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Apr 09, 2020
Hello friends, here again on your channel, Saná is a proposal for the comprehensive health of the family with the natural of the natural, always in respect for Mother Earth, welcome and in this video we are going to make an integration of two videos already made but with many clarifications given a large number of questions and doubts from many people here we are going to integrate the water gel and lime and the bio gel called aloe punch we are going to give new applications and how to do it quickly without so many explanations if someone wants to already have nutritional scientific technical explanations well There is the video of the water gel and lime and the video of the gel video so that you can go deeper into it in this video it is all faster well now we start this summary the bio gel and the water the ical here from the garden of my house you will be able to notice that In a small space that does not reach two meters, three square meters of land, we have almost fifteen aloe plants, we have cherimoya, cherimoya, and we have lemon here in this single little piece because the invitation is for you to have aloe plants planted there in your home. consumption for your needs, if you do not have this little land, then in materas, but the invitation is that you have your own aloe vera plants in your home.
ss32 agua gelical porque no licuar la s bila nuevos usos aclaraciones luis antonio mel n g mez
You select your aloe vera plant. You realize that it is ready to be cut when the bases of each leaf are thick. then you are going to select the last sale that is found, that is, the one that is from bottom to top, from bottom to top, to the one that is first, in this case it is this sale because the idea is not to cut the stalk like this, leaving it to the aloe and a piece does not because it damages the plant and damages the stalk, so when selecting the first one, make a small incision here, tiny and then tear, look, look how low, look, look how easy it was to cut it as long as I take the last one after cutting it, we place the stalk, this is called a penca a leaf, we place it vertically so that by gravity the acíbar descends, which is this yellow-green liquid that you see here, which is what some people say smells ugly or tastes bitter, well, that is removed, we already explained vertically from the night previous the longer it lasts vertically the more so the bar lowered to the base and I am going to consume the least that I should not consume it in the amount that the penca brings now to get the like this we put water to boil in a steel pot not aluminum we add We simply beat this amount of salt a little and let the water get between lukewarm and hot, not boil it, to get the acibar out after having lowered the pot with the water and the salt that was on the stove, being at a temperature well hot but not boiling 50 degrees it burns but it doesn't burn there if I get there I take my stalk the one I had left the night before vertical I cut the base I'm not going to use that one some people have told me it turns red well if it is placed Red is because when you went to buy the stalk, if you don't have the aloe vera bush in the house, they sold it like that and you shouldn't buy it like that, the stalk should be like this with this natural seal on it.
ss32 agua gelical porque no licuar la s bila nuevos usos aclaraciones luis antonio mel n g mez

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ss32 agua gelical porque no licuar la s bila nuevos usos aclaraciones luis antonio mel n g mez...

If they sell it to you like that, don't buy it because it rusts. It damages then now yes being like this like this if it turns red because there is a type of aloe vera whose color the gel is red these outlets are called barbadenses miller when I bought it in some other parts there are trees it is there vulgaris since they are like the most used but the one we recommend is the barbadense miller because it has more gel the device and places it in the hair that I had with the hot water here parto took out the pieces of that size and that's it at the same time I leave it there for how long between 10 and 15 minutes we left it there and more or less 12 minutes have passed.
ss32 agua gelical porque no licuar la s bila nuevos usos aclaraciones luis antonio mel n g mez
I remove the pieces of stalk from the water and the dried ones. I remove them all and observe the color that remained of the water. That water contains the acibar that the stalk had that should not be consumed. Remember that Aloe vera has between 17,000 and 20,000 parts per million of Asiva and I must consume a maximum of between 200 and 300 parts per million. Those who have an industrial vacuum process have 50 parts per million, but in this homemade process, which is what You have at your disposal, you have between 200 and 300 parts per million left, which is safe for consumption, ready, so now we are going to make the water gel and lime or angelic short this little side look short short this other side she is round she is flat look at the flat part arrived and removed that shell ready now look at the channels we are going to get the best we take out the fillet the glass with a spoon easy to remove now you can see the channels that the aloe has internally that is why we leave it vertical so that by There I lowered the acibar to the base and I am not going to consume it.
