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The 95% Rule - Mario Kart Wii's Hidden Fail-Safe

Feb 27, 2020
Hello everyone, here again after posting my video explaining the mechanics behind super polishing in the wedi circuit. I'm very happy that many of you enjoy that kind of video for Mario Kart Li. I think this is the first time I've made a video. of that Mario Kart Wii style, so I'll try to keep posting more before getting into today's topic. I want to clarify something I was asked in the comments section of my last video. Some people asked if super polishing is ever useful. another track and the sad answer is that at this moment no other track benefits from super polishing besides n64 mallya Raceway.
the 95 rule   mario kart wii s hidden fail safe
Here I will show Rocky's task and I will have that video linked in the description below, you can start a Super Routine in Mario Raceway using the pipes before the last turn, from there you can gradually progress to the finish line and after the first turn, You will reach a dead end at that point, however, if you remember my video of our last Luigi's Circuit task, you will remember how when we finish the super routine we can be kicked off the floor with a significant amount of airtime, while We can use this to our advantage during flap tasks where we aim for a full turn as fast as possible by using all three mushrooms in one turn instead of spacing them out across all turns instead of trying to take the second turn while performing the supergrind.
the 95 rule   mario kart wii s hidden fail safe

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the 95 rule mario kart wii s hidden fail safe...

We can climb the hill while using our first mushroom and we can finish our supergrind just before we reach the out of bounds part, which causes us to be blown off the ground with incredible amounts of airtime. From there, we can use another mushroom to preserve airtime and land right in front of the normal shortcut on the runway, this saves us just under a second. flat task that doesn't use super grinding just to reiterate for now, this is slower during three turn tasks because consuming all three mushrooms to achieve this as well as setting up the super grind ends up losing more time than it saves compared to doing the race normally without that, let's move on to the rest of the video.
the 95 rule   mario kart wii s hidden fail safe
In the last video, we focused on the Ouija circuit because I learned more about the mechanics behind super polishing while creating a new tool-assisted speed run on that If you haven't already, check out that video on my channel. I am very happy with the result recently. I've been working with some other task lords in the community to improve the current coco mulish task. record of thirty point one one zero seconds during my attempts to improve the parking section of this


