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Trouble in Terrorist Town - Island Adventure - LAN Party

Feb 27, 2020
Hey, which one is the traitor? At some point, an innocent. I'm innocent too. At war, major. Only one boy went to the attic. Oh, don't compromise, don't give the shell, man, don't come in, I'm not, I'm just. on the roof below hey, it's me, oh boy Manson, okay, okay, can you kill the bird family, is that right? I'm so worried, oh my God, I am. I could have killed you. He could be a murderer. I searched only to buy. I like it. my elevator went down to the open door and Kevin is there. I cook in the bun, you know, it's like turning it up, dog, you called it an oven, man, I'm going to blow you away because you can, you're standing there. challenge I can, it's a good job, well Nico, stay away from me, this is my house, I don't know, it's up to you, brother, okay, um, I don't know, no, I don't want to, no way, I don't I'm going to bother cleaning up, I guess that's it. precarious okay, so hey, oh wait, I told you you saw my man, cobblestones, hey, who's that part, it's me.
trouble in terrorist town   island adventure   lan party
I shot because I can get really scared, but I didn't stop to see anyone in that tower, right, I'm not ready. I'm not normally a good fit for a sniper rifle, Kevin, so what am I going to put where I kept my gun? No, you say, you say, you say, okay, okay, okay, hey, who's the traitor's gun? He didn't kill anyone, that's all, so when you guys shoot someone, I accidentally attacked Kevin, it was a misfire, probably Nico who shot me, but I knew it was you, Nico, I knew I sneakily saw you like to me, your weapon up to the eSATA cable. you want to try to point another one at the top of the rope we're not going to make kevin and I oh yeah let's try to make us show each other's side more you guys anything it's hard to lie to the people you all talk to the days, don't come. up here, that's my safe, we're doing this thing where we just say thank you, yeah, we don't talk after we die, yeah, second, your bar, right, I'm going to say they're dead, I'll sit down, who's telling me bowling?
trouble in terrorist town   island adventure   lan party

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trouble in terrorist town island adventure lan party...