ss32 agua gelical porque no licuar la s bila nuevos usos aclaraciones luis antonio mel n g mez
Now observe how it has a banana space for a week. Not the amount of fiber is the amount of gel. I am going to place it here in the water and this water is for drinking now. It's filtered water so I start to squeeze it with my hand so that it releases. It's a gel and this is what we call angelic. I can drink it every day. I can drink it, however, it's been about two months, three months. and suspend it for a while, look at how the gel is now after having squeezed them, look at the texture and how it turned out with the gel, so now I transfer it here to the glass that is for consumption.
I had poured a glass of water and it came out. much more due to the effect of the cee and then saliva well, chew the crystal pieces multiple health benefits this is life health if you want to take it to the office or when you are going to exercise - the mass in glass is this angelic water It's the one they're selling you in a bottle, it's aloe, it's aloe vera, but lies, that has chemical processes, aloe vera comes, look, look at the little pieces that are left here. This is aloe vera, aloe vera means real aloe vera, not like those other little pieces that they put in it.
What a lie, they also add sugar and coloring and preservatives, no, and you make your aloe vera drink very economical and completely natural. They asked us today if I want to prepare it until the evening for next week. What do you recommend? No, it should be consumed fresh at most today. Yes, I prepared them in the morning and I had leftovers. I prepared two glasses. Three glasses. I left it stored in the refrigerator covered in a bottle. I didn't leave it like that. It is uncovered because there could be cross contamination from other things that are in the refrigerator.
So cover it and consume it. at night, but in no way are you going to store it for three days, four days, one week because it ferments, it will cause heartburn, it will harm you because it has amino acids, minerals, phytochemicals, vitamins, it has many ingredients that are fermented, that oxidize. They deteriorate, they become rancid, so this is consumed fresh. I come back and repeat, at most I prepare it in the morning. I consume it during the day until at night. No more, please. No more. The next day, come back and prepare your water and read Carl.
Very quickly then they tell us, hey, but wait, I'll split the whole stalk and what do I do with the pieces that I have left. Okay, so here's the explanation. These pieces that were left, I don't use them. I'm going to use them the day after tomorrow to make my own. other water, gel and lime, they keep them in the refrigerator like this on a plate, not in plastic, ceramic or glass plate, no plastic containers or wrapped in anything like that, I'm not going to wrap it in aluminum foil or plastic paper, nothing like that. That's how you put them, leave them in the refrigerator the next day, when you come to use the piece that was left from the previous day, you will realize that this is going to be a little damaged, so it arrives to reuse, arrives and removes that piece, removes it, that no she uses it and comes back and it looks genuine and she comes back and does the whole process that we explained to get the water out of the ical this peel that I removed to take out the fillet she has the so I do this look at my hair and then she says that the sap and the stain and I'm smearing it look with the gel it doesn't stain it stains if I had left it on top if you don't remove this then the taste is not pleasant the smell is strong and it's going to stain me but look there I like it there you can see that it hasn't stained me so those taboos have to be removed the important thing is to remove the like this you go with the hot water with a little salt that is the key now we are not going to remove the fillet like we did for the ical water Now we are going to take out gel so we do it differently than before I only remove one side ok for the flat part not for the round part for the flat part I open like someone who opens a book see April there you can see the channels and now I do this scraping life Look at how the gel comes out easily.
You can also do it with a spoon, scrape it with whichever you like better, with the spoon or with the knife, but always scraping, I like the knife much better. Remember when I collected the peel on my shirt when it was dry? measure how it turned out there is no stain there is no bad smell I mean there is no problem without it that's how it goes so now you see that the gel boy to beat it never to liquefy it I never know why many have asked us but I heard that it liquefies and so-and-so recommended that it be liquefied, that doctor so-and-so that it be liquefied, that someone from India came to the West and said that they made Savile punch that is liquefied, I want to say the following to all those who are saying that.
