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Titanfall 2 by Bryonato in 1:23:45 - SGDQ2019

Feb 27, 2020
Doctors Without Borders is our charity here when you make a donation check out the perfect dark bonus game incentive. I'm going to keep remembering them until we get there. Thank you very much, very good friends, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a great friend of mine with a great speedrun it's time to send him through the main stage for


to anypercent by Brian Otto thanks for everything X you are very kind welcome guys hello I'm Brian Otto today we're going to do


2 anypercent I'm going to Present my couch real quick right here we have cars really a great friend of mine and a friend from my streaming duties who knows who flew from Australia 20 hours of travel and a six hour delay to be here, so thank you. like a resident glitch Lord and then a fun cannon who ran this game previously is also a really real experience for the PS racer so thanks for helping me guys yeah okay so we'll go ahead and start here.
titanfall 2 by bryonato in 1 23 45   sgdq2019
I just received a load. Name the mission and I'll count them down. I'm super excited to talk to you about Titanfall 2 for the next hour and a half so let's go okay 5 4 3 2 1 okay so Titanfall 2 is a developed sci-fi military FPS. by Respawn Entertainment respawn is responsible for the recent VR legends Apex that you may have heard of and they were also previously Infinity Ward when they worked on all the universities until Modern Warfare 2, so really, very good game designers and this campaign is incredible. To begin, we will be introduced to some of the main movement mechanics of the game.
titanfall 2 by bryonato in 1 23 45   sgdq2019

More Interesting Facts About,

titanfall 2 by bryonato in 1 23 45 sgdq2019...

What you may not know about Titanfall 2 is that it runs on a modified version of The Source engine, which means we have access to things like aerial strafing. be jumping and then we also have a full parkour system, which means we can wall run and double jump, it's really cool, so when this game gets going at a speed that looks a bit like Half- Life and Mirror's. Edge, so this first movement technology that we will see will be called slide jumping, so slide jumping is fine, it is an automatic scroll, the less slight jump is basically mechanically the same as jumping, we jump as soon as we touch the ground , but also light jumps are a little more versatile because we have a little time before we can touch the ground and/or when jumping and maintaining our speed.
titanfall 2 by bryonato in 1 23 45   sgdq2019
I'll also do aerial strafing that just moves to the left. and just through the air there is usually a movement limit or a movement speed limit that is present when you hold W and you can subvert that by pressing y and moving in an arc through the air. I took an EPG that we're going to use to boost ourselves and then I'm also going to skip a reload animation here, so we're in a simulation right now, we're being trained by the last mosa and we don't really know why we're not going to find out yet. either of them because they're going to die, but since we're in a simulation, we can do these really cool damage boosts and we can basically throw a grenade at ourselves without dying.
titanfall 2 by bryonato in 1 23 45   sgdq2019
You may have seen Cash Mayo's world record with this gauntlet at about 12 seconds, which is 11.9 now, which is great, but we'll do it in 16, which is fine for speed racing, we'll get out of the gauntlet and come back to enter and that will skip his dialogue and now we leave and there is a There is a lot more to do, move carefully and we will get there. We're just going to try not to overwhelm you with all this information, but the main thing right now is a slight jump, which is very important, there are also jumps, but that's the time, it's much tighter and we won't see it as much, so which now we'll call BT or I guess another Titan we're not going to have access to the Titans yet and We'll cover them later, but for now I'll try to do a fun little mistake here.
I'm not really sure if it will work, but we'll see, okay, so if I can jump on this, if you can jump on this. when it's flying W so it's okay, if you can land on it at the right time, this guy will come into it at like a super weird angle, but okay, it was kind of yeah, the slightest, the timing is pretty precise. on that, so to give a little context of what's going on. We are playing as Rifleman Jack Cooper. He is a member of the Militia, which is a rebel military force that is fighting against the IMC or the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation.
They are like a big corporation. conglomerate that goes from planet to planet across the border and takes all their resources and drives people out of their homes, so we are the people who are fighting against that and at this point in history we are like a normal old man in in the army, nothing like super special about us, tons of force traveling here, these are all the character levels, encounter later, he dies and the cauldrons look how can you believe spoilers for a speedrunning event, buddy, can you? how dare you? Yes, personally, I watch drag racing. to get the full experience of the game so you know that's why I was here so we're going to play on easy mode as easy as faster which is of course any% so now we're going to move on to BT 72 74 which is the name of the Titan that we will use in the future, but also the name of this level, what we are discovering right now plot-wise is that we were crash-landing behind enemy lines on the IMC planet of Taif and they had some kind of of the research facilities they're doing something with here, we were going to look into it and found out they bit off more than we can chew, we'll probably have time for just one donation before we really get started here, oh okay, I'll just attend.
