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Science with Duggee Marathon | Learn with Duggee | Hey Duggee

May 31, 2021
Hello daddy, what are you doing? Oh wow, Doug is looking through a telescope. Can I look through it? Dougie, a wolf, what does he do? It's to look at things very, very far away, like stars and comets, the whole solar system, huh, what is the solar system? Dougie can explain it. 'cause he's got the space badge on him so you guys will be the dull planets and Dougie will be the sun oh the sun yeah tag the sun is a star that burns bright at the center of our solar system wow what am I? you are mercury, the planet closest to the sun yes happy its venus the hottest planet on the wall oh hot no here is the earth label is mars what about me? you're jupiter betty wow i'm huge because jupiter is huge then there's saturn uranus neptune and there's even a dwarf planet called pluto and they all revolve around the sun it's all called amazing solar system I wish I could go to space we can look much closer at enid in the biology bus get on the squirrels it's time to set up the microscopic ray to miniaturize whoa oh Yeah, small enough to find out what makes Enid so squishy.
science with duggee marathon learn with duggee hey duggee
Now, if you look ahead, you can see in her brain every time she feels something, the synapses in her brain activate based on all this cognitive activity. I would say that the image is doing something very complex. Where are we now? We are currently passing in her eyes. Cats have powerful eyesight for hunting prey and nasal receptors for smelling things and, of course, vocal cords for purring. It's dark down here. The blood cells are a little swollen, yes, but they help move oxygen. Around Enid's body, her heart begins to beat faster, which means her lungs have to work hard to bring more oxygen to her body.
science with duggee marathon learn with duggee hey duggee

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science with duggee marathon learn with duggee hey duggee...

