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Tattoo Etiquette: Blakehomie

Apr 09, 2020
Hey guys, are we doing great in today's video? I'm going to make another


where I cut the video. I know, damn. In about two weeks we won't be able to get it out this time. I think it's in a canal called Lake Homing. There are about 15 years old, maybe a little older, so this one is younger. I am doing this from a place of concern. I want to emphasize that you are so strong that I got this from a place of worry. They sent me their channel. or your videos have been sent to me several times in the last few months or over a year.
tattoo etiquette blakehomie
I've been dabbling in doing this, but the requests are much stronger now, you know, it's like it's daily. They sent me a video of this person or the channel link and I'm right, I should do it, so this could be I don't know, I don't know, this could be, it could be a bad idea, I don't know. I know, but I want to put this right at the front of the video and I'll say it at the end of the video as well. I don't want any of you to go to this person's channel and comment nasty things on that video.
tattoo etiquette blakehomie

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tattoo etiquette blakehomie...

I don't want any of you to bully this person. I don't want any of you to be horrible to this person. Attucks again, they're young, they're underage and I don't want to be responsible for that, so I'm just saying. I don't forgive him here, if you have to, leave my channel, don't ever come back here because I'm not going to be wild in this video, I'm not going to be horrible, this is it. It won't be like my usual



