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The Hardest Video Game Quiz Ever!

Jun 01, 2021
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moussah mr. Bates is Christopher Lunney and welcome back to the channel welcome back to the


s guys let's get nervous Jesse and Zach in the games today we were doing a test ok game test.
the hardest video game quiz ever
I really want to see what you guys know about


game history now. It will be quite a long test, but you have a new device here instead of ring words. We will have doorbells. Basically, I'll ask a question. I have to make it complete. You will compete to push as fast as you want. can and this will decide who gets the answer now, you might think we clicked faster, but I'm going to leave this out now, if that person answers wrong, I'll basically do one of these, wait, let me turn it on. just an example okay so zach you're blue you would have five seconds to respond if you don't get a response at that time i'll double click and then do a random one and who


comes will get a chance to steal it if they mess up we'll pass to the next question, so who


Pinker is, no way, no baby, okay, that won't happen again, give him the thumbs up right now, we're getting started, let me restart. if you clicked prematurely you won't answer that round okay here we go first question now I have to read out loud let me find a question here means do the good thing I'm out man I didn't mean to say I'm a lettuce slide because there's a first round but if this happens again you definitely won't get points here we go, what is the name of this fortnight mask?
the hardest video game quiz ever

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the hardest video game quiz ever...

It's fish stick, that's right, yeah, Missy was faster than that, okay, that's what you get next. The question which Real Madrid star is on the cover of FIFA 20 was not that premature danger. I'm a, I'll let it go, but Zach, if it happens again, I'd be a lawyer, don't worry, no I didn't. I didn't read part 20, but Zach, go ahead, Hazard Hazard is right, that's one point, there are 50 questions, so oh my gosh, we have a lease. Okay, next question what color is the blue ghost in Pac-Man what color is the blue ghost. pac-man blue so now we're going to do a random and I'm going to give you a multiple choice, okay, the answer options are blink, be inked, see pinky.
the hardest video game quiz ever
Oh, what's the name of the blue one? It says color, but you asked the silly name this