Aloe vera has glucomannan and a quantity of soluble fiber. If I blend it with blades, I damage it and I say something else to those who say that the doctor who came from India said that it blends and it is false, for what reason? aloe punch or bio gel, the same name is from Ayurveda, this is more than 5,000 years old, 5,000 years ago, now tell me, did you have blenders with these blades, with these glasses, 5,000 years ago, a thousand years ago, 200 years ago, no, they did it like that, look at them. they did like this or with something similar to this not with something similar to this with which I can beat when I beat it look what happens look what happens how it became no look look how it became compact now for those who say no what was it that They told me that it liquefies that the doctor said that it liquefies it goes let's use this gel look at the consistency there is the glucomannan of the week not the fibers the gel what is the property of the gel that the gel enters my colon because of the soluble fiber it absorbs water absorbs water and absorbs cholesterol that is in the colon, preventing that cholesterol from going to the blood, it goes to the blood but since the liver needs cholesterol to carry out procedures and when cholesterol that was in the colon does not reach it, the liver goes there and takes the cholesterol that is in my bloodstream then what is the effect it lowers my low density cholesterol what they call bad ldl louden yes lipoprotein I lower it from my blood that's why I have to consume it like this look look look at it look at it so it's time then now Let's blend this then with regard to blenders I also told us look one thing is this blade that cuts and another thing is this butterfly look at it where can I get it because these are Oster brand you can get them in many places where there are spare parts for This type of blender, see, this one doesn't have blades, it doesn't cut, it's like this and it's going to damage the fiber, it crushes it, so there's no glucomannan left, there's no week left, there's no longer a number of properties that aloe vera has, and also because of that centrifugation it He injected oxygen molecules into the aloe vera and what it did was oxidize it and instead of it being an antioxidant, now it became an oxidizer because that blessed habit of having everything to liquefy, of everything having to put it in the refrigerator, please, we have to rethink this. a book that says when food was damaged at what time health was damaged and the answer was very clear when refrigerators were invented because people believe that carrying food everything there nothing happens total cross contamination ok so let's let's beat it here in the blender now I'm going to assemble the butterfly first the butterfly left the blade outside look how it was before I'm going to place it here we beat enough let's take out the look that the structure is already on the blade see how it changed my color, look, the color has already changed, although it could have preserved the gel because it did not damage it since it did not have blades.
In any case, when I centrifuged it, it generated more oxygen in it and the texture did not damage it, but oxygen was already injected into it, now this gel We are going to put it with the blade, well, this texture, we are going to cut it, we are going to see what happens, we take it out, it has already destroyed the gel, it has already broken it, look that it is coming out in pieces, now, I observed, remember how it was before, look at how it turned out due to the effect of the oxygen from the centrifugation, now It's rusty and look, it's already broken, it's gone, the entire piece came out, the color was damaged, look, remember how the color was before, look how it turned out now due to the effect of the oxygen injection, and it already measures, now, now.
Not anymore, not anymore, the one that I can't compact before, I didn't have anything left here, look, look at the difference without liquefying, liquefied. This is an oxidizing agent that damages the fiber. Look at its natural state. I'm going to blend just a little bit so that we can do the test again to Don't make so much noise with our mixer, with this it is compact, look at everything here is the glass I attract them all because it is compact it is in its original state the gel was as it is look at the color now let's look at the other one yes look how it falls apart how it was damaged and the color, this is no longer real avila, it is damaged avila due to the effect of the blender, so please never blend the aloe vera, the spider is never fully evident and I even get from the glass how everything was spread, everything because it says my no, the ingredients in it all the glass will be smeared while here it is compact she is compact look it stays compact and the glass is almost a task everything comes the glass how it was left clean while because of having damaged it because of having spread it crushed scattered look how it turned out people call this it says that heiodoothers say disc the latex the aloe this is not iodine this is like that bar the amount of iodine is one thousand thousand micro grams that is to say that and nothing is almost the same and another says in latex no the word latex is generic it is an ex soldier who throws something because it would be called latex but it is because it is an exudate no more but this is what it is called it goes against king on us ok aloin in molina beard loin etc. what uses can we give to this cyber which is the one that comes out the best of the aloe vera, a small piece of cotton, you gather it where there is acne, you first wash your face with you can wash your face with water, gel and lime, you wash it and dry it and then take this to whistle and in each pip where there is acne there in the in the little mouth and apply it, go back and pick it up, apply it wherever there is acne.
