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The Real Ghostbusters: The Bad Episodes - Phelous

Jun 04, 2021
The Real Ghostbusters show went bindu because a network interference pales a lot in comparison to the well written show and was previously a sham and should never have happened after the Real Ghostbusters show is a proven hit what else would the chain? Just try to fix it. I love how stupid people are sometimes. In 1987, ABC hired the consulting firm q5k, a bunch of idiots with degrees, they started expanding on what we weren't doing well and I thought they had done some research, like putting a bunch of kids in a room and showing them TV shows. television and the kids reacted a certain way, but then when I found out that, in fact, no, they just had this platonic idea that it was going to be a children's television show, I went crazy, that's right, this question 5 The Agency came with his list of how to fix the


Ghostbusters based on nothing.
the real ghostbusters the bad episodes   phelous
Apparently we had the number one show on Saturday morning. We got incredible ratings. Amazing reviews. Everybody loved us, so having the most successful show on the air if they're yours, which was the network to try to fix it, they went out and hired consultants to come in and give us guidance on what kids want to see on TV shows. of the chain. My assumption was that since the show was working, they probably wanted to see what we were doing but no, they told us that what they wanted to see was kids, kids want to see kids on TV.
the real ghostbusters the bad episodes   phelous

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the real ghostbusters the bad episodes phelous...

I talked a little about this when I mentioned the Ninja Turtles and added a stupid kid and it's true here too. I never wanted to do it. I see kids on my shows without ghosts so enter the Junior Ghostbusters team needed to complete, they actually only appeared a couple of times but I still have memories of not being quite impressed watching them, sorry Slimer I thought you were a ghost Oh right, you are. a ghost, they even saved the Ghostbusters from one of the show's strongest villains, the boogeyman. Now it is true that the children helped the Ghostbusters in the original story with the boogeyman, but there is a stronger point in the fact that they were the children who were being terrorized by him and They briefly overcame their fear and did something. within reason by throwing marbles at the Junior Ghostbusters, however, while they weren't as annoying as Zach from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they still came with too much importance that they would take up too much airtime of their


when I was a kid I loved reading about Batman Robin was a pain in the ass because one day I might become Batman, Robin was my age and couldn't do those things, but stupid little additions like this were


ly the least of the problems imposed by these q5 morons, some of these changes they wanted me to Joe Straczynski called me outright sexist and racist and rightly so, well, we believe that all characters should have clearly defined roles.
the real ghostbusters the bad episodes   phelous
I think there's a body in Peter, it's the mouse, he's fine, I couldn't believe it. lightning, the mechanic is the hands, okay, I'm fine with that: Egon is the perfect brain. I had the problem with that Winston, our only black character was the driver, wait, wait for the bus a second, so these guys, white people have all the rules really smart and make a black man the driver, show me some research on that, of course, he could not provide me. I love what it was, the original version of the show had no problems with its definition: characters that they actually were. defined very well in that aspect and you knew what their roles were and guess what they almost all took turns driving, but if you pay attention after the change, yes, it's almost always Winston driving, thanks.
the real ghostbusters the bad episodes   phelous
Winston now defines that old character trait of driving. I feel like he's a lot more defined now that he doesn't have good lines and drives all the time. Thanks, it's really sad because Winston gets so few moments to shine. What has the series really changed regarding the entire career of the Buster Jones character? I can only think of one particularly funny moment: you've been to Egypt in this life, but in a past life I was Cleopatra, you know, those locust plagues were always so annoying after the seasonal floods, huh, yeah, oh, that's it everything I have for him. and the reason one is particularly funny is because of how stupid Janine I used to be.