is on don't be calm okay there we go blinking that's incorrect it was inked I'm not going to give that in the question okay next question what is the name of the theme song and Crossy Road on the other side of that road I'm going to read the answer choices here a junction B Old Town Road C road to nowhere D no music in the game yellow junction that's wrong the answer was no music in the games just something fake okay , go ahead ask what language the sim character speaks gibberish in, that's wrong, okay, the answer options are finnish, simlish, flemish and dutch, oh, is it sivash?, that's right, yes, okay, the next question before October 11, 2018, how many people had visited work in a pizzeria in one? exactly what is the question roblox okay the answer options are 500,000 1 million five million or a billion green go get them look five million is wrong it was a billion next question my game my favorite game there is a basketball version of Rocket League called Hoop Mania right or fake porridge right the answer is let's do a random random random What happens if it lands on me?
the hardest video game quiz ever
You answer this rocket who is right his name is called hoops who has my first point next question when was the first release of the game Animal Crossing 2002 the answers are 1984 2001 2008 2019 please give it to orange Oh mystery machine that is correct next question what what happens if you run into a fellow player in aquapark green io they are thrown off the edge that is incorrect the answers are slow down speed up disappear split into two purple characters disappear ten what is the best selling video game of all time purple halo 3 incorrect the answers are between mario kart wii tetris minecraft pretty mature sensible soccer minecraft Tetris or Mario Kart green week mario kart wii you're so dumb tetris was the correct answer oh well yeah okay damn that's really when the first console was released from Nintendo, purple, 1996, right, the answers are in 1963, 1980, 1983 or 2001, 1983, that's right, James, this I hate these randoms, hey kids, everyone has a chance, okay, next question what Was it from Sonic the Hedgehog? originally called james sonic the hedgehog i thought it was a three ok the answers are between tiggy-winkle hog rat mr needle house or mr needle mouse and lionel honking are wrong and the wrong answers no what i'm choosing is my answer mr. noodles is cute to beautiful I never do that you wouldn't be mr.
Newell mouse okay, new round, what is the best selling game for Xbox one? Green Coal Duty, okay, let's random. The answers are between Halo 5 Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty Infinity Warfare or Destiny: purple, they love you. I have to go. with Grand Theft Auto, that's right, come on, I'm rebooting, don't be premature, so she said, boy, I work on the Game Boy Advance version of Super Mario World, who can jump the highest. Mario or Luigi, who was quite mature, for sure, that was enough. I know I am responsible for the delay. I see you click before answering.
I'm going to say it's premature. I was right. It was Luigi's next question. What was the original name of Roblox Purple Box World? No, it's okay, the answers are among the robotic blockade. blocks robot blocks and brick green mania Oh beep, that's right, it was that dinah blocks was the formal name of John horizon is a derivative of which another video game Saints Rows the answers are between assets and corsa Forza Motorsport project cars fraction / second because no cars, please use it, go see Mitchell, right, it was for part of the horizon, it's a derivative of Forza, what no, that doesn't appear, it said that Sonic the hedgehog was sorry, that was a question tricky that I always saw, well, it was.
I'm not hearing right, next question, next question, things reset, who shoots ink at you and Mario Kart? Which squid is wrong? The dancers are booper dooper Scooper or a mysterious ghost, so I know this one has to go with the siege, since the ink corrects Cooper, not the The correct answer was Bluebird. How many Legend of Zelda games are there? I'm ready for this round. I'm going to restart or do another random one. I'll make another shout. If you are a teenager, that is correct. I would have guessed eight, which one is it? main character named in the Final Fantasy series here we go Club that is incorrect the answers are between auto between MOG Susilo Benjamin there is no main character actually there is no main character actually that is correct yes, the next question what was the original name of Mario or the bed, yes, the answers are between Alessandro Jumpman Giovanni and Fulton's heir, Giovanni, incorrect.
I'm going to give another random command, no, man, yeah, what currency is used in Minecraft Earth that was released. Jessie can't answer rubies, it's not right, but she hopes, no. that's right, you're right, Ruby was right 4 points for James, okay, we're reaching the halfway point, here we go, how many people downloaded Apex Legends during its first week of release. Look, 10 million, was that wrong? The answers are between 5. million about 25 million one hundred billion the largest number ever known as Google Oak Plex yellow 5 million another random correct one hundred billion incorrect the answer was about 25 million was that a tax which of the following is not it's a Pokémon Go team let me read this see team mystic velcro team courage Orange the one who is not mystical is not an answer I'm ready I'm Iranian you have to say an answer that I read out loud or a B or C come on velcro green that's right Moby this is me I'm 20 times more what Robox claims is that the answers are between tycoon B war swarm simulator honey I'm home green bee war is wrong when a random last more , double random for a minute, it's wrong, the answer was B.
Sworn Simulator, well, mettaton is a character from which game, the other Game & Watch is wrong, the answers are between the queue, the queue, the queue, the queue, and any random type, to B, C or D, guys, wrong, the answer was inferior, see, okay, halfway there, guys, what is this? name of this porky hero from Minecraft the answers are between the rendered judge Reuben porkchop or Marcus Reuben that is correct, what did the Nintendo company originally do? Okay guys remember I can read the answers if you want, oh yeah I'm waiting for whoever wants to leave. so go ahead, I hear you can wait for me to read, read a lot about me, this won't be the time to just let you go, it's gray plastic boxes, dub hula-hoops and that was all an answer, gray plastic boxes . dub hula hoops comics playing cards playing cards that's right zach is on a roll who is this expert he doesn't lie right next question what is the name of this classic Nintendo platform game Donkey Kong yellow that's right what country invented the playstation Japan that is correct make sure you pressed the middle those buttons continuing with the topic of