Kevin listen together a million it was a good place far from here I'm innocent I just want to check his hearts this chain his letters I'm trying to make sure you guys aren't evil What the hell does that mean? I just don't trust any of you. I only have my celery, so more horse carts means we're not even humming badly. Hey, how about you stop pointing out sniper rifles, sniper rifles in assault? Different head away from here, guys, I'm going to bring peace to everyone, yeah, I'm going to holster my gun, I'm going to get to the real thing, I'm going to shake your hand, okay, no, no, I see, they don't even know how to throw up.
trouble in terrorist town   island adventure   lan party
Hello, it's okay and I'm going to walk. Oh god, this is probably some kind of inbreeding. Watch this. I'm regular. This from your coach. I just got shot. I can't make it public. Works. I am also the merchant. What the hell are they? What are you doing, good jump, I want it, someone shooting at the facts, I think it's mine, someone shooting at me, shooting, I thought Kevin shot you, Niko forbidding, I'm sorry, ma'am, are you seeing what's happening here? I'm not going to wait for this, I'm not going to stay left if you give up either, well the buttons in the game hurt, take my gun away, you know I've got it good, so you're going to shoot me, yeah, because you said they were shooting at you and Kevin . he was right next to you 20 he was pointing his gun at you so they shot me before keV oh I got hurt good I just saw him in the corner I know it all looks like a dead body falling from the ceiling most who is it all I'm eight, okay, Kevin is here, Nico.
trouble in terrorist town   island adventure   lan party
You look at my shadow that sniper rifle that I didn't shoot clearly you saw me you have the sign behind you know what these are I'm on the beach - where are you on the beach? I'm Nico Brandon I'm the devil - 'Cause you and I don't exactly shoot I'm ready Bud Brand sneaking around Who heard a gunshot? Fannin's trance is gone. I'm looking for you guys. I mean, if you come from the show, I come to you. Come on, Brandon, I was in the band and the smart one, stay away from me, okay, right here, very reliable news, very reliable, trust me, he trusted, oh, don't feel the knife, that's my person though .
I still know that you are Mike, the renewal of it. aspire to come like the body is not who it will be, yeah, I've never done it again, I'm never in, I never will be, then I'll be uh, mainly the sniper watch. I'm going to climb to the top of the tower. Me tonight you are in a big, tall, tall tower. I'll be fine. I'll be there for an hour. I will be your protection. We are going to create. If you're going to go to this, you're relying too much on which tower is the main one. tower ad he'll believe in the crusher I'm not a Brent Brent Brent what I'll be your perfume on the trigger you're some of my good you're down here Kevin will try the elevator up there if Nico tries to play the trust game with us let's shoot him good I swear to God, I already have an elevator with me, go, go to me, see the man, go up, I press the button, okay, here we go, Nico needs double X, get in the shotgun, it will be very funny, that would be nice, unfortunately it's not the trigger we're about to discover, is it?
Yes, you were eight to one. Oh, you didn't call us, can you kill us? Name there, where are you, lady, hey, hey, you're super? shady friend, I'm super shady, yeah, what's so shady here? I hope it's totally dc50, it's killing me, it's shooting me, oh my god, oh so it's definitely a date, yeah, but suddenly I'm pretty convinced. Oh, okay guys, you have to delete it. looking for Butterfinger is most names yes oh my god I've been out sorry oh my dear Noel that was great. I'm literally shocked at half my health so I'm sorry I really apologize without your deep rounds for deep friend oh I know I put a bullet in your head how did you survive?
I ain't hit nothing you want, get it out of your head when I shot you sub D, what's up man, don't touch me, don't touch me? I eat an innocent innocent innocent innocent triple I am like a child. I'm so innocent right now that, yeah, I'm not like a baby. I have to raise him, as you know. IM super. I just like this light that just arrived. For my part, tell me, don't come into my little hut. I don't have one, you have a weapon ready. Okay, come in my little girl. I won't do it. Alright.
I'm supervising. I'll just warn you of my strategy this time. It's, I'm going to play like the