ure record. Again I felt quite unsettled by the strange mechanics of how to get a lap count every time you sometimes had to go further around the last car to get a lap count and we had never really understood why, just like with the super Polished, after years of these bugs existing, we can now say that we fully understand the mechanics behind the lap count in the Coconut Mall parking lot.
the 95 rule   mario kart wii s hidden fail safe
I don't want to overwhelm anyone who isn't. I'm completely familiar with the coconut cup bug, so first I want to explain the game's checkpoint system. Mario Kart Wii has a series of checkpoints that are set throughout each course to track the player's progress. As you progress through each lap, however, there are certain special points. checkpoints we call key checkpoints if you somehow missed a normal checkpoint, like via the Bowser's castle shortcut for example, your turn will count as usual; However, if you skip any of these green key checkpoints and attempt to complete a lap as usual, your lap will not count.
One last thing to note regarding checkpoints as long as you are within a point region. key checkpoint, the only key checkpoints currently loaded into memory are the key checkpoint region you are in, the next key checkpoint in front of you, and the previous key checkpoint in this example, simply let's ignore the usual blue checkpoints, let's say we start at the finish line, at this point we are at key checkpoint zero, in front of us key checkpoint one is loaded and the last key checkpoint of the center coconut shopping, key checkpoint five, just behind. us is also loaded into memory as we move towards the next key checkpoint, the next key checkpoint is loaded while key checkpoint five is unloaded, so to summarize this again at any given time, if you are within a key checkpoint region, only the key checkpoints are there. at the key checkpoint in front and the key checkpoint behind you are loaded with that said, let's talk about the premise of the ultra shortcut, there are several different tracks that contain ultra shortcuts, but I think the easiest of all to explain The concept of ultra-shortcuts is a roaring volcano.
If you shrimp at the right angle on the side of the road, you can get enough air time to land on this rock. Make enough progress to cross the finish line. This puts you at the key point of zero control. The side of this rock allows you to completely go around the boundaries of the zero key checkpoint so the game doesn't detect that you are driving backwards. Remember I said before that at any given time the key checkpoints are immediately in front of and behind you. You are also loaded because of this, we can go from key checkpoint zero to key checkpoint four already loaded, which is the last key checkpoint region in Grumble Volcan.
By doing so, the game detects that we moved from an earlier key checkpoint to a later key checkpoint. and believe we progressed correctly through the stage again. This doesn't work for skipping key checkpoints later in a track because the key checkpoint after the one you would try to skip does not float in memory in this scenario, however the last key checkpoint on the map is loaded, which which allows us to get a lap count, so is it always like this? The correct answer is actually no. This information alone is somewhat incorrect and believe it or not, there is an extra piece of the puzzle that no one was sure about until Now let's go back to the Coconut Mall and delve into the mechanics behind the error.
Let's start by looking at a previous record just to show how the racers dealt with entry and parking. It just so happens that I used to have the wolf. I recorded several times on this track, although only for a couple of days each, so I'll use one of my older times to show what the first major strategy was for the problem to start going out of bounds, it requires abusing the tracking system. game collision several months before my World record players use this area right here to get out of bounds. Falling between these two walls will cause the game to try to eject you in some direction.
If you get the angle right, you can have the front wall push through the back wall sending you out of bounds at the time of my run, although we had just found a new area where we could abuse the collision right next to the second escalator if you dive towards this pink block on the wall and then hold right after you can avoid a solid wall. of the escalator now the mechanics behind this version of the glitch are still a bit unknown, we believe it is similar to the glitch in n64 decays Jungle Parkway when hitting a horizontal wall as the top of this finish line, the game will allows temporary passage. normal vertical walls, well the pink block was not a vertical wall, actually if you slowed down the video and watch how Daisy hits her head against the wall, she is actually coming into contact with a horizontal part here first because she hit this horizontal wall first. able to temporarily pass through the vertical escalator wall, okay, with all that out of the way, let's finally move towards the parking lot instead of driving directly through the parking lot.
I turn to the right and go towards the first palm tree, there is actually an invisible one. wall along this line and this sets the boundary for a key checkpoint 0. Remember that to get a lab count of ultra shortcuts we need to go from key tech point 0 to the last key checkpoint on the map, so we must pass within this invisible. The wall here activates checkpoint key 0 and we can make our way through the rest of the parking lot. Once I get close to the last car here, I start drifting to the right, making sure to open up enough to get to the last key checkpoint on the map.
The game thinks I've reached the end of the lap correctly, so it triggers the next lap when I cross the finish line to count laps two and three. We drive to the wall of the shopping center at the key checkpoint. One turn we re-enter the key checkpoint. zero and then drive to the last key checkpoint on the map, so if you have been paying attention, you may think that this process doesn't seem to make any sense, why would we leave key zero checkpoint, go to key checkpoint one and then simply? Turn around and return to the key zero checkpoint.
This is where things start to get really weird. Remember I said that if you can get from key checkpoint zero to the last key checkpoint by going around the checkpoint boundaries, your lap will count, except it doesn't. work here your return does not count at Coconut Mall Coconut Mall is an exception to the


, but even the correct word is an exception or is Coconut Mall an opportunity to understand the checkpoint system a little more, let's fast forward almost two years from the date . of my world record and watch a new strategy performed for the first time in world record time by Japanese player dos kami.
He laughs like I do, but after the first lap he doesn't cross the finish line, but instead turns around and jumps over the sidewalk. activate the next turn to begin in the process, this occurs because you can actually make the turn activate by landing anywhere within the zero key checkpoint with one exception which I will address later from there until chemistry II simply goes to last key checkpoint on the map and proceed to repeat what you just did a second time. I won't explain why this works yet, so now the question we have to ask is why can you get a lap count by doing this curb jumping strategy and otherwise, we have to travel to the front of the curb wall. mall entrance, the answer lies in the fact that the chemi activated the return later than normal to explain what I mean, first let me show you what happens if we try to get a return. count crossing the finish line normally and without traveling to the front of the mall on the screen you can see what we call our completed lap.
This is an address in the game code that keeps track of the percentage of the lap we have completed if it has a value of two point five seven three four for example then that means we are on the second lap and we are around 57 point three four percent on the turn, plus we have a checkpoint screen for that, just focus on the key checkpoint. In parentheses, notice what happens between both values ​​when we cross the finish line normally and then move from the zero key checkpoint to the crystal key checkpoint. You'll probably first notice that we correctly entered key checkpoint five, but our full lap dropped to a point nine. instead of staying above two, okay that's weird, let's go incredibly wide and get to the last key checkpoint as early as possible on the track by going to the leftmost checkpoint in the parking lot, but nothing, Let's revisit the delayed lap count idea of ​​Takumi jumping.
On the sidewalk, players speculated and taskmasters confirmed that if you got the laugh count higher than normal, you could take the turn through the last key checkpoint much tighter than if you got the lap count higher than normal. closer to the finish line again. We really didn't. I totally understand why this happened until I started noticing a pattern. Let's focus again on completing the lap and the key checkpoint is displayed this time as I do the two kemi lap counting strategy. Let's pause at the first frame where I activated a spin and see. our full turn is two point zero one one two one four now let's try to enter the last key checkpoint as far to the right as possible at a point with a fuller turn okay, this doesn't count the turn, let's try to go further to the left , one jump, okay, so here it finally counts laps, which means to get a lap count in this situation we had to get to the last key checkpoint, add a full lap ofabout two point nine six one two one one or before subtracting our completion of two point nine six one two one one when we complete when we activate the return of two point zero one one two one four gives us the point nine four nine nine nine seven, which is almost exactly 95% right, let's try to activate the return a little earlier say two point zero zero nine one three one repeating the process produces only a return completion of about two point nine five nine one one five or sooner results in a count of turns.
I repeated this several times for many different lab completion values ​​and they all spit out the same magic number 95%. I could never jump more than 95% before completing my lap between the frame I activate the lap and when I enter the last key checkpoint, this explains why you can't get a lap count if you first pass through the line. Normally, the last checkpoint of the Cocoanut Mall occurs with a value of ninety-five point two percent at its first moment, which means that you will never be able to satisfy the ninety-five percent