videos. I would say I won't be, you know, my usual goofy self because again, I'm pretty worried about this whole thing and yeah, so don't be mean, joy, be horrible, especially my comments. below also, this is not a place for that, okay, this person was over 18, so yeah, okay, whatever, but they are much younger and what do you see?
tattoo etiquette blakehomie
This is all quite a bit for me, you'll see why in a bit, but yeah, this quote is pretty sad. This whole thing continues too. Blake's content and what they upload is mostly what I would call experimental content and what I mean by that is like fashion makeup tutorials, hair cutting videos, hair dyeing videos and then self piercing videos. and then the self tattoo videos I like to experiment with your image so to speak, the first video about tapping was uploaded in July 2018, which was a tour of tattoos and the meanings behind them, which is like a standard video today in day on YouTube and I was watching. in the thumbnail I felt a little like you, uh, these are a little different, but that's okay, I'm not going to judge the style of the tattoo because everyone likes their different types of art and stuff like that, and I clicked. on that and then today I'm going to make a video about all my tattoos because I get a lot of questions on social media about all my tattoos and their meanings and stuff so yeah I know a lot of you want me to do a stick and poke tutorial and I kinda like wanting to make one, but at the same time I don't want you to know about twelve year old people figuring out how to get tattoos because it's like sticking pinpricks if you do them with the right materials.
tattoo etiquette blakehomie
They are permanent and will last as long as a normal tattoo, how can I do this? Okay, so like I say, I'm pretty sure they're about 50 years old, about 15 months and three years difference between twelve and fifteen years old. no big deal, they shouldn't be doing this themselves period, so they shouldn't worry about twelve yards because they should worry about themselves sticking and poking or the professional term that is handmade tattoos should last as long as a professionally done tattoo or a tattoo done by a machine as if there were no ifs and buts and that's how it should be.
I really hope this person goes into professional tattooing when he legally can so he can tell the difference. the difference, especially when it comes to quality and I don't know if I feel like it, but the reason I said that all this was quite sad in my opinion is that this person is too young to have a professional experience, so everything that You know it's bad tattoos done by myself, it's a little heartbreaking for me, like they're running before they can walk, if that makes any sense, my first tattoo is a heart shaped balloon like it's flying away and this one I did with a normal needle, you know. an embroidery needle base an embroidery needle an embroidery needle an embroidery needle an embroidery needle an embroidery needle and an embroidery needle and an embroidery needle I have nothing more to say it's honestly pretty horrible and then they said that the ink has leaked a little the ink hasn't leaked a little, but it's still very pretty and I like it, that's why: they should touch who themselves because they are leaking ink, which is actually technically called a tattoo blowout and what a tattoo blowout is is when someone urinates on the skin too forcefully. with a tattoo needle and ink and then spread under the skin, which sometimes just happens, but it's not always a good thing, for the most part not always, but for the most part it's a sign that they're not bad tattoo artists, but from someone who does. pretty harsh but yeah like we were saying before Blake uploaded some piercing videos and that's not really my area of ​​expertise so I'm going to avoid them and I also don't want to watch them and throw up because painting the video is weird just makes me feel a little dizzy even though I have my own piercings I don't want a professional um I can't see them I don't know why it's just the next video I want let's talk about what they uploaded which was a stick and poke tutorial even though they said they didn't want to upload one because they didn't want to.
Teach 12-year-olds how to stick and poke. You can get tattoo needles on Amazon for likes. seven dollars, so please, I'm begging you to get tattoo needles, don't use sewing needles, okay, just because you can doesn't mean you should, okay kids, stay away from your parents' Amazon account and Don't ask for tattoo needles, just don't do it, okay? Just why you do it, you're old enough and you go to a studio. Okay, I know most of you will probably use a sewing needle, but I really encourage you to get real tattoo needles, if you can, your lines will come out much better.
Your tattoo will look like it was done by a professional. You know, it's a fun fact, but the way to get tattoos professionally is to go to a professional, just in case you weren't aware of the fact that they are tattooing on a rug. The car mascot is totally scaring me, like I don't want to give people tips and tricks and stuff, but if you're going to touch it yourself, do it in a sanitary environment, don't do it on a rug, can you imagine? what is it to live? on that rug, even if you try that rug 300 times a day, that rug won't be clean, it's not, it's not a tattoo studio standard, it's a rug and if I went to a tattoo session, let's say, for my arm opaque.
So the ice that the artist that is doing this is doing is compiled. Imagine if it was Femme Fatal, it's in the studio that she works at and she was just setting up her station and then she just pulls out a square of carpet and just starts. putting, you know, the inks in there, his machine, the water, Vaseline, filling in the stencils, whatever, imagine if he's writing who, this ultra carpet, there's no clean film on the carpet, it's just a carpet, is it? TRUE? Honestly, I would be very worried about her. I have to do it. on a table with some damn cling film, you know, spray the table with some guy and just make it sanitary, not on a carpet.
Honestly, I'm very worried about this video because it's a tutorial, can you imagine how many young people? People see this and then do the exact same thing, as if it's what, all jokes aside, is honestly very worrying to my kind. At the end of the day, if someone wants to do something like this to themselves, they will do it anyway and yes. We'll find information online, but I just hope that not too many people have seen this and then Dom, what this person has done right, so this is a photo of the first pass of this stick and poke tattoo and I don't want to be.
I'll give you tips and tricks again, but if you did this like a pro, you would definitely wipe off the excess ink to see what you're doing, you wouldn't irritate your skin by going over it over and over and over and over again. Imagine if you went to Grace Neutral, in case you don't know who she is like a legendary hand tattoo and then she started doing her hand tattoos in layers like it's you, they're all one damn day, it would take hours and hours and hours and hours and hours to make like a little mandala if she did layered things like that like your skin was torn apart it would be impossible to tattoo it towards the end like your skin just left the end of the In the video they put a photo of what it looked like after six passes.
My skin would have deviated at this point if someone had put a needle through the same pieces of skin, like they would have just gone up, left, and gone to see. Do you like it oh, I'm done, that's not good, your skin is and will also be very painful. I mean if you're doing it right it should be painful if it doesn't hurt you're basically not going deep enough and you like it. even after six passes it looks jagged and jagged and that damn rug, oh they uploaded a video called how I have tattoos and piercings at such a young age and honestly I was really curious about this.