Well, I don't have acne, but those who suffer do it like this. It's not an afternoon all over the face, only where the acne spot is. Another use of chivas to deworm children or adults in children two drops of asiva two drops no more dissolved in half a glass of water half a glass of water two drops of archibald bate the child takes it on an empty stomach for seven days to deworm two drops in the adult double the amount now a glass of water and four drops of asiva also on an empty stomach for seven days to deworm here in Colombia we have an imminent doctor luís humberto peláez who manages an allo company in Colombia he manufactures this cream which is a cream that is one of the bases that it has is acíbar what is it used for vitiligo that depigmentation those people who turn white and lose their pigment this cream is made one of the bases it is like this wonderful bar later we will show many more products from this scientific biologist that is the original crystalline aloe crystal almost transparent in the light I can see the wonders the unliquefied gel also remains crystalline it also remains crystalline liquefied forget it then look here is the crystal it is so crystalline that I don't even see it look then we have two very big differences liquefied and in its natural state, there is how it was modified, other people invented that aloe vera was a hybrid, please, where do you think of saying this as a hybrid is that it took something from here, something from here and says something new, aloe vera is so ancient that it came to the earth first than the human being, then the human being, how was she going to modify it?
If she arrived first than the human being here on earth, she already falls from her weight, well, they are going to say that she is a book over there, a man without any technical support the only support that the man said was that in a dream in a meditation they had revealed to him that it is a cart that is speculation that shows the scientific proof that if she arrived first than the human being how the human being was going to turn her into a hybrid I'm even going to read something in cuneiform writing on the clay tablet to your animal so that they can investigate it.
It dates back more than 5 thousand years. There is already a reference to the aloe vera, so five thousand years ago they were going to modify it to make it a hybrid from where then in the botanical dictionary, as Thompson says, we can see the ancient texts to Codians from four thousand years ago referring to Alarcón with the name Yes Barú, so please, she is more original than the human being who came to earth first than the man, in no way could it have been modified, so please, those speculations are very important, do not consume this gel, do not consume this gel if you are consuming allopathic drugs, pills to control hypertension, diabetes, well, anything else of these because because she is very intelligent, she is very intelligent and when you see inside the body a chemical blocks it encapsulates it blocks it then the person who is already dependent on that pill hypertension diabetes and others blocked the beginning of that pill and the person was left as if he had not taken the pill that is To say, the person got the aloe vera, the aloe vera increased my attention, the aloe vera made me get diabetes, it is not that what she did was encapsulate, block, as the lawyers say, she cannot be consumed concomitantly with an allopathic chemical drug because it is counterproductive, she must leave between the pill and the consumption of the aloe vera if you want to do it at least two hours in other words if the drug yes the pill was consumed at eight in the morning the aloe vera will be consumed two hours before at six or two hours later at ten, keep this in mind, please, they have also asked us, please let me see images of the aloe vera that is used, well, barbadensis, that is where the plugging plant will appear since it is also called taint, the tree is or arborescens vulgaris arista is and the short and folk one and there will appear a photo of each one so that you can see the beauty that the aloe has, one that forms a spiral of beautiful leaves, those are the most common because there are more than two hundred kinds of aloe so that someone can come and tell you that it is a hybrid imagine there are more than 200 kinds the uses of aloe rhinitis sinusitis in poultices we are going to make a video on the topic constipated colon asthma anticancer anti-inflammatory this crystal I am going to take out another crystal to show something now You do this here quickly then fly if I take out this other crystal here look at how quickly that is done that is very quickly I take this crystal to the freezer on a plate not in plastic it froze it I already have a kind of ice but of aloe vera for What will help me is a blow to the head, a child, a blow to the body, then being frozen, there he goes and rubs it for carpal tunnel, rubs it on the top and rubs it on the bottom on both sides, anti-inflammatory, anti-dandruff, I don't know.