Cleopatra's rant was beforehand talking about, let's talk about Janine, the character these idiots ruined the most. The real life version of Janine from Ghostbusters was amazing, she was a strong character. Those who could take on the Ghostbusters saved their asses at times and had some awesome snarky lines. Now, Janine remembers when I pulled the rope. Pauls is a boy. I'm going but I have this little problem. I'm alive, ready. Well, Janine is completely wrong. Why is she completely wrong? First of all, she needs to be more affectionate. See more of a mother character. A mother for children. at the fire station they put more dresses on her, like skirts and blouses, not pants, they made her look more affectionate, change her glasses because they said that children are afraid of sharp objects, therefore there should be glasses around the glasses , not pointy glasses, you know when I was watching this show? about the ghosts, what really scared me were the pointy glasses, the stupid changes basically resulted in a personality ectomy for Janine, she became very bland with an icy nice attitude about the whole Ghostbusters core, okay, calm down sir, what is the direction they will be there? two minutes slime what's wrong how bad mr.
Pinnock, what are you doing here? There was no longer courage or wit that had really brought the character to life. They also changed Janine's voice to cast Suzy who is a very talented voice actress and did what was asked of her in this case but I hate this soft voice coming out of Janine, the Brooklyn accent helped give her personality and it gave the show a little more of that New York flavor. It even bothers me that they took away Laura Summer's job just to make this change because she didn't. I didn't even audition for Janine to do the Brooklyn accent, they didn't ask me to do the New York accent.
I just spoke like myself, she was very sweet and then a few weeks later I got the job and then the first day of filming does for me recording, can you do a New York accent? I said, could I do it with a New York accent coming from Queens, of course, so she was perfectly capable of doing a similar type of voice to what they were asking for, but I get the feeling that these idiots were forcing the changes were like if Laura Summer was equal to Brooklyn Access, so she should be replaced and get this apparently.
The notes on the character changes were actually described as generally less harsh and yes, the shorter skirt equals a lot, cute. P5 stated that these changes for Janeane were a necessity because she wasn't working with the female audience of course since they hadn't done any real research, they came to this conclusion through magic and only to say that girls hate The female characters have too much personality and do not follow the small cliché of the female character role. I'm sure all the girls who watched the show were totally horrified when that creepy woman did Apple things like talking back to men.
I'm sure at some point you'll fight the tone genie by nursing the Ghostbusters and probably giving birth to them too, at the very least. I can say that Janine still got to be a Ghostbuster at times, but she was a completely boring character at this point and the last one clearly in front of me with other PhDs, so this will save the show from which I had no idea, but this. save the program and I said no, no, 2,8, no, 2 points, eight, all points in between, no, if you do these things, I'm gone and I lose. Joe Straczynski was pretty much the nail in the show's coffin as a story editor, he was the one who kept up the high quality writing with all the scripts, but now that was being interfered with and he couldn't bear to stay, which is understandable and You can see from his interviews about it that it still bothers him to this day.
I'm already getting excited about all of this, which I can understand because it still bothers me to write about it and talk about it. The fact that he still gets angry about it though also shows how much passion he had for it originally and how stupid the network was. for allowing these dumb idiots to come in and ruin the creative process of the show, Len Jansen and Chuck Menville took over as story editors after Straczynski left, now they were the ones who were hired first for the story of the series, but they were not aware. of the syndicated package that had to be made, they started with the 13 network


and the 65 syndicated simultaneously and they objected to that amount of work like any sane person would, so we're going to make our episodes and they needed someone would come in the story, edit the 65 plus a certain number of the 13 when Janssen and Chuck Menville, based on their episodes in the first season, were able to make something better than what the show became, but seemed a little more accepting of the new ones chain commands. and we were, you know, we were pretty tied up in a lot of ways by broadcast standards.
Our goal is for the network to be more towards children and I think that outside the network it was a little more adult and in the stories I don't think they ever did that. This story and the Alpha Network show are too young though, when Janssen didn't seem to like all these changes either, but we saw the new Jeanine there, yeah, I liked her in a different way, it gave her a little edge and now she's uh . You know, she seems like a typical housewife, I think like housewives, but Janine's character was kind of a nervous Brooklynite, you know?