Volta, why not AE? I tried $20 of it. Oh honey, the awesome triple just beat Titanfall 2 on gbq once again with my boy Bryce Duman. I wish I could be there donating to desperate Marvin for the memes. Please don't bannerino Bry, so he just opened a mod position. my stream so if you want to apply hit me up on Twitter kill Marvin by the way kill Marvin save the frames so we'll land here and they'll fill them with a ton of drugs there will be a little I guess you could call a jump, we are not pilots yet, but we can still do slide jumps.
Normally the pilots have a lot of extra equipment that they use to go fast, but we can still glide up in this part of the game, which is pretty cool and we'll use it to get ahead of a drop pod which is a crash landing and then we'll do a fragmentation impulse right after. This will be the first frag boost you'll see outside of the glove. There will be a few of these along the way, so this one carries a lot of risk, but we can also get rid of it if we need to, so we'll see what we can do here.
This segment is pretty difficult just because I only have one jump and that gravity is a lot higher than normal, okay I won't be able to do the frag boost but I'll be able to get ahead of it so you can hear it crash behind me, you gotta like it. go and I barely missed the entrance on the first slide jump so unlike other source games we don't use the scroll wheel to jump in this game because we have a double jump so if you scroll you are using all three gems but also if finding scroll the jump just doesn't work so it doesn't really matter this is the infamous 18 hour scene named after the dialogue that comes later this is the last time oh so this was the guy who was training us and he's going to give us a little more drugs and that's his Titan in the background by the way 72 74 and in this scene we will meet all our enemies that we will defeat throughout the race and the top predators and these are the same apex predators that continue to run the apex championship in apex legends, alright, that's probably just a few of them, that's cool, that's right and of course here comes the dialogue, it's like super mario sun from FPS games , an incredible move. that you have this very long scene at the beginning of each run, we have a category called quick 90% where we use save files to skip all this, but it's not really suitable for a marathon environment as we just do a lot of things. and you don't understand the context and this allows us a lot more time to explain what's going on which was a voice crack Talia charging a dollar for the voice crack so we probably have time for a couple of donations rather, something I don't have 18 hours to go, we run the bonus game finale, we even donated $250, say hello, sgdq, and wait, watching from the beginning, back in 2010, the first time I was able to donate, let's start the perfect dark run, thanks for contributing to that I need some help to make that extra run happen we've also become human with $5 yeah Briah on gdq entertain us super fast guy go fast for a great cause thank you okay so we're almost there we're using I'm playing in the maximum field of view, so you can see that navigator kind of slide in from the right, that's always good, there will be quite a few things that point out that are designed in a strange way, another thing to point out.
What comes out is that grunt that's falling down the river, he'll just know there's a trail of blood and everything and then you come this way and he's gone, so we really know what happened to him, so what's the matter? who most fortunately saved this, but now we? We're going to try to kill him, we're not actually going to kill him, but we're going to shoot him just because you know he takes up a lot of our time and that's not right, he's a drag on speedrun and then we kill him and take the Titan from him.
Even though that's happening in the context of a Titanfall universe, what's happening here is pretty huge. Last time Somoza gave us control of his Titan and his entire pilot team, which never happens because the pilots are like this elite infantry unit with a really very low graduation rate of their training, so it's a big deal, wear my helmet. What you will see as soon as we start will be. I'll be there most of the time when I hit the wall. Jump off it instantly and Titanfall runs at 60 native ticks. I think it's like 60 frames per second, but that's actually not the easiest way to explain it, so if I jump off the wall within 5 ticks or less, it's called a wall kick.
I'll get a speed boost if so five ticks three ticks one tick each of those faster incremental boosts as soon as we put on the helmet here the races will really take off so instead of waiting for the game to give me an option to sprint. I'm going to jump back and grab a wall and then jump forward and that will help me reach the minimum speed threshold I need to slide and jump, so this level is actually very difficult because you can tell there are a lot of weird things. Rocks and a lot of geometry here and each of these rocks like that, if I hit them at the wrong angle, they'll slow me down significantly, so I have to avoid that all the time, so here's that kick on the wall right there.