, you will never be able to count the turns this way.
This was the missing piece of the puzzle. The game has a built-in



to prevent cheating and certain ultra-shortcuts by preventing lap counting in which a player's lap completion increases by more than 95%. This explains that Coconut Mall is no exception. checkpoint rules, but it's simply the only example we have so far to learn and understand this strange and


mechanic again. I would like to reiterate that this 95 percent rule compares between the ending of the laughs when you enter the last key checkpoint and the first square you activated the left, it doesn't matter if you travel further towards the laboratory before entering the parking lot, no You will be able to jump to a higher lap after discussing this theory with several people in the community where the Grumble volcano was taken.
Attention, all we do is go around a small rock, there is no way for this to follow the rule, we are cutting off much of the track, so the roaring volcano doesn't actually disprove this theory, the farthest you can go in a lab, through the last key checkpoint. the lab is at around 83 percent completion level as this is nowhere near 95 percent the lab will always count up to this Mushroom Gorge glitch the last key checkpoint is at about 87 percent through the lab so the glitch will always work as well for each In another ultra shortcut, I have verified that it cuts less than 95 percent of the track, even including Rainbow Road.
With this in mind, there is one track that raises a flag regarding ultra shortcut potential and that is Des Desert Hills, where the Lasky checkpoint is located. a 96% lab completion, so unless we can find a way to delay the lap count we will never see an ultra shortcut. Now let's talk about another rule, this time the magic number is about 4.9 percent, let's take a look at Kimmy's lab trigger. he can jump over the curve and get the lab count again. This is simply because he lands inside the zero key checkpoint, so the game updates his progress and therefore counts the lap in the process.
I was talking to other people in the community about whether this definition is correct and everyone seemed to agree, but I mentioned a crucial piece of information: making the turn on the sidewalk much higher up would not give you a turn count; You're clearly still in the key region of checkpoint zeros, so what's up? The game has another trick up its sleeve after making this final turn through key checkpoint five. Now you can see that our entire turn freezes at one point nine six one four six four because we have left the checkpoint region. Now let's watch while I try to turn. drift further up the last thing I could activate the turn was two point zero one zero five two five let's try this again but let's take the widest turn so that our full turn is closer to two, let's re-enter the parking lot and try turn a the drift again as you can see we can now drift anywhere inside the parking lot before key checkpoint 1 and still get a lap count just to reiterate everything I said in this video the game prevents you from jumping a 95 percent ahead.
Wherever you activate the turn, this prevents the current coconut mall strategy from counting turns unless you get far enough away to reach the checkpoint before completing 95 percent of the turn, plus you can't get a lap count returning to key checkpoint zero unless within 5% of lap completed when you left last key checkpoint. In conclusion, this is not game-changing knowledge. It definitely helps us better understand the requirements for a more optimal coconut malt failure task, but other than that, it doesn't affect much. Anyway, it's a lot of fun to continually learn more about the inner workings of one of your favorite games, many years later this video was a lot longer than I initially expected, but thank you so much for staying until the end, it was really exciting to dig into. .
In Coco Mall's lap counting mechanics, research the underlying 95 percent and 5 percent rules and try it out on a bunch of tracks if you have any suggestions for future video ideas. I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe for more videos like this and future proofs. Be sure to keep an eye out for our improved Coconut Mall 3-Turn Glitch Task coming soon and until next time, thanks for watching.

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