And that's what made it different from those shows that were made without my involvement. I didn't see it, it was too painful. Seeing the show decimated now after ratings dropped shocked ABC asked and even begged Jo Straczynski to come back, which she did to write a few more shows that were pretty much the highlights of the second version of the show, but unfortunately The damage was already done and I would never get back to where I was. However, Straczynski would try and was very adamant about fixing Jeanine so that she could return to the strong female character she originally was.
That's my truck again about Ghostbusters Junior, no you can't. truck on the but you want to write them, you don't have to be good. I'll come back on the condition that I can write the program the way I want to write it, the way sugar wrote it in the first place. I restored your name. For the character he was, it was pretty interesting for a cartoon show at the time to recognize these changes in a character like this and I certainly like what Straczynski tried to do here, it's just that he was basically trying to push a rock up. hill at this point and every time you left the rock it rolled down the fake Real Ghostbusters did exactly what the first version of the show didn't do, it was dumb for kids and it feels like any script that tried to top that during this incarnation Outside he was still high as if the nomicon existed, it was an image of a face full of fat.
I handed in the script and BBC broadcasting standards and practices said you can reference it, only this is an occult book so we'll know it exists. yes, it exists, we know it exists, so show me a copy and they went out of their way and said this book exists even though I knew it, but we ended up having to remove the reference, it became the book that can't. be named time meter PKE said something very powerful was once here what was it was a thing called the nameless book must have had a name not that's what the nameless book was usually called this Monday through Friday the New York public The library presents the Necronomicon.
HP Lovecraft and others wrote a whole series of horror stories based on it. Janine's design after the change was in constant flux or she even adopted her


to take care of after the second movie came out and interestingly enough when it was time for Jeanine to have changed to address her new appearance was what I would call it an ugly version of the original, you would think, since this was the episode to highlight the changes that would have left, the change is more. Cheeky at least at the beginning of this episode, especially keeper of those kid-safe round glasses.
Now the story of this episode was that Janine's appearance kept changing because she had an evil fairy godmother who altered her appearance because she wanted to be more attractive to Egon. So to be more attractive, she had a less attractive redesign and considering that they actually dated and stuff before and not so much after the manipulation, I don't think she would really say this was working. I'm pretty sure Egon liked itfurther. the original, Janine, what do you need a daisy? Yes, now there is something we should have explored. The face is still too sharp. The eyes are too close together.
These issues that Jeannine mentions about her appearance here were actually direct quotes from the note Straczynski received from the network, which is nice. Great, I love it when there's additional meaning behind lines like that, but it's especially strange that once Jeanine realizes she's been tricked and rejects this evil fairy godmother, she doesn't change back, so the moral though of the story is to be yourself, it's something like that. It falls a bit flat in saying that this episode should have brought about at least some positive changes in the character, however, nothing really stuck and Jeanine up to this point simply fell back into the overly bland, bland thing she had become. , it's more of a character he has had. more like a lead role and they appear as children like that kind of thing, what's your task?
I see your date if I see you researching Sun Slimer and they ask, that would be the case before, but somehow it became that. Slamming and the true role of Ghostbusters' Slimer in the show expanded as it was is the perfect example of something being done to death, it's perfectly illustrated in the writers guide that Straczynski wrote for the show where he said that Slimer should be used with moderation. This kept Slimer's interactions at a better pace for the most part, and in fact, there might have been some episodes where Slimer didn't even appear, but if you look at the series bible after Straczynski left the show, it says the exact opposite that crowds Slimer everywhere.