You'll see that time and time again throughout the race, this opening segment is brutally punishing, mainly because we only have access to one jump at the moment, canonically our jump kit is in quotes calibrating. I almost died there, that was scary and normally you can. You don't grab a wall after jumping off it, but if the wall is curved we can do it like this and that allows us to skip the room this segment up here is called river of death and this is a really very demanding area for newbies runners. New runners usually have a lot of trouble here, but this is a pretty consistent strategy.
We picked up the Eva shotgun, which is a fully automatic weapon with very high DPS and also has a ton of range, and then we considered that we'll be sliding into people's faces most of the time. You can probably imagine why this is so valuable to us, Popke, because it's on our way and now we finally have access to our double jump. Now we have our entire barrel of movement. boss, here we go, those barrels aren't random, but if you hit it the wrong way, it's pretty weird, so we're trying to get two batteries back to VP so they're at full power, so here's the first one. of two and as we go up here we're going to do a slide boost, but if we do it at a very acute angle it's called a tilt boost, there's a weird interaction with the geometry here where we're just propelled at a really high rate of speed and we're going to use that boost to get us across the river and then use that shard to kill those three grunts we need to do to install the battery and the second half of the level is probably one of those difficult segments in the game so there's a crack voice, count, count, this is a jump called river jump that was found by us, cheat, it saves about 10 seconds, the game doesn't look like much, but it's really nice, here's the second snippet you might have.
HEwhat they did, they did it Wow and now our technology has advanced quite a bit, so we will see their three screens. Well, it reminded me of one of these social media questions that someone was asking here, which is from in big law who is the best accident because accident I think is the character who goes very fast as much as I would love to tell me what's going on with this one it's more than enough yeah, we've been doing it, we don't need it, oh Yeah, yeah, no, we've even been running since basically what college or something.
I was a senior in my college for a year, so like three years at this point, almost mid-2016. Yeah, I'm like that, so like almost three years. I've been doing this, so I'm getting to the point where I don't want to say I can do it blindfolded, but I can get to the point where I've memorized mouse movements that I can casually chat with and then just move. my mouse and navigate the map pretty fast Wow, yeah, because I mean you're moving so fast that you basically have to do everything predictably, yeah, it's like flying a plane down a hallway with butter on your feet, that's it a pretty apt description, it's pretty cool.
Now, the next thing I wanted to ask everyone is that not only are you here as runners, all running in the same game and stuff, and some of you are making comments, like we just heard from FC, but you're also all like volunteers. Okay, so what's it like to be here in a role other than just a running back? How is that? And especially for me and a wave of chalk like you two played the role of producer, something that I think people don't really get to hear. A lot about the past, so how's that? Well, I'm surprised and they both, you know, volunteered for the producer role about two years ago, yeah, and essentially what we do for four hours a day is oversee the running of the broadcast, you know?
If all of us are basically backed up, for example, if the stage technician has a question, if the broadcast technician has a question, you know, if the runner doesn't show up, if there's a big problem attack that happens as before, when the tracker fails. was on and I was on shift for it, so I was, you know, pinging all the wounded, hey, we have a problem, right? It's really nice to work behind the scenes and actually help out no matter if you know I'm on camera helping or not I know I'm using the skills that I have day to day to help out at this event and do whatever it takes to make this event happen. event is the best possible, it's not just me.
I'm just helping because I'm making a career I'm actually helping run the show yeah that's cool and I see what you're really volunteering for and I'm going to do stage tech and I mean that's really a lot of fun when I sent a text check was my favorite, simply because it's like knowing how to disconnect and reconnect things. Yes, with the big box, honestly one of the best benefits is that you end up watching a lot more races that you normally wouldn't. Sometimes you have to get up very early in the morning when normally you would just sleep and you need to keep an eye outside the block or something, yeah oh god I was producing a horrible block agdq 2019 and caught ice plugs at home. alone in New York - I felt like I was having a fever dream the whole time, seriously if you haven't seen that race you have to go see it, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.