geography where the creator of Tetris Alexey pentola orange was born that is not correct it is okay the answers are between Russia Romania Scotland and Canada not correct Michels see, I smell good, what is the name of this FIFA player? purple the answers are between Alex hunter Alan hunter a star chaser Alec hunter Alex hunter that's right zach is in the lead I'll do a quick score check Zach had seven Jesse with three depressed with two James with five Mitchell with four this is worth double points only in this question in which roblox game can you build your own roller coasters the answers are among roblox fair simulator theme park wizard jump queue theme park Tycoon 2 a is wrong to make another random is wrong the answer was D in theme park Tycoon 2 that's the whole game how many V dollars does this orange Hot Rider glider cost? 2000 incorrect the answers are between 50 dollars B 250 dollars V 1,500 dollars beat mm B dollars that is correct yes, the next question complete the name of this game plant I didn't do it finish the question James, that was a premature buzz, you can't answer this round unless it's random, fill in the name of this game, British plants, that's premature again, Jessie, you can't answer it, plants, birds, I have to say, I have to say, fill in the name. of this game Plants vs.
Black what zombies that's right, let it go, it's okay, we're reset, look at your preemies, why are the Blue Jays your fire? You can't answer this round, why is the blue hedgehog called Sonic Green that way? Wait because it's fast. I'm going to let it go, I'm going to let it go, I'm going to let it go, the answer is because it can run at supersonic speeds. How many Super Mario Maker games have been released on PlayStation? Oh my god, how am I supposed to know these zero for So, Jesse, everyone does that for you. If I hear a response, shout it out.
I will deduct points from now on. What was it that you said you were depressed? You are the first. I gave you a gift and now I'm taking it. oh now it's three ok next question what's the actual name of tonight's dance are emoticons that's right you got that point what date was Robox released oh and you have to be like the date in years , December 3, 1980. the answers are between September 1 Oh 6 September 1, 2010 September 1, 2015 September 1, 2019 C like correct, the answer was 2006 September 46 yes, well, we have 10 left questions, so all these questions will be worth double, yeah here we go, what kind of the animal is Bowser, buddy, rocket, I'll cheer him on, the answers are between koopa, blood, it means blurry, Okuda, that's right, it's say, what was Minecraft adventure mode originally called, yellow or wrong survival, the answers are between dungeons and levers, stones and sticks, the crystal maze construction site. joked babyzane a is right that's it damn James that's another double James just took the lead with nine Zak has eight Jessie with four moppy with four and mitchell with four it's a close game what engine does FIFA 20 use no wrong guy a whoever drops it I read the answers oh yeah - frozen digits bit parky freeze 3 freeze 3 that's right here we go here's a scene from the amazing game NHL 20 what team does this goalie play for the sabertooth the answers are between Toronto Maple Leafs Boston Bruins Nashville Predators Arizona Coyotes national partners honey,okay guys, six questions left, okay, believe it's okay, you want to prepare your ringers for this.
I have to read it out loud which player is in the regular edition of the NBA 2k 20 basketball game premature which The player is in the regular edition of the NBA 2k 20 basketball game, that was very premature. I'm giving it to you. I heard the doorbell ring later. I didn't hear the place. What does the answer hand say? So he, Davis, is correct. High score today. back with 8 jesse had 6 Mobley had 6 James with 9 Mitchell had 6 what is this classic Atari video game called pong that's right when Mario completes a level what jumps to a flag that's right you're lucky I almost said it okay, Jesse early , do you just hide Zack to make it good?
I hate where we left three questions guys, the Minecraft planet is a similar size to the real planet that the Sun answers is between Earth, Mars, Neptune and Saturn, why wouldn't they make a litter? There is only one answer left or is there actually two? They didn't even say VenusMars, Neptune, friend, there are two questions, hey, that was on you, you didn't listen or say B, C or D. I'm going until the answer is said, so they are the last three or the last two, always know that there are three left. get that right just so you know Zack is ten Jesse is eight moppy is eight James is nine and Mitchell s6 this game is cool what's its name no William it's wrong you oh yeah my plan Rudo legend a metal guy rock man heavy metal Thunder wait, brutal legend, that's right, yes, you said you would accept a coin?
Any separation of the answer was not correct, but it was an answer that is true, we have two guys left, think about what color Pac-Man was originally depressed. that was premature well, I literally stared at you I'm going to read the question again pac-man who is yellow I'm going to read the question again poured into the answer I'm learning what you've learned I'm reading I'm going to prepare your bells when I read the question , you ask again what color Pac-Man was originally, yes, they never change, they are still yellow, okay, this, shut up, it's the last question, ladies and gentlemen, it's worth three points. ten Jessie how am I letting him in he was during my bell that's what you're supposed to yell at the ways to find I'm allowing it if we keep arguing I'll deduce zach is ten Jesse is ten moppy is seven James is eleven Mitchell is six if not You have the choice of winner, there is no chance of winning.
In fact, I'm turning off your ringer. It's between Zack Jessie and James for these quarantine games. Win here. What do Laura Croft and Indiana Jones from Tomb Raider have in common? Both qualify. wrong tunes the answers are between them they have the same middle name they both speak danish they are archaeologists they were found at Norwich City FC that's right they all wanted random to follow up with you yes I pressed my bell versus dinga why Alright guys I'll do that for this test that was very fun. I hope you liked the experts. It depends on the expert.
It's not me. Zack. Congratulations on another dub in the quarantine game. Zack is taking the lead on this. Let's wait too long for this to be won. Amen, it is what it is. I hope you enjoyed it. Give him the thumbs up for more games. I hope you are enjoying this series. We'll continue until we're locked in, so. I'll be doing this for a while, subscribe, make sure you guys go check out all of their channels, their links will be below, like, subscribe, can you join a race that I know I do and peace?

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