He arrives if he has dandruff, seborrhea, this is glass with the side, sorry, he rubs it where there is dandruff, then he takes the lemon, yes, and he puts it there and he squeezes it and he rubs it by rubbing it and after the lemon is finished, he comes back with the glass. and close rub and let it dry there is to eliminate dandruff and eliminate seborrhea bruises at 30 and rheumatoid find colitis bursitis oh my pain here my elbow hurts for athletes there tennis in short has many applications that what we are talking about today is a clarification and a review of two videos that are already angelic water and bio gel where we already delve into the characteristics and what it is for today we are trying to fit both the bio gel and the water gel and lime in a single quick video of what I can see this gel, handle it with all the confidence, love and security in the world, look at it, you can rub it on me, breathe in, if my turbinates, adenoids are inflamed, I breathe now, since this is mine, I can put my little hand in it and no one else will use that anymore.
Don't be afraid anymore, take this gel and insert it into your nose rhinitis sinusitis reduce inflammation of the turbinates look and once you uncover it you want it for the ears well I hope I slow down here because it is already smeared from the nose to the metal ears go so that to get out is to make those ears that are covered put the metal key in now with the other hand you have seen objects here open your little eyes open and let it enter for mouth ulcers in chairs that bleed meters ready if you want your hair to fit it's cool to wales where you most want to spread it good on your private parts wonderful genital is a cloth with confidence those women who have reflux who have vaginal dryness now and I'm going to tell one to the men today my friend has erectile dysfunction he signed up here is the solution take the water gel and lime on one side and then take this gel yes and you are going to spread it on your penis on your testicle throughout the genital area rub it here the penis rub it on your glans the head rub rub everything since you will remember From me, goodbye, erectile dysfunction, you don't have to take any chemicals or anything, I took the bio gel and rubbed the entire genital part and let it dry and you will remember for burns, take the gel, rub it on the burn, take this gel, a telo there in that burn to heal if any of you unfortunately have to go for chemotherapy or radiotherapy about two hours before the chemo or radiotherapy, take this gel and you are going to spread it all over your body, everything is spread in a uniform way. protective barrier that the effects of chemo that people come home after chemo want to die will have to have placed all this aloe vera gel in your body as you come out of chemo with practically no side effects ok now and there are people who come home with the eyes that I give them from the computer of whatever is frozen, rub it on their eyes if your head hurts, put these frozen crystals like this in a handkerchief, put it here on your forehead, tie it up and holy remedy tower me gave another great use for this gel, let's suppose that this is a little bottle, there you have shampoos that you like to use, then base a little bit of shampoo and to that shampoo you add the aloe vera shampoo, beat it and a third to see how your hair looks. that feeling of cleanliness and delight and another and the same for the hand soap and myself here that I have been manipulating the gel I have those hands its loss when it has dried the eagles remember when I placed it on my nose I am breathing delicious, everything was uncovered, it went down, how wonderful aloe vera is, really every time you use aloe vera, say a prayer of thanksgiving to our father, to mother earth, because this is wonderful, wonderful, multiple applications, this is a leaf of aloe vera, but the dry one you find has already dried up. in your aloe plant, when a leaf dries up, don't believe that it's a woman or that you're going to vote for it, no, you catch it, it burns, it sets a fire, it burns, and you're going to get out of it, you're going to get out this ash, look, look, there it turns into ash. that is or it turns on very easily you learn and from that it comes out of that ash that was left yes then from here we start to take out this ash yes here this ash that we already have here made for what this ash is of no use look at this ash that They call plates even since you place it there the next day holy remedy but a very important use of this ash because it is a great varicose ulcer healer for the ladies who have those sores those ulcers on the feet wash the wound very well with colloidal silver with water boil some some cleaner and then take ash and in the area of ​​the varicose ulcer he places it around and inside it he places it so that it is well covered he places a little house of those that they sell individually completely with total asepsis and and go to sleep I can guarantee you to the person who has that with a healthy diet consuming these bio gels or these water gel and lime that in eight days will be like that dear that sore has dried completely and has healed, please do it but remember change your diet to a diet healthy these peels that were left by removing the gel or the glass and after having also spread it, look at the wonderful use as fertilizer for the earth to regenerate, protect the microorganisms that the earth has, protects against the ozone layer with all these problems that there are today and you place them upside down, there they place them, they are a regenerator of the microorganisms of the nutrients in the soil so that there are better crops in many places where they have these large quantities of aloe vera, these shells are placed upside down and those lands become They become super fertile, I hope you have some pebbles there in your house in the formation of quartz formation, there is fabric and that is a great nutrient for the earth.