I was curious to see what they had to say when he comes to like his family and stuff with all his tattoos and piercings because I know for a fact that everything I find out like that oh my mom would have been the thing that would have kicked me off the planet, let me tell you that dad no one has improved any of my tattoos that no one knows like my dad uses on real tattoos, everyone in my family is like hey, nice back, nice fake tattoo you have there, oh my god what a planet his family is because of the temporary tattoos that They miss three days at most before they become as horrible as most.
It turns into a black, sticky mess and the temporary tattoos don't look real at all, like you can tell the difference between a temporary tattoo and a real tattoo. A real tattoo like mine here has that kind of it's like a cast of skin. They have a kind of plaster that is like matte, but with a temporary tattoo they look a little shiny and with henna tattoos I also mean that most limit, yes, yes, black henna, but even then they start to fade so different, but then they raised another stick and puncture. tutorial in May 2009 for teens where they stab each other in a rug once again, then they uploaded another tattoo walkthrough video in June 2019 called update your tattoo walkthrough and then we have this lucky stick and a nudge.
I don't know why I did it. I don't remember doing it I don't care I don't care It doesn't matter but I like it Okay, now, honestly, I'm just worried again. Is this something cool? Am I missing something here where people get tattoos? and I don't remember it like it's something else to do, I mean, I'm just not that cool, it's the only thing that all of this worries me a lot because it's fine, but why can't you remember it like you're so young, see how What am I saying here? Like I'm afraid there's something else going on here like you know, like with substances maybe I don't know, I don't assume or anything, like I'm really where it is. why I'm saying it right now, but I really want to grab them and hug them and guide them like they need guidance in their life.
Then they uploaded another video of the tattoo tour. My mom just walked in here and she's like you have to take care of all those tattoos. I stopped wearing them. She still thinks they're fake, right? and I told him I'll do it in a few weeks and I'll have to tell him, there we go that point so I'm probably going to film it no, no, how can you think that all the ink on his body is fake like he's really worried? Look, I'm ravenous like I'm honestly so worried that they're living under the roof with someone who can't figure out if all those tattoos are real or fake like this is like borderline stupidity like there's just no way to get tattoos.
I'm sure you guys like it, yeah, well, yeah, of course, like Lauren always mentions hardcore tattoos and I. Do I always mention visible tattoos and how you just have to be careful when you get them? Visible tattoos as you know. I have my hands starting. It's no secret, but the tattoos are visible. So the hands, the neck, the face, there are many, many, many. Without a doubt, there are now many companies and organizations that do not care about visible tattoos, so most of us are fine with you knowing how to tattoo snake touches, touches on the face are still a bit, but you know just as many places that don't I don't let people get hand tattoos, face tattoos, neck tattoos, and Blake is 15 again.
I'm guessing they're 15, haven't even left high school yet, and have serious tattoos at home, like overnight ones, where they just live in the best teen years they're having fun and with friends going out and experimenting with style and whatever and making such a bold move to have very visible hand tattoos at such a young age. I do not know i do not know. I like it I don't like itabsolute I can I just have this picture of them there like mid-20s or they've been like shit, what did I do? I'm trying to get a professional job here and no one took me seriously and you know there's a chance they're betting or hoping that social media will be their career, which is fair enough, but social media might not exist for always.
Look, I've been there. I've been in Blake's shoes. where I have I've gotten tattoos and I've been like, you know what my life is like and I love these tattoos and those tattoos that I've covered up. I've had so many cover-ups because I liked to rush into getting a tattoo. I have literally spent thousands. thousands of pounds in cover ups because I thought I was doing something good I thought I was going to get a good tattoo it's because of poison and like Blake's, all of Blake's tattoos are not done professionally. I'm talking to them now, right?
You might think this. It's a good thing now and you may think you're the coolest person, but I can literally guarantee you that when you're 20 you'll be like What did I do? And the thing is, what they have in their hands is not easy. to cover up you are looking at a full blown laser or black job, at this point you know social media, if a career in social media or a creative career doesn't work for them you will be so limited and again as for when the time comes. They are in their twenties and that will be seen in 10 years, so in 10 years things may have changed and hopefully for them they have, but what is their mother doing?
Why can't his mother see that? These are real, so I know for a fact that if I came home with all that in my hand at 15, I can't even imagine it, I think I would have been kicked off the planet like there was no worry again. They are young, they are experiencing most of the time when a person is like that, there is nothing you can say or do to stop it. I get it, but I wish she had someone in her life to guide her in the right direction and tell her, "hey, that's it." It's not a good idea, you should weigh your elder to have more visible tattoos because then you left school, yeah, what not, oh, if it was my son I would be devastated, absolutely devastated, and not because she has tattoos like you.
I know what I can see beyond some of the trouble spots. I'm sure you have done something. I'm not going to sit here and compete with you because you know when you're that age you don't. think about the consequences you like that part of your brain it just hasn't developed you don't think about it later in life you just think well I want to be great I'm going to talk to myself in the world I understand Honestly, we've all been there, if you're father and you are watching this, guide your children in the right directions when it comes to body modifications, tell them that you know the best way to do it is professional, tell them that visible tattoos are prohibited. until you figure out what you're doing with your life and most teens don't know what they're doing either they say they posted a video in January 2020 so this is pretty new where they get tattooed on a blanket fluffy We move off the rug, we're now on a fluffy blanket, but they're also using a tattoo machine, there are no gloves, and I honestly can't go any further because if Blake were older, he'd come in a lot stronger like me.
I've been saying I want to feel bad for them. I really feel bad because I can see thousands of dollars in cover-ups coming and maybe they'll see this and say, "Oh my God, this girl, why are you?" as critical as let me live my life. I was there like I was saying. I spent thousands of pounds on tattoo cover-ups that were not very good and were also done professionally. I went to a studio to get a tattoo and I had no idea how good a tattoo could be and then I started looking like Tom Lowe when Tom Doe was cool and all these people had amazing tattoos.
I was like, oh my god, like I don't have them. I know tattoos can be so good and then I ended up spending a ton of money trying to rectify my mistakes because I was in such a rush to get tattoos and get tattoos that I ended up getting whatever was wrong and there's just nothing like okay no I would love to to know what you guys think about all this again, please don't hate them, please, you know, if you want to leave advice, kind words, maybe, but don't be horrible. It's not the time or the place, you know Blake is one of us, they're just not doing it right right now and if we guide them in the right direction, you know let's help this happen, let's not be horrible. them, yeah, I don't know, I feel bad about this, okay, I'll go now.
I hope everyone is doing very, very well and until my next video, goodbye.

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