They basically acted like stupid kids would miss out if Slimer wasn't on screen constantly. What's in the tube? Wow, come on, Slimer, cut us some slack. Couldn't we take you to this race? You know we love it. You, Slimer, but you're too small to do these big jobs. Oh, Slimer, he brought you a surprise, triple crunchy candy, your favorite. I liked Slimer as a kid, but my favorite character is Peter, so I'm always more on his side when he comes on. angry at Slimer and I really didn't need Slimer on screen all the time to entertain me and as the show proved, it's a very bad decision to dedicate so much of the show's time to him and they refuse to take the hint of my theory. slammer was that a little slammer goes a long way, so I always tried to say: use it minimally to achieve good results, not to the maximum, no effect, everything is fine, nothing is funny, everything is scary, nothing is scary, if the program was all Slimer, it's nothing when they brought in slammer. in the foreground and did his slammer and the real


, the rating dropped and attention fell, the film was not called Slimer and I think that by putting it in front of it it loudly lost the adult audience that had appeared in the original series. like the stupid Network executives and the morons at q5 just couldn't understand that the show had a broader audience and wasn't just a kids show and it actually worked that way, there's a reason the show became a success at first and then the ratings fell after the meddling, so Slimer just started saying full sentences and hijacked stories and many episodes, which really reflected the simpler attitude towards the show and its new name, what So if we analyze this, what is the second?
Biggest egg I've ever seen Hey man, the Ghostbusters started becoming supporting characters on their own show. Hold your fire, guys, wait until you have a clear shot. We don't want to hit the little center point of Ghostbusters. What is that, sir? Repeat so long and as if that wasn't enough, Slimer, they started airing a Slimer show as part of the one-hour Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters block. These were meant to be more slapstick II, a Looney Tunes style adventure starring Slimer, the main plot being the stupid scientist actually. named fool was running around trying to catch Slimer, so Slimer had his own show.
I didn't need this stupid dumb character from the show Slimer to even cross over to some episodes of Real Ghostbusters too and even though the show Slimer had a different style and human characters that didn't have as many fingers, the design of the dweebs wasn't changed so that match, however, this was quite appropriate as it was an unwanted and jarring intrusion that once appeared in the Real Ghostbusters episodes and despite watching a few episodes during the Slimer and Real Ghostbusters era. I don't really remember ever watching Slimer's show. I guess that was even too much for me back then.
Slimer became so focused and irritating that you just wanted to see the Ghostbusters get tired of them too and blow them up using skis, but of course not. one was allowed to be mean to Slimer since he was the star, it was actually said in the new series bible that there would no longer be Peter getting angry at the snipers, everyone pretty much adapted Ray's personality when it came to him, which is, hey, Deb's neighbor. which is funny because q5 actually suggested that they remove Ray completely from the show since it made no sense apparently yes, they actually told them to remove Ray Stantz from the show since he didn't seem to serve any purpose.
He's out of action, here you are gone, ah, thank you. I can only imagine Dan Aykroyd would have loved that since Ghostbusters was his baby and he was the one in the cast that actually watched the cartoon quite a bit, maybe it's because they basically wanted to turn the rest of the cast into a bunch of lies . with a truly happy attitude, they didn't think that what was originally that type of character was necessary, however, everyone on the show side rejected this incredibly stupid sabotage attempt and the Real Ghostbusters at least never suffered the stupidity of dropping a ray from the show what the show suffered from was the stupidity of Peter Venkman's new music.
Lorenzo was my first choice because he really gave it a kind of understated, dry quality that you would pull out of a bell. Mary takes on one of Lorenzo's big problems. She's been around for quite a while, so he started hearing her voice in a lot of commercials and stuff, and that bothered Ivan a little bit and Bill Murray came up one day and said when she's my voice, he can't do the show, but I have someone. Make me and immediately that's why we changed apparently we lost Lorenzo's music in the Real Ghostbusters because of Bill Murray.
I love you Bill Buck, this was the change that slapped me in the face as a kid as he was a huge fan of Lorenzo's music. Take on Venkman Lorenzo was replaced by Dave Coulier, we had a lot of fun with him, but Lorenzo was missing David Coulier's Peter Venkman. I think there's a clip from the show that perfectly sums up this version of the character. Hello children, I am Venko the clown. this this stupidity right here this is exactly what Peter Venkman became once the voice was changed to Dave Coulier now I can't put all the blame on Dave Coulier, he came in and did his Bill Murray impression with questionable degrees of success , which is exactly what he'd been asked to say I hate the game with a passion Coulier Peter Venkman the charm the wit the interesting character disappeared I hate that the only thing apparently necessary for this poorly written incarnation of Peter was to be a big mouth and dumb Slimers in somewhere on the other side and here we are a bunch of crazy crazy people what furry crazy people yeah, yeah, I feel like a smurf, who is that, that's not Peter Venkman, who is that, hello kids, I'm Venko, the cloud, oh right, Peter Venkman, the real Peter?