In the final part of this video we are going to review how the bio gel or also called punch is made. aloe vera and I wanted to leave it for last because look at this piece of aloe vera this piece of aloe vera I used it later that is, it's not freshly taken out is what I mean and you can see how the tips turned black that's what happens to this to this piece of aloe vera when I didn't use it all and I had to save it for the day before or two days later when that happens then what should I do that part that is rusty I remove it I remove that piece and see that it comes back and looks good ok then for the two ends I withdraw I withdraw let's see let's do a close up look how it turned out as is as if we had started the process the same on the other side and he no longer votes if he goes because it had already been removed so we are going to review the bio gel or also called aloe punch I come back and do my process I come back and pick up my mini shell that is done very quickly I'll come back and take out my cell phone the punch is made with gel not with water gel and lime the water reads Carl is the drink and now the We already take out the punch, it's with pure gel, we make the raspa of the raspa, always ask, please tell me, then, how much aloe vera, what are the ingredients for a personal portion? do not use tahiti lemon please make it I think it's ready that is the second ingredient lemon third ingredient pepper a little bit of pepper always buy it in and crush it at the time of use do not buy it already crushed everything that is crushed breaks the process of the oxidation reduction that is the amount of pepper that I am adding we already added a pinch of turmeric look that is the amount of quota stop now that is the fourth ingredient so the first was aloe this amount second was lemon the third was pepper remember p for Crush it with turmeric or turn meric.
The fifth ingredient is another rhizome called ginger. Here is the summary so that you know it. Remove the peel so you can scratch it with the knife. Look here I already have it grated. I already have it grated. So now what? I'm going to do it, place it here in the strainer and see, cousin, look how I put pressure on it with the spoon and there I am getting the juice. Now if you don't mind this fiber, we added this little thing. There are people who bother you. In this factory, the ideal thing is to place everything.
If I place everything, I did it like this so that both of them could see.options and finally we add the honey that is honey from the moor, a pure honey, a honey that is real honey from bees, I make a shake that with my spoon so that everything is mixed, the spoon does not help me to beat as much and in exchange so that it releases the honey now If you have diabetes then the amount of honey will be drops about three drops of honey no more yes more like this is a wonderful blender 3 now yes until everything is homogeneous it never liquefies never look how I can do it so you can also do it with the fork or with the previous whisk or with the fork now we serve it this is the amount that came out as it is taken on an empty stomach for 48 50 days you can do more but that is the minimum amount to cleanse your liver and it is wonderful it is an anti-cancer blood cleanser antidiabetic for hypertension cleans colon cleans liver fatty liver olimpia cleans stomach cleans pancreas in short the gel is my bio gel because it is alive it is a living gel do not kill it with the blender or with chemicals it is bio gel aloe punch that Some people call it, I consume it on an empty stomach and have breakfast half an hour after having consumed it.
In the case of other treatments, it is used at night but usually during the day and it is super delicious. Remember that I leave everything out of the ginger, you can do it with the liquid. It is not true but the best thing is that it goes with everything and when you debate you no longer feel in the little arrow of the ginger and it is better with everything it is a delight to my talent 107 it is pharyngitis in short health remember friend if you liked our video they give their approval we had talked about this in other videos but today what we did was do in one just a summary because there were many doubts and apart from that we delivered new concepts of uses for sap subscribe to our channel



melón gómez de lo Get to know everyone and remember to let healthy food give you its energy and so your body will respond with better health.
Thank you very much. See you next time. Bye.

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