She now she's catching her breath. a place of calm away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a true oasis of tranquility and air what are those? your pond is full of twisted raisins dougie they're not twisted raisins dory oh wow they're babies that's what they're called tadpoles our tadpoles baby worms not baby fish baby snails no, not quite squirrels the tadpoles are, in fact, baby frogs they don't look like fog oh they sound like frogs are you sure dougie oh wow who is doug pretty sure squirtles has his badge from tadpole to wolf, it says here that tadpoles don't look like frogs at first, but then they grow arms and legs, turn green and eventually jump out of the water, a fully grown frog, that's amazing, do you think they know?
science with duggee marathon learn with duggee hey duggee
Let's tell them, oh, you're planting. corn, why? Well, if you plant corn in the ground, it will eventually become food. Wow, it's so big, blue and wavy, so this is the water we drink, ducky, no label, it's not ready to drink yet, when will it be ready? Well, first the sun has to do it. The sun does its job when the sun warms the sea little drops rise and rise towards the sky and can you guess what they become birds no, not really, they become a wow, look at us, we are clouds too? We are so fluffy and light that we are moving, you are right, tag, but after a while the clouds can no longer hold the little droplets, so they have to let them go and the water falls rain again.
science with duggee marathon learn with duggee hey duggee
I love being rain. Come on? to splash around if happy the rain falls and forms a river the river runs downhill the water flows gently until it reaches a lake this is where the whale is oh there is no water bouncing oh wow in the jellyfish oh wow oh bugs we have buckets oh wow, So how does water get to the tap? I know, you move, yes, through a big jaw? Ah well, in a sense, you're right, roli, what you see, the water is sucked through a big pipe and goes away, and it's important to be safe.
So what are the rules when using them? Always hold them by the handles. That's bitter. Keep them closed when you are not using them. I think if we follow all the other rules we should be safe and happy, so with your scissors and bushes you can start small with small cuttings, take your time and maybe you can make a ball as good as the ducklings, oh wolf, can we only do it? balls oh no there are so many shapes you can make first oh i made a square oval triangle star octadecagon it has 18 sides gosh squirrels seem to be a natural in this duggy fabric let's make some more yes I think I can work with them. this little guy is beautiful what to do with you i made a peacock teddy bear oh god eh there it is wow a fossil um excuse me what is a fossil that's a great question rudy but dougie is going to explain a wolf to you because he has his fossil badge wow wow yeah fossils were made a long time ago, when primitive creatures walked the earth, eh, wow, wow, oh, sorry Dougie, you're right, we should start much further back, when the only living creatures were in the sea, oh I like being by the sea and sometimes Amazing things happened, sand storms and then that creature got stuck for a long, long time, oh boy, so this time it was a little creature wow and it's very old, yeah , very, very, very old, it takes millions of years to turn it into a fossil. more fossils, oh yes, snorri, fossils can be made from any creature that lived a long time ago, those that lived in the sea or those that came out of the sea, the small ones that flew, oh, the big ones that walked, the great ones who walked, what are you talking about? dinosaurs yeah betty that's not very future how about future gardening tweet twitter anything our plant a sweet and sour corn strawberry oh big flowers wow why are we coming down trees come up okay trees start underground at the roots roots do a lot of work there are insects down here Oh, yes, everything is very lively around the roots.
Good morning Mr. Buggington and Mrs. Grubsworth, because this is where the roots collect all the food for the tree, they get their nutrients and their minerals become fresh, but when it rains, the water soaks into the soil, making it so. wet the tree can drink water directly through its roots like a straw oh, let's go up again yes, we are following that it is sucked up by the roots and then into the trunk of the tree, so the tree is not wet because the water is inside the tree protected by the bark what a spark the rough wood that dresses the tree is dressed like armor oh wow what are those insects what are they doing some of them have been collecting leaves from the top of the tree and some of them live there above they live in the tree yes, many animals like this woodpecker do you like living in this tree?
He's one of the best there is and what's that squirrel doing. He is having dinner. Trees provide food for many animals. Some trees have nuts, others have berries. Some trees. They have fruits and some even have coconuts. Wow, so many leaves, which is good, Betty, because they are very important. The leaves capture sunlight, which helps the tree grow and cleans the air to help us breathe. Did I tell you that an ant lives? the seat of my tricycle I have to walk everywhere now bucky is not very well sissy we don't know what to do he can go alone mmm I guess it's tonsillitis although it could be strep throat or pharyngitis or laryngitis maybe even a problem with the epiglottis I suggest Let him try to create a muscle spasm through the apparatus of the system, eh?
Tell him to swallow well. Now it didn't work. What was he saying? Oh yes, it was very sunny on my vacation. The ground was all dry and cracked. The dog needs to try to warm up. Raise his voice, I do it myself to help me sing magnificently, as you can see, copy me, have you ever laughed so hard that milk came out of your nose? Dad can't talk, that would make me very angry. Have you tried screaming? Not because? I think about that try, so it's easy, I really thought it would work, so squirrels, what do we know about these little ducks? uh, they're yellow, oh, that's right, nori, they're usually covered in soft yellow feathers.
Anything else, they're soft, right. about 10 centimeters How big is 10 centimeters? About the size of a baby duck. Oh, but according to our research, an adult duck can grow up to 40 centimeters. How big is 40 centimeters? About the same height as wow, sitting. So with this in permission we think her mother might look like this now we know what she looks like does anyone have any idea where we could find her? um no um well how do the ducklings like it I mean water wow wow so how could duck live near the water and any idea where we could find water the lake there mom could be at the lake the diary from great-grandmother this is a very exciting discovery why wow you see Dougie's great-grandmother was a famous explorer she had many wonderful adventures what was she doing there she was trying to spot a snod uh what a booger it's a very shy creature oh along the years people drew what they thought was the snard but no one has seen it correctly why because roley rarely goes out and doesn't like noise did it the great-grandmother sees the traps, well, she writes here, an immense emotion, I have found some quite large tracks which I believe belong to the snod, I have managed to fund an expedition to track the snart, which I have been doing for many miles, finally a clue, a small tuft of colorful fur. then finally there was the snot, however to my eternal regret I tragically had a small case of snorting, it was enough to scare away the elusive creature.
My message to future snart watchers is to shut up, can we look for the snart? Oh wow, yes. Look doggy, I found a lovely puddle, oh wow, yeah, maybe you shouldn't be standing in that puddle, happy, why, what's wrong with it? Well Dougie can tell you because he's got his puddle badge, you see there's more to a puddle than meets the eye when a new pack was made, it's clean and good to play with, but as it gets older they grow algae. What is it? It's a kind of aquatic plant that can make a puddle smell a little, yes, but it's also very attractive to many small creatures like me, oh. much much smaller than you happy they are invisible not just hard to see oh a lifetime of scientific research has suggested that we need to communicate with this alien, not fight it, we need to show it love, not hate, that plan is so crazy, as and I don't It doesn't work, let's do this, I hope the crazy professor is right about this.
The whole Mitch type is counted on. Nice, can you see them happy? eh, but it smells a little, I think I've had enough puddles for one day, doggy. the green monster is leaving bye bye green monster we love you it's just time for one more thing hawkdog

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