Venkman would never talk like that about this stupid buffoon to the point that I like him. This change bothered me so much when he was a child. In fact, I modified the episodes that I still liked in my head so that they remained those of Lorenzo's music. I remember liking the flip side of the episode because the Ghostbusters go to an alternate dimension where there are ghost versions of themselves that trap people. Hello people. Watchers, well everyone went except Winston because he's Cupid's driver, but I still like alternate dimension stuff like this, so first time I went back. revisit this episode I was quite horrified to hear running fly or whatever we do now.
I was so sure this was a Lorenzo musical episode, but I managed to change this part of the story quite masterfully in my head. I was actually quite impressed. Kidney had been able to do this with some current episodes, not so much, I was just left with the unfortunate truth that these episodes were not as funny as I had made them up, I still consider the flip side to be a better episode of the bad version of the show . It's just that I wish I could have seen the musical version of Lorenzo that I made up in my head, but speaking of the other side and the change of characters' voices, ABC made a mistake, I don't want to overstate this, but it's a crime against humanity when I actually took episodes from the first season and read Peter in Janine's dialogue with Dave Coulier and Kath Soucie, yeah, I don't know about you, but I'm going to sleep like the dead, possibly not the most appropriate metaphor for Peter during our line work, yes.
I don't know about you, but I'm going to sleep like the dead, possibly not the most appropriate metaphor. Peter considering our line of work. Goodbye forever. Slimer. Can I see you can read this? I am a secretary. I can accomplish anything. viper ever weimar I can see you can read this I'm a secretary I can read anything don't say it a gun leave me we're in trouble hoo boy we're in trouble don't say it again let me we We're in trouble, boy, are we in trouble? This is something I've never suffered from hearing in the past, but my condolences to anyone who has.
I can't imagine thinking that you're at least watching a good episode only for it to be tarnished like this. When the change originally occurred, it wasn't as horrible as it was. Some of Peter's lines at the beginning were the kind you'd hear and think, well, that was good, but I imagine it'll be funnier with Lorenzo's delivery of the music. This I wish I had listened to what my dad used to tell me, yeah what was that? I don't know relationship. I can't pay you enough for your service, gentlemen, we know, but you can try, of course, later.
You got lines like this you're beautiful when you're angry fat will double the pleasure will double the fun I'm the Napoleon of crime yeah and I'm the Caesar of salad any bright ideas we're about to become a sexier ciao looks like we've done it been dragged into the spirit world in other words, that's it, yeah, Peter, that's it, you're going crazy, look knuckleheads, you really burst my bubble, which were things I could never imagine him saying. This got really depressing for me to watch now, let's take this puppy home set the useless rudders Hey look on the bright side, we're alive, the traps are full and the coast guard will be here in no time as long as the kid Drew don't take the boat first and not only did Peter sound like a at this point, but he actually became too stupid to live by constantly trying to make stupid decisions and actively putting himself and his team in danger the EEG and the cage hello brain activity hello that thing is smarter than me our tv has the fast time of an athlete ecto for dr.
Venkman miraculously cures a torch in a settlement while they are distracted greed, go, you will never take me alive cops, screams, Boldin Oh, you guys don't know what's going on, whose side are you on?, ours, it's the ghosts, one of those ghosts saved. Our lives remember a lot of good memories here, hey, less chattering and more packing, hey guys, what's this? a John King convention. We have to observe certain safety precautions, Peter, we are drawing energy from these traps. You wouldn't want the moving van. hit a pothole and boom, destroy a city block, why not save the mayors from trouble?