I was going to say one. like my number one tip, just gdq for beginners, even watching at home is showing up to a race that you know nothing about, like yeah, it's not watching a race that you know nothing about because it's you who are often surprised, It's great, well, we. There were a lot of people asking questions on social media, so I want to address a few more. We had one that didn't work at all in our system. Sorry if it doesn't appear on the screen, but I think. It was Lady Cyndaquil, right, yes, she was asking how you three met.
Well, first, shocking, it's kind of a chain of events in a really strange way, so surprised that I went to the same university where we met. my last day of university he was, he said it's like when it's wonder there's something no, that was my friend it was when it's wonder meme yeah, that was your friend and I know that having three brain cells was like oh, does it mean gdq what and I said hey you well, we were being really loud in the back of the room or something, so even with the moment you know fighting games we are at agdq2015, I bullied him into running during beta times, yeah, I was a lazier backer for that and then since the game was taking a little while to come out, we just said, let's find another co-op game to run, so we started running Borderlands 2, yeah, and then at the event we met up and in we actually have wonderful time travel photos real quick if you want so we actually met after my hat and running in time we took photos with this guy because he was like oh yeah, he's so cool, he's fun, Do you like our idol and everything?
So we did this. pictures of it and we said we were going to do Road Record in co-op, we did it, they did it, so I became friends that way just because I read the game a lot and, you know, Shockwave Movie moved in with me after it was released. graduated from university. and then FC we were in the general area for a year and then we just hated him there so technically he was my neighbor yeah I could walk to his house in ten minutes so that's awesome that means the world is open , TRUE? Not only do you have to play online co-op games, you can play the full range and local co-op.
You got it. We used to live together, so we ran races through all of this. Yeah, there was definitely a meme about that being cheating, so. Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, because the load times are fast, we don't count the load times correctly, but you know that's less time you're spending there if I had tried everything, plus reboots per hour, okay, let's move on to another question about social networks. Here we have Kobayashi's deaths. They asked what is the hardest trick to perform in Eliquis Run a Blood. He shoots super jump and he does it twice, yes he does it twice, well, without spoiling it, because one we give it like people should tune in to see how away in the races it's 45 minutes, 45 minutes to an hour, yeah, something like Okay, um, if you haven't seen Borderlands 2, there you go without spoiling too much of the pink Metroid.
Yes, there I find the host player than the client players, since your clients, some things are different. I can't do it as hosts like me. I have the ability to do it and I have perfect timing in everything, as you know, everything activates at the perfect time. The enemy's hitboxes are correct and he can reliably knock you out of the host. Wow, 45 minutes or so, I think we're there. I'm going to ask one more here, we got it, do you know what I bought? I have to go with this one because we saw it and it's ridiculous in the windmill two zero zero please Crabs believe the fish are flying and I'll send this one day. this is one hundred percent him, okay, okay, check the crabs are there at the bottom of the ocean, the fish are flying okay, okay, okay, I'm not giving you a microphone anymore.
We were the third runner for a roll-down, that's right, I'm on two. mice, although of course, no, we'll give it back to the hosts before this gets even more out of hand because we have the perfect darkness, that first bonus game will be ready, led by Alchemist, okay. Thanks Jay Hobbes, then I'm really looking. I hope the border comes to Ron and with that being said they actually have a Borderlands 2 glitch showcase that could be unlocked and at this point it has raised a little over ten thousand dollars but oh man we need another 10,000 to be able to reach that 20,000 margin, so keep going.
Those donations will arrive, friends, very well. I would like to take a moment to remind us that we are raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders is an independent international humanitarian medical organization that delivered emergency aid to people affected by epidemics of armed conflict. malnutrition natural disaster and exclusion from medical care in more than 70 countries in 2018 on any given day thousands of people representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world are doctors nurses logistics experts administrators epidemiologists mental health laboratory technicians and other people working together in accordance with MSF's guiding principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics.
The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. Thank you very much Doctors Without Borders for all the hard work you do around the world and we are proud to be so. raising money for such an important cause okay but we have a donation here all of Fort Russell donated $25 and said donation first time long time watcher that was awesome and well done on that fast run and by all means Of course, thanks to the gdq staff for everything. the hard work to make this event happen, you know what. Thank you Oliver, you are amazing, we have a donation of two hundred and fifty five dollars from twofer and Toofer says perfect dark hope.