s, okay, okay, this is what's happening. I can't trust any of you, so I'll stay in the hut. you come to my hut. Look, I'll see you. All I can say is. that I'm not the reason you know I'm not the traitor is because I'm pressing C and I don't get an interesting menu, we don't get a screen without cheating. Oh look where you are, you know Brendan. You are watching? um, I mean, I talk the least and I've never experienced anything to worry about, which is why I'm walking.
I like where you all can take a photo because I'm not really worried about what you guys do because me and Brandon. traitor who is that shady guy back there is D it's me I'm not the writer arc of the shady looking guy it's embarrassing most likely I'm the traitor yes I'm going to go hang out with you just okay I'm okay , yeah, it's not pop, it's not that cool, no, it's random, please stop, I'll just walk by. I'll freeze you if you come and touch me. I'm ready, that's enough. You all know my number one rule, which is under no, you will never touch me I definitely have and don't want to I have a few handfuls I don't want to see what I was reading break that rule but the terrorism game whoa whoa creepy is okay, we know what he shoots at Gavin the back here totally a traitor he is totally I'm a traitor he just betrayed me with his look my glass where is he?
I'm hugging us I'm not going to smoke pomegranate edge yes, I saw that I will sweep Kevin away, is it true? that the merchants there is no oven whoa Kevin we just started bleeding what was an explosion blood came out of you I didn't hear anything blue it shouldn't circulate I think there is a lot of desynchronization there is another explosion I'm just walking Kevin they are totally children guys, it's Kevin Kevin there is still like gunshots happy, you just shot me with a grenade and then you ran away Tommy no, he's going to show me no, no, this is a duel between me and Kevin oh, okay, yeah, hey Kevin Kevin, I'm sorry, yeah, stop the weather so you have a Awesome, yeah, thanks for killing a taxi, you shot yourself.
Sorry, pump to ban the head in first person to accuse someone of being a traitor. I'm going to kill mm-hmm, okay, let's duel, that's all we're going to play. okay, oh, I don't know, maybe maybe maybe not. I'll see Morgan Nealey 13, well Williams, I'm not a traitor or I'll be very uncomfortable when I'm seven. I need to go get some weapons when I should soon, yes I will. I'm going to find some weapons for when I kill everyone because I'm totally cool with everyone. Sam is totally innocent and Gary innocent. Exams are traitor. I'm so innocent right now.
I look like a baby to Santa. I am the trend we have. come back and swing and that's my strategy that's my skirt I'm the traitor I thought magic but whatever really well it's definitely not me he's crawling there who's crawling down there it's definitely not me maybe not where I am here with a shotgun leave I'm just near the attic, keep the shotgun. I'm going to play this entire game with my M16. Anyone who has objections, guys, I'll throw the smoke grenade and wherever it lands, it's probably the traitor because the wind will always guide you look wait grab a fruit up things wait gently you look very bad I'm just opening my gun that It's still too bad yeah, I'm going to use you guys, so don't ever let me shoot this cannon okay, oh, this is dead later, hey, hey, I'm still here, wait for me now, I heard a shot, don't ask me, I'm with my gun on, it's not really a drug, you're pointing your gun, maril, no. you my head my head I saw you shooting I'm in Janeiro and these cell phones are watching us like a damn Creek now like a creep I'm just being careful I'll see your shock absorbers will get cold look at me d da traitors traitors and failures cruise cruise okay, you're going to get naked, You can drop the bar, oh, okay, traitor truce, here we go, okay.
I was shot here on the left. Brandon, not with me. Sam. I just arrived here. I showed up at the wrong place, but now I can trust. You're okay, Shaq, something shiny, ghost, that's me. I'm watching you guys. I have them watching Zico. I'm making sure it's all you. I'm at the top of this tower, oh my God, it's me. Go and then Kevin walks with you, that was it. The only way they could have shot you, the guy, well I'm the guy, here we go, let's record the blood, double power, I'm going to finish our what needs you?
Where is Mako? I do not know where you are. I am like. from tower to tower, yeah, you know what, who wants to ride the elevator with me to the top of the tower, kill you, go, you're going up here, drink for me, stay away from me, I probably don't listen to me himself, yes, no, is he? He literally he was saying this is probably not Nico since I'm like rolling over on you guys oh come on what were you doing up there with a gun? He had an amazing rifle, oh you're right, I showed them my sniper rifle.
Look too weak ladies, so many video games that are just killing virtual people is not enough anymore, you have to kill your friends and then hear that here and then hear them scream when they do it. I was like, damn, okay, let's go to the movies. theaters, wait, I'm innocent, I'm innocent again, did I or didn't I, no, wait, hey, Spode, hey, you smoke funny anyway, well, I'm innocent, I'm at the top of the tower, I've got a shotgun, so you can't even hear it. Oh, it's okay, I'm innocent too. I have a baffled er, so I can take it.
Theoretically I can do like an artillery attack or a mortar attack on someone. Okay, ignore the blood. I just call it cluck with this walking with the rock. yes, very suspicious Kevin, only yours, murderer, my grenadiers, Kevin just put my grenade, he is very good at doing it, okay, tell me, just throw the colors off a building. Oh guys, now I'm going to get you with that rock over there and I'm watching. with a bike yeah hey who's shooting come on Brandon I just saw what's happening Bran Randon it's an ego tear for you ego 3 use them and try to mean something to me go skinny monkeys near the attic, well, you're shooting at me, you died.
You see something? Oh, you hit me, man, for a hurt. What did he do? Did it make you move a harm? Kinda, Timmy Jam, man, this is like that in an episode of Dark Place You.

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