Peter, don't come, nothing's going to explode. I can barely explain how sad it was for me to watch all these last episodes of the Real Ghostbusters that I never did as a kid because guess what I got bored of the show when I lost my favorite character and it became Slimer-centric. He played a Winston character in Real Ghostbusters and I was Peter Venkman, who is Bill Murray, who was kind of Oh, enough is enough. I'm sure he's leaving here, you have to get serious about it. Coulier, leave it alone, what Peter Venkman says is right. Oh leave it when I see these now.
In fact, I came to the sad conclusion after watching so many of the latter. episodes of the Ghostbusters season that I didn't even remotely like Peter anymore, he had just strayed too far from the character I loved, they changed him too, so Slimer was his best friend Slimer, you don't look very good hmm, you feel a little colder than usual, maybe you'd better relax today until we need you. I'll make you some chicken soup, Mom Venkman. Okay, did Peter really have toprepare the soup? Oh, that couldn't have been Ray who made him the soup because that really fit. and an elevated character, that would be stupid, no, no, it will be Peter because he loves Jamie, this is another reason, besides oversaturation, why the slime grass stopped working, there was no longer any conflict with him and Pierre , just let me ruin them.
Once is really too many: I feel like Straczynski was actually making fun of this change in Pierre in one of his comeback episodes, Halloween Door. Slimer, you're dead, yes, you heard right. Slimer's sarcasm makes me doubt that Peter will open the door on Halloween, although he will. Take me to one thing that many of the previous Network episodes headlined, which was superior animation, you could simply put more money into these episodes so many times the motion looked much better and the Halloween door was the only one. The primetime special the show once did actually had even more budget than usual and is the best-looking episode of the series, plus it's a Straczynski episode and he was allowed to do even more than usual due to the time of broadcast later, so you can see it.
Dave Coulier Venkman flirting with a woman for the first time, but who are we kidding? Neither woman is interested in that version of Peter, but Halloween Door is a standout episode, even if I don't think she can personally say that I enjoyed it as much. any of the edited era of Straczynski's story in later seasons, although the animation began to suffer despite the network money, probably due to cuts due to the lower ratings they had certainly earned with their stupidity, where is our material? So you have things that are kind of obvious. freeze frames to cover for lack of animation and places with really choppy animation, what's that like five frames per second?
The garbage clothes were constantly changing even though the characters hadn't changed their outfits and some had no animation for certain scenes and covered with images from much older episodes which is pretty obvious guys check out an episode that's so inconsistent . I swear the animation was done by two different studios and one shot was accidentally inserted twice in a row but without all the elements being completed the first time. Also, Ray lost weight because I don't know that fatter people can't be ghostbusters, maybe this was a compromise, we won't get rid of Ray, but there will be a little less of him.
I would say this was a misguided health issue if the show didn't have Slimer eating everything all the time, maybe that's it, although Ray just couldn't get any food anymore. Because Slimer is present all the time, I love that Ray was considered unnecessary, yet they introduced Louis Tully to the real Ghostbusters only after the network switched, and while I liked him in the movie, the show's realization of this character was particularly bland. he barely affected any story he was in and just felt like another character, the show wasn't going to do anything meaningful with the plots and the creatures were never as complex as they used to be and a lot of times they just fell into silly children's cartoons. things instead of the once creepy things they used to be and the shows started to get desperate towards the end and started having things that were references to other shows at the time, like the ninja turtles, their pig, the Dreams occasion , the big epic pizza that I am completely ready for. some New York Pizza Pizza, we're going to make tons of pizza, right, I definitely did and yeah, it's pretty funny Cam Clark voices one of the Ninja Turtles in there and then they had some Simpsons parody ghosts even more open, this one just blows me away. that could have happened, it doesn't even seem right to me that the Simpsons ever appeared at the same time as the Real Ghostbusters.