We have a $50 donation from Kevin gee who says donate to see the Perfect Dark Run naked on Elvis lives and you know what Kevin, thank you so much for that donation, you all made that bonus game possible and I'm so excited because the alchemist broke down. Perfect Dark. Okay, we're lucky to be sponsored here at gdq. by yeti official t-shirt sponsor gdq providing teas and other products for almost eight years donated over 1 million dollars to gdq partner charities visit wwe to see the sgdq collection thank you yeti your t-shirts are amazing we have a donation from 20 dollars cosmic shark saying perfect dark dark is a cool game presenting this as 1/2 glitches oh and a shout out to the quail right off the bat.
Thank you cosmic, you are helping us reach that exposure of failures that still has many ways to go. come on so keep those donations coming people ok talking about other cool things we can donate for while our perfect dark runners and commentators are getting ready there's a bidding war for that perfect dark filename that will close the By the time we end up throwing it to her and right now we're aiming, a robot is leading by a dollar over Amy with 200 $1.00 versus 200, no, just kidding. Amy just took the lead with a huge donation of $50. up to $250 so if you want to create a bot get those donations before the race starts we have a $5 donation from Dolf 42 saying first of all thank you very much dolphin looking forward to future donations and also thank you very much for those five.
Every little bit of dollars helps because you know we're here, working hard, playing video games for fun and all this money that we ended up raising goes directly to charity, so thank you so much Dolph and everyone who has donated so far. Awesome here at sgdq 2019, we are also sponsored by a gamer fan. All profits from gdq merchandise sales are donated to Doctors Without Borders. New official Delta rune merchandise. Dark Souls Hollow night stardew Valley persona 5 and more. You can see his team on fangamer dot. -com slash gdq thank you very much fan gamer very good a little update on that perfect dark file name bid war amy is inching even further with some extra money so if you want to invite it to happen please donate fifty nine Dollars. or more keep those donations coming, we have a $10 donation from Alexander True Blood that says I donate directly to MSF every month through my employer, but I always have to donate more each day.
Everyone should research the programs their employers have, as some will allow you to do so. Donating pre-tax or matching your donation to approved nonprofits is a great way to maximize your donation, that's so true Alexander Trueblood, thank you so much for that message and the donation, okay, and while your runner and couch get ready we're here at sgdq 2019 powered by twitch and i'm going to pull it out to play a quick twitch ad thanks twitch okay welcome back guys it says the summer games are over quickly. That said, I'll just take a moment to talk about some of the awards you may be eligible for. win if you end up donating to the marathon, so for five dollars in donations you spend throughout the marathon, you could be eligible for a metroid other m art folio and it looks like it could be cool, that makes it all so if you end up donating a cumulative of $10, you will also be eligible for a Slipstream hype speedrun.
Plus, for $30, you could be eligible for a sculpted statue of Sama and a few other prizes, like the repainted Samus Turan amiibo, as well as the white suit print from Metroid Prime or even a metroid. main gravity suit print, so keep those donations comingwhile you watch all week long, friends. Wow, those donations are certainly coming in folks, a little update on that perfect dark filename. Currently, aimbot is in the lead by about three hundred dollars, but Amy is shutting him down, so if you really want to keep that bidding war going, he gets those donations for Amy's filename.
Speaking of donations, we have $10 from Professor Tom saying Titanfall Perfect Dark Covert Muffin and Borderlands, what a night, what a night we have. So many amazing races in this marathon, Professor Tom, and thank you so much for that donation. Alright, we also have a $100 anonymous donation that says good morning and we hope to see this glitch showcase for Borderlands 2, let's do it guys, thank you very much for that. donation that brings us roughly closer to $9,000 to be able to make that glitch showcase for Borderlands 2 a reality, so keep those donations coming if you want to see more epic speed action here at sgdq 2019.
We're also extremely fortunate to be sponsored by turns on independent game audio sound studio from Vancouver, Canada, they have worked on games like Super Meat Boy Forever and also Hyrule's Cadence Crypt of the Necrodancer with The Legend of Zelda. You can see them at powerup, the team here. at sgdq Joey Kevin Cole and honorary team member Derek donated their time and are on site sound 24/7, they really do a great job here quickly, thanks from you to everyone remixer fans and cover artists who submitted their music. to sgdq I hope you're enjoying this year's soundtrack thanks to turning on the audio you guys are epically awesome

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