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May 31, 2021
Hurry up and other members of the side are going to take interns to try to make me


, if I


, I'm surprised like this and yeah, we're all going to take interns, we're going to move your best joke, okay, what's blue and not light blue heavy? two dollars and kills people a murderer I'm not, so my girlfriend asked me to stop singing Wonderwall to her. I told him that maybe the suburbs highlight how well you are, really well. You know, shut up, Jackie, what a priest and McDonald's have in common. Don't know. I know they both put their meat in ten meters.
shocking try not to laugh challenge
Mirror Mirror on the wall Why is Simon so small? I know he used to hate facial hair. He took them off, but then they grew on me. How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for fresh tracks. yes, I'm fine, you laughed reading the skeletons Anna, let's go trick-or-treating, let's go trick-or-treating, why because they don't have the body to go with an imposter or an action game will know what noise a 747 makes when it bounces buying buying buying? Would anyone be interested in being my partner? Asking for a friend. My wife said nothing rhymes with orange.
shocking try not to laugh challenge

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Anything. It's a total scam. Come on, lady. Know that this is my worst nightmare. This is the only video I said. I never filmed. I hate electric shocks. off if you press this one i don't swing what do you get when you cross a dick a dictator a man is washing his car with his son the son asks kanye just use a sponge if we warned in this game he would be on the floor holding me why dr. pepper comes in a bottle I don't know why his wife died another joke I thought Nightwind right you see the water in my hand I was coughing Harry Potter can't tell the difference between his pot and his best friend they are both cauldrons What did Cinderella do when she arrived at the ball ?
shocking try not to laugh challenge
He gagged her. Come on. Thorin acid is wrong in some people's eyes. I'm reading a book about the history of glue. I can't seem to leave it. Why was the guitar teacher arrested? for touching a minor a minor you think he is a minor what is his name when he greets you? I once swallowed the dictionary and it gave me the worst sore throat I've ever had. He said pick a zodiac sign any zodiac sign I said Capricorn he said now you have cancer are you ready for the joke I'm going to need a little participation okay, ask me a question okay, Simon, what's okay, I'm listening to Simon, Simon, look at me.
shocking try not to laugh challenge
I'll soon lose you guys okay oh yeah I guess I'm wondering what to do and get to illy Pappas. I recently read about this, a new restaurant they opened on the moon, meals out of this world, but a zero atmosphere fan approached me. and he said hello dad I'm hungry so I said hello hungry and dad not the guy who invented zero thanks for nothing JJ ok why didn't the Mexican Archer fire Isabel he didn't make a mistake I don't care about the term kidnapping I prefer to call it a surprise adoption to the satellites i just decided to get married the wedding was no big deal but the reception was great it was amazing frogmen how long is a chinese name?
Am I sterilizing? Alright. I want to hear a joke about my penis. account, I have chlamydia, what I know, it's too long, sorry, what do you call a cheap circumcision? a scam what was Demi Lovato's last big hit how do you circumcise a redneck? I actually got a job at the bank, but they fired me from my job. I don't know why an old lady asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her on what is called a diver, small penis. Justin's parents are like boomerangs, right? Who was the worst gunslinger believer in the Wild West, Flynn?
What do you call a guy with a giant dick looking at Phil? What is the difference between a prostitute and a drug dealer? A prostitute can wash the crack out of her and reset it so you can think hard about this. one okay, there's a mistake, right, what's the last thing that goes through an insect's mind when it gets hit by a windshield? What does one sagging boob say to the other sagging boob? If we don't get support, people will think we're crazy. Do you know if a pool is safe for diving? It depends on what one buttock said to the other, together we can stop this.
What is Forrest Gump's Facebook password? A virus What is the name of an incomplete Italian neighborhood? The Spaghetto I really hope your boy Elon Musk doesn't get involved in any major scandals because what should you do if you encounter an elephant? Apologize and clean it up. How did Jesus stay so fit? CrossFit What did the Buffalo say to his son when he left for college? In fact, I did. don't trust atoms because they're all you mate with time for jokes what's the difference between anal and oral sex oral sex makes your day anal makes your whole week why the Scarecrow won an award she was outstanding in your field that's a good joke, why did the cafe file a police report why was it robbed?
I didn't know. Why the coffee knew why the moment Randy? Are you ready to laugh? Hey, you know two white people? You're very good with the accent, but the rest of you Tell us what boobies and toys have in common. Both were originally made for children, but dads don't play with them. You killed the Joker. I was about to laugh. Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France? There was nothing left but traces of potassium. He jokes about what's at the bottom of the ocean and gets nervous. How do you find a blind person on a nude beach?
Is not difficult. I taught my four-year-old son how to use the word abundance in a sentence. Yes, he said. thanks dad, that really means a lot when someone close to you dies muse, what's worse than ants in your pants, he wouldn't do it today. In fact, I saw a dwarf prisoner climbing down the wall. I thought to myself, that's a little condescending if a woman sleeps. with ten men she's lazy but if one man does it he's a floor maker he's gay if I had Parkinson's disease I stick my hand to my hand have you ever heard of the band 923 megabytes probably not they haven't had a yet concert how did the farmer do it? he caught his cheating wife he tracked her down I actually hate jokes about German sausages they are the worst so it's not me if you rearrange the letters the postmen get very angry why you only need an egg in French because in French an egg is why snoop dogg needed an umbrella in your life and i left oh yeah you

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