Another notable thing about both incarnations of the show is how much smaller the world felt in the publishing network. In the BS version of the show originally there used to be quite a few things. I'm just giving you an idea of ​​the world around the Ghostbusters and how they affected it, so you'd see them going in to catch a ghost. It had caused a great disturbance and there. It would be news coverage or just people they would encounter. It was one time when the Ghostbusters were working a case and Egon almost got mugged. Well, what's up, man?
You lost something. Hey, maybe we can help you find it. I'm looking for. for a full torso ectoplasmic manifestation green color with no legs unknown spiritual classification yeah we had it man would you let it go? My dad told me that he would never mess with anyone weirder than me. Oh yeah, I also love the episode Roller Ghoster which involves a plot where the Ghostbusters were scammed by someone who used their name and faces as a roller coaster. I've seen there's a lot less of that later on and it's a touch you really start to miss when it's gone, but again, it's really all the touches and care. to the real ghostbusters, that makes it a standout caricature to this day of all the characters.
I think Egon suffered the least going through the transition. It's pretty much the highlight of many of the later episodes just because why what? You told me that you cut off the power to the transdimensional portal only because I would never cut off the power to the transdimensional portal in the first place. Secondly, I would never say just because, however, from time to time they even managed to take Egon slightly out of character, as there were a few times you have these decidedly scruffy moments, more hints, yes, things also became a lot less dangerous in the Ghostbusters universe, which really degraded the quality of the story, as it affected the amount of investment you could put into the plots, such as taking the proton packs they used. talk about how dangerous they were and how shooting someone with a well would be bad, remind me what happened with one of those rays, it hits us, our individual atoms go on separate vacations, which is a big difference between letting Suti shoot forever, yes, alone. keep killing Egon guys, it's really hard to stop firing your proton screens once you realize you're kicking your friend's ass, then of course there's the ghost trap which is something I think that catches ghosts, therefore, it is something dangerous for Slimer.
To be present, originally there were a few times where Slimer had to do something with a trap and he had to make sure he prepared himself afterwards or he would get sucked in, so what did they do next? They made Slimer's job specifically to open the trap. completely backwards is that let's not forget that you are not supposed to enter the trap because it sucks your soul, no the reason you don't look in the trap is because it will teleport you to the 50s, that's all. the news of April 10, 1959 Oh, of course, that makes a lot of sense.
I'm surprised Egon's head didn't explode in this episode because of the lack of logic in that one, well maybe he's brain dead at least now, which is one of the dumbest ones? things the network could try to do to weaken itself' on the show about ghostbusters I guess they could try to pretend that the ghosts aren't ghosts, yeah, they actually decided that kids couldn't handle ghosts that were already people dying, so the ghosts had to do it. being more creatures all the time and references to them once being someone who died had to be removed. I can tell you that when I watched the show as a kid I knew what a ghost was.
I mean, it's not necessary to go into explicit details. details about their deaths or something, but there's never anything wrong with how the show was handled, mentioning that some of these ghosts used to be living people at one point. I mean the show is called Ghostbusters, it's in the damn title if the kid can't stand what Ghost is they probably shouldn't be watching Ghostbusters. It's really sad to see such a good show go down the drain because of stupid network nonsense and a bunch of idiots who decided there was a specific formula to make children's programming work and it just got the ball rolling. the soul of the program.
I would recommend any episode from ABC's original run of the first season and the syndicated package. Now there are some sillier plots in some of them, but still, any of them are listed with their humor so they are still an enjoyable watch, there are only a handful that I may actually be worth watching later on, as they generally don't they rise far above the stupid children's shows, the main three which I think were the other side of the door of Halloween and Jeanine, you have changed the rest unless If you want to see something very inferior, you can skip it.
It's hard for me to even consider the real Ghostbusters, after ABC q5's interference, to be the same show. Look, if you want to see how well a chain can ruin something that was working, look at it. First season in the syndicated episodes, if you want to see it done right, let's make that float fly and your puppy too.

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