here they are very close, but she gets a little soft when she comes out of the water. It wipes these appendages on the bottom of its foot to collect mucus as it deploys them in flowing water. This creates two boogers. It is woven as if you fools sneezed into your hand and then spread your fingers, these snot. The nets collect small particles of food from the passing water, she is a little crazy, at which point she brings the mucus to her mouth and slurps it all up. The top tube, the bottom one, is a siphon. Thanks Abigail, that's a better view of your siphon. ​​It is like a small snorkel for


that attracts water and helps them breathe to continue eating in the counterflow that flows.
true facts killer surfing snails

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true facts killer surfing snails...

She needs to move with the tide. travels on foot, sorry, joke, waves, muscle contractions similar to those of this land snail, along with a good amount of mucus, allow it to easily slide through the wit, so it leaves a small trail of mucus, nothing of which be ashamed, on the back of your foot. Called a meta podium, she has two meta podium flaps that are sometimes placed against her side while she crawls. He can use these flaps to help him get under the sand, they form an underground covering for part of his shell, think somewhere between the foreskin and a comfortable vest, he also uses these flaps to gallop when he gets scared, go, Abby, go, However, when you want to travel a little further, if you can do something amazing by spreading your fins and spinning on your back, you can use your foot to catch the surf.
true facts killer surfing snails
It's like a Mary Poppins underwater umbrella, but covered in mucus, it even moves. a bit like a beard maintaining speed until it is in a more suitable position on the beach and then goes back to eating snot while buried, however Abigail is not the only surfer on this beach, although the sea snail and the goron Pro patella, nicknamed aggro, you don't understand why she has a pretty impressive surfboard of her own, but anga Ronia is not interested in making snot nets in the back, instead she is


on these beaches to Find it right, Abigail, let's back up a bit bit.
true facts killer surfing snails
Aronia is a fearsome predator, but this is what she can't really sense from more than three centimeters away and the same goes for Abigail: life on the beach is so simple and predictable that over the years we have lost our eyes. and the tentacles, kind of like how human surfers eventually lose their shirts, shoes and jobs, so watching these snails can sometimes be like watching a bad horror movie, no, don't go that way, she went that way, chews instead of eyes and tentacles anger onea has developed sensory organs on the front of its foot or apropos of this vanguard that moves with the world can sense chemical signals and movement if it encounters a drop of snail juice that hits , likes to eat living things, so almost anything that moves is fair game when generating anger.
Anya has a rather unusual capture method. If it's not clear what just happened, let me explain, let's just look at the foot and don't give me any nonsense about the baby, which is a very bad baby during a Hit the front part forms a spoon, this grabs the prey and the pulls towards the back of your foot. The rear part or goal podium is tightened as if it had a cord. This forms what is called a metapoly bag in which the prey is stored because she can't really see if she made a mistake in something and takes advantage of it.
It's like during Black Friday shopping Walmart turns off all the lights and you're just grabbing things who knows what would end up in the cart and you run into the janitor if it's small enough you pick it up and leave it there right next to the brayla by George Foreman, so this hermit crab has eyes, by the way, he should have known better, now he seriously regrets overlooking that bottle cap. to live and he's like he's a crab, not a snail. I got onea agar pinches I don't give a shit once its prey is in its pouch the onea anger starts to bury itself in the sand and God it moved this is a annoying way to die let's face it it looks like someone buried to an old man on a nudist beach, anyone whose Onia foot agar begins to release proteolytic enzymes to start the digestion process.
Sorry, it's a little ironic to die on a testicle right once underneath. the onea sand anchor will insert its mouth into the bag at the end of a - proboscis in white this mouth is equipped with a radula you can see one in action in these other snails and slugs it is a flexible blade of teeth like fleshy sandpaper using its rajala will eat all the soft parts and leave behind the clean shells, so when you pick up that pretty shell on the beach it's basically a crime scene, but if you're a Negroni... you gotta be careful to live by the foot dies by the foot, something like that because AG aronia is from Hannibal and there is always a bigger standing AG aronia, sorry, it gets complicated, you start arguing about who eats who, things you would hear at an orgy for narcissists, anger, Oh, Nia.
They are so aggressive that they will attack things much larger than they could fit in their bag, but by the way, they will try it the old fashioned way. If you are a scientist with a foot fetish, this is the animal you should study, Danny. I don't want you to go down to the beach and stick your fingers in the snails' legs. All the neighbors keep asking me why Danny goes to the beach and touches the snails' legs. Mother, you can't talk to me like that anymore, it's my job and me. I'm a grown man, look, he's trying to eat people's anger.
Oh Mia, it's not entirely offensive, although it has one more special feature, look at that dark line that runs through its foot and is called the plane of autonomy when a caronia is under attack and retracts. Inside its shell, the part of its foot that is exposed can break off along that line and will eventually grow back on beaches far away from it around the world. Other snails have also developed the ability to serve if a gorilla is like the lions of the surfer snails and then the snails of the bullier genus are like vultures, they have a


style more similar to the longboard and what they look for are dead things that They were washed up on the beach to rot when the bulliest feels the cloud. of juices floating from this blue bottle jellyfish, for example, will do for the part of the beach where the jellyfish are most likely to have landed if you smell cookies look in the kitchen, things like that, no need for a foot bag , the jellyfish not going anywhere and intimidating Zahn, the remains directly with his mouth, bully to the bucket.
I also have a creative way to complete your diet. Their shells attract the growth of a green algae that they will eat from time to time to make your vegetables even sharper. like in Paige, Sally Ayanna they have liked to surf up and down the beach while hunting for worms, they ride a nice little short board in Paige, they belong to the same super family as these cone snails and they have yet another method of hunting, they extend its proboscis. towards their prey, in this case a not-so-intelligent fish, they then use a modified barbed needle-shaped rajala to harpoon the fish.
The Allah range contains toxins that can stun or kill the prey, which is then consumed whole by the The rest of the mouth parts is a little scary, but it's over pretty quickly and, by the way, it's better than dying in a ball sack If you're a fish, don't respond to those ads in the newspaper to be part of a clinical research trial, so wait. what exactly am I supposed to do just hang out that's, wait, this is porn oh shit, it's porn just another snail who's just kidding, that's it. You were scared for a second, weren't you?
But listen, I need to tell you about these snail tracks, they're random, right, but are they? I mean, look at it, this is not like that, you type the word monkey a million times and then it's peso, you take a typewriter and you put in a monkey. In it, no, there are many typewriters, and there are many monkeys, and they are all drawings in the sand. This is getting really embarrassing for both of us.

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